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lJ,eH )l,OrOBIP 3ACT ABM TOBAPIB (")l,oroBip") YKrra.I\eHIIH 10 'lepBH51 2010 pOKY B MicTi MIIKorraIB, YKpalHa, MiJK: BI)l,KPMTMM AKQIOHEPHMM TOBAPMCTBOM "BA)l,AH JlP)l,C OKEAH" (i.I\eHTIIiKau:iHHIIH KO.I\ 14307653), lOpII.I\II'lHOlO OC0601O, 3apeeCTpOBaHOlO Ta iCHylO'lOlO 3a 3aKOHO.I\aBCTBOM YKpalHII ("3aCTaBO.I\aBeU;h"), mo Mae Micu:e3Haxo.I\JKeHH513a a.I\pecolO: 3aBO.I\CbKa IJJIOma 1, M. MIIKorraIB, YKpalHa, 54050, B oc06i Horo reHepaJIbHOrO .I\IIpeKTOpa rr. POMaHqyKa MIIKorrii IIaBrrOBII'la, lIKIIH .I\ie Ha rri.I\cTaBi CTaTyTy Ta rrpoToKorry HarJIjj.I\oBol Pa.I\II BAT "Ba.I\aH 5[p.I\COKeaH" N2 10/06/2010 Bi.I\10 'lepBH51201 OpOKy;Ta IIOM3AHTEP XOJI)l,IHrJ JIT)l,. (peecTpau:iHHIIH HOMep HE 249122), lOpII.I\II'lHOlO OC0601O, 3apeeCTpOBaHOlO Ta iCHylO'lOlO 3a 3aKOHO.I\aBCTBOM Pecrry6rriKII Kirrp ("3acTaBOp;ep)KaTeJIh"), mo Mae Micu:e3HaXO.I\JKeHHlI 3a a.I\pecolO: KiMoHoc 43A, niMacorr Kirrp, IIC 3095 B oc06i bOpO.I\'lyKa MaKCHMa AHaTorriHoBH'la, 5lKHH .I\ie Ha rri.I\cTaBi.I\oBipeHocTi Bi.I\3 TpaBHlI 2010 pOKY.
3aCTaBo~aBelJ,b Ta 3acTaBO~ep)l{aTeJIb "CTOpOHU" iHKOJII1

This GOODS PLEDGE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into on June 10, 2010 in Mykolayiv, Ukraine by and between: OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "WADAN YARDS OKEAN" (identification code 14307653), a legal entity incorporated and existing under the laws of Ukraine (the "Pledgor") and having its registered office at 1 Zavodska Ploshcha, city of Mykolaiv, 54050, Ukraine, represented by its General Director, Mr. Romanchuk Mykola Pavlovych, acting pursuant to the Charter and the minutes of the Supervisory Board of OJSC "Wadan Yards Okean" No. 10/0612010 dated June 10.2010; and POIZANTER HOLDINGS LTD., (with registered number HE 249122) a legal entity incorporated and existing under the laws of Republic of Cyprus (the "Pledgee") and having its registered office at Kimonos 43A, Limassol, Cyprus, P.S. 3095 represented by Maksym Anatoliyovych Borodchuk acting on the basis of the Power of Attorney issued on May 3, 2010. The Pledgor and the Pledgee are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties", individually as a "Party". sometimes and each

Ha~aJll IMeHYIOTbC5Ipa30M oKpeMo - "CTopoHa".


A. OCKirrbKH3aCTaBO.I\epJKaTerrb rrpHHHlIBHa ce6e Bci rrpaBa Ta 3060B'513aHHlI Kpe.I\HTOpa rro Bi.I\HOIIIeHHlO .I\O 3aCTaBO.I\aBU:1I3a HHJK'le3a3Ha'leHIIMII ,l],oroBopaMII CTpoKoBol Kpe.I\HTHoj fliHil, CTopOHaMH lIKIIX e 3aCTaBO.I\aBeU:b: 1. ,l],oroBip cTpoKoBol Kpe.I\IITHOI rriHil N2 1 Bi.I\19 TpaBH51 2009 pOKY,3 rrO.I\aJIbIIIHMH 3MiHaMHTa .I\OrrOBHeHH51MH .I\O Hboro, BHeceHlIMHBi.I\rroBi.I\HHMH .I\O.I\aTKOBHMH yrO.I\aMII, cyKyrrHa cyMa Kpe.I\HTY 3a lIKHM He rrepeBHmye 15000000 (rr'lITHa.I\U:5lTbMirrbHoHiB) BpO (")l,oroBip CTpOKOBOi'Kpep;I1THoi' JIiHii' N2 1"); 2. ,l],oroBip cTpoKoBol Kpe.I\IITHOI rriHil N2 5 Bi.I\14 'lepBHlI 2007, 3 rrO.I\aJIbIIIHMH3MiHaMH Ta .I\OrrOBHeHH51MII .I\O Hboro, BHeceHHMHBi.I\rrOBi.I\HIIMII .I\O.I\aTKOBHMH yrO.I\aMH, cyKyrrHa cyMa Kpe.I\HTY 3a jj'KHM He rrepeBHmye 45000000 (COpOK rr'lITb MirrbHoHiB) BpO (")l,oroBip CTpOKOBOi'Kpep;I1THoi' JIiHii' N2 5"). Bci ,l],oroBopii CTpoKoBol Kpe.I\HTHol fliHil Ha.I\arri Kpe.I\HTHi,l],OroBOpH.

A. Whereas the Pledgee has assumed all rights and obligations of the Lender with respect to the Pledgor under the following Loan Facility Agreements to which the Pledgor is a party:

additional as subsequently amended by respective agreements for the total facility amount not exceeding EUR (the "Facility 15,000,000 (fifteen millions) Agreement No.1");

2. Loan Facility Agreement No.5, dated June as subsequently amended by respective agreements for the total facility amount not 45,000,000 (forty five millions) EUR (the Agreement No.5").

14, 2007, additional exceeding "Facility

All Loan Facility Agreements as Facility Agreements.

are collectively

referred to

Bcix CYM, Harre)KHHX .1\0 crrrraTH 3aCTaBO.1\ep)KaTemO 3a Kpe.1\HTHHMH ,l],oroBopaMH, 3aCTaBO.1\aBel.\b rrOrO.1\HBCJI Ha.1\aTHB rrepW01.eproBy 3acTaBy Ilpe.1\MeT 3aCTaBI1 (3a BH3Ha1.eHHJlMl.\bOrO TepMiHy HH)K1.e) Ha yMoBax, BH3Ha1.eHHX y l.\bOMY,l],oroBopi. BHXO,IJ,HqH 3 BHllJ,E3A3HA qEHOrO, l.\bOrO)J,oroBopy .1\OMOBHrrHCb rrpo TaKe: CTATTH 1 3ACT ABA: 3Ar AJIbHI YMOBII 1.1 HanaHH5I 3acTaBH 3acTaBonaBueM. )J,rrJl 3a6e3rre1.eHHJI Harre)KHOrO Ta CBOE:1.aCHOrO BHKOHaHHJI 3aCTaBO.1\aBl.\eM 3a6e3rre1.eHHX 3060B'Jl3aHb, BH3HaqeHHX y CTaTIi 1.3.2 l.\bOrO )J,oroBopy, 3aCTaBO.1\aBel.\b l.\HM rrepe.1\aE:3aCTaBO.1\ep)KaTemOy rrepwOqeproBy 3acTaBy (3 HaHBHIIIHM rrpiopHTeToM) ("3aCTaBa") Ilpe.1\MeT 3aCTaBH. HacTyrrHa 3aCTaBa rrpe.1\MeTY 3aCTaBH 3aCTaBO.1\aBl.\eM MO)Ke 6yTH 3.1\iRcHeHa rrHwe 3a rrorrepenHbOlO 3rO.1\01O 3aCTaBO.1\ep)KaTerr5l. CTOpOHH

all of the amounts owing to the Pledgee pursuant to the Facility Agreements, the Pledgor agreed to grant a first ranking pledge over the Collateral (as further defined) on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 PLEDGE: GENERAL TERMS 1.1 Pledgor's Grant of Pledge. As proper and timely performance by the Secured Obligations as defined in Clause Pledgor hereby grants to the Pledgee pledge (the "Pledge") over the Collateral. security for the Pledgor of the 1.3.2 hereof, the a first-ranking

Further pledge of the Collateral by the Pledgor can be arranged only upon receipt of the written consent of the Pledgee.

1.2.1. Ilpe.1\MeToM 3acTaBH E:MaRHo 3acTaBOnaBl.\JI, JlKe E: y Hboro y Borro.1\iHHi a60 3HaXO.1\I1TbClirri.1\ Horo KOHTporreM3a Micl.\eM 3HaXO.1\)KeHHlI 3aCTaBO.1\aBl.\JI qH y .1\0p03i Ta IIIO CKITa.1\aE:TbCli 3 TOBapiB Ha cKrra.1\i(ToBapHi 3arraCH), rreperriK 51KI1X Ha.1\aHOy )J,onaTKy A .1\0 l.\bOrO )J,oroBopy. Ilpe.1\MeT 3aCTaBI1 Harre)KIITb 3aCTaBO.1\aBl.\1O Ha rrpaBi BrracHocTi. 1.2.2. Ilpe.1\MeT 3aCTaBI1 MO)Ke 3aMiHlITIICJI Ha iHWi TOBapil (iHworo BII.1\y,KirrbKocTi Ta JlKOCTi),3a yMOBI1IIIO TaKa 3aMiHa He CrrpIIqIIHJlTilMe 3MeHweHHJI BapTocTi 3aCTaBrreHOro MaHHa. 3MiHa CKrra.1\yIlpe.1\MeTy 3aCTaBil Bin6yBaE:TbcJI CTaHOM Ha 3BiTHy KBapTarrbHy naTy i 0<p0pMrr5lE:TbCJI y <popMi nOnaTKoBoj yronl1 no l.\bOro )J,oroBopy. CTOpOHil 3060B'Jl3YlOTbCJI rri.1\rrilCaTil He rri3Hiwe Hi)K 18 ql1crra rrOTOQHOrOMiclIl.\lI HaCTyrrHoro 3a oCTaHHiM MicJll.\eM 3BiTHOi .1\aTil .1\O.1\aTKOBY yro.1\y .1\0 l.\bOrO )J,oroBopy, IIIO 6Y.1\e Bi.1\06pa)KaTI13MiHI1y cKrrai:(i rrpe.1\MeTY 3aCTaBli. 1.2.3. TOBapil Ha cKITa.1\i (ToBapHi 3arracH), IIIO CTaHOBrrllTb Ilpe.1\MeT 3aCTaBI1Ta BIIKrraneHi B )J,O.1\aTKY A .1\0 l.\bOrO )J,oroBopy, rrepeCTalOTb 6YTI1 IlpenMeToM 3aCTaBil 3 MOMeHTY i"x BilKopliCTaHHlI rrpil 6Y.1\YBaHHi CYAeH, iHwoMy BIIp06HI1l.\TBi Ta rrpil BHKopHcTaHHi y BrraCHliX rocrronapCbKix l.\irrJlx, 3aCTaBOAaBel.\b 3060B'1I3aHliH He rri3Hiwe Hi)K rrpOTJlrOM 7 KarreHAapHx AHiB rricrrJl TaKoi" rro.1\ii"OTpliMaTil y BrracHicTb iHwi TOBapII, IIIO CTalOTb rrpeAMeTOM 3aCTaBil 3 MOMeHTy BI1HHKHeHHJI Ha HHX rrpaBa BrracHocTi y 3acTaBOAaBl.\JIi3 3acTocYBaHHlIMrrOrrO)KeHbrr.l.2.2. l.\bOrO )J,oroBopy.

1.2.1. The Collateral shall be the property of the Pledgor that Ts in possession of or under the control of the Pledgor and located at the address of the Pledgor or are in the transit, constituting of the goods in warehouse (goods in stock), the list of which is attached as Appendix A hereto. The Collateral belongs to the Pledgor based on the right of ownership. 1.2.2. The Collateral is replaceable with other goods (of other type, quantity and quality), provided however, that such replacement shall not result in depreciation of the value of the pledged goods. The changes in the Collateral is performed as of the reporting quarter date and executes in the form of the amendment hereto. The Parties undertake to sign not later than 18th day of current Month of the following last Month of the reporting date an amendment to this Agreement, reflecting the change in the Co llateral.

1.2.3. Goods in warehouse (goods in stock), constituting the Collateral and listed in Appendix A hereto, discontinue to be the part of the Collateral from the moment of their utilization by ship-building, other production and by using it in personal economic purposes, the Pledgor is obliged not later then during 7 calendar days after that event to acquire into ownership other goods that become part of the Collateral from the moment of acquisition of title to it by the Pledgor, provided however, that provisions of Clause 1.2.2. of this Agreement is followed.

CKJIa.n:ax 3aCTaBO.n:aBI.\5I Bi.n:IIOBi.n:HO .n:0 .lJ:O.n:aTKyA .n:o I..\bOrO.lJ:oroBopy 3a a.n:pecOlo M. MHKOJIalB, 3aBo.n:cbKa IIJIoIlla,l.
1.3 BapTicTb IIpe.n:MeTY 3aCTaBH. CTOpOHH IIoro.n:)KYIOTbC5I, IlI0 BapTicTb IIpe.n:MeTy 3aCTaBH Ha .n:aTy yKJIa.n:eHH5II..\bOrO .lJ:oroBopy CKJIa.n:ae 29 276 610,27 rpHBeHb (.n:Ba.n:I..\5ITb .n:eB'5ITbMiJIbHOHiB .n:BicTi ciM.n:ec5IT wicTb THC5I'l llIicTcoT .n:eC5ITbrpHBeHb i .n:Ba.n:I..\5ITb ciM KOIIiHoK). .lJ:rr5IyHHKHeHH5I cyMHiBiB, CTOpOHH I..\bOrO .lJ:oroBopy np5IMO nDro.n:)KYIOTbC5I, IlI0 TaKa BapTicTb B )KO.n:HOMy pa3i He 3MeHllIye npaB 3aCTaBo.n:ep)KaTeJI5IHa OTpHMaHH5I nOBHOl OnJIaTH Bcix 3a6e3ne'leHHX 3060B'5I3aHb.

warehouses of the Pledgor accordingly to Appendix hereto registered at 1 Zavodska Ploshcha, city Mykolaiv.

A of

1.3 Value of Collateral. The Parties agree that the value of the Collateral as of the date of this Agreement is 29,276,610.27 Hryvnias and (twenty nine million two hundred seventy six thousand six hundred ten Hryvnias and twenty seven copecks). For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties hereto expressly agree that such value shall not prejudice in any manner the rights of the Pledgee to receive payment of the Secured Obligations in full.

1.4.1 IJ:eH .lJ:oroBip Ta cTBopeHa HHM 3 aCTaBa 3a6e3rre'lYIOTb CrrJIaTy Ta BHKOHaHH5I 3acTaBo.n:aBI..\eM Bcix 3a6e3IIe'leHHX 3060B'5I3aHb y Me)KaX CYMH,BH3Ha'leHOl y IIyHKTi 1.3.2 HH)K'le ("3a6e3neQeHMX 306oB'H3aHb"), a caMe:

1.4.1 This Agreement and the Pledge created hereby secure the payment and performance by the Pledgor of all of the Secured Obligations within the amount set forth in Clause 1.3.2 below (the "Secured Obligations"), which constitute the following:

(a) Bcix rrJIaTi)KHHx3060B'5I3aHb Ha CyMy, BH3Ha'leHY y IIyHKTi 1.3.2 I..\bOrO.lJ:oroBopy, 5IKi B 6y.n:b-5IKHH'lac IIi.n:JI5IraIOTb cIIJIaTi, e 3a60proBaHHMH a60 6yJIH IIpHHH5ITi Ha ce6e 3acTaBo.n:aBI..\eM 3a Kpe.n:HTHHMH .lJ:OrDBOpaMH,Ha KOpHCTb3acTaBo.n:ep)KaTeJI5I, iCHYIO'lHXTa MaH6yTHix, y TOMy 'lHCJIi, 6e3 06Me)KeHH5I, IlI0.n:o CIIJIaTH Bcix OCHOBHHXCYM, IIpoI..\eHTiB Ta 6y.n:b-5IKHX KOMiciHHHx, 360piB, Bi.n:llIKo.n:YBaHb a60 iHllIHx IIJIaTe)KiB, Harre)KHHX .n:o CrrJIaTH 3acTaBo.n:aBI..\eM 3a BciMa Kpe.n:HTHHMH .lJ:oroBopaMH a60 6y.n:b-5IKHM 3 HHX(rrpH HacTaHHi CTpOKy OrrJIaTH, B pe3yJIbTaTi CKOpO'leHH5ICTpOKy IIJIaTe)Ky a60 iHllIHM4HHOM),Y Me)KaX,BH3Ha'leHHX y IIyHKTi 1.3.2; Ta (b) CyM Bi.n:wKo.n:yBaHH5I 3acTaBo.n:ep)KaTeJIIO Bcix BHTpaT, rrOHeceHHX 3acTaBo.n:ep)KaTeJIeM y 3B' 5I3Ky 3 Kpe.n:HTHHMH.n:oroBopaMH a60 6y.n:b-5IKHM3 HHX Ta/a60 I..\HM .lJ:oroBopOM, Ha Bi.n:llIKo.n:YBaHH5I 5IKHX 3aCTaBo.n:ep)KaTeJIb MO)Ke MaTH IIpaBo Bi.n:IIoBi.n:HO .n:o 'lHHHOrO YKpalHCbKOrD 3aKOHo.n:aBCTBa, B Me)KaX, BH3Ha'leHHXy IIyHKTi 1.3.2.
1.4.2 CTOpOHH rroro.n:)KYIOTbC5I 3 THM, IlI0 MaKCHMarrbHa cyMa 3a6e3rre'leHHX 3060B'5I3aHb CTaHOBHTb 3ararrbHY CyMy Kpe.n:HTiBB p03Mipi 60 000 000 EUR (llIicT.n:ec5IT MiJIbHOHiBeBpo), IlI0 CTaHOM Ha .n:aTy I..\borO .lJ:OrDBOpy CTaHOBHTbeKBiBarreHT 570,578,280.00 (rr'5ITCOTciM.n:ec5IT MiJIbHOHiB rr'5ITCOT ciM.n:ec5IT BiciM THC5I'l .n:BicTi BiciM.n:ec5IT) rpHBeHb 3a ocjJiI..\iHHHM KypCOM, BCTaHOBJIeHHM HaI..\ioHarrbHHM 6aHKoM YKpalHH Ha .n:aTy yKJIa.n:eHH5II..\bOrO .lJ:oroBopy Ta CyMy Bi.n:cOTKiB, IlI0 rri.n:JI5IraIOTb cIIJIaTi 3a BeCb 'lac cjJaKTH'lHOrO KopHcTyBaHH5I Kpe.n:HTHHMHKOllITaMH 3a Kpe.n:HTHHMH .lJ:OrDBOpaMH 1.4.3 KO)KHe 3a6e3IIe'leHe 3060B'H3aHHH MaTHMe TaKHH CTpOK, HKHH BH3Ha'leHHH .n:JI5I Hboro B Kpe.n:HTHHx .lJ:oroBopax, OCTaHHiM3 5IKHXe 19 TpaBHH 2014 pOKY . .lJ:JIH

(a) all payment obligations in the amount determined in Clause 1.3.2 hereof at any time due, owing or incurred by the Borrower under the Facility Agreements in favour of the Pledgee, whether present or future, including, without limitation, the payment of all principal, interest, and any premia, fees, indemnities or other payments due from the Pledgor under all or any of the Facility Agreements (whether at stated maturity, as a result of acceleration or otherwise) within the limits set forth in Clause 1.3.2; and

(b) reimbursement to the Pledgee of any and all Expenses incurred by the Pledgee in connection with all or any of the Facility Agreements and/or this Agreement to which the Pledgee may be entitled under applicable Ukrainian legislation within the limits set forth in Clause

1.4.2 The Parties hereby agree that the maximum amount of the Secured Obligations is 60,000,000 (sixty million) EUR, that as of the date of this Agreement constitutes the equivalent of 570,578,280.00 (five hundred seventy million five hundred seventy eight thousand and two hundred and eighty) UAH which is equivalent according to the official exchange rate established by the National Bank of Ukraine on the date hereof and the amount of accumulated interest that are due for the overall term of the actual use of the funds under the Facility Agreements 1.4.3 Each of the Secured Obligations shall have such term as set forth in the Facility Agreements, the latest of which is 19 May 2014. For the avoidance of doubt, this

yHHKHeHH5ICYMHIBIB,l\eH ,I:(oroBip 3aCTaBH rrp0,L\OBIKye MaTH IOPH,L\HqHY CHJlYyrrp0,L\OBIK ,L\OBiliOrO 3i cTpOKiB ,L\ii' Kpe,L\HTHHX,I:(oroBopiB, ,L\O rroBHoro BHKOHaHH5IBcix 3a6e3rrelJeHHX 3060B'513aHb ("llepio,lJ; 3a6e3neQeHHSI").

Pledge Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the entire term of such of the Facility Agreements that is the longest until all of the Secured Obligations have been satisfied in full (the "Security Period").

1.5.1 ,I:(Jl51 Ha,L\aHH5I rroBHoi' CHJlHTa lJHHHOCTi3acTaBi B 51KOCTi rrepIIIOlJeprOBOro 3a6e3rrelJeHH5I, 3acTaBO,L\epIKaTeJlb 3060B' 513aHHH 3apeecTpyBaTH l\IO 3acTaBy B ,I:(epIKaBHoMy peecTpi 06T5IIKeHb pyxoMoro MafiHa (")l;eplKaBHI1H PeccTp 06THlKeHb") y Bi,L\rroBi,L\HocTi3 qHHHHM 3aKOHO,L\aBCTBOM YKpaiHH. 3aCTaBO,L\aBel\b lJiTKO rrOrO,L\)1(yeTbc5I Ha,L\aBaTH 3aCTaBO,L\epIKaTeJlIO BCIO ,L\OrrOMory, He06xi,L\HY 3aCTaBO,L\ep)l{aTeJlIO ,L\Jl51 l\iJleH TaKoi' peecTpal\ii', y TOMy qHCJli, 3-noMiJ/C illUlo2o, HeCTH Bci rrOB'513aHi 3 peecTpal\ieIO BHTpaTH. CTATTH 2 3AllEBHEHHH, rAPAHTII TA 30EOB'H3AHHH 3ACTABOlIABUH 2.1 3arreBHeHH5I Ta rapaHTii' 3aCTaBO,L\aBl\51.IJ:HM 3aCTaBO,L\aBel\b Ha,L\ae 3acTaBO,L\epIKaTeJlIO TaKi 3arreBHeHH5ITa rapaHTii' Ta 3060B'513yeTbc5I 3a6e3rrelJHTH, ll\06 Ha ,L\aTyYKJla,L\eHH5I l\boro ,I:(OroBOpy Ta Brrp0,L\OB)l{ IIepio,L\y 3a6e3rrelJeHH5I HH)l{lJeHaBe,L\eHi rrOJlO)l{eHH5I 6YJlH BipHHMHTa TOqHHMH; 2.1.1 3aCTaBO,L\aBel\b e IOPH,L\HqHOIO OC060IO, CTBOpeHOIO y opMi Bi,L\KpHTOro aKl\ioHepHoro TOBapHcTBa, 51Ka HaITe)l{HHM lJHHOM cTBopeHa, 3apeecTpoBaHa Ta iCHye Bi,L\rrOBi,L\HO ,L\O3aKOHO,L\aBCTBa YKpai'HH; 2.1.2 3aCTaBO,L\aBel\bMae Bci rrpaBa IOPH,L\HlJHOi' OC06H, rroBHoBaIKeHH5I, rrpaBa Ta rrpaB03,L\aTHicTb ,L\Jl51 rri,L\rrHCaHH5ITa BHKOHaHH5I l\bOrO ,I:(OrDBOpy, ,L\Jl51 OOpMJleHH5I Ta BH,L\aqi ,L\OKyMeHTiB, Ha,L\aHH5I5IKHX BHMaraeTbC5I Bi,L\ Hboro 3a l\HM ,I:(oroBopOM, Ta ,L\Jl51 rrepe,L\aqi B 3acTaBy IIpe,L\MeTY3aCTaBH, 5IKrrepe,L\6alJeHO l\HM ,I:(oroBopoM. 3aCTaBO,L\aBel\b3,L\iHCHHB Bci He06xi,L\Hi ,L\ii'(y TOMy lJHCJli Bci KoprrOpan:IBHi ,L\ii),He06xi,L\Hi ,L\Jl51 rri,L\rrHcaHH5I Ta BHKOHaHH5I l\bOro ,I:(oroBopy Ta ,L\OKyMeHTiB,ll\0 MaIOTb 6yTH Ha,L\aHi HHM 3a l\HM ,I:(OrDBOpOM, a TaKO)l{,L\Jl51 rrepe,L\alJi B 3acTaBy IIpe,L\MeTY 3acTaBH; 2.1.3 IJ:eH ,I:(oroBip 6yB rri,L\rrHCaHHH HaITe)l{HHM qHHOM yrroBHoBaIKeHHMH rrpe,L\CTaBHHKaMH 3aCTaBO,L\aBl\1I i, pa30M 3 yciMa iHIIIHMH ,L\OKyMeHTaMH,Ha,L\aHHlIlIKHX BHMaraeTbClI Bi,L\Hboro 3a l\HM ,I:(oroBopOM, CTaHOBHTb ,L\iHcHe Ta TaKe, ll\0 MaIO 3060B'1I3aITbHY CHJlY, 3060B'5I3aHHlI 3aCTaBO,L\aBl\1I, ll\0 MOIKe6yTH 3BepHeHe,L\0 BHKOHaHHlIll\0,L\0 3aCTaBO,L\aBl\1IBi,L\rrOBi,L\HoCTi 3 fiOrD yMoBaMH; 2.1.4 OKpiM lIK ll\0,L\0 l\id 3acTaBH, 3aCTaBO,L\aBel\b e e,L\HHHM Ta BHKJlIOqHHM 3aKOHHHMBJlaCHHKOM IIpe,L\MeTa

1.5.1 In order to give full effect and validity to the Pledge as a first-ranking security the Pledgee shall register this Pledge in the State Register of Encumbrances over Movable Property (the "State Register of Encumbrances") in accordance with applicable Ukrainian legislation. The Pledgor expressly agrees to provide the Pledgee with all assistance requested by the Pledgee for purposes of such registration, including, inter alia, bearing all expenses related to such registrations.

