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30 May, 2009

Today’s Tabbloid


Culling the herd Harryhausen’s War of the

MAY 29, 2009 10:58P.M.
MAY 29, 2009 04:45P.M.

I had a problem. I subscribed to too many podcasts. I’m still too fuzzy-headed to do any serious posting — perhaps after the
weekend — but, to tide you over till then, I thought I’d post a video clip
Now, I will admit this is not, at first blush, that big of a deal. However, I’d never seen before. It’s a test animation Ray Harryhausen did in 1949
one of the downside of a digital lifestyle, the digital debris tends to stack for a War of the Worlds film that was ultimately never made. Fascinating
up. I listen to podcasts because my day job does not allow streaming. stuff.
Thus, podcasts have become my daily radio, and the set up is rather nice.
However, podcasts are easy to subscribe too, especially if you use iTunes
to manage all your music needs (I like iTunes and iPods, and it is not
because I am a Mac Cult member).

As the weeks past I found myself downloading a ton of podcasts, and

really not listening to them. Finally, last weekend when I saw the number ROGUE FEED
of podcasts I subscribed to, and the number of episodes I had waiting to
be listen to, I realized that I had to take control of the situation. Hence, I [Lost Works]New Styles of
culled the herd.
Prior to last night I had 45 different podcasts I subscribed to, and on MAY 29, 2009 11:59A.M.
average had 6 episodes waiting to be listened to. Looking closely, I
noticed that some of these podcasts either had the most recent episode
waiting to be listened to, or had no new ones because I had already
listened to them. Seeing the obvious I went to work. One of my first big breaks was when I had two articles and two reviews
published in the now long defunct Shadis magazine. I think I hold the
Now currently I listen/subscribe to only 8 podcasts. I do not see this honor of having the first article dealing with Warhammer FRP appear,
getting above 10, for the foreseeable future. as well as one of the few pure AD&D 2E pieces appear as well.

Now I think I will turn my attention to the numerous RSS Feeds I have in New Styles of Magic originally appeared in Shadis #42 vol. VI, number
Google Reader. V, and is one of the things I am most proud of. Why? I really had a neat
little idea here, and I really enjoyed the slight tweak I made to viewing
Posted in Life, Technology, thoughts Tagged: Mac, Technology, thoughts 2E magic from a different perspective.

New Style of Magic

Magic in Advanced Dungeon and Dragons is always the same. Yes you
can have specialist Mages, but the approach to spell casting is still the
same. Eventually a player will become bored with spellcasters, and start
to take them less than serious. A DM, short of beefing up NPC Mages,
would be hard press to instill a sense of confusion and wonder to
spellcasters. That is where this article comes in.

The Tattoo Mage and the Spellweaver are two magic-users who approach
their spell casting differently. Each is unique and will offer new

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

challenges to the players. The two are Mages in all sense of the word, but most primitive cultures practice this art of magic. These wizards are
have different philosophy to how they cast their spells. We will start with usually weak and have a hard time casting anything more powerful than
the Tattoo Mage. a magic missile. Yet, a true Tattoo Mage is formidable. He will limit his
memorized spells to what is tattooed on him. In battle the Tattoo Mage is
Tattoo Mages relentless, and usually goes heavy on combat spells. This does not mean
that a Tattoo Mage is one dimensional. They still use spells that are not
When Magic-Users cast spells, usually they use some form of material tattooed on them, but these tend to be ones that the Mage rarely uses.
component; be it a glass rod and lambs wool, or a dried spider. Some Why waste precious body space on a knock spell when you can have
wizards grow tired of always carrying the components of their favorite shield permanently tattooed.
spells with them, and to overcome this some tattoo a representation of
the spell onto their body. Using tattoos to cast spells is very similar to Humans and half-elves can be Tattoo Mages. Elves can not study this
how a normal wizard cast his spells. They first most verbalize it, maybe form of magic. The reason is simple-they view this practice as barbaric.
do some form of gesture, and then use the component. In the case of the Men and women can both become Tattoo Mages, but men typically
Tattoo Mage, the component is the tattoo. The Mage must be able to gravitate to this style. All Tattoo Mage’s use the same HD’s, Experience
physically touch the tattoo to cast his spell. If he can not, the spell fails Level’s and Spells Allowed Per Day, THAC0 and Saving Throws as a
and is wiped from memory. Magic-user. The Mage must still memorize his spells and use spellbooks.
Tattoo Mage’s are considered to be Specialist Wizards and must begin
Tattoos must also be touched even if the spell does not require a physical their career using this form. Because of this, they can never become
component. Burning Hands only requires Verbal and Somatic multi-class or dual class. They do not have any other penalties and for all
components, but if the Mage has the spell tattooed, he must touch it. purposes are treated like all other Magic-users.
Tattoos act as the physical component no matter how many times the
wizard cast the spell. For example Greycloak, a 2nd Level Mage, has The Tattoo Mage is one new approach to spell casting. A second
Magic Missile tattooed on his hand. Each time Greycloak wishes to cast approach is with the Spellweaver; they see the force of magic as various
the spell he must touch the tattoo. Greycloak can only cast a spell if he threads of power.
has it memorized, regardless if he has it tattooed.
Tattoos take up space on the Mage’s body, and the skin surface only has
so much room. For simplicity sake, a Mage can have up to 20 levels of Spellweavers are magic-users who view magic different from others.
spells tattooed on him. The amount of space the tattoo takes depends on Weaver’s as they are known, view magic as threads of power. To cast a
the spell level. For example, a 1st level spell would take up 1 space while a spell, Weavers use different threads to get the effect they desire. There
9th level spell would take up 9 spaces. A Mage can have a mixture of are seven threads of power: Earth, Fire, Wind, Air, Time, Body, Soul and
spell levels, but he can never go above the 20 maximum. In addition to Water. These threads make up all life and by using them, a Weaver can
the space that spells take up, a Mage is limited to the spells that can be get any effect that she desires.
tattooed. A Mage can only have spell levels he can cast tattooed. Thus, a
2nd level Mage is allowed to have 1st level spells placed on his body. The In order to weave the threads of magic, a Weaver must learn the
Mage must also know the spell and have a copy of it in his spellbook. All weaving proficiency. This skill is learned at no cost when the Weaver is
Tattoo Mages begin their careers with one 1st level tattoo, and this does created. When the Weaver wants to cast a spell, she must first make a
not count against the twenty level limit. As the Mage advances in his weaving proficiency check. If the check is failed the spell is wiped from
levels he can add more tattoos to his body. the Weaver’s memory. A Weaver can increase their weaving proficiency
through the normal ways as described in the Player’s Handbook. With
Saying a Mage wants a tattoo, and actually getting it done are two each raise to the proficiency the weaver gains a +1 bonus to all spells
separate things. The Mage must first find an artist who is capable of cast. A Weaver can never go above a +5.
doing the work. For game purposes this usually takes 1d8 weeks, but the
DM should create some form of adventure and have the player role-play Weavers view magic in a different way than most magic-users. Wizards
the process. Once the artist is found, the Mage must decide on the tattoo are taught that the magic comes from within, and that by memorizing
and the spell level he will have done. The tattoo can be anything the spells, they the caster, serve as the trigger to release the magic. A Weaver
player desires. Keep in mind the more powerful the spell the more is taught to view the world as threads of magic. All life has the threads in
intricate the design is. A 9th level spell would cover the Mage’s chest, them in varying degrees. True magical power comes from knowing how
back and shoulders and would be a intricate multi-colored design to use these threads and control them.
depicting many things. A 1st level spell would be a small simple tattoo
maybe two colors, but usually in one. The tattoo will cost the Mage 1000 Weavers learn how to cast spells by the weaving process. They do not
GP per level of the spell, thus a 6th level spell would cost 6000 GP. know how to use Verbal, Somatic or Material components. They simply
weave unseen threads to create their magic. A Weaver spellbook
Most in the wizard community frown upon Tattoo Mages. They feel that resembles others, except for the fact that it contains instruction on how
they are savages and lesser wizards. This idea comes from the fact that to weave the threads to create a spell. Because of this, non-Weavers are

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

unable to learn Weaver spells. The same holds true for a Weaver who but it is recommended to introduce them as NPC’s first. With these two
discovers a normal spellbook. new spellcasters, magic now has the sense of wonder that it should have.

