EC4091 DSP Laboratory: 1 Background Reading, Explain The Following

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EC4091 DSP Laboratory

National Institute of Technology Calicut July 27, 2013

Background reading, explain the following:

1. Aliasing? 2. Impulse input, unit step input, etc..? 3. Even and odd signals? 4. Linear convolution, circular convolution? 5. Causal versus non-causal systems? 6. System stability? 7. Auto-correlation, cross-correlation?  for lab 3. 8. Review z-transform for lab 3.
2 Implement
7 1. Generate two sinusoids with frequencies F0 = 1 8 Hz and F1 = 8 Hz. Sample both at Fs = 1Hz. Generate stem plots for each, with a dierent color for each. Plot the original continuous signals over the sampled one, again each color coded. What do you observe? Determine the sampling rate at which you can avoid a problem here? Repeat the procedure at this new sampling frequency. What do you observe?

2. Plot signal x (n) =[1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4], where x(0) = 0; Plot x (n) and x (n + 2). Obtain linear convolution with system h (n) =[1 2 1 -1], h(0) = 2; Show the output. 3. Show stable and unstable conditions for the linear time invariant system h(n) = an u(n).

Results and discussion

1. Discuss sampling problem in implement 1. Can you give a theoretical explanation for the particular frequencies that come up? Would you be able to give a F2 for which this same sampling problem would occur at Fs ? 2. How would the result in implement 2 change if we were to change the origin point of, (a) x (n) (b) h (n) 3. How would the stability condition change if we were dealing with the an n 0 system h (n) = , show the results as a plot. bn n < 0

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