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Pulmonary Embolism & DVT

Pathophysiology Risk Factors Symptoms Lab Findings Radiology Findings Treatment Prevention

Dislodgement of a blood clot: Lower Extremities: 65% to 90% Pelvic venous system Renal venous system Upper Extremity Right Heart

Risk Factors for PE and DVT

Immobilization Surgery within the last 3 months Stroke History of venous thromboembolism Malignancy Preexisting respiratory disease Chronic Heart Disease Age >60 Surgery requiring >30mins of anesthesia Recent travel (past 2weeks, >4 hours) Varicose veins Superficial vein thrombosis Central VV catheter/port/pacemaker Additional RF in Women: Obesity BMI >/=29 Heavy smoking (>25cigs/day) Hypertension Pregnancy

Wells Criteria
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of DVT? +3 (Calf tenderness, swelling >3cm, errythema, pitting edema affected leg only)

PE Is #1 Diagnosis, or Equally Likely

Heart Rate > 100 Immobilization at least 3 days, or Surgery in the Previous 4 weeks Previous, objectively diagnosed PE or DVT? Hemoptysis Malignancy w/ Rx within 6 mo, or palliative?

+1.5 +1.5 +1.5 +1 +1

>6: 2 to 6: 2 or less:

High Risk Moderate Risk Low

Adapted with permission from Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rodger M, Ginsberg JS, Kearon C, Gent M, et al. Derivation of a simple clinical model to categorize patients probability of pulmonary embolism: increasing the models utility with the SimpliRED d-dimer. Thromb Haemost 2000;83:416-20.

P.E. and Malignancy

A Presenting sign in:
Pancreatic cancer Prostate cancer

Late sign in:

Breast cancer Lung cancer Uterine cancer Brain cancer

Symptoms of P.E.
Dyspnea Pleuritic pain Cough Hemoptysis (blood tinged/streaked/ pure blood)

Signs of P.E.
Tachypnea Rales Tachycardia Hypoxia S4 Accentuated pulmonic component of S2 Fever: T <102 F

Signs in Massive P.E.

Massive PE: hemodynamic instability with SBP <90 or a drop in baseline SBP by >/=40mmHg Signs as before PLUS:
Acute right heart failure
Elevated J.V.P. Right-sided S3 Parasternal lift

P.E. & Leg Symptoms

Most patients with P.E. do not have leg symptoms at time of diagnosis Patients with leg symptoms may have asymptomatic P.E.

Lab & Radiologic Findings in P.E.

ABG BNP Cardiac Enzymes: Troponin D-dimer EKG CXR Ultrasound V/Q Scan Angiography

Lab Findings in P.E. (ABG)

Hypoxemia Hypocapnia (low CO2) Respiratory Alkalosis Massive PE: hypercapnia, mix resp and metabolic acidosis (inc lactic acid) Patients with RA pulse ox readings <95% are at increased risk of in-hospital complications, resp failure, cardiogenic shock, death

Lab Findings in P.E. (BNP)

BNP (beta natruretic peptide)
Insensitive test Patients with PE have higher levels than pts without, but not ALL patients with PE have high BNP Good prognostic value measure: if BNP >90 associated with adverse clinical outcomes (death, CPR, mechanical vent, pressure support, thrombolysis, embolectomy)

Lab Findings in P.E. (Troponin)

High in 30-50% of pts with mod to large PE Prognostic value if combined pro-NT BNP
Trop I >0.07 + NT-proBNP >600 = high 40 day mortality

Lab Findings in P.E. (D-dimer)

Degredation product of fibrin >500 is abnormal Sensitivity: High, 95% of PE pts will be positive Specificity: Low Negative Predictive Value: Excellent


Right Atrial Enlargement

Lab Findings in P.E. (contd)

2 Most Common finding on EKG:
Nonspecific ST-segment and T-wave changes Sinus Tachycardia

Historical abnormality suggestive of PE

S1Q3T3 Right ventricular strain New incomplete RBBB

Radiologic Findings in P.E.




Radiology Findings in P.E. (contd)

Normal Atelectasis and/or pulmonary parenchymal abnormality Pleural Effusion Cardiomegally

Whats This???