Weavers begin their career with a small book of twelve spells. This book Posted in Games, thoughts Tagged: AD&D 2E, game design, Lost Works,
is a gift from the teacher, and is a stepping stone on their path of
weaving. All books contain eight 1st level spells, three 2nd level spells writing
and one 3rd level spell. Any new spells must be discovered by the Weaver
during their career. There are not many Weavers and the chances of
finding a new spell is slim. So how does a weaver learn a new spell? They
teach themselves. ROGUE FEED

Starting at 2nd level, a Weaver has a 15% chance each level, up to a Yet another place to buy our
maximum of 90% to learn a new spell. This spell represents the Weaver’s
intuitive investigations of magic. By their constant weaving, a Weaver eBooks
learns how the threads effect each other. As they advance in levels, so MAY 29, 2009 12:01A.M.
does their knowledge . The spell that is learned is random, and is left up
to the DM to choose. The only guideline is that the spell must be from a
level she can cast; a 2nd level Weaver can learn a 1st level spell, but not a
9th level one. Over the past couple of days I have slowly uploaded all current PDFs and
made them available on our Scribd site. Now you can not only buy
The threads that are used in the casting a spell are up to the player. eBooks, but you can see the full previews as well.
Creativity is the key. Fireball, would use threads of Fire and Air. Slow,
would require Wind, Air and Time. To choose the threads the player You read that right. Full previews.
should use common sense and creativity. The threads that are used never
change, and should be remembered. Wondering what the $1 Colonial Gothic PDFs are like? Visit the site
and find out.
Most in the magical community view Weavers as charlatans. Many
wizards have a hard time understanding the weavers view of magic. They To access The Rogue’s eBook Store (I know a really clever title),
feel that the Threads of Power are just a myth and that the Weavers simply visit our Scribd site, or click here.
simply fake what they are doing. Responding to this charge the dwarf
Gregory Stonefist once said: “I don’t know about those pansy Wizard’s, Look for a few more announcements in regards to PDFs and eBooks over
but a Weaver once zinged me with a magick missile. Singed me damn the next few days.
beard it did!”

Weaver magic harkens back to primitive days and is the root of magic
itself. Before wizards started to organize schools and bring order to
magic, all Wizards used weaving. As time progressed, magic became
structured and the process of weaving was forgotten. Weavers hearken
back to these ancient days, and that scares most Wizards. ROGUE FEED

Humans, elves and half-elves can become Weavers, and can be from I Live (Sorta)
either sex. Yet more women are weavers than men. One explanation is MAY 28, 2009 04:22P.M.
that women are more open to this form of magic. Another reason can be
that most men show no interest and look for more practical ways to work I am in the midst of recovering a rather severe sinus infection that kept
magic. Weavers are also very skilled tailors and basket weavers. Their me laid up in bed for the past three days and is only now, thanks to heavy
work is very intricate and is sought after by many. It is rumored that the doses of antibiotics, starting to subside. I’m no longer in much
best loom workers are also the most skilled Spellweavers. discomfort, but I am fuzzy-headed and physically drained. Once I am
fully healed, I’ll return to my usual breakneck posting pace. Until then,
All Spellweavers use the same HD’s, Experience Level’s and Spells expect the blog to uncharacteristically quiet.
Allowed Per Day, THAC0 and Saving Throws as typical Wizards.
Spellweavers still must memorize their spells and use spellbooks. They
are considered to be Specialist Wizards, and they can never become
multi-classed or dual class.

Both Tattoo Mages and Spellweavers can be used as player characters,

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

ROGUE FEED game, after all, and most players take pride in their Heroes’
accomplishments and like to see some benefit to particularly
13 Chapters in 13 Weeks — good rolls of the dice.

Chapter 3 In the end, it is up the Game Master to decide what an

MAY 27, 2009 10:41A.M. appropriate benefit should be. As a general rule, Degrees of
Success greater than 2 should be rewarded with, at minimum,
some small in-game effect. In the example above, perhaps the
skill with which the Hero executed the maneuver was
This week we explore the wonders and mysteries of Chapter 3. observed by a group of settlers, who spread tales of this feat
to the point where there is a song written proclaiming the
Ok, maybe that is a bit over the top, but can you fault a designer for Hero’s skill. This is but one possibility; the GM can no doubt
being a bit melodramatic? come up with many more. The higher the Degree of Success,
the greater the reward should be, but, by and large, such
rewards should enhance roleplaying and add to the overall
No? Ok. Well, let me cut the chatter, and get right to the point then. story rather than grant significant game mechanical benefits.

Chapter 3 of Colonial Gothic Revised is titled Skills & Fate Cards. So as you can see, a little more aid in helping the GM interpret the dice.
Of all the chapters, this is the first to show the influences from the work For those who are fans of Thousand Suns, all of this should be familiar,
done on Thousand Suns, and the concepts have been brought over to and the reason is that how we handle and use the Degrees of Success
Colonial Gothic. What concepts? Glad you asked. Here they are: in that game, really works, and really works well. Here is yet one more
example of putting the lessons learned in that game, to use in this game.
Degrees of Success Specializations Change of Terminology
Integration between Faith Cards and Fate Points Specializations

So what does this all mean? Let me take this from the top. This is a new addition from the game, and is what it implies. Now you
are able to have your Heroes or Villains specialize in a specific facet of a
Degrees of Success skill. For example, if you want your Hero to be deadly with the musket,
you can have them Specialize in the Musket. Specializations allows your
One of the big knocks against the original game is that confusion Hero to have a Higher Rank in one skill, but only for the specialization.
abounds when Tests which tie. In addition there is no way to know how From the book:
much your Hero failed or succeed by. I wanted a little more heft to the
results, and reward players for rolling well, and punishing them for You may choose a specialization for any skill above Rank 2.
rolling bad. By that, I do not mean that Skill Tests are about punishment. By doing so, your chosen specialization’s starting Rank is
Instead, I wanted a easy way for a GM to see how well a Hero succeeded equal to one greater than the Rank of the skill of which it is a
or failed. specialization, while the original skill is lowered by one Rank.
For example, if your Hero has Shoot 4 and you decide you
Let me quote the section from the book so you can see what mean. want him to specialize in Flintlock Pistols, his new skill write-
up would be Shoot (Flintlock Pistols) 3/5.
More often than not, skill rolls will beat a Target Number by
two or more. For example, your Hero is making a Deflect Test Any time you gain additional Ranks in a skill, you may choose
to deflect a thrown knife. Your Hero’s Nimble is 7 and his to apply them either to a specialization or its parent skill.
Deflect is also 7. This gives him a TN of 14, modified by –3 Using the example above, if your Hero gained an additional 2
because the GM rules it is a Challenging Test. His final TN is Ranks in Shoot, you could apply them either to Shoot or to
11. You get lucky and roll 6 on 2D12, meaning you beat the Flintlock Pistols provided that the parent skill is always at
TN by 5 points! least one Rank lower than the lowest Rank of specialization.
Thus, if your Hero has Shoot (Flintlock Pistol) 3/5 and gains
Strictly speaking, beating a TN by 1 is no different than 2 Ranks in Shoot, you can apply them to gain either Shoot
beating it by 10. Except in combat, where the Degree of (Flintlock Pistol) 4/6 or Shoot (Flintlock Pistol) 3/7, but not
Success determines the damage done, the Degree of Success Shoot 5/5.
has no specific mechanical benefit. Nevertheless, the GM
should often reward beating a TN by more significant You may also acquire additional specializations at any time,
amounts as an acknowledgement that the Hero has but every time you add another one, the parent skill drops by
performed exceptionally well. Colonial Gothic is a roleplaying one Rank and the new specialization begins at one Rank
higher than the previous Rank of the parent. For example, if

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

your Hero has Divination (Alectryomancy) 2/4, you can It is this which drives the action and drama of the game, and in Revised
choose another specialization (say, Augury) and this I really worked to give you more options for their use.
specialization would begin at Rank 3, while Divination itself
drops to Rank 1. Your Hero can gain no additional So there you go, Chapter 3. So far you have seen that the game really
specializations until the parent skill increases to at least Rank has not changed that much, what has changed is the approach. Rules
2 (and thus the lowest specialization is at least Rank 3). have been tweaked, and polished, but the game that you have played
since the start is still here. This is important, becasue I did not want to
Specializations then allow you to really create the hero you want, and make anything that has come before wrong.
allows for all type of possibilities. Of all the changes, this little one has
had one of the best reactions among the playtesters. Again, like Degrees So what is new?
of Success, this is another example of using Thousand Suns as the
spring board for the game. Wait till I tell you about the chapters filled with background and advice.
Also, did I mention that there be monsters in the book, as well as rules to
Change of Terminology create your own?

