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EDUCATION 25.1 EDD: COMPILATION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS OR SOURCES Yvonne Jeane Colita Major: Special Education 1. Source: http://autism-materials.

.com/ This site features autism learning materials, information for parents, and teaching resources relevant to the learning needs of children with autism. August 12, 2013

Individuals with autism require highly individualized programs of instruction and specialized learning materials. We now know that early intervention is critical for these students. Listed below are some of the common symptoms of the disorder: -limited language skills -difficulty learning the rules of grammar -echolalia (repeats what is said) -difficulty socializing with peers (tends to play alone) -spinning objects and doing tasks over and over -limited response to sound -abnormal pitch and intonation patterns -becomes upset when routines are changed -difficulty responding to pictures that contain a lot of detail -unusual walk (e.g., walking on tiptoes) -head banging or other behaviors that may cause injury to self

-memorized sentences (may use sentences that are learned as a whole without understanding the meaning of individual words within these sentences). This new site is under development and will provide information for parents and teachers so that they can better meet the needs of students with autism. 2. Source: Hello, and welcome to - a website for young children and people with special needs. Games on this website are free to play and are designed to use simple motor skills with emphasis on attention span and hand-eye coordination commonly used with autism therapy activities. There is no signup, download or registration needed to play games free online. 3. Source: Contrary to the commonly-held belief that learning to read is natural and easy, learning to read is a complex linguistic achievement. It is an acquired ability that requires effort and incremental skill development. Yet most children can learn to read if taught appropriately. In fact, scientists have estimated that 95 percent of all children can be taught to read at a level limited only by their reasoning and listening comprehension abilities. All spoken words are made up of individual sounds called phonemes. Although a word like mat is made of the three sounds /m/ // /t/, the human ear hears only one sound when the word "mat" is spoken. The brain, however, can isolate the phonemes and combine them with others to make thousands of words. For the most part, this process is unconscious and automatic, and human beings are unaware of it as they engage in normal conversation. 4. Source: Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are the core symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A child's academic success is often dependent on his or her ability to attend to tasks and teacher and classroom expectations with minimal distraction. Such skill enables a student to acquire necessary information, complete assignments, and participate in classroom activities and discussions (Forness & Kavale, 2001). When a child exhibits

behaviors associated with ADHD, consequences may include difficulties with academics and with forming relationships with his or her peers if appropriate instructional methodologies and interventions are not implemented. 5. Source: NCLD (National Center for Learning Disabilities) believes that access to the classroom curriculum via digital textbooks is becoming more important as learning becomes more connected to digital media and technology. We all know our kids spend an inordinate amount of time playing with technology. It is no surprise that educational research and practice is showing that students (with and without disabilities) can directly benefit from having access to instructional materials that are, at a minimum, offered in a digital format (e.g., a reader that converts text to speech and/or provides text in other formats).

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