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The Abomination Of Desolation [YAHUWAH]

August 4, 2013 at 10:25 pm Filed under Uncategorized Tagged bible, christianity, church, faith, god, lord, prophecy, religion, salvation, yahuwah, yahuwshuwah This presentation can be viewed in video form below, for those who prefer videos:

The Ancient Prophecy Of The Abomination Of Desolation Danyal (Daniel) 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Danyal (Daniel) 11:31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. Danyal (Daniel) 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Necessary Corrections Before I get off into the subject of this presentation which is about the abomination of desolation, I would like to make the viewer aware of the fact that it is my practice to use Wikipedia excerpts in my presentations and usually I let the excerpts stand as is, however, for the purposes of this presentation, I will be making some corrections in some of the excerpts in an effort to make the excerpts more historically sound. Wikipedia Terminology: JEWS The peopleofyahuwah website will use Wikipedia excerpts in this presentation which uses erroneous terminology for the biological seed of Abaraham and Yaaqab whose name was changed to Yahsharahal.

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Therefore, I want to make the viewer aware that in places in the Wikipedia articles where the term Jew (s) is used, the peopleofyahuwah website is not in agreement with this terminology. The places in The Scriptures that have been translated as Jews is a reference to the Abary language words Yahuwdy or Yahuwdyam (H3064) which points to the tribe of Yahuwdah. Wikipedia Terminology: JERUSALEM Also, the peopleofyahuwah website does not agree with the term Jerusalem for the qaduwsh (setapart) city of Yahuwah. The correct name has the sound of the name of Yahuwah in it. A better transliteration of the name of the qaduwsh city is as follows: YAruwshalam (YAHruwshalam) (most common spelling) YAruwshalaam (YAHruwshalaam) YAruwshalyam (YAHruwshalyam) All of these are acceptable forms of the name of the qaduwsh city because the main root words are yaruwsh (H3425) and yarash (H3423). The alam, alaam, and alyam at the end are suffixes that point to the people or the nation (am H5971), In this case, the nation associated with the city is called Yahsharahal. The Words YARUWSH And YARASH The meaning of of the words YARUWSH and YARASH is as follows: yarash (H3423/H3424) {yah-rahsh} a primitive root; v AV possess, out, inherit, heir, possession, succeed, dispossess, poverty, drive, enjoy, poor, expelled, utterly yaruwsh or yaruwshah (H3425) {yah-roo-shah} from 03423; n f AV possession, heritage, inheritance The Meaning Of YARUWSHALAM The following meaning is found in the name YARUWSHALAM: (YA)R(UW)SH(A)LAM=YAUWA=YAH or YAHUWAH (YAR)UW(SH)ALAM=yarash (H3423)=dispossessed or cast out YA(RUWSHA)LAM=rash ruwsh or rasha ruwsha (H7561)=evil, wicked (Kanaan/Canaan) Y(AR)UW(SH)ALAM=arash or arats (sh=ts) (H776)=land (YARUWSH)ALAM=yaruwsh (H3425)=heritage, inheritance, possession (YA)RUW(SHA)LAM=yash or yasha (H3467/H3468)=save, salvation YARUW(SHALA)M=shal or shala (H7954)=at rest YARUW(SHALAM)=shalam (H7999)=peace YARUWSHAL(AM)=am (H5971)=people, nation (Yahsharahal) YAHUWAH cast out the wicked (Kanaan) and gave the land as an inheritance, gave salvation, gave rest, and gave peace to the nation called Yahsharahal. The city was named to commemorate this event. This is only part of the meaning of the name YARUWSHALAM. Antiochus IV Epiphanes