This is a easy one. Critical Success is now known as Dramatic I didn’t? Maybe I should.
Success. Critical Failure is now known as Dramatic Failure. This
was done to bring the rules into sync with the developments we’ve done I should also mention there is original fiction in the book written by
with 12° and I really wanted to make the change. Colonial Gothic: Elizabethtown’s Jennifer Brozek.

Integration between Faith Cards and Fate Points I really need to do a better job explaining all of this.

One of the big things you will notice is that Faith and Fate are linked
together, and that players and GMs have far more options when it comes
to using the two in play. They allow for the drama, and I really worked to
make the two feel right for the game. From the book:

Fate Cards and Faith Points are meta-game elements, which ROGUE FEED
is to say, they represent a rare example where the player (or
the GM) rather than the Hero influences the game world of [Lost Works]The Age of Swing:
Colonial Gothic. Generally speaking, the outcome of events in
the game is the result of the interaction between your Hero’s The Pack
Abilities and Skills and the GM’s adventure plots, with the MAY 26, 2009 10:46P.M.
additional random element that dice rolls bring. In a sense,
certain things happen in the game independent of both the
player and the GM’s desires and part of the fun of a
roleplaying game is being surprised at how things unfold. Ok, I will admit, I have no fucking idea where this one came from.
Everyone playing is as much a watcher of the game as a Usually I can tell you when, where and why a certian idea hits me. For
participant in it. this one, your guess is mine. What I can tell you is that inspiration hit me
while I was working the Hogshead booth at GenCon 2001. It is an
Fate Cards and Faith Points, though, give everyone a chance idea that came full form to my head, and I had to leave the booth just to
to push the game this way or that, and to influence dice rolls write it down. This appeared in Alarums and Excursions and has not
so that certain Tests turn out well at the moment when the appeared since. I remember when it did appeared the contributers were
player or GM wishes them to do so. Colonial Gothic may be a just as puzzeled with it as I was.
game that includes plenty of random elements, but there is
more to roleplaying than letting the dice fall where they may I have always wanted to do something with this idea, and I think I know
and reacting accordingly. Very few people enjoy feeling as if what I want to do. I just need to find some time.
they are impotent flotsam on the waves of fate, particularly in
a form of entertainment like roleplaying. That is why Fate Anyway, I give you the strangest thing I have ever written:
Cards and Faith Points exist: as a vehicle for letting players
and GMs alike tailor the story of their campaigns to their The Pack
wishes. So long as these meta-game elements are viewed in
this light, they will be used properly and add to the fun and In the beginning there was nothing. No sound, no music, no life. The
excitement of your campaigns. world was a wasteland and the survivors struggled living among the
ruins. This was a time after the beams of killing light fell from the sky

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

and the Men of One Eye descended from the heavens to usher in the Also answering Blue Eyes’ call came Diz, the god of wind. He blew in like
Time of Fire. There were pockets of life hidden deep in the valleys, where the summer wind, and in his wake green things grew. His powers of
the inhabitants migrated and started to rebuild. Then the message Swing and Jazz touched the souls and hearts of all and Diz, much like
arrived, telling them that the gods had not abandoned the people. Law, brought a needed peace to The Pack. Diz was like the laughing god
and when he blew he could make everyone feel better. Diz was very much
The first to arrive was the Father of All. He brought music to the land like the wind, and like the wind his mood could change at a moments
and taught the people how to be in control. His name was Blue Eyes, and notice. When the enemies of The Pack came, Diz howled his strength.
his voice could make your swoon in pleasure or cower in fear. Blue Eyes When times were good, Diz blew with gentleness and caressed all with
was the boss, the chairman, the ruler of all. It was Blue Eyes that brought pleasant thoughts.
order to the world, and it was his teachings that saved civilization. He
sent out the call for his two brothers and as always they answered. The last god to answer the call was the timeless one, he was named Clark,
the god of Time. Clark was the master of Time and used it as his tool.
Dino, the god of water and beauty, arrived first. Dino was a tall god With it he could freeze Time, travel it like a river backwards and
whose looks would make your heart stop. His beauty was so great that at forwards, and with a wave of his hand make a person turn to dust. Along
times it hurt just to look at him. Dino loved to drink and always had a with Dino and Diz, Clark returned life to the land and made it green
glass in his hand. The glass was never empty and flowing from it was the again. Of all the gods who answered Blue Eyes’ call, Clark was the
life giving water that restored life to the land. His eyes, like a pie, looked strongest. Some would even say, well out of ear shot of the Blue Eyes,
down from the sky and love rained down on all. The other who answered Clark was stronger.
the call was Sammy, god of war, the One Eyed One. Sammy was small in
stature, but was very powerful. He taught the people the fighting style of For eons Blues Eyes and The Pack ruled from the Hall of Sand nurturing
Tap. Once mastered, an enemy would be grounded into the earth by and healing the wounded world. Life flowed and the powers of Swing,
students of Tap. Sammy and Dino were as close as brothers to Blue Eyes, Jazz, Interview and Time was taught to the children. Peace ruled and it
and they were loyal to him. No matter how tough the early times were, was a time known as the Happy Hour. This all changed when Lewis was
the three stayed true to their code. released from his prison.

The three were the first and for awhile they were alone. Blue Eyes used Lewis, the two faced god and the trickster, was an enemy to all living
the power of Swing to build the Reprise Throne in the Hall of Sand. Here things. One face looked the fool while the other had cold malice. Lewis
in the land known as The Dunes, Blue Eyes summoned the lesser gods. and Dino were brothers, but the two had a falling out. Where Dino
These were the men and women who had great powers, but in wanted to help the people and guide them, Lewis wanted to enslave
comparison to Blue Eyes, Dino and Sammy, were weak. Together these them. Lewis was never a member of The Pack, and he tried many times
gods fought the Men of One Eye, vanquished the Dragon, and brought to kill his brother. It was Blue Eyes who came to Dino’s aid and saved
color to the world of Black and White. They had powers beyond the him. Foolish Lewis thought he was the stronger and challenged Blue
scope of mortal man. Blue Eyes named this group The Pack, and The Eyes’ authority. Without breaking a sweat, the Chairman chained Lewis
Pack grooved baby. to the Swizzle of Death which was located deep in the Pit of Boone.
Though beaten, Lewis was not powerless and soon contacted allies who
The first to arrive was Bishop, god of wisdom, teller of tales, and leader would aid him. The plan they concocted was one that would bring down
of the Show. Bishop was the joking god, and he was the only one who the Hall of Sand, and put Lewis on the Reprise Throne.
could truly make Blue Eyes laugh. As the god of wisdom Bishop knew
much, and by using the powers of Interview could learn many things Shir, was a goddess who answered Blue Eyes’ call, but was never a true
about The Pack’s enemies. Bishop was favored by The Pack, and for member of The Pack. She hid behind false promises and orchestrated the
many, it was his will that kept all the various personalities together. kidnapping of Mia. It was Shir who worked the deception in Mia’s heart
and twisted her will to run away with Woodie. Woodie, was another
Next came Ang, goddess of law, who was known as Ice Woman. She and lesser god, and his powers were of panic and fear. He lusted after Mia
Blue Eyes were once lovers, but now were only friends. The two of them and with Shir’s help kidnapped her. When Mia awoke from the spell Shir
fought side by side many times, and had a mutual admiration for one had worked she tried to escape but was killed by Shir. Woodie took the
another. Though smaller than Sammy, Ang was very strong and could body, and hid in his own little kingdom. Here he began to work a ritual
kill a person with just a look. Like Sammy she was a deadly warrior, but that would aid Lewis when he escaped.
unlike him she was a tactician in the arts of war.
Meanwhile Phlep, who was Bishop’s assistant grew tired of life in the
Next came Law, the tall one, the heart racer, the lady killer, the god of Hall of Sand. He wanted more, and no longer wanted to be the sidekick.
romance, and the outlaw from the Realm of Vineyard. He was the tall Unknown to all, Phelp discovered Lewis’ prison, and traveling there
god, the smoking god, the one whose voice was able to calm the storms, swore allegiance to a new master. Under Lewis’ instructions Phelp
and drive away the enemies. Law, though weaker then the others in The learned many dark arts and the power of Discordance. It was Phelp, who
Pack, did much and helped form the Order of Swing. He brought culture by using the Power of Interview, learned how to free Lewis from his
to the world, and inspired many works of art. chains. It was also Phelp who became the mouthpiece of Lewis, and