ARTICLE 2 REPRESENTA TIONS, WARRANTIES AND OBLIGA TIONS OF THE PLEDGOR 2.1 Representations and Warranties of Pledgor. The Pledgor hereby represents and warrants to the Pledgee as follows and undertakes to ensure that as of the date hereof and during the Security Period the following provisions are true and correct; 2.1.1 The Pledgor is a legal entity organized in the form of an. open joint stock company duly established, registefed and validly existing under the laws of Ukraine;

2.1.2 The Pledgor has full corporate power, authority, right and legal capacity to execute and perform under this Agreement, to execute and issue the documents required to be delivered by it hereunder and to grant the Pledge of the Collateral provided for hereunder. The Pledgor has taken all necessary action (including all corporate action) required to authorize the execution and performance of this Agreement and of the documents required to be delivered by it hereunder, as well as the Pledge of the Collateral;

2.1.3 This Agreement has been executed by duly authorized representatives of the Pledgor and, together with all other documents required to be delivered by it hereunder, constitutes the valid and legally binding obligation of the Pledgor enforceable against the Pledgor in accordance with its terms;

2.1.4 Except for this Pledge, the Pledgor is the sole and exclusive legal owner of the Collateral and owns the

3aCTaBIl Ta BOJIO,r.(ie IIpe,IJ:MeToM 3aCTaBIl, Il\O e BiJIbHHM Bi,IJ:6Y,IJ:b-JJ:KHX 06TJJ:)KeHb, 3aCTaB, OpeH,lJ:H,rrepeBa)KHHX rrpaB, rrpaB KyrriBJIi Ta rrepeBa)KHOrO rrpH,lJ:6aHWI, i IIpe,IJ:MeT 3aCTaBH He e 06'eKTOM 6Y,IJ:b-JJ:KOlOcrropy, cy,IJ:OBOrOrrpoIJ,ecy, rrpaBa Ha 3aniK a60 3ycTpiqHoro rr030By. OKpiM peecTpaIJ,iH IJ,iei" 3aCTaBH ,lJ:JIJJ: Ha,IJ:aHHJJ: qHHHOCTi, CTBopeHHJJ: Ta 36epe)KeHHJJ: 3aCTaBH JJ:K rreplllOqeprOBOro 3a6e3rreqeHHJJ: He BHMaraeTbCJJ:rrO,IJ:aHHJJ: )KO,IJ:HHX iHlllHX ,lJ:oKyMeHTiB, 3,IJ:iHcHeHHJJ: iHlllHX peecTpaIJ,iH a60 O,IJ:ep)KaHHJJ:iHlllHX ,lJ:03BOJIiB Il\O,IJ:O IIpe,IJ:MeTa 3aCTaBH a60 6Y,IJ:b-JJ:KOI Horo qaCTHHH; 2.1.5 IIpe,IJ:MeT 3acTaBH Hane)KHHM qHHOM o6JIiKoByeTbcJJ: Ha 6anaHci 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,51, i 6yB rroBHicTio CrrJIaqeHHH a60 iHlllHM qHHOM 3aKOHHO rrpH,lJ:6aHHH 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,eM; 2.1.6 )J,oKyMeHTH, Il\O 3aCBi,IJ:qYlOTb rrpaBO BJIacHocTi 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,JJ: Ha IIpe,IJ:MeT 3acTaBH, e qHHHHMH, 3060B'JJ:3YlOqHMH Ta ,lJ:iHCHHMH,i BORll 6yJIH ,lJ:iHCHOlO 3aKOHHOlO rri,IJ:CTaBOlO,lJ:JI5IoTpHMaHHJJ: 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,eM IJ,bOrOIIpellMeTy 3acTaBH; 2.1.7 YKJIalleHHJJ: IJ,bOrO )J,oroBopy Ta peecTpaIJ,i51 3acTaBH, cTBopeHol 3a IJ,HM)J,oroBopoM, B )J,ep)KaBHoMy PeecTpi 06T5I)KeHb e ,lJ:ocTaTHiMH ,lJ:JIJJ: cTBopeHHJJ: Ha KOpHCTb 3aCTaBO,IJ:ep)KaTeJIJJ: rreplllOqeprOBOl 3acTaBH Ha IIpe,IJ:MeT3acTaBH; 2.1.8 YKJIa,IJ:eHH5I 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,eM IJ,bOrO )J,OroBOpy Ta BHKOHaHH5I HHM cBolx 060B'513KiB 3a HHM He cyrrepeqHTb rrOJIO)KeHHJJ:MYCTaHOBqHX ,lJ:oKyMeHTiB 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,51, 6y,IJ:b-JJ:KOMy ,lJ:OroBOpy Mi)K 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,eM Ta TpeTbOlO OC0601O, i 6Y,IJ:b-JJ:KOMYqHHHOMy 3aKOHO,IJ:aBcTBy, HopMaTHBHHM aKTaM, HaKa3Y CY,IJ:y a60 iHlllOMy ,lJ:OKyMeHTy 6Y,IJ:b-JJ:KOro BH,lJ:y, 51KHH CTBoplOe 3060B' 513aHH5I ,lJ:JI5I 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,51; 2.1.9 He rrepe6yBae Ha p03rJI5I,lJ:i He iCHye 3arp03H BHHHKHeHH5I )KO,IJ:HOrO Cy,IJ:OBOrorrpOIJ,ecy, p03cJIi,IJ:YBaHH5I a60 cy,IJ:OBOrO rrpOBa,IJ:)KeHHJJ: y 6Y,IJ:b-51KOMY ap6iTpa)KHoMy opraHi a60 6Y,IJ:b-51KOMY opraHi ,lJ:ep)KaBHol BJIa,IJ:H3 60Ky 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,JJ: a60 Il\O,IJ:O Hboro, a60 CTOCOBHOIIpe,IJ:MeTY 3aCTaBH, a60 CTOCOBHOorrepaIJ,iH, rrepe,IJ:6aqeHHX IJ,HM )J,orOBopOM a60 Kpe,IJ:HTHHM )J,orOBopOM, i 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,lO He Bi,IJ:oMOrrpo 6y,IJ:b-JJ:Ki BHMOrH a60 crropu CTOCOBHO 6Y,IJ:b-QOrO 3 BHIl\e3a3HaQeHOrO; 2.1.10 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBeIJ,b He rropyllye i HiKOJIH He orpUMyBaB Bi,IJ: 6Y,IJ:b-JJ:KOIoc06u rroBi,IJ:oMJIeHHJJ:a60 iHlllOl rrpeTeH3il rrpo Te, Il\O BiH rropyllye yMOBH qH e He BHKOHYlOQOlO CTOpOHOlO a60 iHlllHM QHHOM He 1l0TpHMyeTbC5I yMOB 6Y,IJ:b-51KOro3i cBoIX 3060B'513aHb, Il\O CTOCYlOTbCJJ: IIpe,IJ:MeTa 3acTaBH QU BrrJIUBalOTb Ha Hboro a60 MO)KYTbcTocyBaTHc5I IIpe,IJ:MeTa 3acTaBH QH BrrJIHHyTHHa Hboro; 2.1.11 He iCHye )KO,IJ:HHXBi,IJ:oMHX 3aCTaBO,IJ:aBIJ,lO ,lJ:oroBopiB, ,lJ:OMOBJIeHOCTeH, rrOJIO)KeHb, YMOB, rrpaB a60 6Y,IJ:b-51KHX iHlllUX 06CTaBHH, JJ:Ki 6Y,IJ:b-51KHMQHHOM

Collateral free and clear of any and all liens, pledges, leases, preemption rights, rights of purchase and first refusal and the Collateral is not subject to any dispute, litigation, set-off or counterclaim. Other than the registrations of this Pledge, no other filing, registration or other authorization with respect to all or any part of the Collateral is required to give effect to, create and preserve the Pledge as a first ranking security;

2.1.5 The Collateral is properly accounted for on the Pledgor's balance sheet and has been fully paid for or otherwise lawfully acquired by the Pledgor; 2.1.6 The documents evidencing the Pledgor's ownership right to the Collateral are valid, binding and effective and have been a valid legal ground for the Pledgor to acquire such Collateral; 2.1.7 The execution of this Agreement and registration of the Pledge created hereby with the State Register of Encumbrances is sufficient to establish in favor of the Pledgee a first-ranking Pledge over the Collateral; 2.1.8 The conclusion by the Pledgor of this Agreement and its performance hereunder does not contravene the provisions of the Pledgor's constituent documents, any agreement between the Pledgor and a third party, any applicable legislation, by-laws, court order or other document of any nature whatsoever binding on the Pledgor; 2.1.9 No litigation, investigation or proceeding of or before any arbitrator or governmental authority is pending or threatened by or against the Pledgor, or involving any of the Collateral, or relating to the transactions contemplated hereby or by the Facility Agreement, nor is the Pledgor aware of any claim or dispute in respect of any of the foregoing;

2.1.10 The Pledgor is not, nor has it received any notice or other claim from any party that it is, in breach of or default under, or otherwise not in compliance with the terms and conditions of any of its obligations which relate to or affect or may relate to or affect the Collateral;

2.1.11 There are no agreements, arrangements, provisions, conditions, rights or any other circumstances known to the Pledgor that may in any way adversely

MO)!{yn, HeraTliBHO BrrmIHyuI Ha IIpeJlMeT 3aCTaBH a60 rrpaBa 3aCTaBOJlaB[(51rro BiJlHOIIIeHHlOJlO Hboro a60 Ha 3acTaBy, cTBopeHy [(HM )J,oroBopoM Ha KOpHCTb 3aCTaB0JIep)!{aTeJI51; 3aCTaBOJlaBe[(b He OrOJIOIIIyBaBce6e 6aHKpyToM i He cTaB HerrJIaTOCrrpOMO)!{HHM, i BiH He rrpHMMaB )!{OJlHOrO piIIIeHH5Ii He 3J1iMCHlOBaB )!{OJlHHX JliMJlJI5I Moro JIiKBiJla[(ii", caHa[(ii" (<jJiHaHcoBoro 03J10pOBJIeHH5I), rrpH3HaqeHH5I!L(OJlO Hboro 30BHiIIIHboro yrrpaBJIiHH5Ia60 3J1iMCHeHH5I Mora peopraHi3a[(ii".
2.1.12 2.2 IIoBTopeHH5I 3arreBHeHb Ta rapaHTiM 3aCTaBO.llaB[(51. KO)!{He 3 3arreBHeHb Ta rapaHTiM 3aCTaBO.llaB[(51, BH3HaqeHUX y [(bOMy )J,oroBopi, BBa)I{aeTbC5I rrocTiMHO rroBToplOBaHUM yrrpO.llOB)!{BCboro IIepioJlY 3a6e3rreqeHH5I. 3aCTaBO.llaBe[(b 3arreBH5Ie Ta rapaHTye, !L(OHa JlaTy rriJlrrUCaHH5I [(bOrO )J,oroBopy Ta Ha .llaTy 6Y.llb-JlKOro rroBTOpeHHJI, 51K rrepe.ll6aqeHO B rrOrrepe.llHboMYpeQeHHi, 3arreBHeHH5ITa rapaHTii", Ha.llaHi B I1yHKTi 2.1, e BipHHMU, rrOBHUMUTa TOQHUMU,i !L(O MOMy He Bi.llOMi 6Y.llb-51Ki iHIIIi <jJaKTUa60 rrUTaHHJI, HeHa.llaHHJI iH<jJopMa[(ii" rrpo 51Ki P06UTb a60 MO)!{e 3p06UTH 6Y.llb-51Kei3 3arreBHeHb i 6YJlb-51KY i3 rapaHTiM, Ha.llaHUXy IIyHKTi 2.1., TaKUMU,!L(OBB0.ll5lTb B oMaHy.

affect the Collateral or rights of the Pledgor with respect thereto or the Pledge created hereby in favor of the Pledgee; 2.1.12 The Pledgor has neither filed for bankruptcy nor become insolvent, nor taken a decision or other action to cause itself to be liquidated, financially rehabilitated, put under external management or reorganized.

Repetition of Pledgor Representation and Warranties. Each of the representations and warranties of the Pledgor set forth in this Agreement shall be deemed to be continually repeated throughout the Security Period. The Pledgor represents and warrants that, as of the date. hereof and the date of any repetition as provided in the preceding sentence, the representations and warranties in Section 2.1 are true, complete and correct, and it has no knowledge of any additional facts or matters the omission of which makes or would make any of the representations and warranties in Section 2.1 misleading.

3aCTaBOJlaBe[(b BU3Hae Ta rrOraJl)!{yeTbC5I, !L(O 3arreBHeHHJI Ta/a60 rapaHTii", Ha.llaHi HUM 3a [(HM )J,oraBopoM, 6yJIU Ta 3aJIUllialOTbC5I rri.llCTaBOlO JlJIJI YKna.lleHHJI3aCTaBO.llep)!{aTeneM [(bOrO )J,oroBopy 3 TUM, !L(06, JlK!L(O 6Y.llb-JlKe3 TaKUX3arreBHeHb Ta/a60 rapaHTiM e, CTaHe a60 BUJlBUTbC5IHerrpaBUJIbHUM, HeBipHUM, TaKUM, !L(O BBO.llUTb B OMaRY, a60 HerrOBHl1M, [(e CTaHOBUTHMe iCToTHe rropyIIIeHH5I Moro 3060B'513aHb rrepe.ll 3aCTaBO.llep)!{aTeJIeM 3a [(UM)J,oraBopoM.

2.3 The Pledgor acknowledges and agrees that the representations and/or warranties given by it under this Agreement have been a basis for the Pledgee's entry into this Agreement such that if any of such representations and/or warranties is, becomes or proves to be incorrect, untrue, misleading or incomplete, this will constitute a material breach of its obligations to the Pledgee under this Agreement.

2.4 YTpl1MaHHJI Ta 36epe)!{eHHJI IIpe.llMeTy 3acTaBu. YrrpOJlOB)!{ BCboro TepMiHy .llii" [(bOrO )J,orOBopy 3aCTaBO.llaBe[(b 3060B'513aHIIM, 3a BJIaCHIIM KOlliT i 3 BnacHoi"iHi[(iaTuBu: (a) 3aXl1CT. 3aXl1!L(aTl1 3aCTaBy 51K rrepIIIOQeproBy 3acTaBy BiJl Bcix BUMor, rrpeTeH3iM, apelliTiB a60 6YJlb51Kl1X lOPU.llUQHUXQU aJlMiHicTpaTuBHux rrpO[(eCiB, !L(O Bl1cyHyTi, p03rrOQaTi a60 3arpO)!{YlOTb 3 60Ky 6YJlb-51KOi" TpeTboi" oc06u, Ta 3a6e3rreQYBaTU QUHHicTb: (i) IIpe.llMeTy 3aCTaBU Ta Bcix CBOi"X rrpaB Ha Hbora; Ta (ii) 3acTaBu, cTBopeHoi"3a [(UM)J,oroBopoM. (b) IwpopMauiJl. HeBi.llKfla.llHo Ha.llaBaTl1 3aCTaBOJlep)!{aTeJIlOBClOiH<jJopMa[(ilOTa Bci JlOKyMeHTl1, JlKUX BHMaraTUMe 3aCTaBO.llep)!{aTeJIb !L(O.110 IIpe.llMeTy 3acTaBu, i Jl03BOn5lTU 3aCTaBO.llep)!{aTeJIlO3.lliMCHlOBaTu rrepeBipKu Ha Mic[(i IIpeJlMeTy 3aCTaBU a60 6Y.llb-51KOi" Mora QaCTUHU,a TaKO)!{rrepeBip5lTU BClO JloKyMeHTauilO Ta 3BiTHicTb 3aCTaBO.llaB[(51 Ta p06UTU Korrii"3 HUX. (c) BUTpaTU. HeCTU Ta CllJIaQYBaTU Bci Bl1TpaTU, He06xi.llHi y 3B'Jl3KY3 BUKOHaHH5IM Moro 3060B'513aHb 3a

Maintenance and Preservation of Collateral. During the entire term of this Agreement, the Pledgor, at his own cost and its own initiative:

(a) Defense. Shall defend as a first-ranking Pledge against all claims, demands, attachments or any legal or administrative proceedings made, commenced or threatened by any third party and assure validity of (i) the Collateral and any and all of its rights thereto, and (ii) the Pledge created hereunder. (b) Information. Shall promptly provide to the Pledgee any and all information and documentation requested by the Pledgee concerning the Collateral and to allow the Pledgee to inspect on site any and all of the Collateral and all books and records of the Pledgor and to make copies of such books and records. (C) Expenses. Shall bear and pay any and all expenses necessary for the performance of its obligations

I.\HM )J;OrOBOpOM. 3aCTaBO,LlaBeI.\b 3060B'R3aHHH HeBiAlffia,LlHo KOMrreHcyBaTH 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTemO y HaHKopOTUlHH rrpaKTHqHO MO)!(J[HBHH CTpOK Bci 3a60proBaHocTi, 36HTKH, BH,LlaTKH Ta iHIui BHTpaTH, l.lI,O MO)!(YTb6yTH rroHeceHi 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIeMy 3B'R3KY i3 3,LliHcHeHHRM CBOIXrrpaB 3a I.\HM)J;oroBopOM a60 iHIIIHM qHHOMY 3B'R3KY3 I.\HM)J;oroBopoM. (d) 3060B'R3aHHR He 3lliHCHlOBaTH rreBHi llil. YTpHMyBaTHcb Bill, i He 1l03BOJIRTHBqHHeHHR 6Y,Llb-RKOlO TpeTbOlO OC0601O 6Y,Llb-RKHX ,LliH,RKi MO)!(YTbrrpH3BeCTH ,Ll0rroripIIIeHHR TexHiqHoro a60 eKcrrJIyaTaI.\iHHoro cTaHy IIpe,LlMeTa 3aCTaBH (qH 6Y,Llb-RKOIHoro qaCTliHH), a60 HOro rrOIIIKO,Ll)!(eHHR,pyHHyBaHHR, 3HHl.lI,eHHR a60 BTpaTH. (e) YTpHMaHHR. CBOeqaCHO i HaJIe)!(HHM qHHOM 3lliHCHlOBaTH Bci ,Llil (y T.q. KarriTaJIbHHH i rrOTOqHHH peMOHT Ta Bci rrpo<jJiJIaKTHqHi, Bi,LlHOBJIlOBaJIbHi i MO,LlepHi3aI.\iHHip060TH) ,LlJIR3a6e3rreqeHHR rrocTiHHoro HaJIe)!(Horo TeXHiqHOrO i eKcrrJIyaTaI.\iHHoro cTaHy IIpe,LlMeTa 3aCTaBH (i KO)!(HOI Horo qaCTHHH), l.lI,OMae 6yTH He ripUIHM 3a CTaH, RKHHiCHyBaB Ha ,LlaTyHa6paHHR qHHHOCTi (oKpiM 3BHqaHHOrO 3HOCy B rrp0I.\eci BHKopHCTaHHR). (f) IIOlliKOll)!(eHHR a60 BTpaTa IIpe,LlMeTa 3aCTaBH. HeraHHO crroBil.ll,aTH 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIR rrpo rrOIIIKO,Ll)!(eHHR a60 pyHHyBaHHR IIpe,LlMeTa 3aCTaBH (a60 HOro qaCTHHH) Ta BrrpO,LlOB)!( rrepio,Lly qacy, rrpHHHRTHoro ,LlJUI 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIR, Bi,LlHOBHTH a60 3aMiHHTH IIpe,LlMeT 3aCTaBH a60 6Y,Llb-RKYHoro qaCTHHy iHIIIHM Mao.HOM piBHol BapTocTi. 5IKl.lI,O TaKa 3aMiHa a60 Bi,LlHOBJIeHHR IIpe,LlMeTy 3aCTaBH a60 Horo qaCTHHH e HeMO)!(J[HBHMH, TO 3aCTaBO,LlaBeI.\brrOBHHeHHa,LlaTHiHIIIe 3a6e3rreqeHHR, l.lI,O3a,LlOBOJIbWle 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJUI. (g) CTPaXYBaHHR. 3a CBm BJIaCHHH paxyHoK 3acTpaxyBaTH IIpe,LlMeT 3aCTaBH y CTpaXOBio. KOMrraHil 3 Bi,LlMiHHOlO perryTaI.\ielO, RKa e rrpHHHRTHOlO ,LlJIR 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIR, Bi,Ll PH3HKY BTpaTH a60 rrOUlKO,Ll)!(eHHRHa CyMy rroBHo"i 3aMiHH IIpe,LlMeTY 3aCTaBH 3a pHHKOBOI BapTicTlO, i yTpHMyBaTHMe TaKHH CTpaXOBHH rroJIic rrOBHicTlO qHHHHM Ta ,LliHCHHM BrrpO,LlOB)!(IIepio,Lly 3a6e3rreqeHHR. 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIb rrOBHHeH 6yTH 3a3HaqeHHH 6eHe<jJiI.\iapoM 3a BciMa CTpaXOBHMH rroJIicaMH. 3aCTaBO,LlaBeI.\b 3060B'R3aHHH HeraHHO rricJIR OTpHMaHHR CTpaXOBHX rroJIiciB Ha,LlaTH 3aCTaBO,LlaBI.\1O opHriHaJIH Bcix TaKHX CTpaXOBHXrroJIiciB Ta iHUlHX,LlOKyMeHTiB, l.lI,Orri,LlTBep,Ll)!(YIOTb cTpaxyBaHHR IIpe,LlMeTy 3acTaBH. BiJIbHHH ,LlOCTYrr. 3aCTaBO,LlaBeI.\b 3a6e3rreqHTb, l.lI,06 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIb B 6Y,Llb-RKHH qac BrrpO,LlOB)!( 3BHqaHHOrO po60qoro qacy Ta B 6Y,Llb-RKHHiHUlHH qac, Ha rri,LlcTaBiHa,LlaHoro B p03yMHi CTpOKHrroBi,LloMJIeHHR, MaB rrOBHHHTa BiJIbHHH,LlOcTyrr,Ll0IIpe,LlMeTy 3acTaBH, a TaKO)!( ,Ll0 6yxraJITepCbKHx KHHr, KopecrroH,LleHI.\i"i Ta 3BiTHocTi 3aCTaBO,LlaBI.\R CTOCOBHO IIpe,LlMeTY 3acTaBH, a 3aCTaBO,Llep)!(aTeJIb Ta Horo rrpe.I:\CTaBHHKH MO)!(YTb

hereunder. The Pledgor shall promptly reimburse the Pledgee, as soon as practicable for all liabilities, damages, costs and other expenses that the Pledgee may incur in connection with the enforcement of its rights hereunder or otherwise in connection with this Agreement.

