2013 Winners Faith Declaration

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2013 WINNERS FAITH DECLARATION As already prophetically declared; I shall be scaling new heights this year, I shall be breaking

new grounds that is, accomplishing things that eyes have not seen nor ears heard It shall be a year of divine surprises for me It shall be said of me this year, what manner of man is this Therefore, as I look at myself in the mirror every passing day, I shall continue to declare convincingly as follows: This man is surely changing levels this year beginning with this month: From sickness to health and from health to greater health From lack to plenty and from plenty to greater plenty From trials to testimonies and from testimonies to higher testimonies From obstacles to miracles and from miracles to more miracles From carnality to spirituality and from spirituality to higher realms of spirituality This man is changing levels this year: From defeat to victory and from victory to greater victory From fear to faith and from faith to higher realms of faith From barrenness to fruitfulness and from fruitfulness to all round fruitfulness From shame to glory and from glory to greater glory From pity to envy and from envy to higher realms of envy This man is changing levels this year: From stagnation to double promotion and from double promotion to next levels From frustration to celebrations and from celebration to celebration without end From pains to healing and from healing to divine to total health From curse to blessing and from blessing to higher dimensions of blessing From confusion to direction and from direction to clearer direction This man is changing levels this year: From failure to success and from success to greater success From begging to giving and from giving to lending to nations From sorrow to joy and from joy to joy unspeakable From depression to jubilation and from jubilation to unending jubilation From weakness to strength and from strength to more strength This man is changing levels this year: From uncertainties to confidence and from confidence to greater confidence From marital spell to marital bliss From joblessness to enviable employment

And much, much more Yea! I am surely changing levels this year by the revelation and application of the word 2Cor3:18 Thank you my Father in heaven for confirming Your word in my life this year in the name of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen. (Scriptural Reference: 2Cor4:13, Mk 11:23, Ps 81:10-14, Lk 21:15) Jesus Is Lord.

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