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

organized what would be known as the Forces of Elethon. ROGUE FEED

Blue Eyes, discovering Mia was missing, began searching for her. He put Dwimmermount, Session 12
Xion in charge of the search, who unknown to Blue Eyes, was in league MAY 25, 2009 05:58P.M.
with Lewis. Xion was a smooth talker and told Blue Eyes only what the
Chairman wanted to hear. When the time was right, the plan that Lewis After a two-week hiatus because scheduling conflicts, we resumed the
had concocted was unleashed. Shir delivered the body of Mia to the Hall Dwimmermount campaign yesterday. At the conclusion of the previous
of Sand, Woodie unleashed psychological torments upon The Pack, and session, the characters had to flee Adamas for fear of being charged with
Phelp freed Lewis from his prison. Xion who had formed an alliance with the death of an alchemist in their employ. This meant they had no choice
the Warriors of Checker and the Men of One Eye, brought this host to the but to rush headlong back into Dwimmermount, since, oddly, it was a
Hall of Sand. Hell was unleashed and The Pack was surprised by the safer place for them than the city-state, at least in the short term. Once
betrayal. Freed from his chains Lewis raced to battle his enemy. inside, they continued their exploration of the sub-level they’d been
mapping the last time they were inside the mountain fortress. In doing
There on the Never Sleep Fields the forces of The Pack and Elethon so, they discovered a ventillation shaft designed to allow fresh air from
joined. The battle was bloody and many died in the confrontation. Blue the surface to enter the dungeon (and the giant bats that were nesting in
Eyes and Lewis fought and their blood flowed to form the rivers, lakes said shaft). They also encountered creatures that they called “big
and oceans. Where the two fell mountains rose, and where their weapons kobolds,”slightly tougher little guys than the ones they’d seen on Level 1.
struck, the ground split forming islands. Neither had an advantage and These creatures were engaged in the creation of strange whorls of paint
the two fought for many days, neither refusing to yield. Finally the quiet on the walls of one room in the dungeon. After they were defeated, the
god Clark intervened and ended the conflict. PCs examined the paint to discover that it appeared to be mixed with
small amounts of azoth, which caused the paint to dry quickly and leave
He used the power of Time and worked the forces of Jazz, Swing, behind peculiar vein-like patterns on the walls.
Interview, and a new power called Pop. Using what is now known as the
five elements, Clark trapped Lewis and the Forces of Elethon in a bubble, Pressing on, the characters first found a room containing a statue they
banishing them to a distant realm. With a wave of his hands the Warriors assumed was related to the mythology of Turms Termax. In a rare
of Checker withered away. With a snap of his fingers, the Men of One Eye display of impetuousness, the elf Dordagdonar entered the room alone
devolved into a protoplasmic ooze. With a touch of his Rod of Rate a and began looking for secret doors, failing to notice the green slime on
Record the wounds of The Pack and their followers were healed. the ceiling, which promptly dropped on his head. Fortunately, the
application of fire by Brother Candor and Vladimir destroyed the slime
With the danger over Blue Eyes mourned the death of his one true love. but not without leaving a scar on the elf’s face, which he declared forever
The Pack returned to the Hall of Sand where they rested. Before leaving marred his beauty and would deprive him of the company of other elves,
they taught their followers all they knew and helped to set them on their who would judge him “hideous.”
present course. Clark created his own realm known as The Stand, and
here he watched over all ensuring that neither the Forces of Good or Evil Slimes, molds, and fungi seemed to be a theme for the dungeon as they
would gain an advantage. pressed onward into the dungeon, where they encountered a room whose
surfaces were almost entirely covered with weird growths. Fearing what
It has been many years since the Time of Swing, Happy Hour, and the would happen if they ventured in too far, Vladimir decided to take his
Age of Troubles. Now in the age the scholars have dubbed The Age of torch with him and clear a path from one archway to another. He figured
Peace, The Pack still influences the world. Little do they know that Lewis he could burn away some of the growths, bit by bit, and avoid their
and the Forces of Elethon, are about to reenter the world and once again potential danger. What he didn’t count on was the fact that, in setting
join in battle with their enemies. Unknown to both of these groups is a fire to them, he’d cause them to release noxious spores into the air,
new force massing in the Sunset Lands. This force is led by the fierce which he inhaled. A failed saving throw later and the intrepid dwarf was
warrior known only as Duke. With him ride the Horse Soldiers of the dead.
Yellow Ribbon, and even Clark is at a loss as to what their intentions
might be. Through the clever use of a grappling hook, the party recovered
Vladimir’s body. Brother Candor decided that they could pool their
Posted in Games, thoughts Tagged: Lost Works, thoughts, writing, wtf limited funds to have the dwarf raised from the dead at the Temple of
Tyche in Adamas. Unfortunately, that meant return to the city-state
where they were wanted men. After some thought, they found a farm on
the way between Muntburg and Adamas, where they paid the farmer for
the temporary use of his cart. They then cleaned his stalls of manure,
piling it into the cart and on top of Vladimir’s corpse. They also applied a
healthy dose of the excrement to themselves so that they could enter
Adamas “disguised” as manure collectors. The plan worked well enough
and Vladimir was restored to life. However, the priests of Tyche

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

cautioned Candor about ever again returning to the temple, since he

could bring the law down upon them. Meanwhile, Dordagdonar had an ROGUE FEED
iron mask fashioned for himself to hide his “disfigurement.”
Planet Stories Changes
With Vladimir once more among their company, the party returned to MAY 25, 2009 10:42A.M.
Dwimmermount. There they encountered some animated skeletons,
which served as guards to a large chamber that looked like a desecrated This is a press release issued by Paizo about some changes to the format,
temple to Turms Termax. Overseeing the temple was a strange lich-like frequency, and subscription of its excellent Planet Stories line of pulp
being, dressed in the rotting robes of a priest of the god of magic. He was reprints:
preaching to an invisible congregation, denouncing the church of Turms
as a sham and immortality as a false hope that leads only to a living We’ve just implemented some changes to the Planet Stories
death. He took no notice of the PCs, who did not interact with him out of imprint and to Planet Stories subscriptions that we believe
fear of what would happen. will significantly increase the quality of the books in general
and enhance the value of your subscription.
Moving onward, the characters found a room where the floor stones had
been overturned to reveal bare earth. Upon entering, giant ants Starting with June’s Robots Have No Tails, by Henry
burrowed up from below the earth and attacked them. The ants’ poison Kuttner, Planet Stories subscribers will enjoy a 30% discount
claimed two hirelings, Wulfhere and Brandis, and, while Dordagdonar’s on new Planet Stories volumes (up from 20%). Additionally,
use of a web spell helped defeat the giant insects, the party was now low subscribers will be able to order older Planet Stories books at
on muscle. Brother Candor reluctantly decided to return to Adamas and a substantial 15% discount off the cover price as an added
face the music, hoping that he could use the head of Jasper — which was benefit of subscribing. We hope this new discount structure
kept preserved in formaldehyde — could set the record straight. The makes it easier for collectors to pick up volumes they may
priests of Tyche agreed to accompany him to talk with the constabulary have missed from earlier in our series.
and to cast speak with dead on the poreserved head, which did in fact
exonerate him of murder. However, Candor was still fined for Also in June, Planet Stories will shift to a roughly bimonthly
desecrating a corpse and he was told that the constabulary would be publication schedule, with six volumes scheduled per year
keeping an eye on him, since he was a “known troublemaker.” With that, into the future. We’re worried we may be producing Planet
the PCs decided they needed to find new hirelings and to seek out more Stories books faster than subscribers are able to read them,
information about Saidon the Archivist, the priest of Typhon whom so we want to slow things down a bit and give each book a
Jasper the alchemist had spoken to shortly before his death. chance to make a strong impact on the marketplace and in
the minds of our faithful readers. We hope to increase the
As usual, a superb session, filled with lots of action, mysteries, and frequency in the future, but doing so will require significantly
roleplaying. I am very pleased with how the campaign is unfolding. more subscribers than we have now and better penetration
into local and national bookstores. We believe these changes
will come with time, and reducing the frequency in the
meantime gives us an opportunity to ensure that Planet
Stories has the best possible foundation in the years to come
during a very challenging period for the book publishing
ROGUE FEED industry.