(d) Negative Undertakings. Shall refrain from, shall prevent any third party from committing, any which may result in the deterioration of the technical operational state of the Collateral (or any part thereof), in the latter being damaged, ruined, destroyed or lost.

and act and or

(e) Maintenance. Shall timely and duly perform all acts (including all capital and current refurbishment, renovation, repair, maintenance, restoration and modernization works) in order to ensure at all times the good technical and operational state of the Collateral (and any part thereof), which shall not be worse than that which exists on the effective date (except for normal wear and tear in the process of operation). (f) Damage to Collateral. Shall immediately notify Pledgee if the Collateral (or any part thereof) has been damaged or destroyed and within a period of time acceptable to Pledgee, restore or replace the Collateral or any part thereof with other property of equal value. If such replacement or restoration of the Collateral or a part thereof is impossible, then the Pledgor shall provide other security, satisfactory to Pledgee.

(g) Insurance. Shall, at its own expense, insure the Collateral with a reputable insurance company acceptable to the Pledgee against risk of loss and damage to the full replacement value of the Collateral at the market value, and shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect throughout the Security Period. The Pledgee shall be specified as a beneficiary under all insurance policies. The Pledgor shall, immediately after obtaining the insurance policies, deliver to the Pledgee originals of all such insurance policies and other documents evidencing the insurance of the Collateral.

Free Access. The Pledgor shall ensure that the Pledgee at all times shall have full and free access during normal business hours, and at other times on reasonable notice, to the Collateral, as well as to books, correspondence and records of the Pledgor related to the Collateral, and the Pledgee and its representatives may examine the same, take pictures thereof, take extracts therefrom and make photocopies thereof. The Pledgor

rrepeBip5lTH BHme3a:maqeHe, 3HiMaTH qJOTorpacjliY, P06HTH BHrrHcKH Ta cjloToKorriY 3 BHme3a3HaqeHoro. 3acTaBoAaBe~b rroroA~yeTbc51 HaAaBaTH 3acTaBoAep~aTeJlJO, 3a paxyHoK 3acTaBoAaB~5I, TaKy opraHi3a~illHo-KaH~eJI5IpcbKY Ta iHlny AorroMory, mO Mo~e 06rpyHToBaHo BHMaraTHCb y 3B'5I3KY 13 BHme3a3HaqeHHM. UiJIboBe rrpH3HaqeHH5I. 3acTaBoAaBe~b rrOBHHeH BHKOpHcToByBaTHIlpeAMeT 3acTaBH y BiArroBiAHocTi 3 Horo ~iJIboBHM rrpH3HaqeHH5IM AJI5I cBOe'i Ai5lJIbHocTi. EYAb-5IKirroJIirrrneHH5I, AorroBHeHH5I Ta MOAHcjliKa~iY AO IlpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH rroBHHHi BiArroBiAaTH ~iJIboBoMY rrpH3HaqeHHIO i He rroBHHHi HeraTHBHO BrrJIHBaTH Ha 6e3rreKy BHKopHCTaHH5I a60 eKcnJIyaTa~iY IlpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH (a60 6YAb-5IKOYlloro QaCTHHH) QH Ha lloro BapTicTb.

agrees to render to the Pledgee at the Pledgor's cost and expense such clerical and other assistance as may be reasonably requested with regard thereto.

Designated Purpose. The Pledgor shall use the Collateral, in accordance with its designated use for operation of its business. Any improvements, additions or modifications to the Collateral, shall be in accordance with the respective designated use and shall not negatively affect the safety of use or operation of any of the Collateral or the value thereof.

2.7 IloBinoMJIeHH5I. 3acTaBoAaBe~b 3060B' 5I3aHHll HeBiAKJIaAHO crroBil.I(aTH 3acTaBoAep~aTeJIIO, i3 p03yMHO He06xiAHOlO AeTaJIi3a~ielO: (i) rrpo 6YAb-5IKY BTpaTy, 3MiHy a60 6YAb-5IKenopyrneHH5I QH cnp06y a60 3arp03y rropyrneHH5I CTOCOBHO IlpeAMeTy 3acTaBH; (ii) npo 6YAb5IKiHeAoroBipHi a60 iHrni, mO BHHHKalOTbB CHJIy3aKoHy, 06Me~eHH5I, 06T5I~eHH5I QH 3arriKH, mO HaKJIaAaIOTbC5I a60 MO~YTb 6yTH HaKJIaAeHi Ha IlpeAMeT 3aCTaBH; (iii) rrpo 6YAb-5IKi cnopH, npeTeH3iY, n030BH, BHMOrH a60 cYAoBi rrpo~ecH a60 nOTeHl.(iliHo MO~JIHBi npoBaA~eHH5I mOAO 6YAb-5IKHX QaCTHH IlpeAMeTy 3acTaBH TaJa60 6aHKpyTcTBa, HenJIaTocnpoMo~HocTi QH JIiKBiAa~iY 3aCTaBOAaB~5I;(iv) 6YAb-5IKinpon03H~ii', mO CTOCYIOTbC5I np11A6aHH5I6YAb-5IKOlOoc0601O 6YAb-5IKOY 'IaCTHHH a60 BCboro IlpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH; (v) npo HaCTaHH5I6YAb-5IKOY iHrnoYnOAiY,mO BnJIHBae Ha 6YAb-5IKYQaCTHHya60 BeCb IlpeAMeT 3acTaBH a60 5IKa 3a BH3HaQeHH5IM Mo~e HeraTHBHOBrrJIHHyTHHa IlpeAMeT 3acTaBH, QHHHicTba60 MO~JIHBicTb rrpHMycoBoro BHKOHaHH5I 3acTaBH, cTBopeHoY ~HM JJ:oroBopoM, a60 Ha npaBa QH 3ac06H rrpaBoBoro 3axHcTy 3acTaBoAep~aTeJI5I 3a ~HM JJ:oroBopoM, y TOMy QHCJIi,6e3 06Me~eHH5I, rrpo 6YAb-5IKi 3MiHH cjlaKTiBa60 06cTaBHH, mOAO 5IKHX3acTaBoAaB~eM HaAaHi 3arreBHeHH5I B ~bOMY JJ:oroBopi. HeraliHo rricJI5I HaAaHH5I TaKoro nOBiAOMJIeHH5I 3aCTaBoAaBe~b 3060B'5I3aHHll, BHKJIlO'IHO 3a BJIacHHll paxyHoK Ta KOrnTI1, 3AillcHHTH TaKi AiY, 3AillcHeHH5! 5IKHX, BHKJIlOQHOHa BJIaCHHll P03CYA, Mo~e BHMaraTH y ~bOMY 3B'5I3Ky 3acTaBoAep~aTeJIb, 30KpeMa, HaAaTI1 6YAb-5IKe AOAaTKOBe TaJa60 iHrne 3a6e3rreQeHH5I, mO 3aAOBOJIbH5ITI1Me 3acTaBoAep~aTeJI5I. KoprropaTHBHa Ai5l. 3aCTaBOAaBe~b 3060B'5I3aHHll iHcjlopMyBaTH 3acTaBoAep~aTeJI5I rrpo Bci cBoi' iCToTHi KoprropaTHBHi AiY,y TOMy QI1CJIi,6e3 06Me~eHH5I, rrpo Bci 360pH BHmoro opraHy yrrpaBJIiHH5I 3aCTaBoAaB~5I, mO rrpOBOA5ITbC5I a60 5IKi rrJIaHyeTbc5I rrpoBeCTH, 3 ycix rrl1TaHb, mO 6yJIH BHpirneHi a60 rroBI1HHi6yTH BHpirneHi Ha TaKI1X360pax.

2.7 Notification. The Pledgor shall promptly notify the Pledgee and in reasonable detail of (i) any loss, change or infringement or any purport or danger of infringement of the Collateral, (ii) any non-consensual or other statutory charge, encumbraces or set-off imposed or likely to be imposed on the Collateral, (iii) any disputes, claims, actions, demands or proceedings or any threatened proceedings relating to any of the Collateral and/or the Pledgor's bankruptcy, insolvency or liquidation, (iv) any proposals concerning acquisition by any person of all or any part of the Collateral, or (v) the occurrence of any other event affecting any of the Collateral or that could be expected to have an adverse effect on the Collateral, the validity or enforceability of the Pledge created hereby or on the rights or remedies of the Pledgee hereunder, including, without limitation, any change in any facts or circumstances represented by the Pledgor in this Agreement. Immediately after such notification, the Pledgor shall, at its sole cost and expense, take such action as the Pledgee may request in connection therewith in its sole discretion, including, without limitation, providing any additional and/or replacement security satisfactory to the Pledgee.

Corporate Action. The Pledgor is obligated to keep the Pledgee informed of all its material corporate actions, including, without limitation, of all meetings of the highest management body of the Pledgor held or intended to be held with all matters decided or to be decided at such meeting.

IHrni Ail, mOBI1MaralOTb OTpHMaHH5I 3rOAI1 3acTaBoAep~aTeJI5I. UHM 3acTaBoAaBe~b 3060B' 5I3YeTbC5I

2.9 Other Actions Requiring Consent of Pledgee. The Pledgor hereby covenants and agrees that, for the duration

Ta rrOrO):()KyTbC5I, W:OBrrpO):(OBlK ITepio):(y 3a6e3rre'leHH5I Ta 6e3 oTpHMaHH5I rrorrepe):(Hbol rrHCbMoBOI 3ro):(H 3aCTaBo):(eplKaTeJI5I,3acTaBo):(aBeI.\b: (a) He CTBopJ{)BaTHMe, He Ha6yBaTHMe Ta He ,1:\03BOJI5ITHMe iCHyBaHH5I,aHi rrp5IMO,Hi orrocepe):(KoBaHo, 6Y,1:\b-5IKOra 06T5IlKeHH5I(a60 6Y,1:\b-5IKHX iHIIIHX rrpaB '1H yMOBHHX3060B' 5I3aHb), 3aJIiKy W:o):(oITpe,1:\Mery 3aCTaBH '1H 6Y):(b-5IKOI Hora '1aCTHHH, i CBOe'laCHO3,1:\iHcHJ{)BaTHMe yci ):(il, 5IKi MOlKYTb 6yTH He06xi):(HHMH a60 5IKi BHMaraJ{)TbC5I 3aCTaBo):(eplKaTeJIeM ):(JI5I 3axHcTy ITpe):(MeTy 3aCTaBH a60 ):(JI5I3BiJIbHeHH5IBi):( 6Y):(b-5IKOra TaKoro 06TlIlKeHH5I'1H 3aJIiKy a60 ):(JI5I IX yCyHeHH5I; (b) He rrpO,1:\aBaTHMe, He Bi):(CTyrraTHMe,He rrepe):(aBaTHMe Ta iHIIIl1M'1l1HOMHe Bi):('1ylKyBaTl1MeTa He rrpl1rrl1H5ITl1Me lKO):(Hl1X CBOIXrrpaB Ha ITpe):(MeT 3aCTaBH '1H 6y):(b-5IKy Horo '1aCTlIHY; (c) He 3):(IHCHJ{)BaTHMe a60 He ,1:\03BOJI5ITl1Me 3,1:\iHcHeHH5I 6Y,1:\b-5IKl1X ):(iH (KoprrOpaTHBHl1X a60 iHIIIl1X), 5IKi MOlKYTbrrpl13BeCTH ):(0 (i) 6Y):(b-5IKOIpeopraHi3aI.\il 3aCTaBO,1:\aBI.\5I, BKJIJ{)'1aJ{)'1H 3MiHy Horo KoprrOpaTl1BHOI <jJOpMH, 06'e):(HaHH5I, Bi):(oKpeMJIeHH5I a60 rrepe,1:\a'lY 3Ha'iHOI '1aCTl1Hl1 aKTl1BiB 3aCTaBO,1:\aBI.\5I,a60 (ii) HeraTl1BHl1X 3MiH rrpaB Ta '1aCTKl1 3acTaBo):(aBI.\5I Ta 3aCTaBo):(eplKaTeJI5IW:O):(O ITpe):(MeTy 3aCTaBl1 '111BapTocTi ITpe):(MeTy 3aCTaBl1; (d) He 3aMiHJ{)BaTl1Me, He peMoHTyBaTl1Me, He rrpOBO,1:\HTl1MeMo):(epHi3aI.\iJ{) Ta He rrOJIirrIIIyBaTHMe ITpe):(MeT 3aCTaBl1 a60 6Y):(b-5IKYliora '1aCTl1HY, 5IKW:O TaKHli peMoHT, Mo):(epHi3aI.\i5I, rrOJIirrIIIeHH5I a60 3aMiHa MOlKYTb HeraTl1BHO BrrJIl1HyTH Ha BapTicTb ITpe):(Mery 3aCTaBl1; a60 (e) He p03rrO'll1HaTl1Me, He 3a6e3rre'lYBaTl1Me Ta He ,1:\03BOJI5ITl1Me JIiKBi,1:\aI.\iJ{), rrpoBa):(lKeHH5IW:0IJ;DB113HaHH5I HerrJIaTOCrrpOMolKHOCTi a60 6Y):(b-5IKY peopraHi3aI.\iJ{) 3aCTaBO,1:\aBI.\5I. 2.10 LIO,1:\aTKOBi3arreBHeHH5I. [(11M 3aCTaBo):(aBeI.\b rrOra,1:\lKyeTbC5I Ta 3060B' 5I3yeTbC5I crriBrrpaI.\J{)BaTl1 B rroBHili Mipi i3 3 aCTaBo):(eplKaTeJIeM, w:06 ):(aTl1 3aCTaBo):(eplKaTeJIJ{) 3Mory 3):(IHCHl1Tl1 CBoi' rrpaBa i CKOpl1CTaTl1C5I 3ac06aMl1 rrpaBoro 3aXl1CTY, rrepe):(6a'leHl1Ml1 I.\l1M ,l(oraBopoM TaJa60 3aKOHO,1:\aBCTBOM YKpalHl1. CTATTH3 lIP ABA I 3ACOIiII lIPABOBOrO 3AXIICTY

of the Security Period and without the prior consent of the Pledgee, the Pledgor shall not:


(a) directly or indirectly grant, create, incur or permit to exist any encumbrance (or any other rights or contingent liabilities), set-off, with respect to the Collateral or any part thereof, and will promptly take such action as may be necessary or requested by the Pledgee defend the Collateral or to discharge or dispose of any such encumbrance or set-off;

(b) sell, assign, transfer or otherwise alienate or terminate any or all of its rights to the Collateral or any part thereof; (c) take or permit the taking of any action (corporate or otherwise) that could result in any (i) reorganization of the Pledgor, including a change of its corporate form, merger, spin off, or transfer of a substantial part of the Pledgor's assets, or (ii) adverse affect on the rights and interests of the Pledgor and the Pledgee in and to the Collateral or the value thereof;

(d) replace, repair, modernize and improve the Collateral or any part thereof, if such repair, modernization, improvement or replacement may adversely affect the value of the Collateral; or

(e) initiate, cause or permit any liquidation or insolvency proceedings or any reorganization of the Pledgor.

2.10 Further Assurances. The Pledgor hereby agrees and is obligated to cooperate fully with the Pledgee in order to enable the Pledgee to exercise its rights and remedies under this Agreement and/or under Ukrainian legislation.


3.1 ITpaBa. Ha ):(O,1:\aTOK ):(0 iHIIIl1X lioro rrpaB 3a I.\HM ,l(oroBopoM, BciMa Kpe,1:\l1THl1Ml1,l(oroBOpaMl1 Ta/a60 6Y,1:\b-5IKHM 3 Hl1X a60 3a 3aKoHo):(aBcTBoM YKpalHl1, 3aCTaBo):(eplKaTeJIb Mae ):(o,1:\aTKoBi rrpaBa, W:O Bl13Ha'ieHi y I.\bOMY ITyHKTi 3.1.
3.1 Rights. In addition to its other rights under this Agreement, all and/or any of the Facility Agreements or under Ukrainian legislation, the Pledgee shall have such additional rights as are set forth in this Section 3.1.

p03KplmaTH TpeTiM oco6aM iH<popMallilO, IIIO cTOcyeTbC5I IIpe):(MeTy 3aCTaBH Ta 3aCTaBO):(aBll5I, 0TPHMaHy 3a BciMa Kpe):(HTHHMl1 )..!,oroBopaMl1 Ta/a6o 6Y):(b-5IKl1M 3 Hl1X a60 3a lll1M )..!,OrOBOpOM,B 06C5I3i, IIIO Heo6xi):(Hl1M ):(JI5I pearri3allii" HHM CBOi"X rrpaB 3a llHM )..!,OrOBOpOM, OKpiM BHrra):(KiB, KOJIH lle rrp5IMO 3a6opoHeHo 6y):(b 5IKHM 4HHHHM3aKOHo):(aBCTBOM. 3.1.2 IIoBi):(oMJIeHH5I rrRo Bl1rra):(oK HeBHKOHaHH5I 3060B'5I3aHb. HaCTaHH5I Bl1rra):(Ky HeBHKOHaHH5I 3060B'5I3aHb rrocBiWlycrbC5I rrHCbMOBHM rroBi):(oMJIeHH5IM, 5IKe Ha):(aeTbC5I3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJIeM II03WlarrbHl1KY Ta 3acTaBo):(aBlllO (Ha):(arri - "IIoBi):(oMJIeHHSI npo BHna):(oK HeBHKoHaHHSI 306oB'SI3aHh"). IIoBi):(oMJIeHH5I rrpo BHrra):(oK HeBl1KOHaHHJI306oB'5I3aHb rrOBl1HHOMiCTl1Tl1 TaKe (5IKIIIO iHme He Bl1MaraeTbC5I 3aKOHo):(aBCTBOM YKpai"HH): (1) 3a5IBY 3aCTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJI5I rrpo Bl1rra):(OK HeBHKOHaHHJI306oB'5I3aHb Ta Moro orrl1C, (2) 3ararrbHY CyMy rrJIaTi)J(HHx3060B'5I3aHb, IIIO MalOTb 6YTl1Bl1KoHaHi 3acTaBo):(aBlleM 3a II0311qarrbHl1KoM (3) orrHC IIpe):(MeTa 3acTaBH, (4) BH3Ha'leHH5I rr03acy):(oBoro crroc06y 3BepHeHH5I CT5IrHeHH5I,B116paHOro 3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJIeM ):(JI5I 3a):(OBOJIeHH5I 3a6e3rreqeHHX 3060B'5I3aHb, (5) Bl1Mory 3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJI5I ):(0 3acTaBo):(aBllJI I1pO yCyHeHH5IBHl1a):(KYHeBHKOHaHH5I3060B'5I3aHb a60 I1pO l1epe):(aqy 3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTenlO IIpe):(MeTa 3aCTaBl1 yrrpo):(oB)J( 30-):(eHHoro TepMiHy 3 ):(aTH peecTpallii" iHrjJOpMallii"rrpo 3a):(oBoneHH5I 3a6e3rreqeHl1X Bl1MOr 3a paxyHoK BapTocTi IIpe):(MeTa 3aCTaBl1 B )..!,ep)J(aBHoMy PeecTpi 06TJI)J(eHb, 5IKIIIO 3aCTaBo):(ep)J(aTenb JIK II03HqarrhHHK He BHl1paBHB TaKe HeBl1KOHaHHJI 3060B'5I3aHb. 3.1.3 IlRaBo BHMaraTl1 Bl1KOHaHH5I 3a6e3rreqeHHX 3060B' JI3aHh. 3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJIb Ha6yBae I1paBa Bl1MaraTl1 Bl1KOHaHH5I 3a6e3l1eqeHl1X 3060B'5I3aHb, He3arre)J(HOBi):(Toro, 'Ill HaCTaB CTpOKIX Bl1KOHaHH5I, 3 6Y):(h-5IKl1X I1Pl1ql1H,):(03BOneHl1X Kpe):(l1THl1M )..!,oroBopoM, y TOMyql1cni, 6e3 06Me)J(eHH5I,rrpl1 HacTaHHi 6Y):(b-5IKOi" 3 TaKl1X06CTaBHH: (a) iHma, Hi)J( 3aCTaBo):(ep)J(aTenb, oc06a I1paBa CT5IrHeHH5I Ha IIpe):(MeT 3aCTaBl1; a60 Ha6yJIa

parties information concerning the Colleteral and the Pledgor obtained under all and/or any of the Facility Agreements or this Agreement, to the extent reasonably necessary for purposes of realization of its rights hereunder, except where expressly prohibited by any applicable law. 3.1.2 Default Notice. The occurrence of an Event of Default shall be evidenced by a written notice issued by the Pledgee to the Borrower and the Pledgor (the "Default Notice"). The Default Notice shall include the following (unless otherwise required by Ukrainian legislation): (1) the Pledgee's declaration of the occurrence of an Event of Default and description thereof, (2) the total amount of the payment obligations to be satisfied by the Pledgee as the Borrower, (3) description of the Collateral, (4) determination of the out of court procedure to satisfy the Secured Obligations chosen by the Pledgee, and (5) the Pledgee's demand to the Borrower to remedy an Event of Default and the demand to the Pledgor to transfer the Collateral into the possession of the Pledgee within a 30 days period from the date of registration of information on satisfaction of the Secured Obligations from the value of Collateral in the State Register of Encumbrances, if the Pledgee as the Borrower failed to remedy a default.

