Eternally Yours 31.07.05 - 48kb

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Wow, I really need to stop Role playing when I'm tired, I used the most minimal detail etc.

Although this was fun, I was totally making it up as I went along. BljarEgleHak on the terrace she contimplates with the two trackers how her Palana is thinking about her most recient behavour Raetok_Hax : hey Brak you were in the guild right?) BljarEgleHak though the trackers have not yet shown her what her palana is thinking she fears somewhat his wrath Bounty_Hunter_Brak : prolly not]] 8Eternity_Shattai has joined the conversation. Raetok_Hax : Eternity) Bounty_Hunter_Brak : eternity]] Eternity_Shattai heads up to the terrance with her homework...history of Alderaanian politics...gosh she was really starting to get annoyed with her aunt's choice of study... 8Eternity_Shattai is away. BljarEgleHak she goes to rise when she sees eternity but her tracker places his hand on her shoulder to indicate she must stay BljarEgleHak : you touch a queen .. you forget yourself... BljarEgleHak she snarls at the tracker Raetok_Hax watches the goings on on the Terrace with mild amusement Eternity_Shattai notices the commotion...but just goes to her favorite chair and settles in to read her history. BljarEgleHak he removes his hand..and she rises in defiance.. walking delibrately over to eternity BljarEgleHak : hello... are you ... related to nikki Eternity_Shattai looks up...recongizing her from a few days before... Eternity_Shattai : Nikki who? BljarEgleHak : misko I think or was it minoo .. something starting with m BljarEgleHak : my mother rescured her once ..

long time ago from a fiend called warragul I think Eternity_Shattai : your mother? BljarEgleHak : meriki hawk BljarEgleHak : she was a KON at the time I think BljarEgleHak : long time ago I was working for the uff 8Raetok_Hax has left the conversation. Eternity_Shattai : She is my Aunt 8Raetok_Hax has joined the conversation. BljarEgleHak : cool .. 8Raetok_Hax has left the conversation. Eternity_Shattai the name is something she remembered...but it was something from Nikki's history a long time before Eternity was born BljarEgleHak : im sorry about the other day the way I treated you .. I was scared... and well i figured you would be my friend Eternity_Shattai : scared of a Jedi Master Eternity_Shattai says in a disbeliving tone... BljarEgleHak : well . . when your father was a sith... and well i dont exactly have good terms with the jedi .. one of them took my arm 8Shivna has joined the conversation. Bounty_Hunter_Brak : shiv] BljarEgleHak : can we start from the begining .. I dont have many friends here and you seem nice... Eternity_Shattai : my...crea....grandmother was a Sith...but I love teh Jedi... Eternity_Shattai changes her mind about revealing too much about her past... BljarEgleHak : mind if we take a walk .. i want to loose my guard and have some fun .. Eternity_Shattai : well.... Eternity_Shattai looks about...she was told she was only allowed on the terrance when she left the house... BljarEgleHak : i got plenty of credits .. would you like to see a holo flit Eternity_Shattai : well...I not really suppose to leave the terrance without my uncle...

BljarEgleHak : I got two guards.. ... hell ill even invite them You will be safe .. after all are they going to let a queen get killed Eternity_Shattai considers it... Eternity_Shattai : as long as we stay in the gardens...I guess it's ok BljarEgleHak : ok .. just a walk into the gardens BljarEgleHak : .. come on trackers .. hope too it we is going for a walk Bounty_Hunter_Brak watches the scene from his vantage point via his macrobinoculars Eternity_Shattai leaves her books at her spot...then stands to join Jara BljarEgleHak she puts out her hand for eternity to take .. and then like a happy kid she heads down the stair into the garden BljarEgleHak : you can call me jara my momma called me that Eternity_Shattai : thank you Eternity_Shattai : my name is Eternity BljarEgleHak : hey cool name its like you will go on forever Eternity_Shattai : I think that is what my mother was thinking BljarEgleHak she has a skip in her walk .. she always likes making friends BljarEgleHak : pretty cool Eternity_Shattai : thanks BljarEgleHak : so tell me the eternity story .. Eternity_Shattai walks beside her...smiling...she had no real friends on naboo other than Ja'Nar... Eternity_Shattai : my story? Bounty_Hunter_Brak unslings his E11/s rifle off his shoulder and attaches the silencer to the projectile barrel, he lines the rifle up with the first tracker, waiting for the right moment BljarEgleHak : your life Eternity_Shattai : well...I am 13...I was born on Naboo, but practially raised on Alderaan BljarEgleHak the trackers follow behind them