Elf Lair Games Has a Blog The biggest change to the line will become apparent when we
MAY 25, 2009 05:20P.M. send out Robots Have No Tails in the upcoming weeks:
We’ve completely revised the Planet Stories format to pack in
I realize I’m a few days behind with this news, but Elf Lair Games now more story for your buck and to include illustrations that
has a blog. In case you’re not aware of it, the company publishes the harken back to the pulp era from which many of our stories
awesome Spellcraft & Swordplay, an old school fantasy game that are drawn. In the case of this summer’s The Ship of Ishtar, by
cleaves more closely to OD&D’s Chainmail roots than do most retro- A. Merritt, we’ve even negotiated rights to publish
clones. I wrote a review of the game last Fall and will probably write illustrations by noted pulp illustrator (and the best man at
another of the revised edition over the next week or so. I’m very the wedding of C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner) VIRGIL
impressed with the approach that Jason Vey took with the game and look FINLAY!
forward to seeing how the game grows and develops.
Those of you familiar with Finlay’s marvelous work will no
doubt be jumping up and down with excitement. Those of you
who have not encountered his work are in for a real treat.
Other Planet Stories volumes will contain interior

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

illustrations (many original to the Planet Stories line) as well,

and we hope to set a new standard of design excellence with
the series. We’ve posted sample page layouts on the Robots
Have No Tails product page to give you a taste of what’s in
store in the very near future.

The very best way that you can help to ensure a bright future
for Planet Stories is to subscribe, and to evangelize the line to
your science fiction and fantasy-reading friends. We hope to
double the number of Planet Stories subscribers in the next
year, and we’re going to need all the help you can provide in
order to achieve that goal.

We’re more excited about the Planet Stories line than we’ve
ever been. In many ways, we’re finally publishing these
stories in a format that does them justice and best matches
our original plans for the line. We hope you love what’s in
store, and that you continue to support Planet Stories.

It means the (strange adventures on other) worlds to us.


Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC

Edgar Rice Burroughs is best known for his “Tarzan” and “Barsoom”
novels, but they’re far from the only successes he had as a writer. He also
wrote another series of novels, beginning with 1914’s At the Earth’s Core.
The novel tells the story of a man who discovers a subterranean realm
known as Pellucidar, which exists at the interior of the world. There he
Pulp Fantasy Library: At the encounters prehistoric beasts, such as dinosaurs, as well as primitive
humans who have been enslaved by a race of intelligent flying reptiles
Earth’s Core known as Mahars.
MAY 25, 2009 05:01A.M.
Like John Carter, the arrival of the novel’s protagonist, David Innes,
signals the dawn of a new era. Moved by the plight of the humans — and
enraptured by the lovely Dian the Beautiful — Innes leads them in a
revolt against the Mahars and helps them to win their freedom. Along
the way, he also wins the love of Dian, who’d previously rebuffed him,
due to his misunderstanding the culture of the humans of Pellucidar.
Unfortunately, in their attempt to return to the surface, Innes loses Dian
and vows to return to find her once more, thus setting up for the novel’s
immediate sequel, as well as five more, one of which was published

Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World predates At the Earth’s Core by
two years, firmly establishing the literary genre that shares its name
(although several other books from the 19th century predate it and are
arguably the first in the genre). Pellucidar was clearly influenced by its
predecessor, but is written in a much more breezy and adventuresome
style, as one would expect from the creator of Tarzan. For me, it’s a much
better model for pulp fantasy games than is Doyle’s work, which has a

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

vaguely “serious” tone to it, which probably explains why Gygax includes Final Notes 16
Burroughs in Appendix N and not Doyle. CHAPTER 2: THE WAYS OF SCHEMING 18
Step One: Establishing the Scopes 18
As an aside, the young H.P. Lovecraft was very fond of Burroughs’ Dynamic or Static? 20
stories, including the Pellucidar series, though he distanced himself from Step Two: Choosing the Means 21
them in later life, calling Burroughs a hack. Nevertheless, some claim In Theory… 21
they hear echoes of Burroughs in the name “shoggoth,” which is In Practice… 21
remarkably like that of “sagoth,” the ape-like race that serves the Mahar. Step Three: Applying Skills 24
I’m not certain how much to make of such claims but it’s interesting Step Four: Interpreting the Results 25
nonetheless. Collateral Effects 25
Opposition 26
Support 26
Exposure 26
Recovery Time 27
Physiology 28
Thousand Suns: Foundation Psychology 29
History 30
Transmissions — To Layout Society 30
MAY 24, 2009 05:57P.M. Traits 31
Acropolis 32
Apostolo 32
The next Thousand Suns book is done and is in layout. This book is due Crucible 33
out in August (in time for GenCon) and contains the work of two new Empyrean 34
writers who won the contest we held last year. In addition there is new Gladsheim 34
material by James and myself. Haveno 35
Jianggu 36
Want to know what is in the book? Meridian 36
Novo Tero 37
I thought so, here is the Table of Contents. Note, this is from the final Obsidian 38
file, and does not correspond to the final layout. It is just guide to show Odin 39
you what you can expect to see. Olympus Prime 39
Osiris 40
Thousand Suns: Foundation Transmissions Portal 41
Pinnacle 41
CREDITS 6 Tribulation 43
Introduction 9 CHPATER 5: CUSTOM WEAPONS 46
Premise Behind Ranks 9 Types of Technologies 46
Example Crew 10 Impacting Mass 46
Military Ranks Mechanics 11 Puncturing Tip 46
Other Considerations 13 Cleaving or Slashing Edge 47
Benefit Points 14 Chemical Agent 47
Standard Equipment 14 Firearms 47
Hooks and Action Points 14 Explosive Charge 47
Other Services and Alternate Terms 14 Sonicarms 48
Army (Imperial Legions) 14 Gravity Projection 48
Marines (Imperial Naval Infantry) 15 Particle Projection 48
Navy (Earthforce) 15 Melee Weapon Handling 49
Navy/Combined (Starfleet) 15 Small (one-handed/two-handed) 49
Navy/Combined (Colonial Forces) 16 Medium (one-handed/two-handed) 49

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

Large or heavy (two-handed only) 49 Shield 69

Shaft Mounted (one-handed/two-handed) 49 Refinements 70
Flexible (one-handed/two-handed) 50 Cheap Imitation 70
Ranged Weapon Handling 50 Extra Heavy 70
Pistol 50 Status Symbol 70
Shotgun/Chemical Spreader/Siphon 50 Reflective 71
Bow 51 Camouflage 71
Crossbow 51 Smart Camouflage 71
Thrown Projectile 51 Photo Dispersive Field 72
Charge Throwers (grenade throwers, mortars) 51 Ablative 72
Submachine gun 52 Medical Systems 73
Assault Rifle 52 Motorized Assistance 73
Rifle 52 Sustenance System 73
Machine gun/Light Machine gun 53 Sonic Damper 74
Refinements 53 Radiation Shielding 74
Revolving Barrels 53 Weapon Sponson 74
Revolving Magazine 53 Jet Packs 75
Belt loading 53 Deflection Field 75
Vibroweapon 54 Adding It Up 76
Spread Shot 54 Police Anti-Riot Shield 76
Continuous 54 1st Dragoon Division “Warlord” Armor 76
Pulsated Blast 54 Imperial Judicator Armor 77
Monomolecular 55 CHAPTER 7: ROBOTS AND ANDROIDS 80
Barrel Extension 55 Robots and Tech Levels 80
Electrical Ignition 55 Robots as Characters 81
Field Adaptation 55 Androids 81
Non-lethal 56 Synthetics 82
Adding It Up 57 Non-player Robots 83
Vibro-Bayonet 57 Robot Resurrection 84
Flamethrower 58 Robot Frames 84
Gauss Sniper Rifle 59 ARMATURE (Class V) 85
CHAPTER 6: CUSTOM PROTECTION 61 Biomorph (Class V) 85
Armor Value 61 Android (Class VI) 85
Dissipation Value 61 Synthetic (Class VII) 86
Cover Value 62 Liquid-State (Class VIII) 87
Weight 62 Locomotion 88
Bulk 62 Manipulators 90
Cost 62 Armor 92
Coverage 62 Sensors 94
Materials 63 Skill Software 97
Leather or Bone 63 Ability Upgrades 98
Alloy, Basic 63 Robot Accessories 99
Fibers, Natural 64 105
Fibers, Synthetic 65 Alphabet and Pronunciation 105
Polymers 65 Astronomical & Geographical Terms 106
Ceramics 65 Basics 108
Crystalline Lattice 66 Colors 109
Biomechanical Shell 66 Greetings 110
Constructs 66 Names (common for space vessels) 110
Fabric 67 Numbers 114
Plated 67 Places 115
Segmented 67 Political, Titles and Ranks 116
Partial Plate 68
Reactive Assembly 68

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009


I am a gamer
MAY 24, 2009 01:07P.M.

MAY 24, 2009 02:12P.M. I am a gamer.

