Chapter 3: Twist

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Chapter 3: Twist


We...." Hoya said.

"Yes?" Sunggyu continued. "Let us know your decision." the leader looked so proud about pranking his fellow members, but he was so wrong. Without knowing he was the one being pranked. "Hyung.. We know each other from our trainee days, yet you didn't told us anything about your girlfriend." Hoya said a little bit 'disappointed'. "W-Well, I know that you guys would make a fuss out of it so I thought the best choice was to keep it a secret for the time being. I didn't told anyone till now." Sunggyu lied. "Even so... Hyung, you know, you're such a bad liar!" Hoya said while looking in his leader's eyes. "And I thought we were friends!" Hoya started to fake crying. Sunggyu panicked. He never saw Hoya crying. I mean, it's Lee Howon! The manliest male on Earth/Infinite! "H-Howon! Please stop! Don't cry! See, hyung feels sorry for lying to you all!" Sunggyu tried to confort him. "So you feel sorry now?" Hoya got his head up showing his briliant smile when he heard the leader's words. In the mean time, Mei Lyn was left without a word. She didn't expect to see such a scene. She never thought that her and Sunggyu's little joke will hurt his friends so much. She felt guilty for making her cousin part of her stupid prank. "Everyone..." she said while keeping her eyes down to the ground. "I... I'm really sorry too!" she bowed. Everyone's eyes were on her, even Woohyun looked weird at her. "I feel so guilty for lying to people I just don't know at all. I'm really stupid!" she said and a little tear escaped her eyes. "N-No! Mei Lyn don't cry! Awww! What I've got myself into?!" leader panicked for the second time. "No, I'm okey! It's my fault for doing this. I was so happy that I met you Sunggyu here! I was helpless on the street, without knowing where to go. I was happy when mom told me that she gives me permission to go to Seoul, that I forgot to contact you. " she wiped her tears then turned to Sunggyu's friends and continued " And don't worry about the dorm. I'll book a room at a hotel and I'll stay there till I get my own place and a job. I don't want to be an eyesore for your new family and you. Bye bye!" "WAIT. RIGHT. THERE. Miss Kim Mei Lyn! Don't you dare to let me into this mess alone! Firstly, we have to clear some misunderstandings!" Sunggyu said a little bit upset.

Mei Lyn didn't make any step. She froze. She knew how scary can be her cousin when he's angry. "Okey, good girl! Now, getting back to the topic! Band, line up! You have to proprely meet someone now." They lined up and waited for their leader's next command. "Then, I shall introduce Mei Lyn to you now. Everyone, this is Kim Mei Lyn, my cousin from Canada." Bang! Hoya was right... AGAIN! "A-Annyeong haseyo, Mei Lyn imida!" she said while wiping her tears away. "Aww, noona, no need to cry! Please don't make us cry too! Noona is really pretty, so there's no reason for crying!" the maknae told her. "Haha, thank you" she thanked him while showing her cheerful smile. "Now that noona isn't crying anymore, we should introduce our selves too! I'm Lee Sungjong, the maknae of the group! Nice to meet you, Mei Lyn-noona! Can I call you that?" "Sure. But I'll feel more less awkward if you drop that 'noona', it makes me feel old." she said while giggling. "Awww, Mei Lyn is super sweet!" our maknae could control his diva-ness so he ends up hugging her. "Okey, enough with the skinship!" Sunggyu said, while dragging the maknae off his cousin. "My name is Lee Howon, but everyone calls me Hoya! Feel free to call me that. And by the way, the prank was good, but it couldn't fool me." For a minute, Mei Lyn though that Hoya was arrogant, but compared to Woohyun he looked hundreds time more clever and carring. "I'm Kim Myungsoo, but my stage name is L-" "Like the one from Death Note?!" Mei Lyn's otaku spirit didn't let L finish his phrase. "Yup, that one. But he only acts cold and mysterious on the stage! He's a funny dork in real life." Sungjong talked on Myungsoo's place. "Ehem, Lee Sungjong, you already said what you had to say, why don't you let others talk too?" Myungsoo glared at the younger member. "Okey! My fault! Sorry." Sungjong got both of his hands up like he was trying to surrender. But L didn't have time to say other things when the taller guy started to talk. "Haaai~" he tried to say in English."My name is Lee Sungyeol! Nice to meet you, dongsang? How

old are you?" he asked her. "I'm only 19 years old, but in korean age I'm 20" "Oh then your my, Hoya,Dongwoo, Woohyun & Sunggyu's dongsang!" he clapped happily. "But how old are you... Sungyeol-ah?" "I'm turning 20, on 31st August! <3 So from then you can call me oppa!" Mei Lyn made a strange face. Then Sunggyu whispered: "She doesn't like that word, because she doesn't want to get labelled with the fangirls who call their 'oppas' like they need their help to breathe." "Sorry, I just don't like going "OPPPPAAARRR!" over anyone! My pride is on the bet." "Oh, it's nothing. I don't really care at all!" Sungyeol said. "Then it's my turn! Hello, I'm Jang Dongwoo, nice too meet you!~" he smiled and captured Mei Lyn's heart completly, but not in a romantic way. "Dongwoo-ah! You look like a happy person, sorry for thinking that you were angry at me!" she made a sorry-sorry pose. "Haha! I get that very often. But-" "But if you get to know him you'll end up being good friends." Hoya continued his friend's phrase. "Okey, I won't forget this! Then, I must apologize again for what I've done. I'm really happy to be able to meet such nice people like you, expect for one person" she said as she pointed at Woohyun. "What?!" he questioned the obivous. "You are the only one who didn't introduce himself." Sunggyu told him. "Phmm. Like I care!" Woohyun continued. "Hyung, it's not time for diva issues. It's not like you to be like this. You're more like this!" Sungjong said while making a heart with his hands. Mei Lyn started to laugh at maknae's impersonation which made Woohyun blush from the embarassment. It's not really like me to act this way?! What's going on with me, really?! "Then, let's forget what just happened. Woohyun apologize for what you said to my cousin back then." Sunggyu said while dragging him in front of Mei Lyn She looks so innocent up close. AHHH! NAM WOO HYUN! STOP THINKING THAT WAY ABOUT HER.

"I... I guess I was a little bit harsh..." "AND?" Mei Lyn continued. "And...and childish..." "AND?" she still continued. "And a fool for saying stupid things to a nice person that I didn't know!" the words went off his mouth too fast that he didn't notice what he just said. "Haha! You said that I'm nice!" she laughed proudly. "No...I DID NOT!" "Now, now, you can't take your words back, Woohyunnie!" she teased. He didn't get it and started to blush like an idiot. "What? You're blushing?!" she teased again. "NO! You're seeing things! Leave me alone, idiot!" "Sunggyu-ah~! He called me an idiot!" she fake cried. Now Sunggyu was lecturing Woohyun about his behavious while the others: "Hyung, did you bring some popcorn? I think I start to like this soup opera!" Sungjong said. "I have to agree with you, Sungjong-ah~!" Hoya said. "They already forgot that we are here. We're invisible to them?! What's the meaning of this, L~?" Sungyeol pouted. "Do I look like I know myself? I seems that Woohyun has a crush on Mei Lyn. It's pretty obivious." "Yeah, even I saw through his act. But I guess Mei Lyn only likes to tease him." Dongwoo said. "Woohyun is really an idiot. He makes it even more obivous. Who agrees?" L said. "I do" Hoya said. "Me two" maknae continued. "Me three." Dogwoo stated. "Me four!" Sungyeol almost yelled. But, didn't they forgot something? Where's Mei Lyn going to sleep tonight?!

[3rd chapter 04/10/2011]

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