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IRS 990


IRS 990
IRS 990 form is open to public inspection. Its located at the top right corner. Each tax-exempted organization is required to file 990 annual report. It publicizes their mission statements, contributions and compensations. It is unlike the 1040 or 1099 that IRS must keep private or confidential. has partnership with IRS to publish 990 forms for each tax-exempt charitable organization. Current donors may write reviews about their experiences. Prospect donors may read the reviews of current donors to help make their mind to make charitable donations.

Public Disclosure
Congress has enacted IRS Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations (TGCRO) for IRS to regulate public disclosure of churches annual reports. IRS has claimed churches arent required to file 990s. It is the legal right of each American taxpayer to view the annual reports of any tax-exempted charitable organization.

Transparency of churches annual report leads to accountability. It recognizes the right of church members and/or donors to examine mission statements and financial records. It reduces the likelihood of ministers abusing 501c3 tax exemption for personal gain. No pastor should object to his or her church members or general public having visible access to the churchs annual report.
Please sign my petition at title, IRS Tax Exemption Department Compel Churches file 990. It seeks to change how churches have privatized their annual reports. Instead, IRS will compel churches publish their 990s at for public disclosure. It may be the first time in history we gain access to review church records.

First to Sign
Quite naturally I am the first to sign my own petition. If nobody else were to sign then it may indicate that I am the only person who favors churches disclosing their annual reports to If you do sign I promise I will convey to IRS our legal rights to public disclosure. Please copy and paste link below to sign. Thanks! Stanley Green

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