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Zimele Community Fund

Evaluation criteria: The application must be economically viable and sustainable The business must be able to generate a positive cash flow to service and sustain its debt The company must comply with the Mining Charter and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Codes of Good Conduct regarding shareholding and ownership (at least 26% of the business must be owned by a previously disadvantaged South African) The owners of the investee company must be involved, on a permanent basis, in the day-to-day management and operations of the business The owners of the investee company must contribute to the company from their own resources to ensure commitment and risk sharing The investee company must comply with all necessary legal requirements as well as Anglo Americans standards and procedures regarding environmental and safety policy

Application criteria: Applications to the Community Fund should be handed in at the Small Business Hub closest to you and should include the following information: A business plan or proposal A copy of company documents (CK1 and CM9) A South African Revenue Service tax clearance certificate A copy of the identity documents of all partners and shareholders Proof of business bank account and three months bank statements Documentary proof of physical trading address Documentary proof of residential address Verification of credit status (Credit Check) Letter of representation accounting officer/auditor Financial analysis to be compiled in conjunction with the hub manager A detailed marketing plan supported by either sufficient market research or agreements with agents or clients Details of the management team, including curriculum vitas providing the qualifications of the individuals involved Details regarding the corporate structure and BEE status of the business

The business plan: The business plan should include: Company name Business proposition Contract description Markets and customers Products and services Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats People Employment Safety Environmental impact

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