Windows 7 Commands For Admins

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026765722 reach consultant, Abu Dhabi, Khalida For remote computer (server) forced shutdown of (responsive or not) Shutdown

m \\computername f Cmd main command Ping t IP config & all related command Tracert, nslookup utility Net sh utility Attrib (use after virus attacks to change file attributes) Dsget, dsquery Route f to flush routing table when changing networks often Nesh winsock reset, netsh int ip reset ipreset.txt (& reboot ) when tcp/ip is acting up or after a spyware infection. Bitlocker repair bde System File Checker Sfc /scannow File Signature Verification Sigverif Driverquery Driverquery v Driverquery si NSLOOKUP Nslookup PING Ping Pathping Pathping

Ipconfig Ipconfig /all, ipconfig /release, ipconfig /renew, ipconfig /flushdns Repair-bde Repair-bde <source> <destination> -rk | rp <source> {repair-bde c: d: -rk e:\recovery.bek} Tasklist Tasklist m, tasklist svc Taskkill Taskkill pid 4104, taskkill im iexplore.exe

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