3.1.3 Right to Demand Performance of Secured Obligations. The Pledgee has the right to demand the fulfillment and performance of the Secured Obligations, regardless of whether such fulfillment or performance has become due, for any reason permitted under the Facility Agreement, including, without limitation, if any of the following occurs: (a) any person other than the Pledgee has acquired a right to foreclose on the Collateral; or (b) an insolvency, bankruptcy or similar proceeding has been initiated against the Pledgor, or the Pledgor has been declared bankrupt; or (C) a decision has been taken regarding the liquidation of the Pledgor, and for the avoidance of doubt any or all of the foregoing shall constitute an Event of Default. 3.1.4 Rights and Remedies Cumulative. All rights and remedies of the Pledgee under this Agreement are cumulative and exercisable singly or concurrently at the Pledgee's discretion. Non-exercise of or a failure to

(b) rrpOTH 3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJI5I rropymeHo rrpOBa):()J(eHH5II1pO BH3HaHH5I HerrnaTocrrpoMo)J(HocTi, 6aHKpyTcTBa a60 cxo)J(e I1pOBa):()J(eHH5I, a60 3acTaBo):(aBllJIoronomeHO 6aHKpyToM; a60 (C) rrpl1MH5ITO 3acTaBo):(aBll5I, i ):(JI5I YHl1KHeHH5I cyMHiBiB 6Y):(b-5IKa3 Bl1IIIe3a3HaqeHHX 110):(ii1a60 Bci BOHl1Pa30M e Bl1rra):(KoM HeBl1KOHaHH5I 3060B'5I3aHb. 3.1.4 CyKyrrHi rrpaBa Ta 3ac0611 rrpaBoBoro 3aXl1CTY. Bci I1paBa Ta 3ac06H rrpaBoBoro 3axHcTy 3acTaBo):(ep)J(aTeJI5I 3a lll1M )..!,oroBopoM e CYKyrrHl1Ml1 i MO)J(YTb 6YTl1 3):(ii1cHeHi oKpeMo a60 O):(HOqaCHO Ha p03Cy):(

3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJI. HeBHKOpHCTaHH5Ia60 He3,n:iHcHeHH5I 3aCTaBO,n:ep)l(aTeJIeM 6y,n:b-5IKOro rrpaBa a60 3ac06y rrpaBOBOrO3axHcTy He C Bi,n:MoBoIOBi,n:TaKoro rrpaBa a60 3ac06y rrpaBoBoro 3axHcry. 3.2 3BepHeHH5I CT5IrHeHH5I. Ha ,n:o,n:aTOK,n:o iHIIIHX rrpaB 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJI5I 3a UHM ,l],oroBopoM, y pa3i HaCTaHH5I BHrra,n:KY HeBHKOHaHH5I 3060B'5I3aHb 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIb Ha6yBac rrpaBo 3BepHyTH CT5IrHeHH5I Tala60 peani3yBaTH BeCb TIpe,n:MeT3aCTaBH a60 6y,n:b-5IKY Hora lfacTHHy Ta B)I(HTli Bcix He06xi,n:Hlix 3axo,n:iB ,n:JI5I 3a6e3rrelfeHH5I 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIIO rrOBHoro 3a,n:oBOJIeHH5I 3a6e3rrelfeHHX 3060B' 5I3aHb 3a paxyHoK TIpe,n:MeTy 3aCTaBH rrepeBa)l(HO rrepe,n: BciMa iHIIIHMHKpe,n:liTopaMH, 6e3 3BepHeHH5I,n:ocy,n:y (5IK1T(0 TiJIbKli TaKe 3BepHeHH5I,n:o cy,n:y He BHMaraCTbC5I 3aKoHo,n:aBCTBoM YKpalHH, a 3a icHyBaHH5I TaKol BliMOrH - TiJIbKli ,n:o Tid Mipli, ,n:o 5IKOI ue BliMaraCTbC5I 3aKOHo,n:aBCTBOM YKpalHli); i 3acTaBo,n:aBeUb 3060B'5I3YCTbC5I rroBHicTIO crriBrrpaUIOBaTH Ta Ha,n:aBaTH 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIIO BCIO He06xi,n:Hy ,n:orroMory i 3,n:iHcHIOBaTliTaKi 3axo,n:H, 5IKHX MO)l(e BHMaraTH 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIb ,n:JI5I Ha,n:aHH5I 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIIO MO)I(JIHBOCTi 3,n:iHcHHTHTaKi ,n:il Ta 3a,n:OBOJIbHHTH 3a6e3rrelfeHi 3060B'5I3aHH5I. 3a Bli60pOM 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJI5I, i y MaKcHManbHiH Mipi, He 3a60poHeHiH 3aKOHo,n:aBCTBOM YKpalHH, TIpe,n:MeT 3acTaBH (a60 HOro lfaCTHHa, BH3HalfeHa 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIeM) MO)l(e 6yTH rrpo,n:aHHH a60 iHIIIHM lfHHOM BHKopHcTaHHH ,n:JI5I3a,n:OBOJIeHH5I 3a6e3rrelfeHHx 3060B'5I3aHb, 6e3 3BepHeHH5I ,n:o cy,n:y (ue, o,n:HaK, He rroBHHHo TJIYMalfHTHCb 5IK rr036aBJIeHH5I 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJI5I rrpaBa 3BepHeHH5I CT5IrHeHH5I Ha TIpe,n:MeT 3aCTaBli y Cy,n:OBOMyrrOp5I,n:Kyy Blirra,n:Ky Ta TO,n:i,KOJIH3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIb BB~ac 3a ,n:ouiJIbHe). B Me)l(aX crroc06iB rr03acy,n:oBoro 3BepHeHH5I CT5IrHeHH5I Ha TIpe,n:MeT 3aCTaBH, 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIb Mac rrpaBo Ha BJIaCHHHp03CY,n:06paTH rrOp5I,n:oKrrpo,n:a)l(y lfH iHIIIoro BHKopHCTaHH5I TIpe,n:MeTa 3aCTaBH ,n:JI5I 3a,n:oBOJIeHH5I 3a6e3rrelfeHHX 3060B'5I3aHb cepe,n: TaKHX MO)I(JIHBHX BapiaHTiB: (a) rrepe,n:alfa 3aCTaBo,n:aBueM rrpaBa BJIacHocTi Ha TIpe,n:MeT3aCTaBH 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIIO,n:JI5I 3a,n:oBOJIeHH5I i rroraIIIeHH5I 3a6e3rrelfeHHX 3060B' 5I3aHb; (b) rrpo,n:a)l( TIpe,n:MeTa 3aCTaBH 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIeM TpeTiH oc06i a60 lfepe3 Bi,n:KpHTliH ayKuioH; a60 (c) 6y,n:b-5IKHH iHIIIliH 3aKOHo,n:aBCTBOM YKpalHH 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIb 3060B' 5I3aHHH rrHCbMOBOcrrOBlCTHTH 3acTaBo,n:aBl(5I rrpo rrOp5I,n:OK peani3al(il, 06paHHH 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIeM. BH3HalfeHHH 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIeM rrOp5I,n:OK BHKOPHCTOBYCTbC5I y MaKcHManbHiH Mipi, rrp5IMO He 3a60pOHeHHH 3aKOHo,n:aBCTBOM YKpalHH. 3.2.1 TIepegalfa TIpegMerv 3aCTaBli 3acTaBogep)l(aTeJIIO.

exercise a right or remedy by the Pledgee is not a waiver of that right or remedy.

3.2 Foreclosure. In addition to the Pledgee's other rights under this Agreement, if an Event of Default has occurred, the Pledgee shall have the right to foreclose on and/or sell any or all ofthe Collateral and to take any and all necessary steps to ensure that the Pledgee receives the full satisfaction at the account of the Collateral on a priority basis over all other creditors, without judicial recourse (unless required under Ukrainian legislation, and then only to the extent so required), and the Pledgor shall fully cooperate and provide the Pledgee with all necessary assistance and take such action as the Pledgee may request in order to enable the Pledgee to take such steps and receive such satisfaction. At the Pledgee's choice, and to the maximum extent not prohibited by Ukrainian legislation, the Collateral (or such portion thereof as determined by the Pledgee) may be sold, or otherwise used to satisfy the Secured Obligations, without recourse to court (however, the foregoing shall not be interpreted as preventing the Pledgee from applying to court in order to foreclose on the Collateral if and when it deems appropriate). Within extra-judicial procedures, the Pledgee shall have the right in its discretion to chose the procedure for sale or other utilization of the Collateral for the satisfaction of the Secured Obligations, from amongst the following options:

(a) transfer of ownership rights to the Collateral from the Pledgor to the Pledgee in satifaction and discharge of the Secured Obligations; (b) sale of the Collateral by the Pledgee to a third party purchaser or through public sale; or (C) any other procedure legislation. permitted under Ukrainian

The Pledgee shall notify the Pledgor in writing about the enforcement procedure chosen by the Pledgee. Such procedure shall be implemented to the maximum extent not expressly prohibited by Ukrainian legislation.

(a) 3aCTaBo,n:ep:1I<aTenb OC06HCTOa60 lioro IJ,ecioHapili Mae rrpaBo rrpHliwlTH y BnacHicTb, Bono,n:iHH5I Ta/a60 rri,n: CBili KOHTponb Ta/a60 rrpo,n:aTH, rrepe,n:aTH 'm y iHIIIHli crroci6 p03rrOp5l,n:HTHC51 BciM IIpe,n:MeToM 3aCTaBH a60 lioro qaCTHHOlO 3a liora ,n:ilicHOlO Ha Toli MOMeHT crrpaBe,n:nHBolO pHHKOBOlO BapTicTlO, BH3HaqeHOlO 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeneM i rri,n:TBep,n:)/(eHOlOpe3ynbTaTaMH ouiHKH He3ane)/(HHM OIJ,iHlOBaqeM, 51Koro 06Hpae 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenb ("CnpaBeIlJIHBa PHHKoBa BapTiCTh"). Y BHrra,n:Ky,51KIII,O 3aCTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenb a60 liora IJ,ecioHapili BHpilIIHTb rrpHliH5ITH y BnacHicTb IIpe,n:MeT 3acTaBH 3a IJ,HM .D:oraBopoM, 3acTaBo,n:aBeIJ,b rroro,n:)/(yeTbc5IHeBi,n:Kna,n:Ho 3,n:ilicHHTHa60 3a6e3rreqHTH 3,n:iHcHeHH5I rrepe,n:aqi BCboro IIpe,n:Mery 3acTaBH 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenlO a60 liora IJ,eCiOHapilOi 3,n:ilicHHTHBci ,n:ii',He06xi,n:Hi ,n:nll oopMneHHlI Ta 3,n:iHcHeHHlIrrepe,n:aqi IIpe,n:MeTy 3acTaBH 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenlO a60 HorO IJ,eCiOHapilO,y TOMy qHcni, 6e3 06Me)/(eHHlI, OOPMHTHi Ha,n:aTH 6y,n:b-lIKi ,n:oroBopH, ,n:oKyMeHTH a60 iHcTpyMeHTH, III,O rri,n:TBep,n:)/(ylOTb 3ro,n:y 3acTaBo,n:aBIJ,1I Ha 3,n:iHcHeHHlI 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeneM TaKHXrrpaB, 51KHX, Ha BJIaCHHH p03CY,n:, MO)/(e BHMaraTH 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeJIb, o,n:ep)/(aTH 6y,n:b-lIKi ,n:03BOJIH Ta CXBaJIeHH5I opraHy ,n:ep)/(aBHoi' BJIa,n:H, y TOMy qHCJIi, 6e3 06Me)/(eHH5I, rrpaBoBcTaHOBnlOlOqi ,n:OKyMeHTH (lIKIII,O Bi,n:rroBi,n:HHH IIpe,n:MeT 3aCTaBH rri,n:JIlirae 060B'1I3KoBili peecTpaIJ,ii), a TaKO)/(OOPMHTH i Ha,n:aTlI,n:oroBip a60 ,n:oKyMeHTH,III,O Ha,n:alOTb 3Mory 3,n:ilicHeHHlI TaKHX rrpaB 3aCTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeJIeMi rrepe,n:aqi IIpe,n:MeTy 3acTaBH liOMy a60 lioro IJ,ecioHapilO, Ta BHKOHaTH6y,n:b-lIKi iHlIIi ,n:ii', 51KHX MO)/(e BHMaraTH 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenb Ha BHKOHaHH5I rrOJIO)/(eHb IJ,bOrOIIyHKTy 3.2.1. (b) He 3aB,n:alOqHIIIKO,n:H rrpaBaM 3aCTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeJIlI, 3,n:iHCHlOBaHHM y Bi,n:rroBi,n:HoCTi 3 IJ,HMIIyHKToM 3.2.1, Y BHrra,n:Ky,lIKIII,O,n:n51rrepe,n:6aqeHoi' IJ,HMIIyHKToM 3.2.1 rrepe,n:aqi 3aCTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenlO IIpe,n:MeTy 3aCTaBH Bi,n: 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenli BHMaraeTbC5I o,n:ep)/(aHHlI6y,n:b-51Koro CXBaneHHlI opraHy ,n:ep)/(aBHoi' Bna,n:H, 3,n:iHcHeHH5I 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeneM lioro rrpaB 3a IJ,HMIIyHKToM 3.2.1 MO)/(JIHBeTiJIbKH rricnll o,n:ep)/(aHH5I3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeneM TaKoro CXBaneHHlIopraHy ,n:ep)/(aBHoi'Bna,n:H,a 3aTpHMKa y BHKopHcTaHHi 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTeneM Horo rrpaB 3a IJ,HM IIyHKToM 3.2.1 BHacni,n:oKHe06xi,n:HocTi o,n:ep)/(aHHlIHHM TaKora CXBaneHH5IopraHy ,n:ep)/(aBHoi'Bna,n:Hy )/(O,n:HOMy pa3i He BrrnHBaTHMeHa Mo)/(nHBicTb BHKopHCTaHHlIHHM TaKora rrpaBa i He BBa)/(aTHMeTbCliBi,n:MOBOlO Bi,n:Hboro. 3.2.2 IIepe,n:aqa TpeTiH oc06i qepe3 Bi,n:KpHTHH ayKIJ,ioH a60 3a rrpHBaTHolOyro,n:olO. (a) Ey,n:b-51Ka qaCTHHa qH BeCb IIpe,n:MeT 3aCTaBH MO)/(YTb6yTH rrepe,n:aHi a60 rrpo,n:aHi qepe3 Bi,n:KpHTHH ayKIJ,ioH a60 3a rrpHBaTHolO yro,n:olO (qH HH3KOlOTaKHX ayKIJ,ioHiB a60 yro,n:), lIKi rrpoBo,n:HTHMe 3acTaBo,n:ep)KaTenb a60 Hora rrpe,n:cTaBHHK qH TpeTli cTopoHa Ha BHMory 3acTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenli. 5lKIII,O 3aCTaBo,n:ep)/(aTenb BHpilIIHTb ,n:i5lTH Ha rri,n:cTaBi rrpHBaTHoi'yro,n:H, BiH MO)/(e caM rrpoBecTH rreperOBopH 3

(a) The Pledgee itself, or its assignee, shall have the right to accept ownership, possession and/or control of and/or sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any or all of the Collateral at their then fair market value, as determined by the Pledgee supported by a valuation of an independent appraiser selected by the Pledgee (the "Fair Market Value"). In the event the Pledgee or its assignee elects to accept ownership of the Collateral under this Agreement, the Pledgor agrees to promptly transfer or cause the transfer of the Collateral in full to the Pledgee or its assignee and to take any and all actions necessary to formalize or effectuate the transfer of Collateral to the Pledgee or its assignee, including, without limitation, to execute and deliver any agreement, documents or instruments confirming the Pledgor's agreement to the exercise of such rights by the Pledgee as the Pledgee may request in its sole discretion, to obtain any and all authorizations and governmental approvals, including without limitation, Title registration documents (if the respective Collateral is subject to mandatory registration), and execute and deliver any agreement or documents to enable the exercise of such rights by the Pledgee and the transfer of the Collateral to itself or to its assignee, and to take any other action as the Pledgee may demand in furtherance of this Section 3.2.1.

(b) Without prejudice to the exercise by the Pledgee of its rights under this Section 3.2.1, if any transfer of the Collateral to the Pledgee as contemplated by Section 3.2.1 requires that the Pledgee obtain any governmental approval for such transfer, the exercise by the Pledgee of its rights under this Section 3.2.1 shall be subject to it having obtained such governmental approval, and any delay in the exercise of the Pledgee's rights under this Section 3.2.1 as a result of it having to obtain such governmental approval shall in no way affect its ability to, or otherwise be viewed as a waiver of its, exercise of such rights.

3.2.2 Transfer by Public Transaction to Third Parties.




(a) Any or all of the Collateral may be transferred or sold in one or more public sales or private transactions to be conducted either by Pledgee or its representative or a third party at Pledgee's request. To the extent the Pledgee elects to proceed with a private transaction, it may itself negotiate with one or more prospective buyers or transferees (the "Third Party Transferee"), and may establish with such Third Party Transferee a purchase

O,nHHM a60 KiJIbKOMa rrOTeHI.\IHHHMHrroKyrrl.\llMH a60 Ha6yBaqaMH ("Ha6YBaQ-TpeTH CTopOHa") i BH3HaqHTH 3 HHMH l.\iHy rrpH,n6aHHll Ta iHini yMOBH ,norOBopy KyrriBJIi-rrpo,na)!(y IIpe,nMeTy 3aCTaBH. ny,nb-llKHU TaKHU ,noroBip KyrriBJIi-rrpo,na)!(y (",LJ;oroBip IIpo,na)Ky IIpe,nMeTy 3aCTaBII") yKJIa,naE:TbCll3aCTaBo,nep)!(aTeJIeM Bi,n iMeHi 3 aCTaBo,naBl.\ll 3 Ha6yBacreM- TpeTbOlO CTOpOHOlO,He rroTpe6yE: )!(o,nHoro ,no,naTKOBoro ,n03BOJIy qH 3rOL\H BiL\ iMeHi 3aCTaBOL\aBl.\5I i CTaHOBHTb3aKoHHy rriL\cTaBY L\JIll OTpHMaHWI Ha6YBaqeM-TpeTbOlO CTOpOHOlO rrpaBa BJIaCHOCTiHa IIpeL\MeT 3acTaBH, IlIO 6YL\e rrpOL\aHHU Ta rrpHL\6aHHU 3a TaKHM L\OrOBopOM. BH3HaqeHa y TaKoMy ,noroBopi KyrriBJIi-rrpoL\a)!(y 3 Ha6yBaqeM- TpeTbOlO CTOpOHOlO l.\iHa rrpHL\6aHH5I6YL\e 060B'513KOBOlOL\JIll 3aCTaBOL\aBl.\51.Y BHrraL\KY, llKIlIO 3aCTaBOL\ep)!(aTeJIb BHpillIHTb 3,niuCHHTH rrpo,n~ a60 rrepeL\aqy IIpeL\MeTY 3acTaBH crepe3 BiL\KpHTHUayKl.\ioH a60 3a rrpHBaTHOlOyrOL\OlO(qH HH3KOlOTaKHXayKl.\ioHiB a60 yrOL\), 3aCTaBOL\aBel.\b rrorOL\)!(YE:TbCll:(i) 1lI0 He BHMaraTHMeTbCll, 1lI06 3aCTaBOL\ep)!(aTeJIb 3BepTaBC5IL\O 6YL\b-51KOro ap6iTpa)!(HOrO opraHy qH rroL\i6HOrO opraHy a60 6YL\b-llKOro opraHy L\ep)!(aBHoi' BJIaL\HqH 3arryqaB i'x L\JI5I 3L\iuCHeHH5IHarJI5IL\Y, ycracTi a60 rriL\TBep,n)!(eHH5I pe3yJIbTaTiB TaKoro rrpoL\a)!(y, rrepeL\aqi a60 rreperoBopiB 1lI0L\0 HHX; Ta (ii) 1lI0 BiH 3060B'513aHHu HeBi,nKJIaL\HO 3L\iuCHHTHBci L\ii', He06xiL\Hi L\JIll ocjJopMJIeHH5ITa/a60 3L\iucHeHH5I rrepeL\aqi IIpeL\MeTY 3acTaBH Ha6yBaqyTpeTiil CTopoHi, 3L\iucHeHH5IllKHX MO)!(YTb BHMaraTH Ha BJIaCHHU P03CYL\ 3aCTaBOL\ep)!(aTeJIb, Moro l.\ecioHapiu a60 TaKHu Ha6YBaq- TpeT5I CTopoHa, OL\ep)!(aTHBci iHllIi L\03BOJIH Ta CXBarreHH5I opraHy L\ep)!(aBHoi' BJIaL\H, BKJIlOqalOqH, 6e3 06Me)!(eHH5I, L\OKyMeHTH rrpo peE:cTpal.\ilO rrpaBa BJIaCHOCTi (51KIlIO BiL\rrOBiL\HHU IIpeL\MeT 3aCTaBH rriL\JI5IraE: 060B'513KOBiu peE:cTpal.\ii'), a TaKO)!(OcjJOpMHTH i HaL\aTHL\oroBip a60 L\OKyMeHTH, IlIO HaL\alOTb MO)!(JIHBicTb 3,niucHeHH5I TaKHX rrpaB 3aCTaBo,nep)!(aTeJIeM i rrepeL\aqi IIpeL\MeTY 3aCTaBH Ha6yBaqy- TpeTiu CTOpoHi, Ta BHKOHanl 6YL\b-51KiiHllIi L\ii', 51KHX MO)!(e BHMaraTH 3aCTaBOL\ep)!(aTeJIb Ha BHKOHaHH5I rrOJIO)!(eHbl.\bOrO IIyHKTY 3.2.2. (b) He 3aBL\alOqH IlIKOL\HBHllIe3a3HaqeHoMY Ta L\JI5I yHHKHeHH5I cyMHiBiB, y BHrraL\KY, 51KIlIO 3aCTaBOL\ep)!(aTeJIb a60 uoro l.\ecioHapiu BHpillIHTb rrpOL\aTH IIpeL\MeT 3acTaBH y BiL\rroBiL\HoCTi 3 I.\HM IIYHKTOM 3.2.2 Ha6yBacry-TpeTiu CTOpOHi, rrpaBo BJIacHocTi Ha IIpeL\MeT 3acTaBH rrepeuL\e L\O Ha6YBaqaTpeTboi' CTOpOHH Ha rri,ncTaBi ,l],oroBopy IIpoL\a)!(y IIpeL\MeTY3acTaBH, i TaKHM,l],oroBip IIpoL\a)!(y IIpeL\MeTY 3acTaBH (rriL\KpirrJIeHIIii l.\HM ,l],oroBopoM, Ta IIoBiL\oMJIeHHllM rrpo HeBHKoHaHH5I 3060B'513aHb) 6YL\e qHHHHMTa 3aKOHHHM,noKyMeHToM rrpo rrepeL\aqy rrpaBa BJIaCHOCTi, IlIO 3acBiL\qYE: rrepeL\ 6YL\b-51KHMopraHoM L\ep)!(aBHoi' BJIaL\H Ta/a60 iHIlIHMH TpeTiMH oc06aMH rrpaBo BJIaCHOCTi Ha6YBacra- TpeTboi' CTOpOHH Ha IIpeL\MeT 3acTaBH, a TaKO)!(, 3-nOMiJIC iHLU020, cJIyryE: rriL\CTaBOlO L\JI5I 3,niucHeHH5I peE:cTpal.\ii' rrpaBa BJIacHocTi Ta BHL\aqi L\OKyMeHTiBrrpo peE:cTpal.\ilO rrpaBa BJIacHocTi

price and other terms and conditions for the purchase and sale agreement of the Collateral. Any such purchase and sale agreement (the "Collateral Sale Agreement") shall be entered into by the Pledgee with such Third Party Transferee, shall not require any further authorization or consent on behalf of the Pledgor, and shall constitute a legal basis for the Third Party Transferee to receive and obtain the right of ownership in and to the Collateral being sold or transferred. The purchase price established in any such purchase and sale agreement with any Third Party Transferee shall be binding on the Pledgor. In the event that the Pledgee proceeds with a sale or transfer of the Collateral by one or more public sales or private transactions, the Pledgor: (i) agrees that there shall be no requirement that the Pledgee seek recourse to or involve any arbitral authority or analogous party or other governmental authority in order to supervise, participate in, or confirm the results of any such private sale, transfer or negotiation, and (ii) that it is obligated to promptly take any and all actions necessary to formalize and/or effectuate the transfer of the Collateral to the Third Party Transferee, as the Pledgee, its assignee or such Third Party Transferee may request in their sole discretion, to obtain any and all other authorizations and governmental approvals, including without limitation, Title registration documents (if the respective Collateral is subject to mandatory registration), and execute and deliver any agreement or documents to enable the exercise of such rights by the Pledgee and the transfer of the Collateral to such Third Party Transferee, and to take any other action as the Pledgee may demand in furtherance of this Section 3.2.2.

