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Antenna Radiation Pattern & Aperture Distribution

Shalaka Hirudkar Swati Paunikar Dipti Choudhari

What is RADAR???
Object detection system Radio waves- range, altitude,speed & direction


Electrical device Electric power into radio waves, and vice versa Transducer between free space propagation & guided wave propagation

Functions Of Antenna..
Transfers the transmitter energy to signals required distribution and efficiency It ensures that the signal has the required It has to provide the required frequency of updates. It must measure the pointing direction with accuracy. in space with the

pattern in space. target position a high degree of

Antenna Types







Antenna Pattern

The graphical representation of the radiation properties of the antenna as a function of space
A radiation pattern defines the variation of the power radiated by an antenna as a function of the direction away from the antenna.

Radiation Pattern

In Polar Co-ordinate

In Cartesian co-ordinate

Antenna Pattern Parameters

Radiation Lobe - a clear peak in the radiation intensity surrounded by regions of weaker radiation intensity. Main Lobe - radiation lobe in the direction of maximum radiation. Minor Lobe - any radiation lobe other than the main lobe. Side Lobe - a radiation lobe in any direction other than the direction(s) of intended radiation. Back Lobe - the radiation lobe opposite to the main lobe. HPBW - the angular width of the main beam at the half-power points. FNBW - angular width between the first nulls on either side of the main beam.

Common Types of Antenna Patterns

Power Pattern normalized power vs. spherical coordinate position. Field Pattern normalized E or H vs. spherical coordinate position.

Principal Plane Patterns

E-plane - the plane containing the electric field vector and the direction of maximum radiation.

H-plane - the plane c ontaining the magnetic field vector and the direction of maximum radiation.

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