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Examples of Types of Tablets 1. Compressed: Actifed, Thyroid, and Synthroid. 2.

Film Coated: Erythrocin filmtab, Tagamet, and Elavil 3. Enteric Coated: various brands of ASA , Slow-Fe, Losec, Salazopyrin, Entabs, Entrophen, AltiErythromycin, Sugar coated Advil, M&Ms, Smarties, Chlortripolon, Repetabs and Dimetapp EXTENTABS, Dixarit (small, blue, sugar coated tabs contg 0.025mg Clonidine, Cytoxan[cyclophosphamide], Ex-Lax). 4. Chewable: Flintstones Multivitamins, TUMS, Vitamin C Chewable Tablets, Dilantin, Infatabs and Amoxil, Chewable Tablets Pepcid, Complete Chewable Tablet. 5. Effervescent: Alka-Seltzer, Gramcal, Redoxon, K-lyte Novartis Phosphate. 6. Multilayered: Equagesic, Dristan, Robaxacet and Robaxisal and Norgesic Forte. 7. Sublingual/Buccal: nitroglcerin, atropine sulfate. 8. Tablet triturate or molded tablet: Urethral MUSE Urethral Inserts (Alprostadil [PGE]) 9. Hypodermic: Morphine (replaced by powders/liquids in glass ampules or vials) 10. Pills : Carters Little Liver Pills.

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