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July 23, 2013

Arthur West 120 State Ave NE #1497 Olympia, WA 98501

Mr. West: Thank you for your recent public records request (PRR). Enclosed is a 11th installment to your request dated Saturday, February 9, 2013 which asked for in part All records or correspondence concerning the implementation of I-502 and All records concerning the liquor control board, I-502 and medical marijuana. Bates Number 00018781 - 00019519 00019520 00019693 00019694 00019963 Records Cindy Doughty, Administrative Assistant on I-502 Project Reference Materials and E-mail Correspondences Clarice Nnanabu, Human Resource Director Reference Materials and E-mail Correspondences Damon Corrigan, Application Manager Reference Material and E-mails Correspondences

Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely,

Missy Norton
Missy Norton Records/Forms/Public Information Manager Office - 360-664-1693/Fax - 360-664-9689

PO Box 43080, 3000 Pacific Ave. SE, Olympia WA 98504-3075, (360) 664-1693,

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