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Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

Salt-Bridge Switching Underlies Membrane

Voltage Sensing

Tzur Paldi

© 2012 Tzur Paldi, All Rights Reserved

T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

Salt-Bridge Switching Underlies Membrane Voltage Sensing

Tzur Paldi

Abstract Voltage sensing modules (VSMs) are specialized Introduction

membrane proteins that change their conformation in
response to changes in the electric potential across the cell Voltage sensing across membranes is fundamental to many
membrane. The VSM is composed of four transmembrane cell functions. One of the most well-known of the membrane
helix segments (S1-S4), and its most striking feature is a proteins involved in such sensing is the S4-based voltage
conserved repetitive motif of a positively charged amino acid sensing module (VSM), which changes its conformation in
residue followed by two hydrophobic residues, within the response to changes in the electrical potential across the
fourth transmembrane segment (S4). It is generally accepted membrane [1]. VSMs are mostly known for their role in
that the movement of the positively charged residues in the voltage-gated ion channels in excitable cells and tissues [2].
membrane electric field drives S4, relative to S1-S3. However, non pore-attached VSMs that are either coupled to
However, recent study showing the titratable nature of S4 phosphatase [3], or that constitute a proton channel as an
arginines suggests that these arginines are not permanently independent module [4, 5], have recently been described.
charged, and changes in their ionization state may participate VSMs are composed of four membrane-spanning helices
in the VSM voltage-sensing mechanism (Paldi, 2012 (S1-S4). The forth transmembrane segment, S4, is typically Here it is shown that the gating embedded with up to eight positively charged residues at
properties of the bacterial Na+ channel fit a model in which every third position, while the four outermost arginines (R1-
S4 arginines, salt bridged to acidic residues, are neutralized R4) contribute the majority of the gating current that precedes
via voltage-dependent pKa shifts. A compatible mechanistic the ion current in the Shaker K+ channel [6]. It is generally
model that simulates the electrical properties of the VSM as believed that voltage dependent ion channels are gated by
those of a two-plate capacitor, shows that reorientation of a translocation of S4 positively charged arginines across the
dipole moment, probably of water molecules, in the low membrane electric field [7]. However, the pKa of titratable
dielectric septum of the VSM mediates these pKa shifts. The groups in a protein is subjected to dramatic shifts that may
proposed model demonstrates the role of salt bridge change their ionization state [8]. This ionization state depends
formation in driving S4 and in preventing ion leaks (“omega” on local microenvironmental conditions such as surface
currents) through the VSM vestibule during S4 movement, electric potential, solvent polarity and ionic strength; the pKa
while generating a capacitive gating current by means of of a basic residue would decrease when exposed to positive
proton relocation. This model agrees with major experimental electrostatic potentials or to less polar microenvironments.
aspects, and further reconciles them with the helical screw Recently, the titratable nature of arginines on S4 in the
mechanism for S4 movement. bacterial Na+ channel (NaChBac) was shown, suggesting that
S4 arginines are not permanently charged, and the changes in
Keywords Electric field ∙ Electrostatic interactions ∙ their ionization state may play a central role in gating [9].
NaChBac ∙ pKa shift ∙ Voltage-dependent ion channels ∙ Schulte et al. reported regulation of channel gating by
Voltage sensor domain changes in the pKa of a basic gating residue [10]. The authors
showed that in proton dependent Kir channels, a pH-sensing
lysine (Lys-80 in Kir1.1), located close to the intracellular side
On the cover: The evolvement of the voltage sensor module of TM1, undergo a pKa shift of more than 3 pH units. A series
‘ratcheted capacitor’ theory of point mutations revealed that the positive electrostatic
potentials from two spatially close arginines destabilize the
protonated state of Lys-80, which therefore changes its
ionization state around the physiological pH range.
Analogously, pKa shifts in the gating residues of voltage
Author: Tzur Paldi
dependent ion channels (R1-R4) may arise from strong
potentials, induced by a highly focused electric field in their
© 2012 Tzur Paldi, All Rights Reserved
__________________________________________________ microenvironment [11, 12].