they watch for signs of danger .. one starting to scout ahead to see if there is anything ahead Eternity_Shattai : my mother died when I was 8...and since then my Aunt has been raising me BljarEgleHak : oh wow... Nikki has been raising you? Eternity_Shattai nods Eternity_Shattai : Now I am back on Naboo for school... Eternity_Shattai : some sort of tradition for alderaanian kids I guess Bounty_Hunter_Brak steadies the rifle's aim on the tracker who is furthest behind.. and fires a single round, attempting to snipe the tracker's throat where the armour is weak - most sound from the shot is muffled by the silencer, not that much would be heard from his dista 8t has joined the conversation. Bounty_Hunter_Brak distance Bounty_Hunter_Brak : boto] 8Shivna has left the conversation. t : Brak.. good gracious there are people here) BljarEgleHak biljara walks forward unawair that the tracker behind her has fallen ... for at that moment she sees the cliff edge.. and goes up to the barrier and looks over it pointing to the island BljarEgleHak : that is a wonderful island Eternity_Shattai : never been there...what is it like Eternity_Shattai looks at it... BljarEgleHak : I went there for my first wedding on a boat BljarEgleHak : me and my wife had a lovely time there t was on the terrace, a whiskey sitting infront of him untouched, there was also an unlit cigarette settled between his fingers, that hand resting against the side of his cheek. He had his eyes closed, lost in thought again, there was a notpad anf pen on > Bounty_Hunter_Brak slings his rifle on his shoulder and uses his wrist mounted whipcord cable, to rappel down from his sniper position and approaches the gardens

slowly, using the NVG module on his helmet, to help navigate his way in the dark as he stalks the second tracker t the table near his untouched drink, he had tried to sit and write a song, tried to clear his mind, or put into words what he really felt, but the answer was easy, hurt and pissed off and he couldn't put that into a song, not exactlly, nor was he thinking> Eternity_Shattai : wow Eternity_Shattai : cool BljarEgleHak the second tracker not recieving any sound from the otehr tracker circles around to to return to his charge... via where the first tracker lay .. BljarEgleHak : did I tell you I am a queen now Eternity_Shattai : really? Eternity_Shattai looks at her... t clear enough to do so. The only sign the black leather clad {excluding his shirt, that was cotton} was awake, was a sigh that slipped from him. t clear enough to do so. The only sign the black leather clad {excluding his shirt, that was cotton} singer, was awake, was a sigh that slipped from him. ^) BljarEgleHak : yep .. my half sister gave up the throne and I was the next in susession Eternity_Shattai : wow BljarEgleHak : actually I should have taken it before her but she userped the throne .. Bounty_Hunter_Brak lunges at the second tracker, his stun glove wearing hand reached forth, to grab the tracker by the arm, to stun him with an electrostatic charge Eternity_Shattai : that wasnt nice... BljarEgleHak the tracker turns and with a knift goes to plunge it into brack ... as he trys to warn biljara but his voice is silenced by the stun... BljarEgleHak : no it wasnt ... I could have been queen years ago after all I was oldest Eternity_Shattai suddenly feels uneasy Bounty_Hunter_Brak turns off the stun module in his glove as he drags the tracker's body into a darker area, with

