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Idiom and other useful expressions

Let's call it a day.

() .

Let's paint the town red tonight.


I'm on the wagon now.

I'm through with you.

He is the last man to do that.

How can I get in touch with you ?

Let's hit the road.

() .

Can I take a raincheck on that ?

Just give me ball-park figure.

Is everything OK ?

? (

I will sleep on it. (= Let me sleep on it.)

Don't get me wrong.

Good job ! (You did a good job.)

It's a piece of cake.

Bottoms up !

( '' -

Cheers !

Am I understood ?

Not that I know of.

So far, so good.

The night is still young.

Where are you headed ?

Lunch is on me.

I'm broke.

It's on the house.

. (

When it comes to computer, I'm all thumb.

She turns me off.

Get out of here !

Take time.

If you insist.


You bet.

. (
- '' )

Watch out !

Hang in there.

I bought it on time.

That's it.

). .

He's gone for the day.

Keep going.

I don't eat between meals.

This food doesn't agree with me.

I'm hungry for Korean food.

Give it a try.

If possible.

Who knows ?

? ( )

Who cares ? (= I don't care)

? (

Let's talk over a beer.

I mean......

.....( ,

Let me try.

Let me see.

You'll see it.

Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

. .

I'll give my best shot.

* Give it a shot.( )

He's always goofing around.

( ) .

Here you go.

'' ' '

Get off on me.

( )

What's on your mind ?

Come to think of it, .......


Give me a break.

. (' '

He drinks like a fish.

What are you up to ?

He drives me crazy.

I'll get it.

' ', ' '

I'm good at tennis.

Are you a good singer ?

I'm crazy about Park.

Park .

What are friends for ?

You are standing on my nerve.

He is somebody.

He is cool.

I could eat a horse.

( ) .

On second thought, ....


I'm near-sighted.

I'm beyond mathematics.

Far from it.

It doesn't make any sense.

You look terrific.

Don't let me down.

* I won't let you down (
. =You can trust me.)

I'll get back to you .()

I've got to go. ()

Do you take Visa ? (=accept)

Who are you in favor of ?

() ?

Could you put me in the list ?

That name rings a bell.

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