Hamptons Hump

How About This???

Westermark's Sign: an abrupt tapering of a vessel caused by pulmonary thromboembolic obstruction. This CXR shows enlargement of the left hilum accompanied by left lung hyperlucency, indicating oligemia (Westermark's sign).

Radiology Findings in P.E. (contd)

V/Q Scan: Results: High, Intermediate, Low Probability Best if combined with Clinical Probability (PIOPED study):
High Clinical Prob + High Prob VQ= 95% likelihood of having a P.E. Low Clinical Prob + Low Prob VQ= 4% likelihood of having a P.E.

Radiology Findings in P.E. (contd)

Lower Extremity Ultrasounds

If DVT found then treatment is same if patient has a P.E. Disadvantage:

If negative, patients with PE may be missed If false positive (3%), unnecessary intervention

Radiology Findings in P.E. (contd)

CT Pulmonary Angiography (CT-PA) Widely used Institution dependent Sensitivity (83%) Specificity (96%): if negative, very low likelihood that pt has P.E.

Radiology Findings in P.E. (contd)

Pulmonary Angiogram Gold Standard Not easily accessible Radiologist dependent

Radiology Findings in P.E. (contd)

Echocardiogram Increased Right Ventricle Size Decreased Right Ventricular Function Tricuspid Regurgitation Rarely: RV thrombus Regional wall motion abnormalities that spare the right ventricle apex (McConnells Sign)

Hypercoagulability Work Up
No consensus on who to test Increased likelihood if:
Age <50y/o without immediate identifiable risk factors (idiopathic or provoked) Family history Recurrent clots If clot is in an unusual site (portal, hepatic, mesenteric, cerebral) Unprovoked upper extremity clot (no catheter, no surgeries) Patients with warfarin induced skin necrosis (they may have protein C deficiency

Hypercoagulability Work Up
Protein C/S deficiency Factor V leiden deficiency AntiThrombin III deficiency Prothrombin 20210 mutation Antiphospholipid antibody High Homocysteine

Most Common Cause of Congenital Hypercoagulablity

Protein C resistance d/t Factor V leiden mutation

Treatment of P.E.
Respiratory Support: Oxygen, intubation Hemodynamic Support: IVF, vasopressors Anticoagulation Thrombolysis IVC Filter

Start during resuscitation phase itself If suspicion high, start emperic anticoagulation Evaluate patient for absolute contraindication (i.e.: active bleeding)

Anticoagulation (contd)
Lovenox: if hemodynamically stable, no renal function
1mg/kg BID OR 1.5mg/kg QDay

Heparin gtt: if hypotension, renal failure

80units/kg bolus then 18units/kg infusion Goal PTT1.5 to 2.5 times the upper limit of normal

Start once acute anticoagulation achieved Start with 5mg PO qday OR 10mg PO q day If start with 10mg then achieve therapeutic INR 1.4 days sooner Complications and morbidity no different in 5mg or 10mg start Goal INR 2 to 3

Duration of Anticoagulation for DVT or PE*

First Time event of Reversible cause (surgery/trauma) First episode of idiopathic VTE Recurrent idiopathic VTE or continuing risk factor (e.g., thrombophilia, cancer)

At least 3 mos

Strength of Recommendation

At least 6 mos At least 12 mos


Symptomatic isolated calf-vein thrombosis

6 to 12 weeks

*From American College of Chest Physicians

Considered once P.E. diagnosed If chosen, hold anticoagulation during thrombolysis infusion, then resumed Associated with higher incidence of major hemorrhage Indications: persistent hypotension, severe hypoxemia, large perfusion defecs, right ventricular dysfunction, free floating right ventricular thrombus, paten foramen ovale Activase or streptokinase

IVC Filter
Absolute contraindication to anticoagulation (i.e. active bleeding) Recurrent PE during adequate anticoagulation Complication of anticoagulation (severe bleeding)

Pts with poor cardiopulmonary reserve Recurrent P.E. will be fatal Patients who have had embolectomy Prophylaxis against P.E. in select patients (malignancy)

Surgical or catheter Indication:
Those who present severe enough to warrant thrombolysis In those where thrombolysis is contraindicated or fails


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