the second one Eternity_Shattai 's brown green eyes look around... BljarEgleHak : what wrong Eternity_Shattai : I dont know... BljarEgleHak : .. where have my trackers gone Eternity_Shattai : they were right behind us BljarEgleHak she looks around trying to see where they are.... t : i invited them to a party) Eternity_Shattai : maybe we should alert the guards Elijah nudges somebody in or out of their cup as needed?) BljarEgleHak : I would look real stupid if I called the guards and they were just scouting ahead or having a pee 8BljarEgleHak is away. Bounty_Hunter_Brak lmao boto]] Eternity_Shattai cant shake that blasted feeling... t we are all at the terrace drinking gwinney together and singing Elvis hits) Eternity_Shattai : being safe is better than looking stupid and in danger... BljarEgleHak : how about we just walk back to the terrace .. we didnt go far and there are people there Eternity_Shattai nods Bounty_Hunter_Brak unslings his rifle again and fires a silenced rounds at the nearest surveillance camera and trains the rifle on Eternity as he rounds a corner, seeing them both "don't move and no harm will come to you" Eternity_Shattai stops dead in her tracks...her eyes trained on the riflee BljarEgleHak : what did you do to my trackers... BljarEgleHak : she asks with temper in her voice Bounty_Hunter_Brak : I know what you're thinking, you could scream for help, but you'd die the moment I fired, both of you come with me Eternity_Shattai : and if we refuse BljarEgleHak : yerr... what if we refuse Bounty_Hunter_Brak clicks the rifle's load chamber,

actually setting it to stun "careful what you ask" Eternity_Shattai is using her time wisely...concentrating her attention on the large dead branch above him...reaching out with the Force...she gives the strongest tug on the dead branch as she can....bringing it crashing down toward him.... BljarEgleHak : I dont think you are going to do anything after all its harder to cary two unconsious women that consious ones .. BljarEgleHak with that she walks forward towards him Eternity_Shattai : LOOK OUT Bounty_Hunter_Brak dives towards Biljara as he swings the butt of the rifle toward Jara's stomach to wind her, avoiding the branch having heard it crack before it fell, after this, he raises the rifle at Eternity and squeezes off one stun bolt, firing the blue charge of e Bounty_Hunter_Brak energy at her chest Eternity_Shattai sees him fire...but doesnt have time to get out of the way...she slumps to the ground...her body twitching from the pulse of the weapon 8Elijah has left the conversation. BljarEgleHak falls to the ground gasping for breath .. .... Bounty_Hunter_Brak slings the rifle back on his shoulder as he takes a pair of binders, one pair, he attaches to Eternity's wrists, cuffing her hands before her. the other pair, he uses to restrain jara's wrists behind her back. He picks up Eternity in a fireman's carry and Bounty_Hunter_Brak says to Jara, get up, your Palana has sent me to bring you in, the twins have missed you BljarEgleHak having gained her breat she looks to brak BljarEgleHak : your from my palana... Eternity_Shattai moans something...but is pretty much out of it... BljarEgleHak : I obey Bounty_Hunter_Brak She couldn't know, nor could the trackers, lets go

Bounty_Hunter_Brak : She couldn't know, nor could the trackers, lets go Bounty_Hunter_Brak makes his way away from the palace, taking only the alleyways until they are near his ship BljarEgleHak follows obeying every instruction she is giving... BljarEgleHak palana sent him she must obey Eternity_Shattai moans again...begining to come around BljarEgleHak : she wakes Bounty_Hunter_Brak stops before the ship, speaking into the communit in his helmet, for the door to open, which does like a lowering rampway. He carries Eternity inside and sets her down, feet first, but first lifts Eternity's still bound hands, onto a hook in the ceiling o Bounty_Hunter_Brak of the ship's prisoner cabin "get in Biljara" he instructs, as he puts a blindfold on eternity's eyes, now is not her time BljarEgleHak follows inside... BljarEgleHak : will you hang me up too? Eternity_Shattai snaps awake... Eternity_Shattai : HEY! Eternity_Shattai struggles Bounty_Hunter_Brak presses a button on the wall and keys in a code, locking it shut as the droid pilot brings the ship upward, taking them away from Naboo "No, you will be hanged up once you've been taught a lesson, you are to torture that girl" he says, taking Jara's Bounty_Hunter_Brak binders off Bounty_Hunter_Brak : Once you're done with her, it'll be your turn Bounty_Hunter_Brak : And she'll be free to do whatever she pleases to you BljarEgleHak : what if I dont want to hurt my friend Eternity_Shattai tries to get her hands free... Bounty_Hunter_Brak : Then you won't get your turn t : uh yeah... anyone want me for RP at some point IM me....) Bounty_Hunter_Brak :: the binders are caught in a hook that is above Eternity's head, too high for her to lift

