SJ Personal Inquiry Student Proposal

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Term 3, 2013 Personal Inquiry Student Proposal

Student Name: Term: Date: Brief: To celebrate significant people who have advanced social justice in Australia, or in a
global context, you are to choose a person from any stage of history and present them and their work at the Level 5 and 6 Gallery of Greatness evening. Your inquiry will be another opportunity to work in and demonstrate your preferred learning style and intelligences. You must have evidence of the following in your artefact: biographical recount timeline quotes essential questions and answers to your essential questions evidence of how your thinking has been transformed the persons legacy clear links to the inquiry learning intentions

Inquiry Learning Intention:

To develop a deep understanding of the following statements: Every person is entitled to certain rights - simply by the fact that they are a human being.

Throughout history, significant people have advanced social justice causes by working
towards removing barriers that people face. Inquiry Scope What are you interested in?

How does your interest link to the Level 5 and 6 learning intentions?

What are you hoping to find out? List your PI essential questions here.

What are you hoping to teach others?

In which way will your inquiry be presented? artefact In what way may your inquiry be useful to others? Will it have a community link?

Additional Learning What aspects of literacy will be included in your inquiry?

What other subject areas or skills will be included in your inquiry?

List your personal goals for your inquiry.

What skills do you already have that will help you with this inquiry?

Are there any challenges or difficulties you can think of that are related to this inquiry?

Do not forget to follow the Process of Inquiry:

Tuning In Finding Out Sorting Out Drawing Conclusions Going Further Reflecting Taking Action The Level 5 and 6, Gallery of Greatness evening will be held on Wednesday 18th September in the Boorai Building, 7:00 8:30pm. Parents and friends are most welcome to attend. A formal invitation and RSVP slip will be sent out. All students are encouraged to come to the expo dressed as their influential Australian.

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