T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

The theoretical basis for deprotonation of S4 arginines Replacement of pdep8 by po(wt) in Eq. (2), according to Eq. (1),
cause by voltage-dependent pKa shifts is discussed herein. A gives:
new helical screw-based model, which is compatible with 1/2
(3) 𝑝𝑜(𝑅1𝐾) = 𝑝𝑜(𝑤𝑡)
many experimental observations, shows how voltage- Manipulation of the experimental data, obtained for the
dependent pKa shifts of arginines on S4 are involved with the normalized G-V curve of the unmodified NaChBac at pH 7.4
conformational changes in the VSM. [9], according to Eq. (3), predicts the experimental left shift
of the R1K channel mutant curve (Fig. 1, WT1/2). Notably, the
Results model does not predict changes in the slope of the G-V curve
of R1K, which could be derived from interactions of the
An empirical model rationalizes arginine discharge arginine side chain with the membrane lipids [15]. As channel
during NaChBac gating gating involves many different types of conformational
The helical screw model [13] describes a screw-like changes, prediction of a voltage left shift upon R1K mutation
movement of S4, where, at each step, an emerging arginine implies that charge elimination by arginine deprotonation
reaches the spatial position of the adjacent arginine three serves as a bottleneck in a more complex gating process.
residues apart, through a ‘canal’ formed by S1, S2 and S3 (the Since pdep = po(wt)1/8, according to Eq. (1), the average pKa of
so-called, ‘gating pore’). The movement of S4 along the a single arginine equals 7.4, as is the pH of the extracellular
gating pore is mediated by the sequential formation and solution (pHo), at the corresponding voltage of the WT1/8
impairment of salt bridges between positively charged curve midpoint (V0.5(WT1/8) = -87 mV; Fig. 1, dashed curve).
residues on S4, and negatively charged residues on S1-S3.
However, the way in which these electrostatic interactions
break and reform during S4 movement upon channel gating
remains unclear.
It was previously shown that the coupling between R1 on
S4 and E43 on S1, stabilizes the closed state of NaChBac
[14]. The pH-dependent coupling of R1 with E43 during
channel activation implies that protonation of R1 reinforces
its electrostatic interaction with E43, thereby stabilizing the
channel closed state, whereas its deprotonation is believed to
facilitate the mobilization of S4 during channel activation [9].
To examine this possibility, a model describing S4 movement
as a result of charge elimination of R1 and R2, rather than
charge separation from a negatively charged residue, is
The model requires two helical screw steps for channel Fig. 1 Channel gating is mediated by charge elimination. A fit to the
two-state Boltzmann function of normalized steady-state activation
activation [14], and impairment of eight ion pairs (two pairs
curves of unmodified NaChBac (solid circles) and R1K mutant
in each of the four VSMs in a tetrameric channel), each of (open circles) at pH 7.4 is presented. According to the ‘activation
which hold S4 in the closed position. If the impairments occur through deprotonation’ model, the square root of the unmodified
by deprotonation of eight arginines rather than separation of NaChBac G-V curve (WT1/2; solid curve) and WT1/8 (dashed curve),
charges, the channel open probability (po) may be described represents the po after elimination of the four charges, and the pdep,
according to: respectively. The arrow indicates the point where the WT1/8 is
8 linearly extrapolated to more negative voltages. Perpendicular dotted
(1) 𝑝𝑜(𝑤𝑡) = 𝑝dep
lines indicate the pdep midpoint, where the average pKa of a single
where po(wt) is the open probability of the wild-type channel,
arginine is 7.4 (V0.5= -87 mV)
and pdep is the average probability that a single arginine
residue will convert to its deprotonated form. Since A ‘ratcheted capacitor’ element underlies a VSM
substitution of R1K hinders the coupling with E43 [14], this mechanistic model
substitution may account for the disruption of four out of Placing the principles underlying Eq. (1) within a structural-
eight ion pairs in the tetrameric channel. An increase in the functional context is of great importance to an understanding
channel open probability would thus be expected, since S4 is of the voltage sensing mechanism of the VSM. The
now restrained by the remaining four ion pairs, according to: mechanistic model describes structural changes in the VSM
8 1/2
(2) 𝑝o(R1K) = 𝑝dep = (𝑝dep ) that are related to its electrical traits, and are compatible with
intramolecular electrostatic interactions within the VSM, as

