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The voluntarily act

This happened about tow years ago when I had just finished my swimming classes and based on what the teacher had said I was one of the strongest and fastest in the breast stroke, back stroke and the crawl way of swimming but as I was under 18 they didn't allow me to have my license and continue these classes to the master degree where you can be a life-gurard yourself. But I really liked water and the feeling that you achieve while moving under the surface of it and on the other hand I was too eager to continue because it felt like an achievement for me at that age! They say that if you wish for something by your heart you'll have it in no time. One day the teacher came to me and told me that they had this emergency situation that one of their guards had gone on a vacation and couldn't come till the end of summer so they were in need of another life-guard.I couldn't believe me ears because it was a wonderful opportunity for me to show up and i deliberatly stated that I was volunteer to do that. Fromt that day on I began my work for about 3 houres a day,days passed by and there was no sign of any danger for anyone who's gonna be drowned or something and viciously I have to say that I was both happy and sad.But then one day it happened that there was this little girl at the age of 6 or 7 she had fallen into water suddenly and in the depth of two meters I suddenly heard sb screaming but in such a low voice that it was nearly unhearable, I tried to find her and then dived in to the position, she was struggling but as she was so little so I could catch her from her back and then pull her out, when we got out from the water it was so sad to see that little girl trembling and shaking in fear and then the other guards helped her breath and get up to walk. On the way home I was like an angel walking on clouds, I couldnt hear or see anything I was really glad that I had literally saved a fellows neck, I reached home and then I told the stroy to whoever I visited and that was like the most honorable voluntarily work Id ever done.

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