herself free, unless she's a skilled acrobat 8t has left the conversation. BljarEgleHak : what do i torture her with BljarEgleHak : I could sing 99 bottles of beer Eternity_Shattai : (yeah is only 13...dont kill me on the first try) Bounty_Hunter_Brak calls to the girl "relax, just think of this way - when she's done, you'll get to have payback" Eternity_Shattai : Let me go! BljarEgleHak moves over to eternity and starts tickling her... BljarEgleHak nothing worse than being tickled Bounty_Hunter_Brak : eh, there's some tools the twins left in a kit on the bench. I only torture people for information so i'm not interested, I'm getting a coffee, see ya Eternity_Shattai jerks...lifting her body with her still bound hands...she cant help but laugh... Eternity_Shattai : STOP....ha ha Bounty_Hunter_Brak calls out from the kitchen "oh yeah, the twins said she is supposed to scream, not laugh" BljarEgleHak : if I do this long enough she will scream Eternity_Shattai : STOP IT.....HAHA BljarEgleHak : you cant say stop it .. you have to say thank you mistress Eternity_Shattai : what! Bounty_Hunter_Brak closes the door behind him and takes his helmet off as he gets some coffee for himself Bounty_Hunter_Brak : hey, its just us three in the room, so do whatever]] Eternity_Shattai : () BljarEgleHak she then takes a whip and with stipe after stripe she punishes eternity for not saying sorry Eternity_Shattai screams in pain.... Bounty_Hunter_Brak listens to some jazz in the kitchen BljarEgleHak then pretty much does what is done to her usually ... till the screaming turns into whimpers

Eternity_Shattai is crying soon...she was never abused as a child...hit or verbally... Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~the ship lands down on Hakaru.. BljarEgleHak she stops when the ship lands... she donesnt like hurting others but ... it is the only way for her to get her reward Bounty_Hunter_Brak finishes the coffee then puts his helmet back on and returns to the holding section, he nods with approval as he says to Jara "ok, go out into the warehouse and wait further instructions" Eternity_Shattai is in and out of conciousness... BljarEgleHak : yes BljarEgleHak she turns and goes out into the ware house... standing and waiting as instructed Bounty_Hunter_Brak takes bacta patches that he applies to some of Eternity's wounds.. he then clicks a switch that releases the hook and grabs Eternity by the hair and guides her, while she's still blindfolded out of the ship "don't resist" Eternity_Shattai doesnt resist...she doesnt have the strength to... BljarEgleHak : she is so weak .. how can she rewards me now 8MrdKulu has joined the conversation. 8MrdKulu is away. MrdKulu : llo) MrdKulu : brb) BljarEgleHak : ello ) BljarEgleHak : (im going to have to go very soon at half past) Bounty_Hunter_Brak "wait" he commands as he takes Eternity to a secure part of the warehouse, where only the most high ranking trackers are allowed. doors close after them.. there is no escape, he leaves Eternity with a 21B medic droid that treats her wounds and gives her a Bounty_Hunter_Brak an injection of adrenaline Eternity_Shattai jerks....feeling the hormone coursing through her body Bounty_Hunter_Brak goes to jara "ok, take off your

clothes, cuff your hands together and attach the binders to the rack over there and wait for the girl" Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the droid takes off Eternity's blindfold and shows her to a wardrobe "you will put on this outfit and then take your revenge" Eternity_Shattai with the hormone in her system now...she is awake and aware again... Eternity_Shattai : what? Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the outfit consists of some black leather garments, some boots and a choker and some makeup as well "unless you want to be tortured again" BljarEgleHak does what is orderd too... and gets the binders puting her hands cuffed in front Bounty_Hunter_Brak ^says the droid Eternity_Shattai : over my dead body Eternity_Shattai : I wont take revenge... I was raised as a Jedi BljarEgleHak : please... eternity ... I did it to you .. you should do it to me Eternity_Shattai : no... Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ five trackers enter the room, each brandishing a shock baton, the droid pleads "umm.. if you don't, they will be mispleased and you will not be fed" BljarEgleHak looks like she has been king hit... BljarEgleHak : I only hurt you so you could do it to me .. BljarEgleHak she is totally mad.... Eternity_Shattai looks at her in horror... Eternity_Shattai : you want to be hurt BljarEgleHak her whole psycy changed BljarEgleHak : I know you care for me if you do Eternity_Shattai : that is disgusting and I wont do it...I will not harm another living being Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the droid continues "yes, we cannot explain it, something in her psychological disposition causes her to long for pain. you have been brought here to ensure she recieves what she craves, if she does not acquire her fix, she will die" Eternity_Shattai : I will not harm another being...

