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WALT learn our spelling each night practise our basic multiplication & division facts read each

h night for 10 15 minutes

Home Fun
What do you know about your favourite simple machine? Your challenge is to find out all you can about your favourite simple machine. What does it do? How does it help us? How many can you find around your home? You can present your research anyway you would like (powerpoint, poster, speech, fact file, a page in your homefun book, video etc). Remember to record your information in your own words.

The notebook is to be returned every Friday so that new words and basic facts can be given. The scrapbook comes back every fortnight so is due on Friday 23 August. Please help your child to manage their time effectively.

WALT learn our spelling each night practise our basic multiplication & division facts read each night for 10 15 minutes

Home Fun
What do you know about your favourite simple machine? Your challenge is to find out all you can about your favourite simple machine. What does it do? How does it help us? How many can you find around your home? You can present your research anyway you would like (powerpoint, poster, speech, fact file, a page in your homefun book, video etc). Remember to record your information in your own words.

The notebook is to be returned every Friday so that new words and basic facts can be given. The scrapbook comes back every fortnight so is due on Friday 23 August. Please help your child to manage their time effectively.

WALT learn our spelling each night practise our basic multiplication & division facts read each night for 10 15 minutes

Home Fun
What do you know about your favourite simple machine? Your challenge is to find out all you can about your favourite simple machine. What does it do? How does it help us? How many can you find around your home? You can present your research anyway you would like (powerpoint, poster, speech, fact file, a page in your homefun book, video etc). Remember to record your information in your own words.

The notebook is to be returned every Friday so that new words and basic facts can be given. The scrapbook comes back every fortnight so is due on Friday 23 August. Please help your child to manage their time effectively.

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