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Computation for Caloric Content

FORMULA DBW (kg)= ____cm - 100cm/kg = _____kg - (10%) TER= DBW(kg) X physical activity

Physical Activity Equivalence Bed Rest: 27.5kg/kcal/day Sedentary: 30.0kg/kcal/day Light: 35.0kg/kcal/day Light Active: 40.0kg/kcal/day Heavy Active: 145.0kg/kcal/day Example: Height: 160 cm DBW= 160cm 100cm/kg DBW= 60kg DBW= 60kg (10%) DBW= 60kg 6 DBW= 54kg TER= 54kg X 40.0kg/kcal/day TER= 2120 kcal/day To get the total calories per serving divide the TER to the total number of meal given to the patient in entire day. Example: if the patient is receiving 3 meals per day ( breakfast, lunch, dinner) 2120 = 706 kcal per serving 3 Example: if the patient is receiving 5eals per day ( breakfast, snack, lunch, mid day snack, dinner.) 2120 = 424 kcal per serving 5

Inside diet To taste ( flavour ) Malunggay Papaya Gotocola Banana Kangkong Mango Guyabano Avocado Potato Pineapple Soya Guava

Nutritional value content based on 100g of edible portion Potato (high pH) Energy : 9 kcal Protein: 2.07 g CHO: 16.4 g Fiber: 1.60 g Potassium: 543 mg Total Fat: 0.100 g Saturated Fat: 0.026 g Cholesterol: 0 Sodium: 6.00mg

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