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K. Post, M. Pohlman, D. Karst, L. Schmiesing, J. Heiby, T. McMurray, K. Droesch, T. Berning, B. Seger, S. Painter-Carpenter, M. Weitzel, B. McFarland, C. Schlater, J. Sommer, W. Moorman, T. Dilworth, K. Huwer, M. Mescher, D. Garman


Key Topics to Address this Year (identified at the October 2010 meeting) a. Implement use of cloud computing for collaboration (Google Docs, Office Live, wikis, etc.). In progress b. Create a staff tech handbook of essential technology. No action to date. Discussed creating handbooks for new students and staff about available technology and how to use various technologies. All teachers would like sheets for login information. c. Increase awareness of using the terminal server from home. In progress Revamp current tutorial page and make if available on the school homepage. d. Continue to analyze and strategize the 1:1 implementation. In progress (notes below) e. Investigate software purchases such as the Smart Notebook template files. Done f. Find and apply for grants and funding for things like iPods, Kindles, and other technology. In progress/Ongoing g. Research the D3A2 CAM project. No action to date. We will revisit this project in the summer or the beginning of next year. h. Update the school website to a Content Management System (CMS). In progress Update on Items from the Last Tech Committee Meeting - Teachers are having difficulty editing the Aegom Smartboard templates. No action taken to date. - The Tumblebooks web subscription needs to be renewed by February. This has been renewed and is now good until February 28, 2012. - Read-Write Gold needs installed on the Terminal Server as well as the computers in the carts. RW Gold has been loaded on all laptops, computers, and the terminal server. One-to-One Netbooks - Julie Sommer updated the committee on use of the netbooks this year. Pros: student responsibility, motivation, more articulate with writing, increased tech skills, lots of research, problem solving, vocabulary, reading tests, differentiation, many other benefits. Cons: Students need to remember to save Open Office documents in rich text format. Additional discussion arose as to the future of the 1:1 project. This is in limbo while we wait for information about the state budget.




Other Business? The spring Tech Fair was discussed. The question was raised about doing the tech fair every other year instead of every year. No action taken. A suggestion was made to get more teacher involved by showcasing student technology projects.


Next Tech Committee Meeting Thursday, March 31 in the Elementary Media Center

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