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Power Tips for Mac and Microsoft Office

User Level: Basic, Intermediate There is something for everyone in this all-encompassing session! Discover practical, helpful tips about the Mac OS, and find out why Microsoft Office is the go-to software for productivity. Learn how to be your best and increase your efficiency. Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion Tips 1. Finder (notice in menu bar, click outside doc to get Finder) Open a Finder window o Finder icon in Dock o Double-click on Mac HD or a folder o Finder menu, Find New Finder Window (helpful when moving files) Finder Window options and preferences: customize your laptop o Column View o Expand column to see full document name o Finder Preferences General: Items shown, New Finder Windows show Sidebar, and Macs built-in organizational folder system Choose items to show in sidebar o Finder Menu Bar File Label (use colors for quick visual organization) File Get Info (or, I), another place to change color, also see extension, change Open With app (.flv example) File Add to Sidebar: can add frequently-accessed folders, for example. Remove from sidebar with Control key. View Show Path Bar, Show Status Bar View Customize Tool Bar View Show View Options (Ex.always open in column view) 2. Spotlight (click on icon or command space keyboard shortcut). Essential, everyday go-to source, to: Find files on your Mac o Organized by file type (Documents, PDFs, etc.) o Hover for Quick View of the file, click to open, or.. o Control Option to see path, where file is located Launch Applications Perform calculations ( + - * / ) Define words (type a word, hold over Look Up and definition appears in Quick View. Clicking on it will open the Dictionary app)

AHSD25 | TAXV | August 15, 2013 | Lynn Szabo, Presenter

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