Games have been a major part of my life for as long as I can remember.

I grew up playing such classics as Candy Land, Mousetrap, Monopoly,

and too many others to mention. I remember when I was in the third
grade I devised a game using my Star Wars figures. Gluing Lincoln Logs
on a large piece of cardboard, the goal was to rescue Princess Leia and
escape the Death Star. I played this game for hours with my friends,
laughing at the truly nasty death cards we made up.

It was not until I entered the 6th grade that I discovered Dungeons &
Dragons. I had no idea what this game was. There was no board. Instead
there were six funny shaped die. It was the summer of 1983 when my
best friend Clayton took the role of Dungeon Master and escorted our
little band into the terror known as Keep on the Borderlands.

The summer was spent either playing soccer of braving the horrors that
Clayton came up with. This was not art; this was a group of kids having a
grand time using their imagination. It was also a group of kids who used
this new game to propel them to study.

I was always a good student, but it was not until I started playing that I
was charged with the task to learn everything and anything related to the
middle ages. I wanted to know as much as I could, and my friends and I
competed to see who could learn more.

As I grew up my taste in games changed. I still played D&D, but

branched into Top Secret, Star Frontiers, and Boot Hill. It was not until
a friend bought a copy of the Middle Earth Role Play that I broke out of
the TSR ghetto I was stuck in. This one game opened more doors to me
Take a gander at this frankly awesome cover of an upcoming supplement
then I would ever know.
to White Wolf’s game of anime-inspired ass-kicking, Exalted. Yes, you
heard right: I think it’s awesome.
MERP, lead to Villains & Vigilantes, which lead to Bushido, which lead
to more games then you can possibly guess. My taste varied with age,
I have no interest in playing Exalted (though I did in the past and in fact
and I even remember the one summer when I played Rolemaster almost
contributed to two supplements for its first edition — shocking!), but I
religiously. I can safely say that the mind numbing charts would forever
can nevertheless appreciate this loving nod to the greatest RPG cover
sour me on overly complicated games. (Well that summer and the
ever made. It’s extremely well done and, in some ways, a terrific primer
Rolemaster game I played at Gen Con in 1989).
on the inadequacy of being able to “hum the tune” without also “knowing
the words.” To its credit, Exalted is unambiguous about its new school-
There were some games that I became hooked on and stuck with for
ness, which is why I still have a fondness for it, despite its being
longer then I care to admit. Marvel Superheroes, is one example of this,
mechanically and esthetically far removed from my own interests and
while Ars Magica is another. You can not get much further apart in style
and content than these two games. Yet at the time they were what I was
looking for.

With MSH, I got fast paced super hero action, and was able to tell the

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

stories that I wanted to. I changed rules to fit my vision, and ignored a ROGUE FEED
lot of what was going on in the comic book world. With Ars Magica, my
love for story telling was filled, and I bought into the concept of a shared More Than a Feeling
gaming experience. I loved the setting, and for me this is how magic MAY 24, 2009 05:01A.M.
should be. Sadly I grew tired of the game and found myself researching
more about the Middle Ages and less time writing adventures to In my experience, there are two common dismissals of the old school
entertain my friends. movement. The first is semantic, claiming that the term “old school” is so
devoid of a commonly accepted understanding that it’s meaningless. The
Regardless of what games were consuming my attention, two stayed with intention behind this dismissal is to prevent discussion by undermining
me, and were played regularly. the common meanings of terminology. Needless to say, I don’t think
much of this point of view, because, while I’ll concede that lots of people
One is D&D. Not AD&D, but D&D. Here is a game that was self do in fact use “old school” in a wide variety of ways, that doesn’t in itself
contained and allowed the DM to do what he wanted. From the old Basic say anything about the meaningfulness of the term as it’s generally used
and Expert sets, to D&D Rules Cyclopedia, I ran a campaign that lasted among players of these games. It’s a rhetorical trick, not an actual
from 1985 to 1998. This game gave me the tools to make my own world, argument.
and ignored the ever increasing volumes from AD&D.
The second dismissal claims that old school is “a feeling” and can be
The other game was Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. To this day I still divorced both from particular games and particular mechanical designs.
do not know what it is about WFRP that first attracted me to it. The The intention behind this dismissal is to claim that one can play any
magic system was not finished and to this day the often-promised game in an old school fashion, regardless of its vintage or rules. It’s an
Realms of Sorcery has yet seen the light of day. Games Workshop attempt to divorce the animating principles of the early hobby from its
released product of various quality, and then simply killed the game to mechanical foundations. This is a somewhat more sophisticated
make room for the lead figure juggernaut. The game languished for five- dismissal, but, ultimately, it’s still a rhetorical trick rather an argument.
years until Hogshead took the licenses and slowly began to release new It’s an appeal to an ill-defined “spirit” of the old school as a means of
product. undermining attachment to any particular old school game.

The one thing that stands out for me is the world Warhammer FRP is set That’s precisely why I’ve never bought into the notion that the old school
in. The world was deliciously dark and filled with hopelessness. Chaos is just a feeling: it makes rational discussion impossible. If the old school
hides behind most things, and often times the only differences between is just a feeling, then it’s purely subjective and beyond our capacity to
the “heroes” and villains is that the heroes are PCs. This is a world of argue for. It’s a mere fancy rather than the product of serious thought.
nightmares, a world without heroes. It is a world with a sick sense of Now, I don’t’ want to argue that the old school isn’t a feeling, because, on
dark humor. some level, there definitely is an “emotional” component to it — but
that’s not all that it is and I don’t think it does the old school movement
It was all of this which propelled me to write and design. Write and any good to tacitly accept the idea that “old school-ness” is primarily felt
design I did. However it was not until forming Rogue Games that I rather than apprehended.
found myself truly coming into a rewakening as to what I love about
games. Before I designed things becasue I felt like I had too, now I design There is in theology a term that seems apropos: indifferentism.
things becasue I want to. Indifferentism is the notion that all religions are equally good and valid
provided that one practices them with proper intentions. To my mind,
I am a gamer. I am proud of what I am, and I am proud of what I do. the idea that the old school is primarily a feeling is a kind of ludic
indifferentism. No doubt many proponents of old school-as-feeling do so
Posted in Games, Life, thoughts Tagged: Games, thoughts out of a genuine desire to avoid One True Wayism, which is certainly
laudable. The problem is that, by arguing for a primarily emotional
understanding of the old school, one quickly reduces all arguments to
arbitrary preferences. That I consider, say, Swords & Wizardry a game
truer to the old school than Exalted or 4e is nothing more than my
personal feeling on the matter, a feeling that’s impossible to articulate
rationally and that others can feel free to dismiss without having to
understand just what I mean when I say this. Likewise, when a player of
such games claims he’s doing so “in an old school style,” I have no
recourse but to accept him at his word and move on, because no
argument could possibly be offered to disprove his feeling that he’s
playing an old school game.

Let me stress again that I am most emphatically not arguing against the

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

notion that feelings and intuitions have a role in coming to an For six years the most popular singing group in Japan has been Go Girl!
understanding about what the old school is and is not. However, I feel This quartet of four very beautiful girls has won the hearts of boys, girls
“I’ll know it when I see it” is inadequate and contributes to the absolute and adult men. Their albums sell millions and stadiums sell out as soon
subjectification of the term “old school.” Consequently, I think it’s vital, as tickets go on sale. Go Girl! are pop icons and have stared in two
particularly now that more and more people are looking at old school movies, which led to their own weekly variety show on Japanese
games with new eyes, that this community shy away from speaking television. Lately things have not been going well for Go Girl!, or for their
primarily in terms of “feelings,” since that path leads to the chaos of management company, Bando Management. Record sales have dropped
indifferentism. and the quartet has seen their popularity plummet, and the reason for
this is the Devil Shake.
If one actually believes, as I do, that games like OD&D, Tunnels & Trolls,
Empire of the Petal Throne, and so forth offer something unique that no Five years ago when the earthquake known as the Devil Shake hit
game published in the last 20 years can match, then we ought not to rest Shinjuko, the Bando Management offices were abandoned. What no one
our case too heavily on nebulous quasi-emotional impressions. I think knows is that the girls of Go Girl! do not sing their own songs, they lip
there are enough clear, rational, and unambiguous arguments in favor of sync when doing their performances. The girls were chosen for their
the old school that there’s very little need to invoke feelings at all. More looks and dance ability, not for their voices. Bando Management has
to the point, to resort to feelings is basically to concede the argument guarded this secret very well.
before one has even begun, which only contributes further to the
mistaken notion that one’s liking for an old game system is nothing but In the aftermath of the quake many unreleased recordings were lost.
nostalgia for one’s lost youth. In some cases, that may be true, but it These recordings were locked in a safe at the Bando Management offices.
needn’t be the case and the continued success of the old school The reason that the recordings are so important is that the real singers
renaissance depends greatly on promoting the unique qualities of older died in the earthquake. Bando did try to find new singers, but no one
games in a clear and rational fashion. sounded like the previous group. Now Bando needs to get to the
recordings, so they have contacted Koizumi & Yuasa. With these
Otherwise, we really are just a bunch of middle-aged guys clinging to the recording Bando will have enough material for two new albums of Go
past. Girl!, and the group could go on one last tour. This would give the
company enough time to start a new group to push them Go Girl! dies

Koizumia & Yuasa is one of the best salvage operations in business today,
and is known for specializing in Demon City Salvage. Though their fees
ROGUE FEED are high, they have never failed in delivering on their promises. Kuniaki
Bando, president of Bando Management, has contracted the company to
[Lost Works]New Music enter Shinjuku and retrieve the lost recordings. Koizumi & Yuasa has
MAY 23, 2009 07:45P.M. been paid a very large fee to keep this contract a secret, and have been
told to get the recordings using any means necessary.