T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

defined by the helical screw model [13, 16], and based on 4, step 1 to step 2). This process is repeated so long as an
accumulated experimental data, as follows: arginine on S4 can stabilize the E43 on S1, and is terminated
External and internal water-filled crevices in the VSM when the VSM adopts a stable closed conformation (Rest), at
focus the electric field on a thin, low dielectric septum lying which R1-R4 are paired with acidic residues in the VSM (Fig.
between them [12, 17]. Double substitutions of charged 4, step 3).
residues in the VSM of voltage-dependent sodium channels At rest, R2 is deprotonated, due to the positive potential
[18] and voltage-dependent potassium channels [19-21], at the septum boundary that stabilizes the unpaired D60. The
which enable ion permeation through the VSM gating pore, model allows for movement of charged arginines on S4, just
point to the importance of arginines on S4 and their before their deprotonation. This movement is directed by the
counterpart acidic residues in maintaining this low dielectric electric field that falls across the septum. Membrane
septum intact, probably by stabilizing a constriction at the depolarization reverses the polarity of the low dielectric
gating pore. The constraint of the S4 position at rest [14] for septum, and drives the outward movement of S4 (Fig. 4, steps
each of these double mutant sets, in which R1 and R2 line the 4-6).
pathway connecting the internal and external crevices [22],
and the fact that an Hv1 proton channel truncated below R2 Voltage-dependent pKa shifts initiate VSM activation
preserves its functionality [23], suggest that this constriction If protonation/deprotonation of arginines are the bottleneck
in the gating pore is held by no more than two successive of the gating process, as noted above, the entire gating
arginines on S4 that may interact with two acidic residues process could be described by an Henderson-Hasselbalch
(such as E43 on S1 and D60 on S2, in NaChBac) at any given based equation that describes the effect of the pKa shift, or the
conformation of the VSM [16] (Fig. 2). As is illustrated in titration of arginines by [H+], on channel gating, as follows:
Fig. 2 (right), R4 interacts with D60 in the channel open state (4) 𝑝𝑜 = (
1+10𝑝𝐾𝑎 −𝑝𝐻
[24], near the interface between the intracellular crevice of
where pKa represents the average pKa of a single S4 arginine,
the VSM and the low dielectric septum in the gating pore
pH represents the pH in the relevant VSM crevice, and n is
above it [22]. A second ion pair between R3 and E43 delimits
the number of deprotonated arginines that affect S4
this constriction in the gating pore from the extracellular side.
movement. Upon hyperpolarization of the membrane
The thin low dielectric septum, lying between a deep
potential from the open state, the positive electrostatic
internal crevice (below D60) and a shallow external crevice
potential of a hypothetical dipole moment (μ) that is pointed
(above E43), fits the 3-7 Å thickness (Fig. 2, yellow boxed
toward the inner side of the septum (near R4/D60) would
region) that separates an internal cavity of 20-25 Å from an
decrease the pKa of R4, according to:
external cavity of 3 Å, as suggested by Islas and Sigworth 𝜇𝐸𝑠𝑒𝑝
[25], and is consistent with experimental results [12, 26]. The ∆𝑝𝐾𝑎 = −0.43
outer and inner water-filled crevices of the VSM may be where Esep is the electric field across the septum, k is the
envisioned as a two-plate capacitor, in which “water wire” Boltzmann constant, and T is the absolute temperature. If the
molecules are trapped inside its insulator (Fig. 3). Normally, distance between the charges of the dipole is equivalent to the
the septum of the VSM (referred to as the capacitor’s septum thickness, the equation is rewritten as:
“insulator”) does not conduct ions; therefore, a high electric (5) ∆𝑝𝐾𝑎 = −0.43
field (~108 V/m) induced by changes in the membrane
where ε is the positive charge of the dipole pointing toward
potential may polarize the water molecules within the septum,
the arginine, and Vm is the membrane potential. Accordingly,
due to their dipole moment. The polarized dipole moment
the negative electric potential at the septum’s external
would induce an electric field opposite the external electric
boundary near R3/E43 would increase the pKa of the R3 side
field from the two water-filled crevices (referred to as the
chain (Fig. 3). The pKa at any point during gating is given by:
capacitor’s “plates”). An arginine residue would tend to
𝑝𝐾𝑎 = 𝑝𝐾𝑎1 + ∆𝑝𝐾𝑎
release its proton when it is exposed to the positive
where pKa1 is the initial value before the shift (i.e., at 0 mV),
electrostatic potential of the dipole, by reducing the pKa of its
and ΔpKa is the change in the pKa. Replacing ΔpKa with the
guanidine group. Conversely, the pKa would increase when
expression in Eq. (5), and placing the expression obtained for
the arginine is exposed to the negative charge of the dipole.
pKa in Eq. (4) at a given pHo, gives:
Thus, polarization of the dipole by the electric field across the 𝑛
septum, would lead to counter-pKa shifts of R4 and R3 at the (6) 𝑝𝑜 = ( 0.43𝜀 )
1+exp10(𝑝𝐾𝑎1 −𝑝𝐻𝑜 −𝑉𝑚 )
open state (Fig. 3), thereby facilitating the inward movement 𝑘𝑇