(b) Without prejudice to the foregoing and for the avoidance of doubt, if the Pledgee or its assignee elects to sell the Collateral under this Section 3.2.2 to a Third Party Transferee, the right of ownership to the Collateral shall be transferred to such Third Party Transferee on the basis of the Collateral Sale Agreement, and the Collateral Sale Agreement (supported by this Agreement and the Notice of Default) shall serve as a valid and legal title transfer document evidencing the Third Party Transferee's right of ownership to the Collateral before any governmental authority and/or any other third parties, and which shall also, inter alia, serve as a basis to effectuate the title registration and issuing the title registration documents with respect to the Collateral in the name of such Third Party Transferee or its assignee (if the Collateral is subject to the state registration).

rro BiAHollIeHHIO AO IIpeAMeTa 3aCTaBH Ha iM'R Ha6YBa'Ia-TpeTbol CTOpOHIl a60 HOro uecioHapiR (RKll.\O IIpeAMeT 3aCTaBH rriAJIRrae 060B' R3KoBiHpeecTpauil); (c) He 3MeHllIyIO'Ill rrpaB 3aCTaBOAep:)I<aTeJIR, 3AiHcHIOBaHHx HHM y BiArroBiAHocTi 3 UHM IIyHKToM 3.2.2, y BHrraAKy, RKIII:OAJIR rrepeA6a'IeHOI IIyHKToM 3.2.2 rrepeAa'Ii Ha6YBa'Iy-TpeTiH CTOpoHi IIpeAMeTy 3acTaBH BiA Ha6YBa'Ia- TpeTbol CTOpOHH BHMaraeTbCR OAep)KaHIDl CXBaJIeHIDl opraHy Aep)KaBHOI BJIaAll, BHKopHcTaHHR 3acTaBOAep)KaTeJIeM HOro rrpaB 3a UHM IIyHKToM 3.2.2 MO)KJIIIBe TiJIbKll rricJIR OAep)KaHHR Ha6yBa'IeM- TpeTboIO CTOpOHOIO TaKoro CXBaJIeHHR opraHy Aep)KaBHol BJIaAll, a 3aTpHMKa y BHKopHcTaHHi 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIeMHoro rrpaB 3a UIIM IIyHKToM 3.2.2 BHaCJIiAOK He06xiAHOcTi OAep)KaHHR Ha6yBa'IeMTpeTboIO CTOpOHOIO TaKoro CXBaJIeHHR opraHy Aep)KaBHOI BJIaAII y )KOAHOMypa3i He BrrJIIIBaTIIMe Ha MO)KJIIIBiCTb BIIKopllcTaHHR 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIeM TaKoro rrpaBa i He BBM<aTHMeTbCR BiAMOBOIO BiA Hboro. 3.2.3 He 06Me)KyIO'Ill 6YAb-RKi Horo rrpaBa, BCTaHoBJIeHi B UbOMY ,1..I,oroBopi a60 BCTaHoBJIeHi 3aKOHOAaBCTBOMYKpalHll, 3acTaBOAep)KaTeJIb MO)Ke 3BepHyTII CTRrHeHHRHa IIpeAMeT 3acTaBII 3a pillIeHH51M CYAY'IH ap6iTpa)KHoro opraHy BiArroBiAHoi' IOpllCAHKUi"i a60 3a iHllIHM IOpHAll'IHHM rrpOBaA)KeHHRM, RKe A03BOJI51eTbCR 3aKOHOAaBCTBOM YKpaIHII. 3.2.4 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIb MO)Ke, 6e3 HaAaHHR 3acTaBoAaBUIO rrOBiAOMJIeHHR a60 BIIMorH, 3AiHcHIOBaTH rrJIaTe)Ki Ta Ail, RKi BiH BBa)KaTHMe He06xiAHIIMII AJIR 3axHcTy CBOIXrrpaB Ha IIpeAMeT 3aCTaBll, y TOMy 'IHCJIi CrrJIaTy, rrpllA6aHHR, 3BiJIbHeHHR 3-rriA 3aCTaBH a60 OCKap)KeHHR6YAb-RKol iHllIOI 3aCTaBll, 06TR)KeHHR 'IH 3aJIiKy, RKi iCHyIOTb, e a60 3a5lBJIeHi RK TaKi, III:O rrepeAyBaJIH 'IH MaIOTb rrpiopllTeT HaA 3aCTaBOIO, i rrpll 3AiHcHeHHi TaKoro rrpaBa CrrJIaTIITII Bci rroHeceHi y 3B'513KY 3 UHMBHTpaTH. 3.2.5 51KIII:o iHllIlIM 'IIIHOM rrpRMO He BIIMaraeTbCR 3aKOHOAaBCTBOM YKpalHll, 6YAb-RKe 3BepHeHHR CT51rHeHHR Ha IIpeAMeT 3aCTaBll 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIeM'Ill Horo uecioHapifM rroralliae 3a6e3rre'IeHi 3060B'R3aHHR TiJIbKH y Me)KaX <jJaKTH'IHOI CYMH, OAep)KaHOI 3acTaBOAep)KaTeJIeM ("<lJaKTlfQHa BapTicTl>"), RKOIO 6YAe: (i) y BllrraAKY rrpHHHRTTR a60 OAep)KaHH51 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIeM 'IH Haro uecioHapieM IIpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH y BiArroBiAHoCTi 3 IIyHKToM 3.2.1 CrrpaBeAJIHBa PIIHKoBa BapTicTb TaKoro IIpeAMeTy 3acTaBII a60 Horo 'IaCTIIHII Ha AaTy Horo rrpIIHHRTTR;a (ii) y pa3i BIIKopllcTaHHR 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIeMCBOIXrrpaB Ha rrepeAa'Iy IIpeAMeTy 3acTaBII y BiArroBiAHoCTi3 UHM ,1..I,oroBopOM- <jJaKTll'IHa cyMa y BpO, OAep)KaHa 3aCTaBOAep)KaTeJIeM 'IH uecioHapieM B pe3yJIbTaTi peaJIi3auil IIpeAMeTy 3acTaBH a60 6YAb-RKOI Horo 'IaCTHHH. IIHcbMoBe rroBiAoMJIeHHR 3acTaBOAep)KaTeJIR 3acTaBOAaBUIO rrpo CrrpaBeAJIIIBy PIIHKOBY BapTicTb (RKIII:O 3aCTOCOBYIOTbCR rrOJIO)KeHHR IIyHKTy 3.2.1), 6YAe AOKa30M prima facie <1>aKTll'IHOIBapTocTi IIpeAMeTy (c) Without prejudice to the exercise by the Pledgee of its rights under this Section 3.2.2, if any transfer of the Collateral to any Third Party Transferee as contemplated by Section 3.2.2 requires that the Third Party Transferee(s) obtain any governmental approval for such transfer, the exercise by the Pledgee of its rights under this Section 3.2.2 shall be subject to the Third Party Transferee having obtained such governmental approval, and any delay in the exercise of the Pledgee's rights under this Section 3.2.2 as a result of the Third Party Transferee having to obtain such governmental approval shall in no way affect the Pledgee's ability to, or otherwise be viewed as a waiver of its, exercise of such rights.

3.2.3 Without prejudice to any of its rights established herein or established by Ukrainian legislation, the Pledgee may elect to institute legal proceedings to levy against the Collateral under the order of a court or arbitral authority of appropriate jurisdiction or under other legal process permitted by applicable Ukrainian legislation. 3.2.4 Without notice or demand upon the Pledgor, the Pledgee may make such payments and do such acts as it may deem necessary to protect its rights in the Collateral, including paying, purchasing, discharging or contesting any other Pledge, lien or set-off that is or is claimed to be prior to or superior to the Pledge, and in exercising such authority to pay all expenses incurred in connection therewith.

3.2.5 Unless otherwise expressly required by Ukrainian legislation, any exercise of rights of foreclosure on the Collateral by the Pledgee or its assignee shall discharge the Secured Obligations only to the extent of the actual value obtained by the Pledgee (the "Actual Value") which shall be: (i) in the case of the Pledgee's or its assignee's acceptance or receipt of the Collateral under Section 3.2.1, the amount of the Fair Market Value of such Collateral or any part thereof as on the date of such acceptance, or (ii) in the case of the Pledgee's exercise of its rights to transfer the Collateral pursuant to this Agreement , the actual amount in EUR received by the Pledgee or its assignee as a result of the realization of the Collateral or any part thereof. The Pledgee's written notice to the Pledgor in respect of, in the case of Section 3.2.1, the Fair Market Value, shall be prima facie evidence of the Actual Value of the Collateral or the respective part thereof.

3.3 BincyTHicTb BinrroBinanbHocTi. 3aCTaBOnep)!(aTenb He Hece )!(OnHOI BiArroBinanbHocTi B pe3ynbTaTi 3niHcHeHH51 cBolx rrpaB a60 BHKopHCTaHH51 3ac06iB rrpaBoBoro 3axHcTy 3a l.\IlM ,l],oroBopoM, He3ane)!(HO BiA Toro, qH BiH Onep)!(aB, rrpHHH51B,Ha6yB Bin BincTyrrneHH51 HOMy qH BiAcTyrrHB, rrpHHH51B y BononiHH51 qH BJ1acHicTb, rrepeAaB a60 rrponaB (qH 3a6e3rreqHB rrepenaqy a60 rrpOAaM) IIpenMeT 3acTaBH.
3.4 IIpaBa 3acTaBOnep)!(aTen51 WOLIO IIpenMery 3aCTaBH. He3BaMalOqH Ha 6YAb-51Ki rrOJIO)!(eHH51 rrpo rrpOTHJIe)!(He B l.\bOMY ,l],oroBopi, BeCb qac, AOKH 3a6e3rreqeHi 3060B' 5l3aHH51 3anHWalOTbC51 HeCrrnaqeHHMH, 3acTaBOAep)!(aTeJIb, Ha CBm BnaCHHH P03CYA, Mae rrpaBo BincTyrrHTH cBol rrpaBa Ha IIpenMeT 3acTaBH 3a l.\HM,l],OroBOpOM,ane nHwe B TiH Mipi, B 5lKiH BiH BiLICTyrrilBcBol BiLIrroBinHi rrpaBa 3a KpeAHTHHM ,l],oroBopoM. 3.5 IIpaBo 3acTaBOLIep)!(aTeJI51 Ha BHKOHaHH51.5[KIIIo 3aCTaBOAaBel.\bHe BilKoHye 6YAb-51Koi' nOMoBneHocTi a60 3060B'513aHH51, IIIO MicT51Tbc51 y UbOMY ,l],oroBopi, 3acTaBOnep)!(aTeJIb MO)!(e, ane He 3060B' 5l3aHHH, caM BHKOHaTH a60 3a6e3rreqHTH BHKOHaHH51 TaKol AOMOBJIeHOCTla60 3060B' 5l3aHH51, i 3aCTaBonaBeUb rrOBHHeH Ha BHMory 3aCTaBOAep)!(aTeJI5l CBOeqaCHO KOMrreHcyBaTH BHTpaTil 3aCTaBOnep)!(aTeJI5l, rroHeceHi HHMy 3B'513KY 3 TaKHMBHKOHaHH51M. 3.6 IIpHrrHHeHH51 06T51)!(eHH5l. ,l],JI51 yHHKHeHH51 cyMHiBiB, B pe3yJIbTaTi rrpOAa)!(y, rrepenaqi a60 iHworo Binqy)!(eHH51 IIpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH BHacJIinoK 3BepHeHH51 CT51rHeHH51 Ha IIpeAMeT 3aCTaBH Ta/a60 HorO peani3al.\il y BinrroBiAHocTi 3i CTaTTelO 3 rrpHrrHH51eTbC51 3aCTaBa Ha IIpenMeT 3acTaBH, IIIO 6yB rrpH UbOMY rrpOnaHHH, rrepenaHliH a60 Binqy)!(eHIlH y iHlIlHH crroci6, i 3acTaBOnep)!(aTeJIb qH Horo uecioHapiH, Ha6YBaq- TpeT51 CTOpoHa a60 iHWIlH rroKyrreUb qH Ha6yBaq Onep)!(aTb rrpaBo BJIacHocTi Ha IIpeAMeT 3acTaBH, BiJIbHHHBiA6YAb5lKHX06T51)!(eHb,y TOMi qHcni Bin uiel 3acTaBH, a TaKO)!( 6YAb-51KHX BHMor 3aCTaBOAaBU51 Ta/a60 a60 Horo KpenHTopiB.

3.3 No Liability. The Pledgee shall not incur any liability as a result of exercising its rights or remedies under this Agreement, regardless of whether it receives, accepts, is assigned or assigns, takes possession or ownership of, or transfers or sells (or causes to be transferred or sold) the Collateral.

3.4 Rights of Pledgee in Relation to the Collateral. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, for so long as any of the Secured Obligations remain outstanding, the Pledgee shall, in the exercise of its sole discretion, be entitled to assign its rights to the Collateral under this Agreement, but only to the extent that it has assigned its respective rights under the Facility Agreement.

3.5 Pledgee May Perform. If the Pledgor fails to perform any agreement or obligation contained herein, the Pledgee may, but shall not be obligated to, itself perform or cause the performance of such agreement or obligation, and the expenses of the Pledgee incurred in connection therewith shall be promptly reimbursed by the Pledgor upon demand of the Pledgee.

Termination of Lien. For the avoidance of doubt, any sale, transfer or other alienation of the Collateral resulting from the foreclosure and/or realization of the Collateral pursuant to this Article 3, shall terminate the Pledge over the Collateral which have been so sold, transferred or alienated, and the Pledgee or its assignee, the Third Party Transferee or other buyer or transferee, shall obtain the rights of ownership in and to the Collateral free of any liens including this Pledge, as well as any claims of the Pledgor and/or any of its creditors.

CTpOK rrpHMycoBoro BHKOHaHH51. Y BHrranKy rrpHHH51TT51 piweHH51rrpo rrpHMycoBe BHKOHaHH51 3acTaBH, IIIOnO 3aCTaBOnep)!(aTeJI51He iCHye )!(OAHHX 06Me)!(eHb y qaci, OKpiM 6ynb-51KHX 060B'513KOBliXCTpoKiB rr030BHoi naBHocTi BinrroBinHo AO 3aKOHOAaBCTBaYKpaIHH. 3 ypaxyBaHH51M BIlIIIe3a3HaqeHOrO, 3acTaBOAep)!(aTenb MO)!(e, rroBHicTlO Ha cBiH p03cyn, rrpliMycoBO BilKOHaTil 3aCTaBy HeraHHO rricJI51 BHHHKHeHH51 BHrranKy HeBHKOHaHH51 3060B'513aHb a60 B 6ynb-51KHH qac rri3Hiwe. nynb-51Ka 3aTPHMKa y rrpHMycoBoMy BHKoHaHHi 3aCTaBHHe BBa)!(aeTbC51 BiAMOBOlO 3acTaBOnep)!(aTeJI51Bin rrpaBa 3acTaBOAep)!(aTen51 Ha rrpHMycoBe BHKOHaHH51

3.7 Enforcement Period. In deciding to enforce the Pledge the Pledgee is not subject to any time limits other than any mandatory statutes of limitations periods under Ukrainian legislation. Subject to the foregoing, the Pledgee may at its full discretion enforce the Pledge either immediately after the occurrence of an Event of Default or at any time thereafter. Any delay in enforcing the Pledge shall not be deemed a waiver of the right of the Pledgee to enforce the Pledge.

3.8 IIpHMycoBe BHKOHaHH5I B iHIIIHH crroci6. 3aCTaBOAep)l(aTeJJb Mae rrpaBo, Ha cBiH BH6ip, OAep)l(aTH 3aAOBOJJeHH5I3a6e3rreQeHHX 3060B' 513aHb 3 IIpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH y 6YAb-51KHHiHIIIHH crroci6, He 3a60poHeHHH 3aKoHoAaBCTBoM YKpai"HH, i MO)l(e 3AiHCHHTHBci iHIIIi rrpaBa Ta CKopHCTaTHC5I BciMa iHIIIHMH 3ac06aMH rrpaBoBoro 3axHcTy, AocTyrrHHMH HOMy 3a 3aKOHOAaBCTBOM YKpai"HH, AJJ5IrrpHMycoBoro BHKOHaHH5I uiei" 3acTaBH TaJa60 3BepHeHH5I CT5IrHeHH5IHa IIpeAMeT 3acTaBH. 3.9 HaAXOA)I(eHH5I. KpiM BHrraAKiB, KOJJH 3aKOHOAaBCTBOM YKpai"HH BHMaraeTbC5I iHIIIe, HaAXOA)I(eHH5I BiA rrpoAa)l(y IIpeAMeTy 3aCTaBH crrepIIIy BHKOPHCTOBYlOTbC5I AJJ5IOrrJJaTHBcix BHTpaT, a rroTiM AJJ5I OrrJJaTH iHIIIHX 3a6e3rreQeHHX 3060B'513aHb y TaKoMy IlOP5lAKY, 51K BH3Ha'IeHO 3acTaBOAep)l(aTeJJeM.
3.10 3araJIbHi IlpaBa. He 06Me)l(ylO'IH 6YAb-51KiiHIIIi rrpaBa Ta 3ac06H IlpaBoBoro 3axHcTy, AoCryilHi 3acTaBOAep)l(aTeJJlO BiAilOBiAHO AO 3aKOHOAaBCTBa YKpai"HHa60 iHIIIHM'IHHOM, 3acTaBOAep)l(aTeJJb BeCb 'lac yIlpoAOB)I( IIepioAY 3a6e3rre'IeHH5I Mae rrpaBO 3AiHCHHTH Ha cBiH BHKJJlO'IHHH P03CYATaKi Aii":

Other Enforcement. The Pledgee may choose to obtain satisfaction of the Secured Obligations from the Collateral in any other manner not prohibited by Ukrainian legislation, and may exercise all other rights and remedies available to it under Ukrainian legislation to enforce this Pledge and/or foreclose on the Collateral.

Proceeds. Except as may otherwise be required under Ukrainian legislation, proceeds from the sale of the Collateral shall be applied first to the payment of all expenses, and then the repayment of the other Secured Obligations in such order as determined by the Pledgee.

3.10 General Rights. Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to the Pledgee under Ukrainian legislation or otherwise, the Pledgee shall at all times during the Security Period have the right in its absolute discretion to take the following actions:

Ai5lTH B 51KOCTi TpeTboi" CTOpOHH B 6YAb-51KOMY CYAOBOMya60 ap6iTpa)l(HoMy rrpoueci B 6YAb51KOMy crropi, IlIO cTocyeTbc5I IIpeAMeTy 3acTaBH; AeJJeryBaTH 6YAb-51KiHoc06i (6YAb-51KHM oc06aM) Bci rrpaBa Ta IlOBHOBa)l(eHH5I 3aCTaBOAep)l(aTeJJ5I 3a UHM ):(orOBopoM, 51K BiH MO)l(e BBa)l(aTH 3a IlOTpi6He; Ta HaHMaTH areHTiB, MeHeA)I(epiB, rrpaUIBHHKIB, paAHHKiB Ta iHIIIHX oci6 Ha TaKHX yMoBax, lIK 3acTaBOAep)l(aTeJJb BHpiIIIHTb Ha cBiH BJJaCHHH P03CYA, ):\JIll 3AiHcHeHHlI 6YAb-lIKHX IlpaB, IlOBHOBa)l(eHb a60 AHcKpeuiHHHx rrpaB 3aCTaBOAep)l(aTen513a UHM):(orOBopOM; 3a yMOBH, IlIO Y BHrraAKy HeBHKoHaHHlI 3060B'513aHb BHTpaTH Ha 6YAb-51Ki BHIlIe3a3Ha'IeHi Aii" IloKpHBalOTbcli 3a paxyHoK 3acTaBoAaBU5I. CTATTH 4 nPABO, IllO 3ACTOCOBYTbCJl, BMPIlllEHHJl CnOPIB TA IOPMClIMKurn IIpaBo, IlIO 3acTocoByeTbc5I. IIpaBa Ta 3060B'513aHHlI 3a UHM ):(oroBopoM perYJJlOlOTbC5I Ta TJJYMa'IaTbCli y BiAilOBiAHOCTi3 MaTepiaJIbHHM rrpaBoM YKpai"HH.

(a) act as a third party in any judicial or arbitration proceeding in any dispute involving the Collateral; (b) delegate to any person(s) all or any of the Pledgee's rights and powers under this Agreement as it sees fit; and (c) employ agents, managers, employees, advisers and others on such terms as the Pledgee in its sole discretion shall determine to exercise any of the Pledgee's rights, powers and discretions under this Agreement; provided that, in the case of an Event of Default, the cost of any of the foregoing shall be at the expense of the Pledgor.


4.1 Governing Law. The rights and obligations under this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Ukraine.

BHpiIIIeHH5I crropiB Ta lOpHCAHKUi5l. Bci crropH a60 IlpeTeH3ii", IlIO BHHHKaIOTb 3 UbOro ):(orOBopy a60 y 3B'1I3KY 3 HHM, BHpiIIIylOTbCli BHKJJlO'IHOap6iTpa)l(HHM


Arbitration and Jurisdiction. All disputes or claims arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by arbitration in accordance with

Cy)..(OM Y Bi)..(rroBi)..(HocTi 3 PerJIaMeHTOM JIOH)..(OHChKOro Mi)KHapo)..(Horo ap6iTpa)KHOrO cy)..(y ()..(aJIi - "JIMAC"), perJIaMeHT Ta rrpaBHJIa 51Koro BBa)KalOThC51 BKJIlO'-IeHHMH B ueH rryHKT IIIJI5IXOM rrOCHJIaHH5I Ha HHX. MicueM ap6iTpa)Ky e JIOH)..(OH (AHrJIi5l), Ta ap6iTpa)KHHH P03rJI5I)..( Be)..(eThC51 aHrJIiHchKOlO MOBOlO.Ap6iTpa)K 3)..(iHCHlOEThC51 O)..(HHM ap6iTpoM, a opraHOM, IIIO HOro rrpH3Ha'-lae, 6y)..(e JIMAC. BHTpaTH Ha ap6iTpa)KHHH P03rJI5I)..( (He BpaxoBylO'-IH BHTpaT KO)KHOICTOpOHH Ha rri)..(roToBKy )..(0 rrpouecy, rrepeI3)..(, BHHaropO)..(H lOpHCTaM a60 cxo)Ki BI:ITpaTH) rroBHHHi CrrJIa'-lyBaTHcb Bi)..(rroBi)..(Ho )..(0piIIIeHH5I ap6iTpy. PiIIIeHH5I ap6iTpy e OCTaTO'-lHHMTa 060B'513KOBHM )..(JI5I BHKOHaHH5I CTopOHaMH, a piIIIeHH5I, BHHeceHe rro ap6iTpa)KHoMy rrpouecy ap6iTpoM, MO)Ke 6yTH 3BepHeHe ):(0 BHKOHaHH5I y 6y):(h-51KOMy cy)..(i Bi):(rroBi):(Hoi' lOPHc):(HKuil. .5IKIIIo HeBHKOHaHH5I CTOpOHOlO piIIIeHH5I ap6iTpa BHMarae Bi)..(iHlliol CTOpOHH3BepHeHH5I ):(0 cy):(y ):(JI5IrrpHMycoBoro BHKOHaHH5ITaKoro piIIIeHH5I, To):(i He BHKoHylO'-Ia CTopOHa Hece Bi):(rroBi)..(aJIhHiCTh rrepe):( iHIIIOlO CTOpOHOlO 3a Bci BHTpaTH Ha TaKHH Cy):(OBHH rrpouec, BKJIlO'-IalO'-IH BHrrJIaTy 06rpyHToBaHHX rOHopapiB lOpHCTaM.

the Rules of the London Court of International Arbitration (the "LCIA"), which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The place of arbitration shall be London, England and the language of the arbitration shall be English. There shall be one arbitrator and the appointing authority shall be the LCIA.

Fees of the arbitration (excluding each Party's preparation, travel, attorneys' fees and similar costs) shall be borne in accordance with the decision ofthe arbitrator.

