Islamic Reiki

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Ladies and Gntelmen
I wish to offer you my heartfelt gratitude for your participating
and listening my statements in new work shop educational
about stayles of reiki and Islamic reiki.Firstly I appriciate of this
.festival organizers specially Miss Mariam Olivers
According to program ,my statement about recognizing
of energy ,will be about Methaphysic,training and Reiki
, presenting of islamic reiki and showing of transferming of
.energy ,with equipment comprise of photography of the aruo
At the end of session with cooporating of my translator ,will
reply all of your question,also we will have one nice and deep
meditation.additionally after the session ,if participants
would like to see their aura or enter in reikis world and its
styles which I teach,I will be ready to present all of this
mentioned services.Again I appriciate for your regarding to my





Human beings efforts in solving logical equations,and causing
and servey of intellectual deductions,all have been resulting of
effort for solving the problems about different dominating of
human beings life,philosophocal and scientifical viewing
.everyday make appear the hidden secrets
But man day by day get far more and unable in recognising his
inside position ,attitude and his creating numinus .While every
day we are getting elder we get also far from our spritual and
exalted away,and our material and modernity wishes in each
.our day will lead us to retrogradation of distance ourselves
Lets dont forget each system like Reiki,Pranic,Phsycic,.all
arevdepend on power , kindness,and favorof the God and he is
real creative.Because we are nothing without him,so I will start
.this session in the nme of Allah

?How we live
Now adays we are facing to financial ,sprituals and
psychological problems and day by day joy and peace get
.away from us

?Why we are facing with such problems in our life
The biggest reason for this problem is drastic drop of frequency
level of energy which will made us far from positive energy and
opservtion of events and negative factors that have direct
.relation ship with our mind



, .
?Why we are not in proper way in life

Unfortunately due to disorganisationof energy levels and

correct understanding of our core ,universe and its energy
dont provide good service for us.In a simple language when we
give the post and position to some body who be able to absorb
.and underestand it
Objectives of Reiki is creating a balance in our internal and
.external levels with helping the God power


() .
- .


. .

( ) .
. .

win aura
. :
-1 .
- 2
-3 .


Aura or master work of creation
Human beings valence field which is surrounding him like an
egg is called auraThis vital energy is multi dimention of
manifesting of brilliant universal energy which embrace the
physical body and influence it also give it life and meaning
.Aura is comprising our knowledge and complete image of our
life.ll our thought ,feeling and awareness is a source of
that.Aura include all our life experiences from birth until
death.And also include all past memories in our life through our
.fate)Karma( was determined beforehand
The color also reflect the statue of our subjective and
emotional.For example the color yello dominant ,show
willingness to live,experience and thoughtfulness.Also Aura is
comprise of 7 distinct energy levels which basicaslly related to
some thing we call Chakra system and its located along the
spinal cord.Aura included 7 spices ,belong to the 7 bodys with
sex of fine energy.Beacause auras are locating on each other
,distingushing them is not easy always.But what usually those
who who are clairvoyant can see is the eteric aura.This aura as
a kind of limpid domain include diversified of shapes and
color.According to mental and feeling statue of a person
,color,measure,structure and its intensity is changabale.So
strong feeling ,physically or mentally illness also can reflect in
aura.You can not deseive the aura Your aura is showing your
true nature and your personality.While you are lying from upper
of your aura some disorderd part with color of yelloish green
germinate.Usally people have one or two dominent color
)strength point(.This color probably would be their favourit
maliciousness.Dark red is indication of angreness.Bloodish red
is mean of sensuality .Curbid brown is in connection with greed
and materialist.And brown has been a gradish is demonstrator
of selfishnes ,and finally brown has been green means
jealousity.These are practically are visible by Kerlian
photography and vin aura system.These below finings have
:been gotten through such photographs
There are relationship between human beings and his around-1

Some of disease are visible in aura long before being-2

There are strong relationship between existing situation and-3
Each color in any person is in connection with his -4
One of the most important necessity in learning metaphysic
and psycholgical science would be that,the persons aura must
.be in good situation

History of energy healing on the world


During human beings life history,what is called spritual
energy,is called as a different names in the different names in
.the different civilizations
Even in the modern knowledge ,new scientists have called it as
different names in various science and what some of them
might have no knowledge that speak about same matter.some
:other name of this energy are
) Prana( -1


