Silent Way

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The silent way is an approach to learning and teaching foreign languages that allows the student come to an understanding about the new language without imitating the teacher, or relying on memorization.

This approach uses unique color-coded materials, and situational conversation to provoke awarenesses about the new language.

Why is it called The Silent Way?

35 years of experiments conducted to the development of materials and techniques which made it possible for the teacher to say less and less, while students, using their own criteria, were saying more and more.

Which skills are practiced?

* speak with proper pronunciation. * Then, they learn to read. * Finallly, they write.

Characteristics :
* The teacher says as little as possible. * Learning is best facilitated if the learner discovers and creates language. * Learning is facilitated by problem solving. (information gap activity) * The teacher models sounds while pointing to a phonemic chart. * A student imitates the teacher and the teacher indicates if he/she is correct.

* Students should develope indepence, autonomy and responsibility. * Students had to cooperate with each other in the process of solving language problems. * The teacher models sounds while pointing to a phonemic chart. The student imitates the teacher and the teacher indicates if he/she is correct. * The teacher is active in setting up siuations, while the students do most of the talking and interacting.

Pedagogical materials that are used in the Silent Way

The Sound/color rectangle chart. Word Charts. The Fidel. Cuisenaire rods.

The Silent Way wall pictures.

Teacher Roles :
- It is not a teacher-center approach.

Learner Roles :
- The students are expected to participate in class actively.

Advantages :
- Enables a high degree of interaction - Self-steem will be increased.

Disadvantages :
- Discussions about rods .
- Students expectations and need for immediately relevant language learning may force teachers to abandon the method.

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