The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and enforceable upon the Parties and judgment upon any award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. In the event that the failure of a party to comply with the decision of the arbitrator requires any other party to apply to any court for enforcement of such award, the non-complying party shall be liable to the other for all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

5.1 3MiHH Ta Bi):(MoBa. EY)..(h-51Ka3MiHa 6Y)..(b-51KOro rrOJIO)KeHH5I Uboro ,Z:(oroBopy '-IH 3ro)..(a Ha Bi)..(xHJIeHH5I 3acTaBo):(aBU51 a60 3acTaBo):(ep)KaTeJI5I Bi):( 6Y):(h-51KOro rrOJIO)KeHH5I Uboro ,Z:(oroBopy 6y):(yTh ):(iHcHHMHTiJIbKH Y TOMy BHrra):(Ky, 51KIIIOBOHH oopMJIeHi B rrHchMoBiH opMi i rri):(rrHcaHi. EY)..(h-51Ka Bi)..(MoBa '-IH 3ro):(a 3acTaBo)..(ep)KaTeJI5I 6y)..(e ):(iHcHolO TiJIbKH y pa3i rrHChMOBoro OOpMJIeHH5I B KOHKpeTHoMy BHrra):(KYTa ):(JI5I KOHKpeTHHX uiJIeH, )..(JI5I 51KHX BOHa Ha)..(aeThC5I.

5.1 Amendments and Waiver. No amendment of any provision of this Agreement, or consent to any departure by the Pledgor or the Pledgee therefrom shall be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the Pledgor and the Pledgee. Any waiver or consent of the Pledgee shall only be effective if in writing and in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given.

5.2 CTpOK ):(ii. IJ,en ,Z:(oroBip Ha6Hpae l.jHHHOCTi 3 MOMeHTy Hora rri):(rrHcaHH5I, i )..(ie )..(0 ):(aTH Ha):(aHH5I 3aCTaBo):(ep)KaTeJIeM 3aCTaBo):(aBueBi rrHChMOBoro rri):(TBep)..()KeHH5I rrpo BHKOHaHH5I OCTaHHiM BCIX 3060B'513aHh 3a Kpe)..(HTHHM ):(orOBopOM Ta UHM ,Z:(orOBopoM y rroBHoMy 06C5I3i. 3aKiH'-IeHH5I CTpOKy ):(il Uhoro ,Z:(OroBOpy He 3BiJIhH5Ie CTOpOHH Bi):( Bi):(rroBi):(aJIhHoCTi3a HOro rropyIIIeHH5I, 51KeMaJIO Micue rri):('-lac ):(il UhOro ,Z:(oroBopy.
5.3 IIoBi):(oMJIeHH5I.EY):(b-51Ke rroBi)..(oMJIeHH5I a60 iHIIIa KopecrroH):(eHui5l, IIIO MalOTb 6yTH 3):(iHcHeHi a60 Ha):(aHi 3a UHM ,Z:(oroBopoM, rroBHHHi OOPMJI5ITHC5I rrHCbMOBO. TaKe rroBi):(oMJIeHH5I a60 iHIIIa KopecrrOH):(eHui51 BBa)KalOTbC5I HaJIe)KHHM '-IHHOM Ha):(aHHMH a60 3):(iHcHeHHMH,KOJIH IX Bpy'-leHo OC06HCTO, )..(ocTaBJIeHO aBiarrOlliTOlO, TeJIeKCOM a60 aKcoM CTOpOHi, 51KiHIX BHMaraeTbC5I a60 )..(03BOJI5IeThC5I Ha)..(aTHa60 3)..(iHCHHTH,

5.2 Term of the Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force upon its execution, and shall remain in effect until the date when the Pledgee confirms to the Pledgor in writing that all of its obligations under all and/or any of the Facility Agreements and this Agreement have been discharged in full. Termination of the agreement shall not discharge Parties of liability for breach of the agreement that occurred during the term of its validity. 5.3 Notices. Any notice or other communication to be given or made under this Agreement shall be in writing. Such notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been duly given or made when it is delivered by hand, airmail or facsimile transmission to the Party to which it is required or permitted to be given or made at such Party's address specified below or at such other address as such Party designates by notice to the Party

Ha a,n:pecy TaKO!' CTOpOHH, 3a3HaqeHY HHlKqe, a60 Ha iHluy a,n:pecy, HKy TaKa CTopOHa 3a3HaqHTb y rroBi,n:oMneHHi CTopoHi, Ill,0 Ha,n:ae a60 3,n:iHcHloe TaKe rroBi,n:oMneHHH, TaKy 3a5lBYa60 iHllIy KopecrrOH,n:eHI.(iIO. 5.4 IlPHMipHHKH Ta MOBa. UeH ,ll,oroBip rri,n:rrHcaHHH y ,n:BOX (2) opHriHMbHHX rrpHMipHHKax, KO)l(HHH aHrniHcbKoIO Ta yKpai'HcbKoIO MOBOIO, rro O,n:HOMy rrpHMipHHKy,n:nH3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeJIHTa 3aCTaBo,n:aBI.(H. Y BHrra,n:Ky 6y,n:b-51KOi' HeBi,n:noBi,n:HoCTi MilKaHrniHCbKoIO Ta yKpai'HcbKoIO BepciHMH I.(bOro ,ll,oroBopy, rrepeBara Ha,n:aeTbCHaHrniHcbKiH Bepcii'; Me 3a yMOBH, Ill,0 rrpH Heo,n:H03HaqHOCTiaHrniHcbKoi' Bepcii' ,ll,OroBOpy 3aB)I(,n:H MO)l(Ha 3BepHyTHcH ,n:o Horo yKpai'HcbKoi' Bepcii' ,n:JIH 3'JlcYBaHHH, HaCKiJIbKH I.(e MO)I(JIHBO, 6y,n:b-JlKOi' Heo,n:H03HaQHOCTi B aHrniHCbKiH Bepcii' ,ll,oroBopy.

glvmg or making communication.




or other

5.4 Counterparts and Language. This Agreement has been signed in two original counterparts, each in the English and in the Ukrainian language, one counterpart for each of the the Pledgee and Pledgor. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Ukrainian versions, the English language version shall prevail; provided, however, that in case of ambiguity in the English language version of the Agreement recourse may always be had to the Ukrainian language version in order to clarifY, insofar as possible, any ambiguity in the English language version ofthe Agreement.

5.5 BMIOTHe 3aCTepe)l(eHHJl. ,ll,m onnaTH 5.5 Currency Clause. In order to cover the Secured 3a6e3rreQeHHX 3060B' 513aHb, Ill,0 BHpa)l(eHi y 6y,n:b-51KiH Obligations expressed in any currency other than the iHIIIiH BMIOTi, Hi)l( BMIOTa, o,n:ep)l(aHa a60 yTpHMyBaHa currency received or held by the Pledgee under this 3aCTaBo,n:eplKaTeneM 3a I.(HM ,ll,oroBopoM, Agreement, the Pledgee may from time to time purchase 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTenb MO)l(e Qac Bi,n:Qacy KyrryBaTH 6y,n:bany other currency as the Pledgee considers necessary or 51Ky iHIIIy BanIOTY, JlKy 3aCTaBo,n:eplKaTenb BH3Hae desirable at the then prevailing spot rate of exchange He06xi,n:HOIOa60 6alKaHoIO, 3a 06MiHHliM KypCOM"crroT", available to the Pledgee and the Pledgor is to indemnify iCHYIOQHM Ha TOH Qac Ta ,n:ocTyrrHHM ,n:nH the Pledgee as a separate and independent obligation 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTenH, a 3acTaBo,n:aBeI.(b, B HKOCTioKpeMoro against the full cost of such purchase. If the amount Ta He3Me)l(Horo 3060B'Jl3aHHJl, rrOBHHeH Bi,n:IIIKo,n:yBaTH received by the Pledgee when the currency is converted in 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTenIO Bci BHTpaTH, nOB'H3aHi 3 TaKOIO accordance with this Section 5.5 is less than the amount KyrriBneIO. Y BHrra,n:Ky, HKIll,O cyMa, o,n:ep)l(aHa owed by the Pledgor under this Agreement, the Pledgor is 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeneM rrpH KOHBepTaI.(ii'y Bi,n:rroBi,n:HocTi 3 to immediately, on demand, pay to the Pledgee an amount equal to the deficit. I.(HMIlyHKToM 5.5, e MeHiliOIO 3a CyMy, 3a60proBaHy 3acTaBo,n:aBIJ,eM 3a I.(HM ,ll,oroBopoM, 3acTaBo,n:aBeIJ,b 3060B'Jl3aHHH HeraHHo, Ha BliMory, cnnaTHTH 3acTaBo,n:ep)l(aTenIO CyMy, HKO!' He ,n:icTae.

5.6 Ilo,n:Mbilia crrnaTa. 3acTaBo,n:aBeI.(b crrJIaQye a60 3a6e3neQye cnnaTy, B TiH Mipi, B HKiH IJ,e ,n:03BoneHO 3aKOHo,n:aBCTBOM YKpai'HH, Bcix iCHYIOQHX Ta MaH6yTHix rro,n:aTKiB, MHTa,360piB Ta iHililiX 060B'H3KOBHXrrnaTe)l(iB 6y,n:b-HKoro xapaKTepy, B TOMy QHcni Bcix rro,n:aTKiBHa ,n:o,n:aHy BapTicTb, HKi HaKna,n:aIOTbCJl Bi,n:noBi,n:HHM opraHoM ,n:eplKaBHoi'Bna,n:li3apa3 a60 B 6y,n:b-HKHH iHIIIHH Qac y 3B'H3KY3 yKna,n:eHHHM Ta ni,n:TpliMaHHHM ,n:iHCHOCTi I.(bOrO ,ll,oroBopy, a60 6y,n:b-HKHX nnaTe)l(iB a60 rrepeKa3iB, 3,n:iHcHeHHX 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTeneM ,n:n51 3,n:iHCHeHHJla60 rrpHMycoBoro BHKoHaHHH 6y,n:b-51KHX Horo npaB 3a IJ,HM,ll,oroBopOM. Y TiH Mipi, ,n:o HKOi'Ha 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTenJl rroIIIHpIOIOTbCJl 6y,n:b-JlKi Bi.n:paxyBaHHH, yTpHMaHHH a60 rrJIaTe)l(i <m orro,n:aTKyBaHHH6y,n:b-HKOro BH,n:y CTOCOBHO 6y,n:b-HKHX CYM, CrrnaQeHHX a60 rrepeKa3aHHX 3a I.(liM ,ll,oroBopOM, 6y.n:b-HKi TaKi CYMli, crrnaQeHi a60 rrepeKa3aHi 3aCTaBo,n:aBI.(eM a60 Bi,n: HOro iMeHi, rroBHHHi 36inbIIIyBaTHcH HacTinbKli, Ill,06 3aCTaBo,n:ep)l(aTenb o,n:eplKaBrroBHy CyMy, 51Ky 6 BiH OTpliMaB, JlK6H He 6yno He06xi.n:HOCTiBlipaxyBaHHH 6y,n:b-HKHXTaKliX yTpHMaHb, rrnaTelKiB a60 iHIIIHXCyM.

5.6 Further Payment. The Pledgor shall payor cause to be paid, to the fullest extent permitted by Ukrainian legislation, all present and future taxes, duties, fees and other charges of whatever nature, including any valueadded taxes, now or at any time hereafter levied or imposed by any relevant governmental authority in connection with the execution and maintenance of this Agreement or any payments to or remittances by the Pledgee in the exercise or enforcement of any of its rights under this Agreement. To the extent that the Pledgee is subject to any deduction, withholding or payment or imposition of any kind with respect to any amounts paid or remitted under this Agreement, any such amounts paid or remitted by or on behalf of the Pledgor shall be increased to such amount as may be necessary to yield and remit to the Pledgee the full amount it would have received had such payments been made without deduction of any such withholdings, payments or other impositions.

5.7 IIoniJlbHicTb. 5IK~O 6ynb-51Ke rrOJlO)j{eHH5I ~bOro )],oroBopy BII3HaeTbC51cynoM a60 ap6iTpa)l{HIIM cy.n:OM KOMrreTeHTHoi'lOplIcnIIK~ii' HeniHCHIIM, TaKIIM, ~o He MO)j{e 6YTII rrplIMycoBo BIIKoHaHIIM, a60 TaKIIM, ~o rropyllIye BIIMOrII 6YAb-51Koro 3aKoHo.n:aBcTBa, TaKe rrOJlo)j{eHH5I BBa)j{aeTbC51 HiK"'IeMHIIM,He BrrJlIIBalO"'I1I Ha niHcHicTb pelliTII rrOJlo)j{eHb ~boro )],oroBopy, a60 6yne TJlYMa"'IIITIIC51 51K TaKe, ~o Mae MiHiMaJTbHi rrpaBoBi HacJli.n:KII. 5IK~O )],oroBip He MO)j{e BIIKoHYBaTlIcb 6e3 TaKoro He.n:iHcHoro a60 TaKoro, ~o Horo He MO)j{Ha 3niHcHIITII, rrOJlo)j{eHH5I, CTOpOHII n06pocoBicHO Y3ro.n:51Tb 3aMicTb HeniHcHoro rrOJlO)j{eHH5I iHllie (iHllIi) rrOJlO)j{eHH5I,~o MaTIIMe .n:ilO, 51Ka, HaCKiJlbKII ~e MO)j{JlIIBO,6y.n:e CXO)j{OlO3 oplIriHaJTbHIIMII HaMipaMII CTOpiH, rrepe.n:6a"'IeHIIMII B ~bOMY)],oroBopi.
5.8 BigIlIKOL\YBaHH5I. 3acTaBonaBe~b rrOBIIHeH 3aXII~aTII (3a .n:orrOMorolO pa.n:HIIKa, 51KIIH3anOBOJlbH5Ie 3acTaBonep)j{aTeJl5l), OXOPOH5ITII, BinlliKonoByBaTII Ta He norrycKaTII rro BinHOllIeHHlOno 3acTaBonep)j{aTeJl5l, Horo arjJiJliHoBaHl1x oci6 Ta BinrroBinHl1x rrocanoBlIx oci6, nlIpeKTopiB, y"'IaCHIIKiB,CJlY)j{60B~iB,nOBipeHIIX oci6 Ta areHTiB 3acTaBonep)j{aTeJl51 Ta i'x BinrroBinHlIx arjJiJliHoBaHlIx oci6 (KO)j{HIIH- "CTopoHa-Ogep)j{YBa"'I BigIliKogYBaHIDI") 6ynb-JIKIIX Ta Bcix nOKyMeHTaJTbHO rrinTBepn)j{eHIIX 3060B' 513aHb, BTpaT, 36IITKiB, IlITparjJiB, niH, cynoBlIx pillIeHb, rro30BiB, rrpeTeH3iH, BlInaTKiB, BIITpaT Ta OrrJlaT 6ynb-51Koro BlIny Ta xapaKTepy (B TOMy "'IllcJli, 6e3 06Me)j{eHHJI, OrrJlaT Ta 06rpyHToBaHIIx rOHopapiB lOplInlI"'IHOMy panHI1Ky KO)j{HOi'CTOPOHIIOnep)j{yBa"'Ia BinIliKonYBaHH5I B 3B'513KY3 rrpOBe.n:eHH5IM 6ynb-51Koro p03cJlinYBaHH5I, aAMiHicTpaTIIBHllMII crrpaBaMII a60 cynOBIIM p03rJl5lnOM, He3aJTe)j{HO Bin Toro, "'III 6YJla CTOpoHa-Onep)j{yBa"'I BinIliKonYBaHH5I BII3Ha"'IeHa, 51KcTOpOHa TaKoro p03rJl5lny), 51KiMO)j{YTb 6YTIIHaKJlaneHi, rroHeceHi a60 BIICyHyTi rrpOTlI CTOPOHIIOnep)j{yBa"'Ia BinIliKonYBaHH5I (He3aJTe)j{HOBin TOro, "'III rrp5lMO,"'IIIorrocepenKoBaHo, "'IIIB pe3yJlbTaTi 6ynb-"'Ioro, i TaKO)j{He3aJTe)j{HO Bi.n:Toro, "'IHHa oCHoBi 6ynb-51Koro qHHHOrO3aKOHo.n:aBCTBa ql1 rrOJlo)j{eHb,B TOMyqHCJli, 6e3 06Me)j{eHHJI, 3aKoHiB Ta rrOJlo)j{eHb, 51Ki CTOCYlOTbC51 ~iHHIIX rrarrepiB, HaBKOJllIllIHbOro rrplIpOnHoro cepenoBH~a Ta KOMep~iHHoi'ni5lJlbHocTi, Ha KOHTpaKTHiH oCHoBi qlI y iHllIlIH crroci6), 51Ki 6ynb-51KIIM "'IIIHOM Bi.n:Hoc5lTbC51 no ~bOro )],oroBopy, 3acTaBH a60 IIpenMeTy 3acTaBII qlI BHHIIKalOTb 3 HIIX, B TOMy "'IIICJli, 6e3 06Me)j{eHH5I, B 3B'513Ky i3 BIIKopHCTaHH5IM 3aCTaBonep)j{aTeJleM CBoi'x rrpaB Ta 3ac06iB rrpaBOBoro 3aXIICTY, a60 6y.n:b-51Koro aKTa, rronii' qH yronH, 51Ki BinHoc5ITbC5Ino ~bOro )],oroBopy qlI cyrrpoBOn)j{ylOTb HOro; rrpoTe, 3a yMOBII, ~o 3aCTaBo.n:aBe~b He MaTHMe )j{OnHHX3060B' 513aHb 3a ~HM )],orOBopOM rrepen 6ynb51KOIO CTOPOHOIO-Onep)j{YBaqeM BinIlIKo.n:YBaHH5Iqepe3 HaBMHcHi HeHaJTe)j{Hinii' qH rpy6y He,[(6aJTicTb TaKoi' CTOpOHH-O.n:ep)j{yBaqa BinIliKonYBaHH5I. 5IK~O 3060B' 513aHH5ICTOCOBHO BinIliKonYBaHH5I, BIIKJlaneHe B rrorrepenHboMy pe"'IeHHi, He MO)j{e 6YTII rrplIMycoBO BHKOHaHe"'Iepe3 Te, ~O BOHOrropyllIye 6ynb-51Ke qlIHHe

5.7 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court or arbitration tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or violative of any applicable law, it shall be deemed null and void to the extent thereof without affecting the balance of this Agreement or shall be interpreted to have minimum legal effect. If the invalid or unenforceable provision makes this Agreement inoperative, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith and shall agree on another provision(s) to substitute the invalid one, with the effect as close as possible to the original intentions of the Parties contemplated in this Agreement.

5.8 Indemnity. The Pledgor shall defend (with counsel satisfactory to Pledgee), protect, indemnify and hold harmless the Pledgee, its affiliates, and each of the respective officers, directors, participants, employees, attorneys and agents of the Pledgee and its affiliates (each an "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all documented liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature (including, without limitation, the disbursements and the reasonable fees of counsel for each Indemnified Party in connection with any investigative, administrative or judici~1 proceeding, whether or not the Indemnified Party shall be designated a party thereto), which may be imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against an Indemnified Party (whether direct, indirect or consequential and whether based on any applicable laws or regulations, including, without limitation, securities, environmental and commercial laws and regulations or based on contract or otherwise) in any manner relating to or arising out of this Agreement, the Pledge or the Collateral, including, without limitation, in connection with the Pledgee's exercise of its rights and remedies hereunder, or any act, event or transaction related or attendant thereto; provided, however, that the Pledgor shall not have any obligation hereunder to any Indemnified Party with respect to matters caused by or resulting from the willful misconduct or gross negligence of such Indemnified Party. To the extent that the undertaking to indemnify set forth in the preceding sentence may be unenforceable because it is violative of any applicable law or public policy, Pledgor shall satisfy such undertaking to the maximum extent permitted by Ukrainian legislation. Any liability, obligation, loss, damage, penalty, cost or expense covered by this indemnity shall be paid to each Indemnified Party on demand, and, failing prompt payment, shall be payable to the Pledgee on demand. The provisions of this Section II shall survive the repayment of the Secured Obligations and the termination of this Agreement. In addition to the foregoing, if the Pledgee incurs any expenses (including, without limitation, attorney's fees

3aKOHO,I:\aBCTBO a60 ,I:\ep)KaBHHifrrOpR,I:\OK, 3aCTaBO,I:\aBel(b rrOBHHeH3a,I:\OBOJIbHHTH TaKe 3060B'R3aHHR i rroBHiif Mipi, ,I:\03BoJIeHiif 3aKOHO,I:\aBCTBOMYKpaIHH. EY,I:\b-RKe 3060B'R3aHHR, BTpaTa, 36HTKH, IlITpa<p, Bll,I:\aTKll a60 BHTpaTll, RKi rrOKpllBalOTbCR l(HM Bi,I:\IlIKO,I:\YBaHHRM, rroBHHHi CrrJIaqyBaTHcR KO)KHiif CTopoHi-O,I:\ep)KYBaqy Bi,I:\IlIKo,I:\YBaHHR 3a iT BHMorolO, a He3,I:\iifcHeHHifBqaCHO rrJIaTi)K rri,I:\JIRraecrrJIaTi 3aCTaBO,I:\ep)KaTeJIlOHa BllMory. IIoJIo)KeHHR l(bOro IIyHKTy 5.8 36epiralOTbcR qHHHicTb i rricJIR BHKOHaHHR 3a6e3rreqeHHX 3060B' R3aHb Ta rrpHrrHHeHHR l(bOro .uoroBopy. Ha ,I:\O,I:\aTOK,I:\O BHll\e3a3HaqeHOrO, y BHrra,I:\KY,KOJIH 3aCTaBO,I:\ep)KaTeJIb Hece 6Y,I:\b-RKiBH,I:\aTKH (y TOMy qHCJIi, 6e3 06Me)KeHHR, Ha CrrJIaTy rrOCJIyr a,I:\BoKaTiB Ta iHIlIHx lOPH,I:\HqHHX rrocJIyr, a TaKO)KiHllii rroHeceHi BH,I:\aTKH)y 3B'R3KY i3 36epe)KeHHRM Ta 3,I:\iifcHeHHRM 6Y,I:\b-RKHX rrpaB 3aCTaBO,I:\ep)KaTeJIR 3a l(HM .uoroBopoM, rrpRMo qH orrOCepe,I:\KOBaHO BHaCJIi,I:\OK 6Y,I:\b-RKHX ,I:\iif qH 6e3,I:\illJIbHOCTi 3aCTaBO,I:\aBl(R B rropYllIeHHll l(bOro .uoroBopy, 3aCTaBO,I:\aBel(bCrrJIaTHTb 3aCTaBO,I:\ep)KaTeJIlO CyMy TaKHX BH,I:\aTKiBTa, Ha ,I:\O,I:\aTOK, y KO)KHOMY BHrra,I:\KY, rrO,I:\aTOK Ha ,I:\O,I:\aHY BapTicTb a60 iHlili rro,I:\i6Hi rrO,I:\aTKHqH 360pH (i TaKi BH,I:\aTKHBBa)KaTHMYTbCll BH,I:\aTKaMH 3a l(HM .uOroBOpOM). 5.9 1l0roBip B l(iJIOMy. [(eif .uoroBip (Pa30M 3 yciMa .uO,I:\aTKaMH ,I:\OHboro, ll\0 CTaHOBJIRTbiforo HeBi,I:\'eMHY qaCTHHy) RBJIRe C06010 rroBHy ,I:\oMoBJIeHicTb Mi)K CTOpoHaMH Ta cKacoBye i 3aMiHlOe Bci rrorrepe,I:\HiyCHi Ta rrHcbMoBi ,I:\OMOBJIeHOCTi Ta yrO,I:\HMi)KCTopoHaMH 1.1\0,I:\0 rrpe,I:\MeTy l(bOrO .uoroBopy (KpiM BHTIa,I:\KiB,KOJIH CTOpOHH qiTKO ,I:\OMOBHJIHCll rrpo iHwe, Ta TiJIbKH y Tiif Mipi, rrpo llKy BOHH,I:\OMOBHJIHCll). 5.10 Bi,I:\cTYrrJIeHHll. 3aCTaBO,I:\aBel(b He MO)Ke Bi,I:\cTyrrllTll 6Y,I:\b-RKi CBOI Bi,I:\rroBi,I:\Hi rrpaBa a60 ,I:\eJIeryBaTH CBOI Bi,I:\rroBi,I:\Hi 060B' R3Kll 3a l(llM .uorOBopOM TpeTiM oc06aM 6e3 rrOrrepe,I:\HbOIrrHCbMOBOI 3rO,I:\ll 3aCTaBO,I:\ep)KaTeJIR. 3aCTaBO,I:\ep)KaTeJIb MO)Ke Bi,I:\cTyrrHTll6Y,I:\b-RKiCBOI rrpaBa a60 ,I:\eJIeryBaTll CBOI 060B'1l3KH 3a l(HM .uorOBopOM TpeTiM oc06aM, BO,I:\HOqaC 3 Bi,I:\CTyrrJIeHHllM CBo'ix rrpaB Ta ,I:\eJIeryBaHHRM CBOIX 060B'R3KiB 3a Kpe,I:\HTHHM .uoroBopoM, 6e3 3rO,I:\ll 3aCTaBO,I:\aBl(1l. 5.11 <DOpc Ma)Kop. )l{O,I:\Ha CTopOHa He Hece Bi,I:\rroBi,I:\aJIbHOCTi 3a HeBllKOHaHHRCBOIX3060B' R3aHb 3a l(llM .uorOBopOM (oKpiM 3060B'R3aHHll 3,I:\i ifCHlO BaUI CrrJIaTy) BHacJIi,I:\oKHaCTaHHR 06CTaBllH <pOpC Ma)KOpy. CTopOHa MO)Ke BllMaraTH 3acTocyBaHHR ,I:\OHe'!' l(bOro rryHKTy 5.11 JIllllie rriCJIll Toro, RK BOHa B)KllJIa Bcix Bi,I:\rroBi,I:\HHx 3axo,I:\iB ,I:\JIR 3arr06iraHHll HaCTaHHlO 06cTaBHH <popc Ma)KOpy. Y pa3i 3aTpllMKH a60 HeBHKOHaHHR CBOIX 3060B'R3aHb y 3B'R3KY 3 <popc Ma)KOpOM,CTopOHa yrrp0,I:\OB)K TpbOX (3) ,I:\HiB 3 MOMeHTy HaCTaHHll 06CTaBllH <popc Ma)K0PY rrHCbMOBOcrroBill\ae iHWy CTOpOHy rrpo 3aTpllMKy a60 HeBllKOHaHHll Bi,I:\rroBi,I:\HHX 3060B'1l3aHb i 3aRBJIRe rrpo <paKTH, Ha

and other legal and out-of-pocket expenses) in connection with the preservation or enforcement of any of the Pledgee's rights under this Agreement as a direct or indirect result of an act or failure to act by the Pledgor in breach of this Agreement, the Pledgor will pay such expenses to the Pledgee plus in each case any valueadded or other similar tax charged on expenses (and any such expenses shall be deemed Expenses hereunder).

