Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavamthu'

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Loka Samastha Sukino Bhavamthu

Importance of Horoscope Jyothi Sasthram Jyothi is nothing but light. The rays of light. Reading life events by using rays of light is Horoscope/Jyothis . According to Varahamihira(The great Jyothisyacharya) Horoscope shows previous births time of papa punya karma. It (Horoscope) is a light of candle to see the dark portion of life. Horoscope helps to rectify/modify dark portion. Before reading the horoscope, One should know little bit of Karma Philosophy

Karma Philosophy 3 types of Karma Parabdham Samchitha Agami Previous Life karma (What we done) Present Life Karma (What we are doing) Future Life Karma (to be)

As the Karma so the life Present Life is the result of Previous Karma. Present Life Karma effects present life as well as future life.

3 Ways of Karma Akarma :- Doing karma in the conscious of elevated state. (Neutral Karma) Sukarma :- Doing good karma (towards the benefit of all)(Punya karma) Vikarma:- Doing karma harm and selfish.(Papa Karma)

Previous Papa karmas result - obstacles, diseases, poverty, valueless life and soon. Punya Karmas result - Peace & Prosper life. Akarma result is elevated life. (Highest benefits)(Yogis, Marshis and soon) Karma wins Karma One can modify papa karma to punya karma to lead Prosper life and doing more sukarma/elevated karma will helps present life as well as future birth. 60:40% Theory: According to ancient Jyothisyacharyas (Astrologers like Varahmihira, Parasari, Kalidasa.) practical experience 60% (30%+30%) can modify by Physical efforts as well as blessings of Demigods (Kula Devathas) etc. 40% can modify by Power of Universal Power (The Supreme God Parampitha Paramathma).

30% Physical effort: Diet change (Food Therapy), Exercises/Yogasanas, Pranayama, adopting good life style, Preventive Medicine etc. (Astro Base is more effective) 30% Planetary Position : Getting rays from Planets Chromo therapy, Stone therapy, Rudraksha therapy, Kundali yoga, Herbal therapy(Homa), Gramamthra Japa, Kula devatha/graha devatha aradhana etc. 40% Cosmic Power (Paramathma): Meditation, Divine conscious etc. Doing elevated Karma,

Overall modification and prediction correct/perfect time and Planetary Position required. For this Horoscope is necessary.
Divine.Sis. Rajayogini


Dr.M.D.(AM), DNHE, M.A.(Astro), M.Com.

Ref: Astrology books by Varahamihira, Parasari, Kalidasa, Dr.B.V.Raman, Dr.P.V.B.Subramaniyam, K.P.Krishanamurthy, Shivala etc. and several practical life events.

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