of S4, by generating a new set of local energetic minima [27] Global fitting of the experimental G-V data sets of NaChBac
resulting from neutralization of R4, and subsequent at both of the pHo values to Eq. (6), resulted in pKa1 = 4.6 ±
interaction between the positively charged R3, and D60 (Fig. 0.1, and 0.43ε/kT = 31.8 ± 1.3, for n = 8 (Fig. 5). Although

T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

Fig. 2 Ribbon representations of the VSM in NaChBac. Three putative prevailing conformations of NaChBac are shown: Rest
(closed; left), Intermediate-closed (middle), and Open (right) states. The low dielectric septum (designated by the yellow box)
separates a shallow, extracellular crevice from a deep intracellular crevice [25]. Negatively charged residues (red) on S1-S3 and
R1-R4 (blue) on S4 are labeled and presented as sticks. The coordinates of NaChBac models [16] were kindly provided by Dr.
H.R. Guy

Fig. 3 The septum of the VSM functions as a capacitor's

insulator. An analogy is drawn between the 3D crystal
structure of KvAP VSM (right) [49] and a two-plate
capacitor (left).Two successive salt bridges, formed by
arginines (blue) and acidic residues (red), delimit the VSM
septum, which separates the extracellular and intracellular
water-filled crevices of the protein. Water molecules within
the septum change their orientation, due to interactions with
the electric field (E) across the septum. A positive charge of
the dipole that is pointed toward an arginine residue causes
a pKa downshift, followed by a proton release

Fig. 4 The ‘ratcheted capacitor’ model of S4 movement in

NaChBac. A schematic representation of S4 movement
(orange rod) relative to S1-S3 (green rod). Induced
polarization of the low dielectric septum (highlighted by the
yellow box) by the membrane’s electric field accounts for a
pKa shift of arginines at the low dielectric septum boundaries,
and their subsequent deprotonation/protonation (dashed
arrows). ‘Depol’ and ‘Repol’ denote depolarizing or
repolarizing potentials, respectively. Plus signs (blue)
represent R1-R4 on S4; minus signs (red) represent acidic
residues on S1-S3. The gray box designates the putative
lipid/water interface. Interacting residues are depicted
according to Shafrir et al. [16]

