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Urban Science Academy

Teacher: Mrs. Chesnakas

Visual Arts Syllabus

Contact information: If you have any questions or concerns the best way to contact me is by email: Website:

Art Studio Fee: $5 (our school does not have a large budget for the art program, so your studio fee pays for ALL materials you will need for this class, including but not limited to: sketchbooks, drawing paper, pencils, erasers, paints, canvases, glue, tape, etc.). Note: You get to take home the art you make in this class, so you will make your money back in the form of beautiful artwork! Course Description: Visual Arts is a semester-long course designed to develop your artistic ability by teaching you about the elements and principles of design through the creation and evaluation of art work. You will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works. In addition, your definition of art will be challenged, validated and expanded through your own self-exploration and through the artists you will be exposed to. Objectives: Throughout the semester students will be able To identify and use the principles and elements of art and design to describe and critique their own and other peoples art works (Elements: color, value, texture, shape, form, space, line. Principles: contrast, dominance, balance, unity, rhythm) To gain an appreciation and understanding of how different art movements have shaped todays artists To expand their notion of what art means, looks like and sounds like

To use and explore different art mediums (drawing, sculpture, painting, collage & printmaking), different materials and ways of conveying a message through art

Grading Policy I truly believe that ALL students can become good artists if they put in their best effort. To get an A in this class you must try your best and be as creative as you can be! The breakdown for grades in this class is: o Homework: 0% (but it will be given feedback and recorded on Aspen) o Art Projects: 50% o Quizzes: 30% o Sketchbook: 20%_______ Total: 100%

Classroom & Community Rules 1) RESPECT your teacher, your classmates, your environment and yourself. 2) BE PREPARED every day with a sketchbook/ drawing pad, a pencil & an eraser 3) BE ON TIME 4) FOLLOW all USA non-negotiables (i.e. No hats, cell phones, electronics, etc.)

Re-take Policy Because learning goals are so important, the USA grading policy gives all students opportunities to re-take big assessments (or parts of them) to improve your performance. If you DO NOT meet the learning goal the first time around (meaning you score below a C-), you are strongly encouraged to redo the project/quiz

You have 2 weeks to redo projects/quizzes In some cases, you may be required to complete the homework/ classwork assignments before you are allowed to redo the project/quiz Before redoing the project/quiz, you must make an appropriate plan with me that will guarantee you improve your performance on the learning goal(s)

By signing this syllabus, I am showing that I understand and agree to abide by all of the rules and policies in Mrs. Chesnakass Visual Arts class. Student name (Print): __________________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ____________

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