Quiet Because He Was Messing Up Their Quiet Daily Life. He Didn't. He Opened His Mouth and Used His Voice, Not His Fists, To Fix The Problems

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Martin Luther King Jr. was undoubtedly a leader.

And his actions from back then still lead people today. In 1955, he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott and went on to lead the civil rights movement until his death. He was one HUGE reason that America is where she is today. If it werent for him, and other civil rights leaders, we will be a divided country, with horrors like lynchings and beatings happening every day as common as going to the store and buying eggs. The fact that Mr. King had the guts to stand up for what he believed in makes him a leader. Think of how hard it is to be you, a unique soul, nowadays. And then multiply that by 20 and you will (maybe) come close to what he had to go through. There were people that wanted him dead. There were people who wanted him to be quiet because he was messing up their quiet daily
life. He didnt. He opened his mouth and used his voice, not his fists, to fix the problems.

Mr. King was a Christian minister and that affected the way he went about reforming America. He strongly believed in Jesus' commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself, loving God above all, and loving your enemies, including praying for them and blessing them. His trip that he took to India was because of Gandhis success in non-violent activism in 1959 also strengthened his belief in civil disobedience and non-violent activism. The route he took to get what he wanted civil disobedience also makes him a leader. He could have met violence with more violence but he knew that way would get more people killed. He took the harder route because he knew it was right. That makes him a leader in my eyes and should in yours too.

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