Eternity_Shattai says firmly... Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the droid "for some reason, pain generates specific key endorphins that keep her alive, but for some reason, it has been found that only you will be able to torment her, if you do not, her life will end" this is mostly a lie, but its for a reason BljarEgleHak : please .. I need it Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ Droid "in torturing her, you will not harm her, but keep her alive and evade pain for yourself" Eternity_Shattai looks at Biljara...but the Jedi training keeps her in check... Eternity_Shattai : Jedi do not harm other beings.... Eternity_Shattai : its against our nature... Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the trackers close in on Eternity, ready to hit her with their painful electric shock batons.. Eternity_Shattai stands there... BljarEgleHak : me .. not her me... please ... BljarEgleHak she falls to her knees.. pleeding for the attention that eternity is getting Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ Droid "please, you will bring harm to Biljara if you do not. Live through this, and maybe you can escape, or stay as your desires may dictate" Eternity_Shattai : I would rather die than ingore what I have been taught as a Jedi...There is no death...there is the Force 8MrdKulu has left the conversation. BljarEgleHak : I have no force .. so therefor I will die Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the trackers begin to attempt to whack Eternity at different places with their shock batons "you're not going to die, but she will if you don't co-operate" BljarEgleHak : you are like all jedi ... BljarEgleHak : dont care for any one ... Eternity_Shattai : all life is part of the are part of it BljarEgleHak she wimpers falling to the floor... BljarEgleHak : i am dead to the force Bounty_Hunter_Brak : brb] Eternity_Shattai is getting hit...and hurt...but her resolve

remains the same...she wont attack another being... Eternity_Shattai but she does attempt to protect herself...fighting back against the Trackers 8Talera has joined the conversation. 8Talera is away. Bounty_Hunter_Brak : tal] Talera : brak) BljarEgleHak lies on the ground ignoring all but herself.. her new friend is not her friend .. she doenst care for her at all .. if she cared for her ... nobody cares for her but palana... she calls out his name.. Palana.. BljarEgleHak : and with that I have to go .. sorry tal... ) BljarEgleHak : night all ) Bounty_Hunter_Brak : night] BljarEgleHak : night eternity ) BljarEgleHak : brak) Eternity_Shattai : (night) 8BljarEgleHak has left the conversation. Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the trackers move back from Eternity, leaving her with bruises "after a few days without food, you'll be more cooperative" Eternity_Shattai : swallows...but keeps her face expressionless.. Eternity_Shattai swallows...but keeps her face expressionless.. Eternity_Shattai : we'll see Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ the droid and trackers leave the room, as the doors shut behind them, locking the girl inside, the lights turn dim Eternity_Shattai looks up... Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ a guard speaks via the loudspeakers "when you're ready to cooperate, we'll be listening. until then, you will not be given anything to eat or drink for the next 48 hours, after that time, you will be fed nothing but vitamin tablets and water" Eternity_Shattai : I WILL NEVER COOPERATE Eternity_Shattai yells Bounty_Hunter_Brak ~ a different voice speaks, one that

