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July 2013

Troy, Ohio

Vol. XXXVIII Issue 7

Its that time again Annual Dues are Due this month. Dues are $10 renewal and $15 per couple. Ill also have the current membership list with me at the meeting and would ask you to double check that the info is correct when you pay your dues. If you cant attend and want to mail your dues in, contact me. From The President To all new and current Brukner Nature Carver Club Members. When we added a new member to the club last month, I thought back thirteen years ago when I joined. Just think of the overall value that becoming a club member can bring to a beginning or advanced carver. Meeting new people, making new friends and learning new skills from other club members are only a few of the benefits. I recall picking Bill Anthonys brain. He had a real talent when it came to detailing ducks and birds. He was always willing to share info on the techniques that he used to create his birds. I always asked Ralph and Ray to critique my work and they would always give advice to help improve my carvings. Bill Earley showed me how he paints the lifelike fathers on shorebirds. Don Worley told me how to make eyes for my caricature carvings. Our club is loaded with talent and if a club member gets stuck and needs help with their carving, there is usually someone available to help get them on track. I for one like providing assistance and offering advice where I can. This is what I have found to be the most valuable part of being a club member. Butch Club Competition The decision was made during the June meeting to modify the club competition. Instead of a monthly activity, we will now hold the completion quarterly (every 3 months). It is our hope that this will help to increase participation even if you only carve 3-4 pieces a year, you can have something in every one! The next competition meeting will be September, so you have the rest of the summer to finish a piece for it. At the same time, we want to increase the emphasis on the monthly show and tell. Remember, this is a time

forall of us to share things that we feel would be of interest to our fellow members. And it doesnt just have to be carvings. If you have visited an interesting carving location, taken a class or attended a show use this time to share with the club. Did you find a new tool or a new reference source all good things to share. And to help teas you into participating, we will be re-instating the Sow and Tell drawing everyone who participates will get a chance in the drawing with the winner getting a prize from the Goodie Box. Treasurer John will be stepping down as club treasurer. Happily, Jim Foster has agreed to take the position. Thank you John for you work. July Program Our speaker for July will be Linda Jolly, Director of the Hayner Cultural Center in Troy. Cookies Thanks to Joanne Moeller and Judy Nicholas the goodies last month. For the June meeting, and are the volunteers. Mulies Challenge Mulie passed out small blocks (1.25 square by 3 long) to carve and the carve pieces were brought back at the June meeting for voting. The results, as always, were varied, and showed off the talent that we have in the Brukner club. The winners were: 1st Place: Bruce Nicholas

2nd Place: Bruce Henn 3rd Place: Rich Richmond

Upcoming events Looking ahead, here are some events that you might be interested in. 20-21 July: Eastland Woodcarvers Show. Converse IN. Again, I have the registration form 24-27 July: Buckeye Roundup. Fletcher OH. Check out their webpage: 23-25 August: 2013 CCA Caricature Carving Seminar, Converse IN. This fills up early, check with seminar coordinator Bob Travis for current status. 9-11 August: CARV-MOR at PLA-MOR Seminar - Bremen, IN Happy Birthday America!

I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze. A young Marine saluted it, and then he stood at ease. I looked at him in uniform; so young, so tall, so proud. With hair cut square and eyes alert, he'd stand out in any crowd. I thought how many men like him had fallen through the years. How many died on foreign soil; how many mothers' tears? How many pilots' planes shot down? How many died at sea? How many foxholes were soldiers' graves? NO, FREEDOM ISN'T FREE ! I heard the sound of Taps one night, when everything was still. I listened to the bugler play And felt a sudden chill. I wondered just how many times that Taps had meant 'Amen.' When a flag had draped a coffin of a brother or a friend. I thought of all the children, of the mothers and the wives, of fathers, sons and husbands With interrupted lives. I thought about a graveyard at the bottom of the sea. Of unmarked graves in Arlington . NO FREEDOM ISN'T FREE Enjoy Your Freedom and God Bless Our Troops (author unknown) Thats all for this month, see you at the meeting, Tuesday, 9 July at 7:00 PM. The Officers For everyones reference, here are the Club officers and their contact info for this next year. President: Butch Clark,, 937-447-7037 Vice-President: Mark Johnson,, 937773-0154 Treasurer: Jim Foster,, 937773-8820 Secretary: Rich Richmond,, 937-322-7650.

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