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Similarity in Wind Tunnel Testing In terms of non-dimensional force and moment coefficients, these depend on numerous non-dimensional input

parameters. C L = C L ( M , Re, ,......) C D = C D ( M , Re, ,......) In many aerodynamic applications, C L = C L ( M , Re, ) C D = C D ( M , Re, ) So, to match flight condition C L & C D in an experiment, we should match flight M , Re, and . Matching is relatively easy How about simultaneous M & Re matching?
M = V a Re =


Consider the Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel: a is the atmospheric speed of sound at ground level to good approximation

MT = M VT = V

aT a For altitudes from 0-30k ft., a varies by only about ~15%. a ok 1100 ft/sec VT V ! a 950 ft/sec
30 k

Since Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel is limited to about VT < 200 mph , we cant match M unless it is low.

For M low, say M ~ < 0.3 , the effects of M are small. So, in this case, we only need match Re: Re T = Re


Similarity in Wind Tunnel Testing

Consider VAT @ T/O and the use of WBWT to simulate it:

T , T , & are essentially the same ground conditions.

VT LT = V L LT VT = L V For T/O, V 200 mph Max VT , VT 200 mph
Transonic & Supersonic Tests
LT 1! L

In the case where M is larger than about 0.3, we need to consider matching of M & Re in the tunnel. What can be done?

MT = M

VT V = aT a

Re T = Re
a = RT


= (T ) =p
( RT )

for ideal gas

So, VT is largely set by M and the values of aT , which are achievable. Typically VT = O(V ) Then, how can we match Re? Note: we would like to reduce LT from L to reduce model & tunnel size.
LT / V = L T / T VT

some flexibility

largely set by M

16.100 2002

Similarity in Wind Tunnel Testing

T pT / RTT pT = = T T RTT T (TT )

One possible approach: increase pressure in tunnel.
Engineering Solutions to M & Re Matching


Test at Re but neglect M match if M is low Test at M , trip boundary layers, ignore Re match at high Re (Re > 106) Estimate effects of not matching comp. & flight tests

16.100 2002

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