T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

along the VSM. This implies a central role for salt bridge
formation in blocking the ion path through the VSM.
While the notion that the septum of the VSM is virtually
maintained by two successive arginines, serves as a rationale
for gating pore currents upon double substitution of S4
arginines, in tandem [18, 19], gating pore currents that arise
upon only a single substitution [12, 31] remain unexplained.
Yet, the ratcheted capacitor model suggested herein shows
that the co-occurrence of a single arginine substitution and
deprotonation of the adjacent arginine, situated at the
septum’s boundaries, would render a continuous water chain
between the outer and the inner water-filled crevices, thus
enabling ion leaks through the VSM.
Generation of VSM gating pore currents upon a single
Fig. 5 Changes in NaChBac gating upon pHo transition. G-V substitution at S4 fits well the results of histidine scan assays
data points of NaChBac at pHo 7.4 and 6.0 are taken from [9]. performed in the Shaker K+ channel [12, 29, 30], as is
Predicted G-V curves, according to Eq. (6), are presented as described below. In a VSM substituted at R1 (Fig. 6, upper
smooth lines (fit coefficients ± standard deviation of the fit: panel), deprotonation of R2 would impair the electrostatic
pKa1 = 4.6 ± 0.1; [0.43ε/kT] = 31.8 ± 1.3; n = 8) interactions between R2 and its negatively charged
the pKa1 value of the upper arginine might appear extremely counterpart at hyper-polarizing membrane potentials. The
low, it is compatible with a reported pKa of arginine residues impairment of two successive electrostatic interactions at the
inside the pore of the acetylcholine receptor [28]. The value septum boundaries would open an ion conducting pathway at
of pKa1 represents an upper limit of pKa shift, assuming that the resting state with a linear I(ω)-V curve pattern (Fig. 6,
protonation completely dominates gating. However, if upper panel), as has been shown for R1H substitution in the
arginine protonation becomes less dominant during gating, Shaker K+ channel [12]. A different I(ω)-V pattern is
due to increased domination of other driving forces, smaller observed upon R2 (Fig. 6, middle panel) or R3 substitutions
pKa shift values are expected (see Discussion). The fitted (Fig. 6, bottom panel), as was reported for the Shaker K +
value for 0.43ε/kT suggests that a change of ~30 mV in the channel [30]. According to the model, the parabolic-shaped
membrane potential corresponds to a pKa shift of 1 unit, and curve reflects the transient inward passage of ions through the
is consistent with reorientation of two hypothetical dipole gating pore, which peaks at intermediate conformational
moments (or a dipole with two positive charges on one end states of the VSM, and is blocked either at the resting or the
and two negative charges on the other), since ε is equivalent open states.
to two elementary charges (~3x10-19 C).
Arginine deprotonation underlies gating-pore currents
observed upon a single mutation at S4 Extracellular acidification reduces the maximal conductance,
The passive conductance of protons or cations through and shifts the voltage required for activation toward more
naturally occurring VSMs, namely the Hv1 proton channels, depolarizing potentials (right-shifted G-V) in many voltage
or through modified VSMs in ion channels (the so-called dependent ion channels [2]. Against the background of the
“gating-pore currents” or “omega currents”) [12, 20, 29-31], helical screw model, the left-shifted G-V curve of NaChBac
indicates that the septum that separates the outer and the inner upon R1K substitution (Fig. 1) may reflect a facilitated
water-filled crevices of the VSM is hydrated all along. outward movement of S4 during channel activation. The
However, the VSM of ion channels is naturally impermeable predicted left shift of R1K, given by Eq. (3), favors charge
to ions and features a ‘blocked channel’ behavior. Ions leak diminution or elimination, due to the lower affinity of the
through the VSM of ion channels would lead to diseases such lysine's side chain toward protons compared to that of
as the hypokalemic periodic paralysis disease [32]. Molecular arginine, over separation of fixed charges. Following this
dynamics simulation based on the crystal structure of voltage- rationale, recharging of the arginine by extracellular
dependent potassium channels [33, 34] and on a structural acidification functions in opposition to this process, by
model of NaChBac [22], show that the salt bridge formed securing the electrostatic interaction with a negatively
between R4 on S4 and an acidic residue on S2 (corresponding charged residue (e.g., E43 on S2), and thus stabilizing S4 in
to the salt bridge formed by R4/D60 in NaChBac at the open the retracted (closed) state, as indeed was shown
state; Fig. 2, right) interrupts the continuity of the water chain experimentally [9]. Since R2 and R3 occupy the position of
T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