The oldest name in written human history is Perana which

in India since about 7000 )seven ehusend(years ago it was
) Chi( -2

Chi, 5000 years ago was expression in china and it-3

was believed that there is in all material and whole

In Iran, word of Farra or Farra va)and( Farra Izadi can be
said synonym with the energy.Farre kiyani donated to

kings by Ahora Mazda. The glory and magneficenceof their

.sultanate was caused by the energy of this word

in ancient Greece vital energy or life force was called,-4

.which can be objects of life, or forgive them lifeless
. -5

The Term Liquid Magnet in recent century-6

has been taken to work by Mesmer
) Energy Medicine(
?What is the meaning of Energy Medicine

( )
. -2
:It is a science branch of medicine whose reasons are
SCRUTINY of connectivity of Human body with types of-1
energy form in their surrounding environment. Such as
Electric energy, Magnet Energy, Electro Magnet Field )light
and sound( and other kinds of energy like gravity, Chemical
.energy and pressure
Study about the manner of body in response to these-2
Possible use of these energies in order to preserve and-3
enhance wall and prevention and health

? How we can be freedom and happy again


as what was said, the main reason of every problems that we

have in cludes of spiritual problem, psychological problems also
.charactristics all, are due to dimontion of our energy



:Defenision of Reiki
Consistently in all over the humanity history and in all over the
world, there was healing methods based on transfering of
energy. Same energy which is strength of the existence, and
informe the universe. Since thousand years ago tibetans have
had a deep understanding of nature of energy and material,
and usage this knolage for body healing, harmoney and leading
their soul toward unity experience. Later we will meet with such
knowladge in India and will find different shapes of that in other
.nations culture

REI + KI)chi,prana,ka,.( =Reiki


( )
The word KI means cosmic vital energy or universal energy in
Reiki is the power which in total material, created, effects and
is alive. In Kanji )Japanise alphabet( RI means divine
knowledge, transcen dental spirit, hidden power, universal and
massive knowledge, virtual knowledge of superior wisdom and
.finally means total



Reiki forms on 3 basic energy: healing, meditation and spiritual
It knows the reason of all problems and difficulties and knows
how to cure them. KI which it self apart of REI means vital
energy, life energy, life power or entire power, not physical
energy which give life to all creachers. Any creater have vital
energy until its alive, which is cycling in side and around and
.when it dies, vital energy never leaves it

?Who are able to learn Reiki
Anybody who has phisical body, then has Bioplasmic, or eteric
body which this pranic or eternic, is brilliant body of substance
of energy which penetrate into the body. This body exactly like
physical body includes of the head, two eyes, two arms and so

:Some points about Reiki



Reiki is not master`s own energy which be finish able,)a
and transfers negative waves to the transferee or
makes tired the transferor, decreases the transferor`s
energy and need the conduction from master. But Reiki
is eternal universal energy. So it never makes the
master tired and not only doesn`t decrease his energy,
but also because of entering to his body makes him
.more energetic and dynamic
Reiki is non-finish able. It means that till there is)b
.universal, there is also Reiki
Reiki is intelligent and completely intelligently act in .2
.processe of cure speeding and the other usages
Reiki anywise is not particular for any special age,brigate,taste
and the school and the group.Any one with any religion,age,
education,tendencies of mental and physical can learn and use
.it for advantages of himself and the others



. .
:Meaning of the disease
The word disease is of drivations of patinia which in greece
language means pationt,in the other hand ill is a person who
should be pationt about every thing ,necessarily problem is not
always only a long as we dont underestand our
mistakes from other ways and as long as we have not learnt
necessary lessons.definitly we never success to disappearing
.that suffers
Islamic Reiki

This is a style which by help of Gods attributes we can have
deep connection with creator,without dependence on special
.religion,but with islamic techniques


2009 "
One of the greatest metaphysics master and energy systems
and founder of reiki Secheme is mr Patric Zigler.Although he is
not muslim ,but after atunement from distance with this
.style,considered this power,as excellent and wondering style
This new style with power and amazing peace which by its
founder ,Babak Sorkhpour for first time introduce formally in
.Health Festival for people of the world

The biggest problem of religious spectrum with reiki is that ,it is
ambigiousin similarity to its symbols and performance with its
. own laws and regulations

In this between muslims after dealing with issues and symboles
of japanease Kanji or Tibetan ,feel that why they can not use
Gods name like Allah and wether cure merely is monopoly of

Of course in this regard the pathes like Sofia which are based
.on religious mix ,had many activities
But because their corresponding and similarity as a method of
the way of life,with reiki which merely is a technique for healing
.of Aura and Chakra is very wrong


