Asian Cultures: Gangubai Hangal

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Asian cultures

Gangubai Hangal

See also: Music of Iran, Music of Afghanistan, Music of Tajikistan, Music of Sri Lanka, and Music of Uzbekistan Indian classical music is one of the oldest musical traditions in the world.[12] The Indus Valley civilizationhas sculptures that show dance[13] and old musical instruments, like the seven holed flute. Various types of stringed instruments and drums have been recovered from Harrappa and Mohenjo Daro by excavations carried out by Sir Mortimer Wheeler.[14] The Rigveda has elements of present Indian music, with a musical notation to denote the metre and the mode of chanting.[15] Indian classical music (marga) is monophonic, and based on a single melody line or raga rhythmically organized through talas. Hindustani music was influenced by the Persian performance practices of the Afghan Mughals. Carnatic music popular in the southern states, is largely devotional; the majority of the songs are addressed to the Hindu deities. There are a lot of songs emphasising love and other social issues. Asian music covers the music cultures of Arabia, Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Chinese classical music, the traditional art or court music of China, has a history stretching over around three thousand years. It has its own unique systems of musical notation, as well as musical tuning and pitch, musical instruments and styles or musical genres. Chinese music is pentatonic-diatonic, having a scale of twelve notes to an octave (5 + 7 = 12) as does European-influenced music. Persian music is the music ofPersia and Persian language countries: musiqi, the science and art of music, and muzik, the sound and performance of music (Sakata 1983).

References in the Bible

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