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Long Composition 10 marks Speech Writing You are ABC.

You have been selected to represent your school in All India School Debate competition organized by the Rotary Club, Delhi. The topic for the debate is: Value Based Education is the only remedy for decreasing the crime rate amongst the educated folk. Value Based Education---Remedy to Decrease Crime (by ABC) Respected Chairperson, Honourable Judges and dear audience I am here to present my views that Value Based education is the only remedy for decreasing the crime rate amongst the educated folk. The headlines of daily newspapers are filled with gory details of crimes committed by robbery. We often hear of chain snatching, shop-lifting, stabbing, kidnapping and robbery. Murder for money is the latest phenomenon indulged in by anti-social elements. It is said that unemployment and poverty force the youth to adopt criminal activities. But recent incidents have revealed that young boys belonging to good families and respectable parents also indulge in criminal activities such as thefts, borrowings and car-lifting. Devoid of parental care and control these youngsters crave for fun and adventure. The

foreign action films thrill their minds and lead them to emulate some of the tricks of their favourite heroes. If we are keen enough to decrease the crime rate amongst the educated youth, we must bring a radical change in our education system. We must inculcate in students the respect for values and good qualities such as honesty, truthfulness, trust, kindness and selfsacrifice. Employment opportunities should always be increased to channelize their energy.

Newspapers Ought to Contain More News and Fewer Advertisements

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