The aim of Islamic Reiki is not creating a path, thought or belief
but its
Merely a cloning and use of Islamic symbols potentials in
.healing mental and physical states
27 1978
1997 10

I was born in May 27 1978,I was so interested in
prayer,azan,and sophism ,but since 1997 I hadnt thought about
this any more,until in march 10 2007 I fell in line with Reiki
oosouei,karona,sechem,kagami,kandelini of the best master
in the world, in this styles .At the end of my first attunement ,I
.saw the word of Allah very brilliant and great
?what it means

Thats better I also say that I always fell in love with name of
God and I have been saying Azan in my privacy in Jungle and
. nature and still I am in love



My srudent always asked me why we,who are muslims,can not
use healing part in our religion?)As master Osoueis sutdent
asked him why we can not cure?(Even some times they created
strang story like fairiesin connection with it. The reason is that
Muslims less than others regard to Reiki.It got intensify when I
met Patric Zigler ,the founder of Reiki sechim,and he gained his
Mohamad,and repeated the name of Allah days after days ,then
.seichim reiki and All-Love style was based
.Then it must exist some ways

In December 2007 I got familier with Ranik Reiki which in it with
using the symboles of Allahs names energy ,And could use it
.powerfully with coorporation some of my students
2008 ..

Attunment GODLY .
This time as a first time I met meditation Master Oli Gabril
founder of kundalini reiki Soon in february 2008 who had
different kind of styles such as Kandelini .And tried by using of

his techniques reach to my wishes ,so I worked on Godly

.Attunment which was useles too
48 2009 8


Until in January 8 2009 I decided to fast for 48 days and saying
prayer for 48 days which in each week can clean 1 chakra,its
time table was arranged I such way which its last day was the
.day of prophet mohammad dead
Sayin prayer in some midnights with sayig the names of god
.,tried to cleaning my inner based on working on chakra
I mentioned this practices as a level practise for some body
.who are interested in this style in relevent manual

. 2


In early February 2009 in a night in the meditation ,suddenly I
. received the method of meditation with incovations of god
After that with method of atuning others,finally I could open the
.lock of this secret after years
?Was it an illusion
I tested this attunement on some clairvoyants and my
students.The condition of attunement was without any
music,any kind of preparedness and privious awareness ,even
saying purposeful meditation and I tried compare all off my
:inner perception.And result was
. .1

In this attunement seventh aura of master and students-1

.combine together

of them felt the symbole of Caaba,Hajarolaswad-2

.stone,shrine of prophet Mohamad,even prophet mohamad
Green color which is islamic formal color
and prophet-3
.mohamad was seen so many times
. .4
Pressure and stimulate of third eyes and heart chakra-4
fair spectrum . .5
.but very energetic is felt
. .6
.It is opened hand and legs canal intensely-6

The it was right,of course I know I will have a long way
ahead,because its high leveles is being completed and
tested.but some thing which was more important was I could
.find the secret

?Am I so rerigious and fanatic person

Your reply is no.I was just currious which solved this
problem,and im not Islamic science professor or master and I
dont claim in this section. Then do notexpect us being spritual
guide ,leader,or some thing like that of me,students and
mastersin this style.And if every body have such a claim in
this style he is definitely "a person is not true and he is not a
.man of integrity then be free and honest. God is with us
Diffrences of this style with Reiki Osouei and other
." .1

.It work with Gods adjectives directely-1

. .2
.It doesnt use of any reikis symboles-2
. .3
.It has not capabilityfor negative usage-3
. .4
.With Clean source of God it works-4
. .5
.Its geates inner guider is Prophete mohamad-5
. .6
It doesnt need to draw any kind of symbole and merely-6
.imagin of that adjective is enough
. .7
.It works with good will7
. 8
.It will be send to away-8
. 7 9
.Maximom it has for 7 levels-9
: 1
:The performance of level 1
: In level 1 you can attunement with 8 divines with
. : .1.1
.Allah : In all chakras and systems activatind 1.1.
. : .1.2
Aval: Roots chakra 1.2.
. : .1.3
Taher: Emothional chakra 1.3.
. : .1.4
Baset :Solar network 1.4.
. : .1.5
Raoof : Heart chakra 1.5.
. : .1.6
Ghader:throat chakra 1.6.
. : .1.7
Basir -:Third eyes chakra 1.7.
. : .1.8
Akhar: Crown chakra 1.8.


Iappriciate you for the time which you allocate to me.Now if
there is opportunity I will show you currationof transfering the
energy and aura by using of device with helping my friends,of
course the system is ready for personal useage is ready to give
.service in the saloon

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