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Grammar Translation Method On Language Teaching

1.Goals of Teachers
Real goal of learning L2 is to be able to read literature To read literature,students need to learn grammar rules and vocabulary Studying a foreign language provides good mental exercise.

2.Roles of Teachers
Authority Teacher talking time is more (teacher centered)

3.Roles of Students
Students do what teacher says Students are passive

4.Characteristics of Teaching & Learning Process

Characteristics of Teaching & Learning process Translation from L1-L2, L2-L1 Grammar deductively Memorize vocabulary L1=L2

5.Student-Teacher Interaction
Students-teacher interaction (mostly) Students initation is little

6.Student-Student Interaction
Student-student interaction is little

7.Dealing with Students Feelings

No Principles

8.View of Language

Literary language is superior to spoken language

9.View of Culture

Limited literature & fine arts of L2

10.Emphasis on Areas of Language

Vocabulary and grammar(teaching the form) = form based

11. Emphasis

on Language

Reading and writing Little attention to listening,pronunciation and speaking

12.Role of L1
Classroom language is L1 Meaning of L2 is made clear by translation into L1

Written tests ( students translate from L1 to L2, L2 to L1) Questions about L2 and applying grammar rules

14.Teachers response to Students error

Incorrect answers are corrected by the teacher immediately It is important that student must get the correct answer by oneself

Translation of a literary passage from L1-L2 or L2-L1 Reading comprehension questions Information questions Comprehension questions (making inference)about their own experience Cognates memorization (meaningspelling)

Antonyms-synonyms (words are L1) Grammar rules are given with examples: -Exceptions stated directly -students use grammar rules in -examples -memorization (vocabulary,grammar rules) They use the words which are in sentences to show they understand the meaning of word Writing composition in target language

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