Eternity has never heard before, its tone is somehow altered mechanically, but is unmistakable in its sound "little jedi.. don't you see, you have been betrayed by the force" Eternity_Shattai : I know better Talera : back) Bounty_Hunter_Brak : wb] Eternity_Shattai says quietly Talera : ty why would she apologize to me? lol) Bounty_Hunter_Brak : maybe she didn't want you to think that she was leaving cos of you. she told us she was going to leave soon before you entered]] 8Talera has left the conversation. 8Darth_Seer has joined the conversation. 8Darth_Seer is away. Eternity_Shattai (......ahhhh!) Darth_Seer speaks through the loudspeakers more "do you? do you really understand or comprehend whats happened?" Eternity_Shattai remains quiet...listening...gathering information... Darth_Seer : You have been abandoned by the jedi who have not bothered to protect or rescue you. Do you think they have even noticed your absence? Darth_Seer ^this is all said via a loudspeaker, he is unseen by Eternity and his voice is slightly altered electronically Eternity_Shattai : they will come Darth_Seer : Who will come? How will they know you were even taken? Eternity_Shattai : my Aunt will know Darth_Seer : How? she is too far away to sense you now and she cannot return here 8Bounty_Hunter_Brak has left the conversation. Eternity_Shattai keeps quiet now...the last thing she wanted was to let these people know how often she did contact her aunt... 8Elie has joined the conversation. 8Elie is away. Darth_Seer : eli]

Elie : Seer)) Eternity_Shattai : (Elanne) 8Talera has joined the conversation. Darth_Seer : Even if she were to somehow devine that you were abducted, how would she possibly know where to find you? you don't even know where you are Darth_Seer : wb] Talera : man there is something really wrong with my Darth_Seer : Your only hope for escape is to find a way out of your cell Eternity_Shattai : jerks Eternity_Shattai says the insult under her breath... Darth_Seer : And the only from your cell, is to cause temporary pain to Biljara, ask yourself, wouldn't a jedi seek any chance to escape if it meant the chance to save other prisoners? 8Elie has returned. Darth_Seer : Does a jedi resort to giving into her temper.. or do they take what the force has brought before them? Eternity_Shattai : The Jedi do not intentially cause harm to goes against our codes Elie sipped her tea as she looked through some council paprwork looking for all the independent padawans and adding them to her datapad Darth_Seer : You already broke your code. Your training has been so lax that you were captured by a lone mandalorian Darth_Seer : Does a jedi justify her pride and refuse to lower herself, even if it means letting other prisoners rot? Eternity_Shattai : nag nag sound like my grandfather Eternity_Shattai says in a mocking tone... Darth_Seer : Tell me, how long can your sanity last without sleep? Eternity_Shattai : dont know...never tried...but I am rather sure you are going to test my limits Darth_Seer : Right you are, caffiene vapor is now filling the cell and will do so every hour on the hour. you will not sleep until we say so.. do you know what happens if the brain does not recieve REM sleep? Eternity_Shattai : i'm 13...not a brain surgeon Darth_Seer : REM means rapid eye movement. a process that occurs when you dream. If a sentient's brain is deprived of the ability to dream,

your sanity crumbles Eternity_Shattai : oh well...sanity was nice while it lasted Darth_Seer : You cannot dream if you cannot sleep. if you lose your sanity, there is no telling what depths of the darkside you will fall too. 8Dontae_Duncan has joined the conversation. 8Dontae_Duncan is away. Talera : dontae)) Dontae_Duncan : Good mornin all)) Darth_Seer : don] Dontae_Duncan : How are we all today?)) Darth_Seer : not bad, just torturing a jedi]] Eternity_Shattai settles against a wall... Dontae_Duncan : Cool)) Darth_Seer ~ the reinforced airvents dispense caffiene in a vapour form into the cell.... Eternity_Shattai breaths it in...there is really no way for her to avoid it... Elie : Don....))) Darth_Seer : Are you tired jedi? do you want to rest? perhaps have a warm bath and a meal, we have a roast being prepared as we speak Elie pulled out her comm and punched in Talera's number... Eternity_Shattai just sits there...she cant sleep...the caffiene in the air does its job... Darth_Seer ~ the smell of freshly baked bread and cooking meat is dispensed into the cell's vents too "do you feel your stomach growling? fatigue getting to you? its 4am on Naboo" Elie the comm searched for a connection Darth_Seer walks away from the cell, leaving the jedi to be tormented with food and sleep deprivation Eternity_Shattai : (later all) Darth_Seer : nini]] 8Eternity_Shattai has left the conversation.

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