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Handout 2

The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

For about 3,000 years, Pharaohs were the rulers of Egypt. The word Pharaoh means great house. Pharaohs were divine rulers because the people believed that the gods gave them their powers.

The crook The crook shows that the Pharaoh is the protector and ruler of all the people and land of Ancient Egypt.

The flail This flail, or whip, shows that the Pharaoh had the power to punish all the people of Ancient Egypt.

Symbols of power

Ruler of Ancient Egypt Pharaoh was the most powerful person in Ancient Egypt. Why? Egyptians believed that their ruler was related to Re, the sun god. Who could be Pharaoh? A male born into the royal family could be a Pharaoh. Ways the people believed their Pharaoh protected them by speaking to the gods for them with divine powers. Every year, the Nile River needed to flood to make good crops. Without good crops, the people might starve. The people believed the Pharaoh protected them by using his divine powers to make the river flood. The Pharaoh could punish too Pharaohs were allowed to punish people and make laws by themselves. The people believed that the Pharaoh actually owned everything and every person in Ancient Egypt!
Discovering Democracy Middle Primary Units - Stories of the People and Rulers
Commonwealth of Australia 2002

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