5.9 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including all Exhibits attached hereto and being integral parts hereof) constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, written or oral, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement (except and only to the extent as may otherwise have been expressly agreed to by them).

5.10 Assignment. The Pledgor may not assign any of its respective rights or delegate any of its respective obligations under this Agreement to any third parties without the prior written consent of the Pledgee. The Pledgee may assign any of its rights or delegate any of its obligations under this Agreement to any third party concurrently with the assignment of its rights or delegation of its duties under the Facility Agreement without the consent of the Pledgor.

5.11 Force Majeure. A Party shall not be liable for a failure to perform its obligations hereunder (other than an obligation to pay money) if the failure was due to occurrence of an event of force majeure. The Party claiming the benefit of this Clause 5.11 shall have taken all reasonable precautions to avoid the event of force majeure. If a Party is delayed in performance or fails to perform due to the event of force majeure, it shall give the other Party, in writing within three (3) days from the moment of occurrence of the event of force majeure, written notice of such delay or failure, together with a statement of the facts upon which it bases its claim of force majeure. The Party so delayed or failing to perform

ni,J:(cTaBi 51KHXBOHa CTBep,J:()KyE: npo HaCTaHH5I06CTaBHH opc Ma)KOpy. CTopOHa, I.IJ;O 3aTpHMyE: BHKOHaHH5I a60 He BHKOHyE: CBOI 3060B'513aHH5I '1epe3 06CTaBHHH opc Ma)K0py, 3060B'513aHa 3,J:(iilCHHTHBci He06xi,J:(Hi ,J:(il ,J:(IT5I MiHiMi3an:il HacITi,J:(KiB <pOpC Ma)KOpy. HaCTaHH5I Ta TpHBarricTh 06CTaBHH <pOpc Ma)K0PY nOBHHHi 6yTH ni,J:(TBep,J:()KeHi ,J:(OKyMeHToM, O<popMITeHHM ToprOBOnpOMHCITOBOlOnarraTOlO a60 iHIlIHM ynoBHOBa)KeHHM opraHOM (OC060lO) KpalHH (Micn:eBOCTi), y 51Kiil HaCTarrH Ta/a60 npHnHHHITHC5I 06CTaBHHH <pOpCMa)KOpy. HA 3ACBI,1l,QEHHH QOrO CTOpOHH 3a6e3ne'lHITH ni,J:(nHcaHH5In:hOro )J,OroBOpy 3aCTaBH Bi,J:( iMeHi KO)KHOI 3 HHXB ,J:(aTy,3a3Ha'leHY Ha nO'laTKy n:hOro )J,OroBOpy.

due to the event of force majeure shall take all reasonable steps to minimise the effect of the event of force majeure. Occurrence and termination of the event of force majeure shall be evidenced by a document issued by the chamber of commerce and industry or other authorised body (person) of a country (location), where the event of force majeure has occurred and/or terminated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Pledge Agreement to be duly executed and delivered as of the date first above written.


I. 2. 3.

CKna.rl/ Warehouse 23061 23061 23061

Ha3Ba / Description 0326 0359 0362 EneKTpoi30n5l11,iHHi wapyBaTi rrnaCTIIKIITa naKOTKaHIIHII/ Electroinsulating laminated plastic and varnished fabric TIlInoMaTepianlI 3BWIaHHi TBep.rlIIXnlICT5IHlIXrropi.rl / Ordinary timber of hardwoods TIlinoMaTepianll.rlJUl CY.rlHo6Y.rlYBaHH5I, aBTo6Y.rlYBaHH5I Ta BaroHo6Y.rlYBaHH5I/ Timber for ship-building, automobile engineering and railway coach manufacturing <DaHepa KneeHa (CKneeHa <jJeHon<jJopManb.rleri.rlHlIMII Kne5lMII) - MapKII <DC/ Phenol-formaldehyde glued laminboard, grade <DC <DaHepa KneeHa (Ha Kap6aMi.rlHlIX i anb6YMiHO-Ka3eYHoBblx Kne5lx)M.<DK/ Carbamide and albumin-casein glued laminboard, grade <DK IHIlii B'51)l{yqiMaTepianli (6e3 ll,eMeHTY)/ Other binding materials (without cement) I3on5l11,iHHi6Y.rliBenbHi MaTepianlI / Insulating constructional materials 03.rlo6mOBanbHi Ta 06nllll,IOBanbHi MaTepianll, niHoneyM rOCT 725177 / Finishing and facing materials, linoleum GOST 7251-77 IHIni HeMeTaniqHi KorranllHlI / Other non-metal minerals CKJIO/ Glass BlIpo61I caHiTapHo-TeXHiqHi / Sanitary-engineering products Tpy61I caHiTapHO-TeXHiqHi / Sanitary-engineering pipes CKno opraHiqHe JIlICTKOBe / Organic sheet glass TIOJIiaMi.rllli rroniypeTaHli / Polyamides and polyurethanes TIoniBiHinxnopll.rl / Polyvinylchloride TIonicTlIpon / Polystyrene TIonieTlIneH / Polyethylene <DTOporrnacTII / Fluoroplastic TIaclI rrpllBi.rlHi KnlIHoBi / Driving cone belts IHIni CTpiqKlI KOHBeepHi Ta rracll rrporyMoBaHi / Other conveyor and rubberized belts PyKaBH yCMoKTyBanbHi / Suction hoses PyKaBH 6eH30cTillKi 6e3 crripani / Petrol-proof hoses PyKaBII HarripHi .rliaMeTpoM Bi.rl 16 MM/ Pressure hoses, diameter from 16 mm Tpy6KII, WHyplI Ta CTpiqKlI ryMoBi (3aranbHoro rrplI3HaqeHH5I) / Rubber tubes, cords and bands (general purpose) IInacTlIHlI ryMoBi / Rubber sheets <DOpMOBiryMoBoTeXHiqHi BHpo611/ Moulded rubber technical products A36ecToBi BlIpo61I / Asbestos products Ha6HTT5I 3a winbHHKoBi / Stuffing boxes TIpo.rlyKll,i51 3aBO.rliB-6Y.rliBenbHlIKiB(wrraKniBKa, rpyHT, MaCTIIKa, Knerr) / Products manufactured by construction plants (crack fillers, flattening, mastic, glue) EiTyMII Ha<jJToBi/ Oil bitumen TIapyclIHa / Duck fabric TKaHHHII 6aBoBH5IHi/ Cotton cloth TKaHlIHII 6aBoBwIHi / Cotton cloth KaHaTlI Ta KaHaTHi BlIpo611 / Cables and cordage

BapTicTb, rpH. / Value, UAH 769,02 48664,94 18005,40

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2I. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061

0368 0369 0429 0433 0435 0447 0450 0455 0457 0576 0581 0583 0586 0589 0606 0652 0653 0654 0657 0662 0669 0675 0684 0688 0689 0756

12279,35 4146,13 88,20 4130,80 135,20 1 484,86 1 768,27 3 189,17 1 983,74 655,84 43 635,60 1 477,54 786,00 3733,23 42801,53 3088,80 17900,00 353 948,14 1426,50 583,80 712,70 23040,59 5810,46 440,66 740,60 371,00

30. 3I. 32. 33. 34.

23061 23061 23061 23061 23061

0823 0850 0853 0854 0862

1 596,55 2315,04 99,75 1 861,60 7521,43

35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.

23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23061 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064

0863 0865 0872 0875 0887 0890 0893 0913 0915 0919 0922 0923 0931 0933 0939 X447 X581 X660 X669 X912 X922 X923 X933 I0861 0583 0918 0919 0920 0262 0447 0526 0529 0535 0543 0553 0564 0585 0690 0728 0729

KOHOrrJIe)])KyToBi BHpo6H, rrp5DKa,HHTKH,BaTa / Hemp and jute products, yarn, sewings, cotton wool TexHiqHi TeKCTHJIbHO-raJIaHTepellHicTpiqKOTKaHiBHpo6H / Industrial fabric small-ware IIoBcDIHi BHpo6H Ta MaTepiaJIH / Felt products and materials IllKipa TeXHiqHa / Industrial leather IIpoTHrro)l(e)l(He MallHO/ Fire-fighting equipment IIOCYACKJIJIHHll / Glassware 3axHcHi Ta pJITyBaJIbHi3aco6H / Protective and rescue means IIarrip / Paper KapToH / Cardboard CrreUOAJIr/ Work wear KaHueJIJIpCbKi TOBapHTa BHTpaTHiMaTepiaJIH / Stationery and expandable materials KaHueJIJIpCbKi TOBapHTa BHTpaTHiMaTepiaJIH / Stationery and expandable materials BTopHHHa CHpoBHHaTa 06THpaJIbHi MaTepiaJIH / Recyclable and wiping materials rocrroAapcri TOBapH/ Household items IIpHJIaAAJIAJIJIeJIeKTporparpiqHHx po6iT (KapTpHA)l(i, TOHepH) / Equipment for electrosensitive works (cartridges and toners) IHIlii HeMeTaJIicrHiKOrraJIHHH / Other non-metal minerals IIoJIiaMiAH i rroJIiypeTaHH / Polyamides and polyurethanes PyKaBH ryMoBoTKaHHHHiHarripHi AiaMeTpoM BiA 6 AO 13 MM/ Pressure rubber-fabric hoses, diameter 6-13 mm Tpy6KH, UIHypH Ta cTpicrKHryMoBi (3araJIbHOrO rrpH3Ha1.jeHHJI) / Rubber tubes, cords and bands(general purpose) IIarrip / Paper KaHuemrpcbKi TOBapHTa rrpeAMeTHKyJIbTypHo-rro6yToBoro rrpH3HacreHwr / Stationery and cultural and general purpose items KaHueJIJIpcbKi TOBapHTa rrpeAMeTHKyJIbTypHo-rro6yToBoro rrpH3HacreHHJI/ Stationery and cultural and general purpose items rocrroAapcri BHpo6H / Household items --PAROC IIJIHTA 13 MIRBATH 80.100MM / MINERAL COTTON PLATE PAROC 80.100MM IIoJIiBiHiJIXJIOPHA / Polyvinylchloride CrreUOAJIr/ Work wear CrreUOAJIr/ Work wear CrreuiaJIbHe B3yTTJI/ Special-purpose footwear IIopollIKH / Powders IHllIi HeMeTaJIi1.jHi KOrraJII1HI1 / Other non-metal minerals ra3I1 Ta eJIeMeHTapHi pe1.jOBI1HI1 / Gases and elementary substances KI1CJIOTaCip1.jaHaTeXHiqHa rOCT 2184-77 / Industrial dipping acid GOST 2184-77 COJIi Ta OKCHAH / Salts and oxides JIicoxiMi1.jHa rrpoAYKUiJI/ Wood-chemical products IHllIi XiMicrHiMaTepiaJIH / Other chemical materials XiMi1.jHipeaKTHBHTa rrperrapaTH / Chemical agents and compounds IIJIacTHrpiKaTOpH/ Fluidizing agents KJIei', 3aMa3KH, repMeTHKH, JIaKH,KOMrrayHAH / Glues, fillings, sealants, lacquers, compounds EMaJIi, rpyHTOBKI1i IlIrraKJIiBKH MaCJIJIHi / Oil enamels, flattenings and crack fillers IMrropTHi CYAHOBi rpap6H, eMaJIi, rpyHToBKH/ Imported ship paints, enamels, flattenings

376,40 84,80 840,00 475,00 10032,96 651,70 297683,82 42,00 1459,26 233,45 15495,86 2504,94 1920,60 1 475,50 585,00 49875,93 17,85 2952,20 55,49 487,50 37,60 0,43 477,27 229934,01 131,25 584475,36 45009,90 66217,94 77,50 169,10 30578,75 369,00 84 110,00 1410,00 39949,80 53,24 228,69 33907,16 34464,67 643732,39




76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064

0733 0739 0749 0753 0766 0777 0780 0782 0806 0808 0810 0811 0812 0815 0816 0817 0818 0821 0901 X690 X731

97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Ill. 112.

23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23064 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065

X732 X810 X829 0806 0901 0526 0729 0025 0029 0030 0031 0032 0037 0042 0046 0048

113. 114.

23065 23065

0052 0059

JlaKH, eMaJIi, rpyHToBKH i IlIrraKJIiBKH Ha rrorriMepH3auiHH. CMorrax / Lacquers, enamels, flattenings and crack fillers on polymerization resin basis JlaKH, eMaJIi, rpyHToBKH i IlIrraKJIiBKHHa e<pipax uerrIOrr03H / Lacquers, enamels, flattenings and crack fillers on cellulose ester basis <l>ap6HBO,I:(OeMyrrbciHHi / Water-based paints TIirMeHTH / Colorants Pi3Hi MaTepiaJIH / Different materials TIirMeHTII, rraKIl Ta rraKoBi <pap6HIIKIl/ Colorants, lacquers and lacquer coloring agents XapqoBi KlIcrrOTIl/ Food acids TIp0,I:(OBOrrbqi TOBapll / Food products MlIrro Ta MIIHHi3aco61I / Soap and cleaning agents TIaJIHBOpi,I:(Ke / Liquid fuel P03qIIHHIlKH / Solvents MacTlIrra MOTOpHi/ Engine oils MacTlIJIa TpaHcMiciHHi Ta ,I:(JI5I rpy6lIx MexaHi3MiB / Transmission oils and for rough mechanisms MacTlIrra iH,I:(yCTpiaJIbHi / Industrial oils MacTlIrra KOMrrpecopHi / Compressor oils MacTlIrra pi3Horo rrpH3HaQeHH51 / Different purpose oils 3MalliYBaHH51 yHiBepCaJIbHi / All-purpose lubricants 3MaIIIYBaHH51 iH,I:(yCTpiaJIbHi /Industriallubricants 3MalliYBaHH51 pi3Horo rrplI3HaqeHWI / Different purpose lubricants Tapa / Packing Knei", 3aMa3KII, repMeTHKII, rraKII, KOMrrayH,I:(1I / Glues, crack fillers, sealants, lacquers, compounds JlaKII, eMaJIi, rpyHToBKIl i IlIrraKJIiBKHHa rrorriMepH3auiHH. CMorrax / Lacquers, enamels, flattenings and crack fillers on polymerization resin basis -~P031ffiHHI1K GT A820 / SOL VENT GT A820 MaCTlIrra MOTopHi/ Engine oils IHllIi Ha<pTorrpO,I:(yKTIl i KOKCOxiMi51 / Other oil products and coke industry by-products TIaJIlIBOpi,I:(Ke/ Liquid fuel Tapa / Packing ra31I Ta erreMeHTapHi peQOBHHH/ Gases and elementary substances IMrropTHi cy,I:(HOBi <pap61I, eMaJIi, rpYHTOBKIl/ Imported ship paints, enamels, flattenings PeHKH 3aJIi3HlIqHi IlIlIpOKOi" Korrii"/ Broad gage line rails DaJIKIl Ta IlIBerrepll / Beams and channels KpyrrHocopTHa CTaJIb/ Steel bar Cepe,I:(HbOCOpTHa CTaJIb/ Medium-section steel MirrKocopTHa CTaJIb/ Small-section steel CopTOBa KOHcTpyKuiHHa CTaJIbiHllIa / Other sorted construction steel CopToBa iHcTpyMeHTaJIbHa CTaJIb/ Sorted instrumental steel CopTOBa Hep)!(aBiIOqa CTaJIb,y TOMyqlIcrri )!(apocTiHKa, iHllIa (OTM.)/ Other sorted stainless steel, including heat-resistant CopToBa Hep)!(aBiIOQaCTaJIb3 BMicTOMHiKerrIO,y TOMy qlIcrri )!(apocTiHKa (rrocT.rro rOCT) / Sorted stainless nickel containing steel, including heat-resistant TOBcTorrilcToBa CTaJIb/ Plate iron JllIcTKoBa KOHcTpyKuiHHa rap51qeBaJIbUbOBaHaCTaJIb(6e3 HiKerrIO)/ Flat construction hot-rolled steel (without nickel)


188,10 314,41 625,00 360,06 179,25 2,40 262,50 2915,98 137,98 3 921,63 6747,11 711,68 890,38 67,50 39894,50 1 968,35 46,82 2812,99 4800,00 768,50 5241,99

48,40 88,55 597,17 8029,24 5025,00 1 190,00 248937,62 27 110,40 199811,33 2952709,63 51514,42 38392,97 236374,24 22507,18 40,80 223725,69

1525990,63 9 199,30







117. 118. 119. 120. 12l. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 13l. 132. 133. 134. 135.

23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065

0077 0083 0087 0097 0100 0116 0117 0118 0121 0122 0127 0128 0129 0130 0136 0142 0150 0235 0240

136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 14l. 142. 143.

23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065

0241 0242 0243 0247 0250 0251 0252 0265

144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150.

23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065

0321 X029 X030 X037 X042 X046 X048

15l. 152.

23065 23065

X052 X059

JIllCT. Hep)\(. rap~qeBaJIbl\bOBaHa CTaJIb3 BMicTOMHiKemo (Kop03illHo Ta )\(apocTillKa) / Flat stainless hot-rolled nickel containing steel (corrosion- and heat-resistant) JIllcTKoBa Hep)\(. XOJIOAHOBaJIbl\bOBaHa. CTaJIb3 BMicTOMHiKemo (KOp03illHO Ta )\(apocTillKa) / Flat stainless cold-rolled nickel containing steel (corrosion- and heat-resistant) JIllcTKoBa CTaJIb3i Crrel\iaJIbHllMll BJIaCTllBOCT~Mll / Flat steel with special characteristics JIllcTKoBa rrOl\llHKOBaHa,rrOOJIllBOBaHa Ta nyAlKeHa CTaJIb/ Flat zinc-, lead-covered and tinned steel IIpo<piJIi rHyTi cTaJIeBi / Steel roll-formed sections MeTaJIll qopHi BTOpllHHi/ Secondary ferrous metals <l>iTllHrHAO CTaJIeBllXTa KOJIbOPOBllX Tpy6 / Fittings for steel and nonferrous pipes Tpy6ll KaTaHi HeplKaBilOqi / Stainless rolled pipes Tpy6ll KaTaHi / Rolled pipes Tpy6ll KBaApaTHiKyrriBJIlirro iMrropTy / Square tubing, imported Tpy6ll Ha<pTOrrpoBiAHi 6e3IIIoBHi / Weldless oil pipeline Tpy6ll Ha<pTOrrpoBiAHi eJIeKrp03BapHi / Electric-welded oil pipeline Tpy6ll T~rHeHi / Drawn pipes Tpy6ll rrpel\ll3illHi rro DIN 2445 / Precision tubes DIN 2445 Tpy6ll rro DIN 2448 3aKyrrKa rro iMrropTy / Pipes DIN 2448, imported Tpy6ll TOHKocTiHHi6e3IIIoBHi / Weld less thin-walled pipes Tpy6ll TOHKOCTiHHi 6e3IIIoBHi HeplKaBilOqi / Stainless weldless thinwalled pipes Tpy6ll CTaJIeBiBOAOra30rrpOBiAHi(ra3oBi) / Water- and gas-supply steel pipes (gas) )..(piTCTaJIeBllll HeplKaBilOqHll / Stainless steel cord "lfHCTiMeTaJIHTa CrrJIaBH/ Pure metals and alloys MiAHHll rrpoKaT (y TOMyqHCJIirrpoKaT M.Il-96,EpX,MH95-5,N1,N4,N5 Ta iH.) / Copper mill products (including mill products M.Il96,EpX,MH95-5,N1,N4,N5 etc.) JIaTyHHHll rrpoKaT / Brass mill products EPOH30Bllll rrpoKaT / Bronze mill products MiAHOHiKeJIeBHllrrpoKaT / Copper and nickel mill products CBHHl\eBHll rrpoKaT / Lead mill products BOJIb<ppaMoBHllrrpOKaT/ Wolframite mill products AJIlOMiHieBHllrrpOKaT/ Aluminium mill products IlpoKaT aJIlOMiHieBHll(rrpo<piJIi rrpecoBaHi) (OTM.)/ Aluminium mill products (press sections) )..(opOrOl\iHHiMeTaJIH,IX CrrJIaBH,BHp06H 3 HHXTa XiM. CrrOJIyKll/ Precious metals, their alloys, products made ofthem and chemical compounds CiTKH i3 KOJIbOpOBHX MeTaJIiB/ Non-ferrous metals nets EaJIKHTa IIIBeJIepH/ Beams and channels KpyrrHocopTHa CTaJIb/ Steel bar CopToBa KOHCTPYKl\illHa CTaJIbiHilia / Other sorted construction steel CopToBa iHcTpyMeHTaJIbHa CTaJIb/ Sorted instrumental steel CopToBa HeplKaBilOqa CTaJIb,y TOMyqHCJIilKapocTillKa, iHilia / Other sorted stainless steel, including heat-resistant CopToBa HeplK. CTaJIb3 BMicTOMHiKeJIlO,y TOMyqHCJIilKapocTillKa (rrocT.rr) / Sorted stainless nickel containing steel, including heatresistant TOBCTOJIHCTOBa CTaJIb/ Plate iron JIHcTKoBa KOHcTpYKl\illHarap~qeBaJIbl\bOBaHa CTaJIb(6e3 HiKeJIlO)/


15 577,26

40729,32 31651,25 16 192,71 204505,14 71 051,06 286175,47 1 074018,60 94755,76 65079,04 14841,67 410546,38 31823,01 25 161,98 30791,28 54178,45 1 521,86 2600,00 12263,96 132463,31

86270,42 341805,37 14242,49 33906,53 6711,22 32394,67 0,01 22545,00

466,42 32744,81 12816,87 335,16 1 802,70 465,60 769,96

6089,70 2649,24

Flat construction 153. 154. 23065 23065 X065 X069


steel (without nickel) steel 503,50 442,47

JIlIcTKoBa iHcTpyMeHTarrbHa CTaITb/ Flat instrumental

155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162.