Fig. 6 Deprotonation-assisted gating pore currents.

Upon membrane repolarization, preclusion of two
salt bridges at the septum's boundaries due to a point
mutation (X#) and deprotonation of the adjacent
arginine (dashed arrow) on S4 (orange rod), opens
an ion conductance pathway through the septum
(vertical solid arrow). A salt bridge formed in the
septum renders the gating pore impermeable to ions
(red X arrowhead). The pattern of the I(ω)-V (right
pane) is thus determined by the position of the point
mutation on S4, relative to the deprotonation site,
and is consistent with results of histidine scan
analyses in the Shaker K+ channel [12, 29, 30]

R1 at each helical screw step during activation (Figs. 2 and Furthermore, trapped water within the septum of the
4), they likely resemble R1 with regard to their charge VSM may form a single-file array that enables proton
elimination. conductance [38], such as occurs in unmodified and modified
The effect of voltage on arginine deprotonation is, VSMs (e.g. [4, 31]). Since water has a dipole moment, the
however, less straightforward. Although voltage-dependent water hydrating the VSM septum may affect gating by
pKa shifts in ion channels were previously proposed [35, 36], reorientation in response to an external electric field [39] and
they were not assumed to constitute a substantial factor in the change the chemo-electrical properties inside the protein.
VSM gating mechanism. Here, channel gating is adequately Still, to ascertain the role of water in voltage-sensing, further
predicted by the Henderson-Hasselbalch based model, which quantitative analysis is required.
describes a series of voltage-dependent pKa shifts. It is Among the existing models that describe the VSM
therefore expected that, so long as arginine mechanism, the helical screw model [13] is often claimed to
protonation/deprotonation is a limiting factor in the VSM be the most compatible with experimental results (e.g., [24,
activation process, the model would be capable of predicting 40]). Still, the basic helical screw model fails to explain two
steady-state channel gating. However, divergence from the major issues: (i) the relatively low temperature dependency
model would be expected when the ionization of arginines of gating, which is incompatible with breakage of several salt
becomes less limiting in gating, as is shown, for example, in bridges during S4 displacement, as has been postulated by
NaChBac mutants that hamper channel activation (see E43C Green [41]; and (ii) the observed fast component of the gating
or R3C NaChBac mutants in [9]). The model-fitted current, preceding the slower main gating current [42].
coefficient value of 0.43ε/kT suggests that the gating process Arginine deprotonation, as is suggested here by the ratcheted
may be mediated by orientation of a molecule or molecules capacitor model, reconciles the helical screw model with
with a dipole moment, which harbors two charges at each these two issues by suggesting that: (i) charge elimination
pole. This situation is reminiscent of the dipole with three precludes electrostatic interactions, thereby reducing the high
charges at each pole, suggested by the Hodgkin and Huxley negative change in enthalpy produced by salt bridge
model [37]. formation, and: (ii) the initial arginine

T. Paldi: Salt-Bridge Switching

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Paldi T (2012) Salt-bridge switching underlies membrane voltage sensing.

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