The Bando Management offices are located near the Koma Gejiko, which
Well, here we are, at the last of the Demon City Shinjuko (Guardians of is located in Kabukico. The recordings are on ten digital tapes that are
Order) campaign I ran. This appeared in Alarums and Excursions and locked in a safe located in Bando’s fourth floor office. What no one
has not appeared since. The campaign ran for two months. The details of knows is that the building is the home for Okibi, a biker gang that has
those are sketcy, due to the notebook that the notes I had is now lost due been terrorizing the area. Okibi has been causing trouble and have been
to the moves Ariana and I have taken since then. Still the campaign was forcing the few residents in the area to pay protection money. All is not
fun, and offered us a chance to run and play a different type of game. going well for Okibi either.
After all these year I am still intrigued by the Demon City Shinjuko
setting. Part of the reason is due to the neat idea of a city over run with For the past two months Okibi has been in a gang war with a rival group
demons, the other is that the setting gives you a chance to play a known as Shigo Ichijn. Unlike most gangs, this one is a group of demons,
different type of post-apocalyptic game. who are trying to make the best out of a bad situation. The group has
banded together under the leadership of Kaenhoushaki and have been
As for what’s next in the Lost Works. I do not know. I have a lot I can working to stake out their own territory within Shinjuku. Okibi has
post, but I do not know where to begin. claimed an area that Shigo Ichijn wants for themselves, and the two
groups have been fighting a battle of attrition. Kaenhoushaki is tired of
New Music the never ending fighting and has decided to stage a all out assault and
finish Okibi off once and for all. The PCs enter into the middle of this and
GMs Introduction must avoid the conflict in order to retrieve the tapes, and complete their

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

Player Introduction side. Sensing another meal the cat demon charges the PCs. The demon
does not back down during the fight and the more it is wounded the
The characters are employees of Koizumi & Yuasa and have been called more fierce it becomes. Once the demon is dealt with the PCs notice that
into a meeting with their boss, Hideki Ajibana. They are told that they the old woman is gone. There is no sign of her; it is as if she has vanished
are to enter Shinjuko and make their way to Kabukico, and locate the into thin air.
Bando Management building. Once at the building they must find and
locate a safe on the fourth floor that contains the recordings. The Cat Demon Stats
characters are told that the recordings are valuable and that the client is
paying the firm handsomely for their safe recovery. The PCs are not told Body 8, Mind 3, Soul 3 Attributes
the significance of the recordings, or what they contain.
Combat Mastery – 2, Demonic Powers – 3, Height Senses – 2 Defects
The PCs are given a handheld computer that has directions to the
building as well as the floor plans. Both the directions and the floor plans Marked (2 BP), Physically Unappealing (2 BP) Demonic Sub-
predate the Devil Shake, so they do not take into account any of the Attributes
changes. In addition the PCs have access to the typical salvage
equipment: hardhat, flashlight, two-way radio, coil of rope and a weapon Demonic Attack – 2 (Shadow’s Bite, 20 points of damage, drain energy,
for protection. PCs also have access to any minor equipment the GM contact), Extra Limbs (prehensile tail) – 1, Illusion – 5, Natural Weapons
allows. Since the roads in Demon City are badly damaged and nearly (claws, fangs) – 2, Special Movement (balance, cat-like, light-footed,
impossible for vehicles to navigate, the characters need to travel on foot. silent, untrackable) – 5, Unholy Strength – 2 Derived Values Attack
Combat Value 4, Defense Combat Value 2, Health Points 55, Energy
New Music was written using the BESM 2nd Edition, and the demon Points 30
powers from the Demon City Shinjuku RPG book. Characters should be
built using 30 Character Points and all normal Attributes are available. Shakedown
Also available is the Nempo and Demon Sub Attributes found in Demon
City Shinjuku RPG. When Attributes in BESM and Demon City are in Entering Kabukico and checking the handheld computer, the PCs can tell
conflict, use the description found in Demon City. that they are almost at their destination. Continuing on they come to a
small shanty town, which is a common site in Demon City. The towns
Welcome to Hell typically have about fifteen to twenty people living together who are
trying to eek out a living in the ruins of what was once their home.
The characters are taken by helicopter to the Yotguya Gate. Everything Nearing the town the PCs see five bikers terrorizing the residents. They
they need to know has been given to them and if they ask for any more are knocking people over and destroying what ever they can. Also, laying
information their requests are denied. PCs who are going into Demon face down on the ground, in a pool of blood, is a man and kneeling next
City for the first time are told to keep their wits about them and to be to him is a woman who is crying.
careful. Nothing can prepare them for the horrors they are about to face,
or the dangers that await them. The PCs can move around this scene and avoid it. After all, they have a
job to do and they are not heroes. However, if they are feeling heroic,
It is mid-morning when the PCs pass through the Yotsuya Gate, see that they can come to the people’s defense. The bikers are not tough and any
the sky goes from a bright sunny day to a gray overcast cold day. show of force by the PCs will scare them off. The bikers, seeing that the
Checking the handheld computer the PCs quickly find the best route to PCs are stronger, ride off and threaten that they will be back.
their destination. It is still early and if they push on and encounter no
troubles, they should make it back to the gate by night fall. Once the bikers are gone the people thank the PCs for their help.
Questioning them the PCs learn it has been difficult lately because of the
Demon City is a dangerous place, not only from the demons who inhabit bikers who are known as Okibi. The group has been here for about six
the area, but natural ones as well. As the PCs make their way on foot they months and has been shaking them and others down for protection
can encounter live power wires, venting blasts of steam, or pockets of money.
natural gas. In addition a majority of the buildings are damaged, and
occasional bricks or concrete fall to the ground. Traveling though The PCs also learn that things have gotten dangerous lately, due to a
Shinjuku should be challenging, but not overly deadly. It will soon get group of demons moving into the area. The demons are led by a strange
dangerous enough for the PCs. looking flame. Asking when they arrived reveals that the group arrived
about two months ago. Ever since their arrival the demons and Okibi
Sometime after entering Shinjuko the PCs hear a woman screaming up have been fighting. Why the two groups have been fighting is not known,
ahead. Approaching the area they see an old woman who is fending off a but it is speculated that it is over territory. Checking the man on the
demon with a stick. Sensing the PCs, the demon turns to face them and ground the PCs see that he is dead. The man was the towns leader and
lets out a deep and terrorizing howl. The demon resembles a cat, was trying to stand up to the bikers, who got angry and shot him. No one
standing hunched over with a long tail that swings rapidly from side to knows anything else, and if the PCs have been injured the villagers offer

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

to help them for a price. Senses – 1, Massive Damage – 2 Defects

Okibi Members Stats Awkward Size (1 BP), Marked (2 BP), Physically Unappealing (2 BP),
Servitude (2 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes
Body 5, Mind 4, Soul 4 Attributes
Acidic Fluids – 5, Demonic Attack – 3 (Acidic Fire, 30 points of damage,
Combat Mastery – 1 Defects burning, spreading, short range), Exoskeleton – 2, Natural Weapons
(fangs, horns) – 2 Skills
Wanted (1 BP) Skills
Unarmed Attack (striking) – 1, Unarmed Defense (striking) – 1
Driving (motorcycle) – 1, Gun Combat (autofire) – 1 Derived Values Derived Values