23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065

X099 X117 X118 X127 X131 X136 X237 X240

JIlICT. HepJK. rapJIqeBaITbI.\bOBaHaCTaITb3 BMicTOMHiKemo (Kopo3iHHo Ta JKapoCTiHKa)/ Flat stainless hot-rolled nickel containing steel (corrosion- and heat-resistant) --KBAWAT 20X20 / SQUARE 20X20 Tpy6lI KaTaHi / Rolled pipes Tpy6lI KBa,[(paTHirrOCTaqaHHJIrro iMrropTy / Square tubing, imported Tpy6lI TJIrHeHi / Drawn pipes Tpy6lI TOHKocTiHHi6e3moBHi / Weldless thin-walled pipes Tpy6H TOHKocTiHHi6e311IoBHiHepJKaBiIOqi/ Stainless weldless thinwalled pipes IIpHrrol/ Brazes Mi,[(HHHrrpOKaT (y TOMy'IHcrri rrpOKaTM.II-96,EpX,MH95-5,N1 Ta iH.) / Copper mill products (including mill products M.II96,EpX,MH95-5,Nl,N4,N5 etc.) JIaTyHHHH rrpoKaT / Brass mill products EPOH30BHHrrpoKaT / Bronze mill products Mi,[(HoHiKerreBHHrrpoKaT / Copper and nickel mill products BorrbpaMoBHH rrpoKaT / Wolframite ArrIOMiHieBHHrrpOKaT/ Aluminium mill products mill products ,N4,N5

1 107,54 82280,44 32683,90 737,31 14,24 167,15 504,00 21 133,83

163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170.

23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065 23065

X241 X242 X243 X250 X251 X252 X321 1l,975

288,06 1 189,83 33222,08 2697,18 2174,14 2212,33 2196,56 70803,82

IIpoKaT aITIOMiHieBHH (rrpoirri rrpecoBaHi) / Aluminium mill products (press sections) CiTKH i3 KorrbopoBHX MeTaITiB/ Non-ferrous metals nets KATOK ElllBH-711-153-002 (KrrI03, KirrbI.\e, Korreco, rrpoTeKTop, TapirrKa) / COMPACTOR EIIIBH-711-153-002 (hawse pipe, ring, wheel, protector, plate) --JIHCT 2000XI000X5 / SHEET 2000XI000X5 --TPYEA --lIlTOK rOJIOBKH 33.7X3.2 / PIPE 33.7X3.2 EP 100X900 / STOCK EP 100X900 rPHEOIIO,lJ,IEHl / MUSHROOM HEADS

171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187.

23065 23065 23065 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074

10865 10965 1I1260 1521 X228 X229 X882 X892 1l,214 1l,262 1l,365 1l,375 1l,381 1l,382 1l,386 1l,388 1l,542

321 071,79 245836,38 0,01 6384,00 325,42 131,99

MacmlHKH / Oil holders IIi,[(llIHrrHHKH/ Bearings IIpHITa,[(H,[(rrJI BHMipIOBaHH5I BarH / Weigh measuring IIipoTexHi'IHi BHpo6H / Pyrotechnic(al) EJIOKH218-99-316 (blocks, bearings) ,lJ,BEPI / DOORS CTIJI 365-03-010 lIlaa products 218-99-316 (6rroKH, rri,[(llIHrrHHKlI) / BLOCKS devices

0,16 23,60 894,00 108293,66

(cTOrrH)/ TABLE 365-03-010


3970,88 250,27 10684,09 271,17 4161,62 406,65 101697,00

CHOJI 3.5/3.5 / Cabinet CHOJI 3.5/3.5 194 (CABINETS) 146 (tables)

lIlA<DA 194 (waH) / CABINET CTIJI 146 (cTOrrH)/ TABLE

188. 189. 190.

23074 23074 23074

1l,556 1l,595 1l,616

IIOJIl1ll,.}I ,ll)UI IIPHJIA)..I,IB 051 (rrorrHI.\i) / SHELF FOR UTENSILS 051 (shelves) 5l.Il.l,HK 3I1II 810.92.002-001 (51W:HKH, KOHTOpKH, 6rroK 36epiraHH5I) / BOX 3I1II 810.92.002-001 (boxes, cabinets, storage block) IIOBITPOP03IIO)..l,IJIbHHK 542.77.112 (rroBiTpopo3rro,[(irrbHHK, B'IOllIKH)/ AIR TERMINAL UNIT 542.77.112 (air terminal unit, cable drums) 556-01-091-03 (wTYI.\ep, HaKOHeqHHK,rrepexi,[(HHK, MYTa, Hirrerrb) / 556-01-091-03 (sleeve fitting, cap fitting, adaptor, muff, nipple) KJIAIIAH 587-03-080 (PYq]{A)..I,O CTOBEYPIB) / VALVE 587-03080 (STEMS HANDLE) BHMHKaq KY -744 (TpaHcopMaTop) / Switch KY -744 (Transformer)

3 151,48 2400,00 1 621,72

19l. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 20l. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 22l. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228.

23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23074 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

IJ:620 IJ:635 IJ:688 IJ:811 IJ:815 IJ:908 IJ:951 LI092 LI127 LI391 LInO LI813 LI831 1lI211 1lI212 1lI218 1lI223 bI445 3218 I0874 I0974 1lI218 0100 0102 0150 0153 0157 0158 0170 0173 0174 0180 0181 0182 0185 0188 0192 0196

EJI. Il:BlIrYH4AM-160Myrrq 18.5 KBT 1400 OB / EL engine 4AM160Myrrq 18.5 kW 1400 OB ITaIDIbHlIK3I1lJ,H-65 (rrallrrbHlIKlI, err. craHHlIKIl,err. CKOBOpOll:lI Ta iH.) / Solderer 3I1lJ,H-65 (solderers, el. kettles, el. frying pans etc.) BliMliKacri BK-200, llITeKeplI, 3mKlIMliMaClI, p03'eIl:HYBacriMaCli / Switches BK-200, attachment caps, mass clamps, mass disconnectors MAT.ITJIETEH.500X500 811-30-13-01 (MATH) / MAT 500X500 811-30-13-01 (MATS) )],3BIH 815-01-048 (rirpoMeTp, aHeMOMeTp, 6apoMeTp, 6iHOKJTb) / BELL 815-01-048 (humidity meter, wind meter, barometer, binoculars) ITYCKA LII (<lJIJIh TPYIOLIIlli EJIEMEHT) / ACTUATORS (FIL TERING ELEMENT) )J,ATLIHK TPOM 5-01 (TepMoMeTplI,TepMOrrepeTBOpIDBacr)/ SENSOR TPOM 5-01 (termometers, thrmal converter) PCC 100/16 1.4.4B IT03.36 N2009285 ,ll,B.AHPM132M4 OM2 N1375 3AITACHI LIACTHHH )],0 )J,H3EJUI 6,lJ,HpH 60/229-13 6560MC DIESEL SPARE PARTS 6,lJ,HpH 60/229-13 6560MC EJI.BEHT.250/100CO-122 N2009289 / EL. FAN 250/100CO-I22 N2009289 EJI.BEHT. 10/1 0 PCC-ITN2009297 / EL. FAN 10/10 PCC-IT N2009297 ArPEr A T )],JUI BI)],CMOKTYBAHIDI ITHJIY / DUST EXTRACTOR BEPCT ATH / TOOLS TepMoMeTpll / Thermometers --<lJB-6- <lJIJIhTP ITOBITP5I / AIR FILTER <lJB-6--T419 MI-05Bl / T419 MI-05Bl / DEVICES EP-8001 --ITPHJIA)J,H EP-8001 /

1 023,12 6,66 0,20 2440,00 5 912,57 24073,42 0,10 9769,81 1332,66 11 046,49 2 173,08 520,00 260,00 2822,73 1257,66 14700,33 3809,25 6320,00 3,28 3500339,40 3331,58 754,60 1 107,42 1 916,34 65 130,85 508456,71 11 255,03 4528,47 275853,74

--YC-KA CJI-3C PHK 02 H3 3X CEIT / DEVICE CJI-3C PHK 02 H3 3X CEIT CllrHarrbHi 3ac061I / Alarm facilities --)J,E3HH<lJHKYIOLIIlli 3ACIB XAJIAMI,ll,/KJIAC 8/ Desinfectant HALAMlD/ GRADE 8 --IIIBAPTOBI POYJIhCI THIT 12/ MOORING ROLLERS GRADE 12 --T419 MI-05Bl / T419 MI-05Bl <lJiTiHrll 1l:0CTarreBIlXTa KorrbopOBliXTpy6 / Fittings for steel and nonferrous tubes BarroHIl Cepell:Hboi' eMHocTi (Bill:20 1l:050rr) / Medium-capacity vessels (20-501) )],piT cTarreBIlH Hei'p)l(aBiIO'J:llH / Stainless steel wire )],piT cTarreBIlH / Steel wire )],piT rropollIKoBIlH / Powder-like KaHaTIl cTarreBi / Steel ropes ErreKTpoll:1l 3BapIDBarrbHi Heip)l(aBiIOQi/ Stainless welding ErreKTpoll:1l 3BapIDBarrbHi/ Welding electrodes IJ:B5IXII / Nails CiTKa CTarreBa Hep)l(aBiIDQa/ Stainless wire screen CiTKa CTarreBa / Wire screen BOJTTIl 3 raHKaMIl / Nut bolts raHKIl BirrbHi / Loose nuts llIypyrrbI, rBIlHTIl Ta Il:I06erri 3 HopMarrbHOIDIl:OB)I(IlHOID pi3b6rreHH5I / Screw nails, tap screws and walls plugs with normal thread length 3aKJTerrKlii rBIlHTIl cTarreBi / Steel rivets and tap screws electrodes wire )],piT 3BIlQaHHoi'5IKOCTi / Standard quality wire

9000,37 130 875,92 5 165,55 1 526,00 1 435,88 446718,38 31656,37 48545,64 6166,17

229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

0197 0198 0199 0201 0203 0219 0229 0242 0243 0279 0282 0293 0294 0321 0331 0332 0334 0336 0342 0343 0455 0460 0583 0856 X100 X150 X153 X158 X170 X180 X181 X182 X185 X188 Xl92 X196 X198 X201 X215 X219 X229 X241 X242 X243 X251

3aKJIerrKH 3 KOJIhOpOBHXMeTaJIiB / Non-ferrous rivets lllarr6H rrpy)KHHHi / Split washers lllarr6bI CrreuiaJIbHi CTaJIeBi / Steel split washers lllrrJIiHTH / Split pins lllrriJIbKH / Wire nails JIaHUlOrH pi3Horo rrpH3HaqeHH>I/ Chains for various purposes IIi,z.l;IIIHIIHHKH / Bearings 13POH30BHll IIpoKaT / Bronze rolled metals Mi,l.lHOHiKeJIeBHll IIpoKaT / Copper-nickel rolled metal Ka6eJIi CHJIOBinma CPf-BPf / Power supply cables. CPf-BPf type. Ka6eJIi IIlJIaHroBi i Bpy60Bi 3 Mi,l.lHHMH )KHJIaMH/ Cab-tire and cut-in cables with copper cores Ka6eJIi MOpCbKi (Cy,l.lHOBi)/ Sea (ship) cables ,n:pOTH HaCTaHOBHi3 Mi,l.lHHMH )KHJIaMH/ Installation cables with copper cores CiTKH i3 KOJIbOpOBHXMeTaJIiB / Non-ferrous metal screens ~epeJIa cBiTJIa 3araJIbHOrO i CrreuiaJIbHOrO IIpH3HaqeHH>I / Sources of general and special purpose lights CBiTHJIbHHKH,l.lJI>I oCBiTJIeHH>IBHp06HHQHX rrpHMimeHb / Lamps for illumination of shopfloors CBiTHJIbHHKHpi3Horo rrpH3HaQeHH>I/ Various purpose lamps IIycKoperyJIlOBaJIbHa arrapaTypa / Stuart-control devices EJIeKTpoByriJIbHi BHp06H / Electro-coal wares HacTaHoBHi Bllp06H II06yToBoro rrpH3HaQeHH>Ii 3arr06i)KHHKH / Adjustings wares for household purposes, and safety devices BHp06H caHiTapHo-TeXHiQHi / Sanitary ware 3BaplOBaJIbHi <pJIlOCH i MaTepiaJIH ,l.lJI>I i'x BHrOTOBJIeHH>I / Welding gumboils and materials for them IIoJIiBiHiJIXJIopH,l.l / Polyvinilchloride TKaHHHH IIlOBKOBi(cKaTepTHHH, cepBeTKH)/ Silk fabrics (table-cloths, napkins) <l>iTiHrH,l.l0CTaJIeBHXTpy6 / Fittings for steel ferrous tubes ,n:piT CTaJIeBHrr Hei'p)KaBilO'-lHll/ Stainless steel wire ,n:piT CTaJIeBHll / Steel wire ,n:piT 3BHQallHoi' >IKOCTi / Standard quality wire KaHaTH CTaJIeBi / Steel ropes lJ,B>IXH / Nails CiTKa CTaJIeBa Heip)KaBilOQa / Stainless wire screen CiTKa CTaJIeBa / Stainless wire screen 130JITH3 rallKaMH / Nut bolts farrKH BiJIbHi / Loose nuts lllypyIIH, rBHHTH Ta ,l.l106eJIi3 HOPMaJIbHOlO,l.lOB)KHHOlO pi3b6JIeHH>I / Screw nails, tap screws and walls plugs with normal thread length 3aKJIerrKH i rBHHTH CTaJIeBi / Steel rivets and tap screws lllarr6H npy)KHHHi / Split washers lllnJIiHTH / Split pin 130JITHcTaJIeBi / Steel screw bolt JIaHUlOrH pi3Horo npH3HaQeHH>I / Chains for various purposes IIi,l.lIIlHIIHHKH/ bearings JIaTyHHHll rrpOKaT / Brass rolled products 13POH30BHllIIpOKaT / Bronze rolled products Mi,l.lHOHiKeJIeBHll rrpOKaT / Copper-and-nickel rolled products AJIlOMiHiBHll IIpoKaT / Aluminium rolled products

100,00 10 877,75 213,78 2083,31 2456,01 2814,00 11 382,38 7717,66 I 908,00 21 932,54 163095,93 220209,08 4604,80 2817,50 6507,25 6 144,40 62,50 5652,84 59656,00 121258,55 262,50 540098,84 93,64 3600,00 194,44 17420,55 23 607,15 308,10 14869,24 259,32 1612,50 111,00 5,91 2013,22 2001,47 29,18 2649,72 90,42 7726,93 0,05 61001,38 22004,25 8350,07 32696,29 5 956,55

274. 275. 276. 277. 278.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

X293 X321 X331 X336 Q211

279. 280.

23075 23075

Q214 Q218

281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

Q240 Q352 Q542 Q544 Q556 Q688 Q951 Q975







291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

111000 111060 111218 111312 111363 111370 10874 10875 10977 3000 3317 3370 0185 0198 0343

Ka6eJIi MOpCbKi(cYL\oBi)1 Sea (ship) cables CiTKIT3 KOJIbOpOBITX MeTaJIiB1 Non-ferrous metal nets ):QKepeJIacBiTJIa3araJIbHOrO Ta CrreuiaJIbHOrOrrpIT3HaqeHH.S1 1 Sources of general and special purpose lights IIycKoperymoBaJIbHi arrapaTITTa rraTpOHIT L\JU1 CBiTITJIbHITKiB 1 Starting regulators and cartridges for light fittings JIAHIJJor cI> 12.5X3.8 (JIaHUIOrIT 51KipHi, 3araJIbHOrO rrpIT3HaqeHH5I., 51KOpi, CK06IT,IIIBapToBi) 1 CHAIN cI> 12.5X3.8 (anchor chains, general purpose chains, anchors, buckles, landfast) BJIOKH 218-99-316 (6JIOKIT, rriL\IIlITrrHITKIT) 1 MODULAR UNITS 21899-316 (modular units, bearings) KOYIliA 218.01.240 (KpyIIlIT,CK06IT,cTpy6UITHIT, pYQHaTaJIb) 1 SLEEVE PIECE 218.01.240 (sleeve pieces, staples, clamping screws, hand hoist) CTporra 1 Sling rope 3Am3HJ BHPOBH (3aMKIT, rreTJIiTOIl.{O) 1 IRONEW ARES (locks, crooks and other) P03IIO,IUJI1HHK IIOBITP 51.542.77 .112 (p03rroL\iJIbHITK rroBiTp5l, B'IOIIlKIT) 1 AIR DIFFUSER. 542.77.1 12 (air diffuser, dampers) HacocIT Ta 3arrQaCTITHIT L\OHITX 1 Pumps and spare parts for them 556-01-091-03 (IIlTyuep, HaKOHeQHI1K, rrepexiL\HITK, MY4JTa,HITrreJIb)1 556-01-091-03 (carbine, tip, reducer, muff, nipple) BITMITKaQi BK-200, IIlTeKKepbl,3aTl1CKIT MaCIT, p03'eL\HYBaQiMaCIT 1 Switches BK-200, plugs, switch terminals, bulk disconnectors ):(AFIHK TPOM 5-01 (TepMoMeTpl1,TepMorrepeTBopIOBaQi)1 SENSOR TPOM 5-01 (thermometers, thermal converter) KATOK ElllBH-711-153-002 (KJII03,KiJIbl.{e,KOJIeCO, rrpoTeKTop, TapiJIKa.) 1 COMPACTORElllBH-711-153-002 (hawse pipe, ring, wheel, protector, plate.) lIIAcI>A YIIPABmHH5I 3 6-TIO AK502Mr, rr06yToBa TexHiKa, KOMrr.KoMrrOHeHTITI CONTROL CABINET WITH 6 K502Mr, household appliances, PC components IHCTPYMEHT BHMIPIOBAJI1HHH PI3HHH (lIIAEJIOHH, mYIIH, mHJillrn) 1 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, VARIOUS (TEMPLATES, PROBES, LINES) -- P03ETKH OTK.IIPOB. 1 OPEN WIRE SOCKET COUPLES -- IIPHCTPIH 30YII-25 1 DEVICE 30YII-25 --T419 MI-05Bl 1 T419 MI-05Bl -- BO):(5IHHtI HACOC C-15 (aBT03arrqaCTrrHIT) 1 WATER PUMP C15 (auto spare parts) --KIJI1QE 032-040-46 1 RING 032-040-46 --n AlffiYKCA 1 GRANBUKSA ----):(E3HHcI>HKYI01.Illi 3ACIB XAJIAMImKJIAC 81 Desinfectant HALAMIDI GRADE 8 KOMrrOHeHTIT 1 Components --BOJIT 12X120 1 CAP SCREW 12X120 KOMrr'IOTepIT Ta KOMrrJIeKTyIOQi, eHepreTITQHe06JIaL\HaHH5I 1 PC and components, power-generating equipment TpaHcrropT Ta rriL\HiMaJIbHo-TpaHcrropTyBaJIbHe 06JIaL\HaHH5I 1 Transportation and loading-and-transportation equipment BepcTaTHe Ta 3BapIOBaJIbHe06JIaL\HaHH5I 1 Machine-tool and welding equipment BOJITIT 3 rarrKaMIT1 Nut bolts lllarr6IT rrpy)!{ITHHi 1 Split washers HacTaHoBHi BITp06IT rr06yToBoro rrpIT3HaQeHH5I i 3arr06i)!{HITKIT 1 Adjustings wares for household purposes, and safety devices

3409,66 675,00 32,68 1 521,00 23 047,76

1901,17 118 432,99

27490,00 321,99 13 864,76 10 100,00 797,16 150,00 0,17 12653,00



23008,29 34545,20 943,25 1632,00 8,80 579,96 121,30 70036,47 363,18 1 250,00 49011,00 61 270,00 176,01 13,54 38,58

306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

1II000 1II312 0342 0343 11811 1II000 1II011 1II060 1II100 1II120 1II218 1II312 1II315 1II344 1II345 1II363 1II364 1II370 1II381 1II636 1II858

OTK.IIPOB.I OPEN WIRE SOCKET COUPLES -- BO):VIHlll1 HACOC C-15 (aBT03arrqaCulHfl) I WATER PUMP C--P03ETKH 15 (auto spare parts) EJIeKTpoByriJIbHi Bflp06fl I Electro-coal wares

284,17 7 164,00 756,00 1 150,00 119960,94 296438,57 735 188,54 22 645,71

HacTaHoBHi Bflp06fl rr06yToBoro rrpfl3HaQeHIDIi 3arr06i)l(HflKfl I Adjustings wares for household purposes, and safety devices 3I1IACTHHH,lJ,O BEPCTATIBI SPARE PARTS FOR TOOLS

--P03ETKH -AND-TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT --IIPHCTPIH 30YTI-25 I DEVICE 30YTI-25 PA,l],IO-EJlEMEHT K79BS I RADIO ELEMENT K79BS TIpIWa):lfl IJ,3fl I Tools IJ,3fl --T419 MI-05Ell T419 MI-05E1 --BO,l],.5IHI1i1 HACOC C-15 (aBT03arrqaCTflHfl) I WATER (auto spare parts) --311I KPIOK I SPARE PARTS, HOOK 3BaplOBaJIbHi MaT-nl1, 3arr.'iaCTflHfl I Welding materials, Hacocfl, 3arr.QaCTflHfl I Pumps, spare parts --KIJIbIJ,E 032-040-46 PUMP C-15

179,00 22,70 1920,00 31501,22 3268,13 463496,74 60,40 1 807,04 664958,66 228 106,29

spare parts


machine tool

12283,90 643,60 14884,00

Pa):liOeJIeMeHTI1I Radio elements OEflA,lJ,HAHH5[ ,lJ,/BEHTHfl5[lJ,II, KOH,lJ,HIJ,IOHYBAHI-UI, OTIAJlEHI-UI I VENTILLATION, AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING EQUIPMENT --PEMIHb A-800 I BELT KOMTIJIEKTYlOllI I OcI>ICHE YCTATKYBAHI-UI AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT KOMrr'IOTepl1Ta KOMrrJIeKTyIOQi, eHepreTflQHe 06JIa):lHaHHJII PC and components, power generating equipment BepcTaTHe Ta 3BaplOBaJIbHe 06JIa):lHaHHJII Machine-tool and welding equipment CBiTI1JIbHflKfl):lnJIoCBiTJIeHHJI Bllp06HI1'iI1X rrpflMiIl(eHb I Lamps for illumination of shopfloors rocrro):lap'ii BI1p06111Household goods KOMTI'IOTEPHI

327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

1II984 1II987 3000 3370 0332 0933 IJ,049 11996 flOOO 1II011 IJ,049 11811 11831 11912 11913

64000,00 489,58 58289,90 2699,76 9750,00 5 891,00 39293,00 452,00 36,86 150000,00 42975,87 28952,00 324,12 57364,51 17546,20



342. 343. 344.

23075 23075 23075

11918 11921 11925

4066,67 3445,36 253,48

345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

lJ926 lJ928 lJ929 lJ933 q934 q935




352. 353.

23075 23075

l:J942 l:J943

354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075

q944 lJ961 l:J969 l:J971 l:J981 lJ982 q985




362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376.

23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23075 23078 23090

1>500 1>501 1>503 1>539 1>541 1>542 1>549 1>551 1>559 1>579 1>591 '1593 3370 X932 0097


13312,42 4369,97 2853035,50 10645,61 1660,23 1533,16


584,80 3902,25

188,65 682,50 1 516,00 2,52 53288,25 1250583,68 1 838384,67


1 709,28 241,06 23569,00 180,00 134,50 373,20 47375,43 251,20 283,55 784,38 36030,84 98645,87 13 200,00 134,31 1 175,71




theit, alloys, goods made of them and chemical







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