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IPDA Premier Hall 12th September 2011 2:00 PM until 5.

00 PM


1. To instill patriotism among the students in conjunction with the month of independence. 2. To build self-esteem and fighting spirit among the students as a teacher-to-be through the sharing of experiences by the panels.

OBJECTIVES TIME 2.15 PM ACTIVITY Lecturers and students entered the hall. The arrival of the guest of honor and Panels Everyone sang the national anthem Negaraku and the state song Lagu Negeri Kedah. Welcoming speech by the Director of IPDA. The forum began. Forum ended. Souvenirs giving ceremony. Everyone sang IPDA song and Kami Guru Malaysia. The ceremony ended.

1. Guest of honor Tn. Haji Mohd Mustafa bin Ahmad (The director of IPDA) 2. 1st panel Haji Senan Bin Ibrahim (Former Director of IPDA) 3. 2nd panel Prof. Madya Left. Kol. (B) Aizuddin (from University of Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) ). 4. Moderator Mior Fakhrullah bin Abdul Jalil 5. All lecturers of IPDA 6. All students of IPDA PARTICIPANTS 1. The forum was a success because: most of the students finally realised that the life before and after independence day in our country totally different. the moderator played his role very well in questioning the panels on their experiences. the forum and it started and ended on time. 2. The forum should be make as an annual programme because it is one of an interesting ways to make the students realise how important independence is.

Bicara Merdeka Forum

2.25 PM

2.30 PM



3.00 PM 4.30 PM

5.00 PM

1. The Director of IPDA the forum should be held annually as it is a good way of improving self-esteem among the students through experience sharing by invited panels. 2. Other experienced panels should be invited in next year forum because the students like to hear their amazing stories on their life before the independence day.

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