Attack Combat Value 4, Defense Combat Value 2, Health Points 45, Attack Combat Value 5, Defense Combat Value 3, Health Points 65,
Energy Points 40 Energy Points 40

Missing Girl Caught in the Middle

As the PCs move closer to the Bando Building they hear a cry for help Following the directions on the handheld, the PCs eventually reach the
coming from up ahead. Running towards the PCs is an attractive girl who Bando Building. If Otsune is with the PCs she tells then that this is
is being chased by two demons. The demons are covered with red bone Okibi’s home. As they get closer to the building the PCs see a gun fight
plates and are powerfully built. Two large horns curl from their heads taking place in front of the building. The members of Okibi are shooting
and two long tusks jut down from their mouths. Seeing the PCs the at a group of demons, who are tying to enter the building. The demons
demons bellow a deep viscous war cry and run faster. resemble the two that were chasing Otsune, and they are led by another
one who looks to be a living flame. The fight seems to be going badly for
The demons close in on the PCs and fight until one is slain. Once this Okibi, and seeing this Otsune begins to cry and begs the PCs to do
happens the remaining demon flee the area. PCs who decide to flee the something.
scene discover that the demons pursue them. The demons are simple
minded creatures and their tactics are equally simple. The girl clings to a What the PCs do is up to them, however, they should realize that the
PC and stays close to him which causes the PC to suffer a +1 to all fight offers the perfect cover to sneak into the building and get the
actions. recordings. PCs who are heroically inclined might be tempted to come to
the rescue of Okibi, yet a quick study of the situation reveals that the
Once the demons are dealt with the girl can be calmed down. Talking demons seem close to finishing the gang off. In addition, if they come to
with her reveals her name is Otsune Nakane, and that her brother Sanzo the gang’s rescue the PCs might not have a chance to recover the
is the leader of Okibi. Otsune tells the PCs that they are based in an recordings. Checking the handheld the PCs learn that there is a back
abandoned building near Koma Gejiko. The building belongs to Okibi entrance into the building. Making their way to the entrance the PCs see
and it is their home. Otsune, if asked what she was doing, tells the PCs that no one is close by. This entrance offers the PCs the best chance of
that she is tired of living in Shinjuku and was leaving to return to family sneaking into the building unnoticed. What the PCs do is up to them, but
on the outside. Otsune and Sanzo’s parents died in the quake and instead they do have a job to do and they are not being paid to be heroes.
of fleeing the city, her brother wanted to stay here and rule. The past five
years has been very tough and she is sick of living here. She wants to live Entering the building is easy since everyone is distracted with the fight in
a normal life, and asks the PCs to get her out of Shinjuku. Refusing to front. The back entrance is actually a loading dock and the PCs see that
help her, Otsune starts to beg, pout, and cry. twelve motorcycles are parked here. From the moment the PCs enter the
building they have fifteen minutes to make their way to the fourth floor,
Otsune is a spoiled teenager who is used to getting her own way. She asks break into the safe and get out.
a lot of questions and generally makes a nuisance out of herself. If the
PCs decide to help her, and take her with them, she pouts and whines It takes four minutes to get up the stairs, and once at the fourth floor
about wanting to leave now. She enjoys being the center of attention and they notice a good portion of the roof has collapsed. By checking the
if any of the male PCs are handsome she flirts constantly with them. handheld computer and making a Mind Stat Check the PCs can figure
GM’s can have Otsune make the PCs lives as difficult as possible. out where the office is, which takes an additional two minutes. It takes
three minutes for the PCs to get through the rubble and in the office.
Bone Demons Stats This leaves a total of six minutes to get into the safe and get out of the
Body 8, Mind 3, Soul 5 Attributes
Play up the tension of breaking into the safe. Any skill check that fails
Extra Attacks – 1, Demonic Powers – 2, Fortified Body – 3, Heightened adds an additional minute to their running time. PCs who do not get out

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

in six minutes notice that they can not hear any fighting going on. What Animated Reflection – 2, Demonic Attack – 3 (Fire Whips, 30 points of
the PCs do not know is that the demons have killed Okibi and are now damage, burning, flexible, short range), Demonic Attack – 3 (Soul
entering the building. In five minutes the demons will reach the fourth Searing Flame, drain soul, penetrating), Demonic Attack – 3 (Flames
floor, unless the PCs do something fast. Presence, 30 points of damage, aura, short range), Flight – 2,
Rejuvenation – 2, Tunneling – 1 Derived Values
The easiest thing to do is go out the way they came in. Upon reaching the
loading dock, they see that four demons have arrived at the same time. Attack Combat Value 5, Defense Combat Value 3, Health Points 50,
Seeing the PCs, the demons yell out to the rest, and the PCs have to act Energy Points 65
quickly before they arrive. The fastest way to get away is by stealing a
motorcycle, which has a full tank and fast. PCs who want to fight it out Aftermath
can, but will quickly be out numbered. Escaping, the PCs still need to get
Otsune (if she is with the PCs) out of the area, or they can choose to leave Getting the recordings out of Shinjuku safely earns the PCs 3 CP. PCs
her behind. who also rescued Ostune earn an additional CP. If the recordings were
destroyed, or not recovered, the PCs do not get any CPs. However, if
A Quick Get Away Ostune was rescued they still earn the one CP. PCs who took a
motorcycle can keep it since the first rule of salvage is: “If you brought it
As they drive away let the PCs think they have escaped and left the out, you keep it.”
demons behind. This is quickly proved false as they see what looks like a
flame following them. The flame is actually the leader of the demons, Since the PCs escaped the demons they might face them again the next
Kaenhoushaki, and once he closes in he tries to kill the PCs. He uses his time they are in Shinjuko. If Ostune was rescued, the PCs can look into
powers to his advantage and tries to pick the PCs off one at a time. To what happened to here, but are unable to learn anything. Asking around
avoid the attacks, the PCs need to make Body-Based Driving the Koizumi & Yuasa office the PCs learn that she was sent tot the north
(motorcycle) check with a Difficult (+2) modifier. PCs who are not skilled where her family lives.
in driving bikes need to make a Body Stat check with a Quite Difficult
(+3) modifier. If they fail the PCs get hit by the attack. Posted in Games, Salvaging Chaos, thoughts Tagged: BESM, Games,

To make matters worse, the streets of Demon City are not clear of debris Lost Works
and other road hazards. Because of this, the PCs need to avoid various
hazards, such as chunks of concrete, large potholes and fleeing people.
The GM is encouraged to call for Body-Based Driving (motorcycle)
checks to add to the tension of the chase. Failed checks has the PCs ROGUE FEED
losing control, and there is a chance that they crash. Keep in mind that if
the PCs are hit, or if they crash, there is a good chance that any Songs of the Dying Earth
recordings they are carrying can be damaged. MAY 23, 2009 04:00P.M.

The chase through the streets take a hour, and Kaenhoushaki does not
back down until he is out of Energy Points, or the PCs make it through
the Yotsuya Gate. If Kaenhoushaki runs out of Energy Points he still
follows the PCs in hopes that they crash. Passing through the gate the
PCs see a Koizumi & Yuasa transport van waiting for them, and they also
see Kaenhoushaki hovering on the Shinjuku side of the gate. He is angry
and threatens the PCs that he will feast on their souls one day. If Ostune
is with the PCs she is escorted to the van and the PCs are told that she
will be dealt with.

Kaenhoushaki Stats

Body 4, Mind 7, Soul 6 Attributes

Demonic Powers – 4, Energy Bonus – 2, Heightened Awareness – 2,

Powerful Mind – 1, Strong Soul – 1 Defects

Bane – water (2 BP), Marked (2 BP), No hands (2 BP), Physically

Unappealing (2 BP) Demonic Sub-Attributes

Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR 30 May, 2009

This August will see the release of the much-awaited Songs of the Dying
Earth published by Subterranean Press. The book collects stories written
in honor of Jack Vance and includes work by a number of the leading
lights of contemporary SF and fantasy, such as Dan Simmons, Robert
Silverberg, Glenn Cook, Mike Resnick, Walter Jon Williams, and John C.

I have to say I’m really looking forward to the release of this volume. My
fondness for The Dying Earth is very great, as it was for Gygax, and I
consider it, along with the Big Three, to be one of the strongest
influences over my personal interpretation of Dungeons & Dragons, as
anyone who’s encountered my eccentric NPCs can attest. It’ll be
especially interesting to see if any author other than Vance is capable of
capturing the fantastic far future Earth he created in 1950.

Thanks to Hill Cantons for reminding me about this.


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