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Antiochus IV Epiphanes (/nta.ks pfniz/; Greek: , Antochos Epiphans, God Manifest;[1] c. 215 BC 164 BC) ruled the Seleucid Empire from 175 BC until his death in 164 BC. He was a son of King Antiochus III the Great. His original name was Mithradates (alternative form Mithridates); he assumed the name Antiochus after he ascended the throne. Antiochus was the first Seleucid king to use divine epithets on coins, perhaps inspired by Bactrian Hellenistic kings who had earlier done so, or else building on the ruler cult that his father Antiochus the Great had codified within the Seleucid Empire. These epithets included manifest god, and, after his defeat of Egypt, bringer of victory.[2] However, Antiochus also tried to interact with common people, by appearing in the public bath houses and applying for municipal offices, and his often eccentric behavior and capricious actions led some of his contemporaries to call him Epimanes (The Mad One), a word play on his title Epiphanes.[1][3] Antiochus IV Epiphanes (God Manifest)

Source/Photographer: Jniemenmaa CC license: Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported A. K. A. Epimanes The Mad One Antiochus IV Attacked Yahruwshalam While Antiochus was busy in Egypt, a rumor spread that he had been killed. The deposed High Priest Jason gathered a force of 1,000 soldiers and made a surprise attack on the city of Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam]. The High Priest appointed by Antiochus, Menelaus, was forced to flee Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam] during a riot. On the Kings return from Egypt in 167 BC enraged by his defeat, he attacked Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam] and restored Menelaus, then executed many Jews [Yahuwdyam]. [6] [bracketed text mine] Antiochus IV Decreed False Worship

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The Madness Of Antiochus IV In The Book Of Maccabees Not long after this the king sent an Athenian senator to force the Jews [Yahuwdy] to abandon the customs of their ancestors and live no longer by the laws of God [Yahuwah]; also to profane the temple in Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam] and dedicate it to Olympian Zeus, and that on Mount Gerizim to Zeus the Hospitable, as the inhabitants of the place requestedThey also brought into the temple things that were forbidden, so that the altar was covered with abominable offerings prohibited by the laws. A man could not keep the sabbath or celebrate the traditional feasts, nor even admit that he was a Jew [Yahuwdyam]. At the suggestion of the citizens of Ptolemais, a decree was issued ordering the neighboring Greek cities to act in the same way against the Jews [Yahuwdyam]: oblige them to partake of the sacrifices, and put to death those who would not consent to adopt the customs of the Greeks. It was obvious, therefore, that disaster impended. Thus, two women who were arrested for having circumcised their children were publicly paraded about the city with their babies hanging at their breasts and then thrown down from the top of the city wall. Others, who had assembled in nearby caves to observe the sabbath in secret, were betrayed to Philip and all burned to death. 2 Maccabees 6:111 [bracketed text mine] A Dual Prophecy Some prophecies in The Scriptures have a dual or double fulfillment. The prophecy concerning the abomination of desolation given to Danyal (Daniel) was fulfilled in the persecution of Yahsharahal and the defilement of the temple at Yahruwshalam with the sacrifice of swine and other abominable things by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, however, Yahuwshuwah Amanuwal reveals that there still remains a future fulfillment. Actually, in this case, Im not sure if I should use the term dual prophecy because the abomination of desolation had a fulfillment in the first century A.D. When the Romans invaded Yahruwshalam and put it under siege and eventually destroyed it. Perhaps I should say a triple prophecy. The Siege Of Yahruwshalam The Siege of Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam] in the year 70 CE was the decisive event of the First Jewish [Yahuwdyam]-Roman War. The Roman army, led by the future Emperor Titus, with Tiberius Julius Alexander as his second-in-command, besieged and conquered the city of Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam], which had been occupied by its Jewish [Yahuwdyam] defenders in 66 CE. [bracketed text mine] The Account Of Josephus Flavius Josephus had acted as a mediator for the Romans and, when negotiations failed, witnessed the siege and aftermath. He wrote:

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Now as soon as the army had no more people to slay or to plunder, because there remained none to be the objects of their fury (for they would not have spared any, had there remained any other work to be done), [Titus] Caesar gave orders that they should now demolish the entire city and Temple, but should leave as many of the towers standing as they were of the greatest eminence; that is, Phasaelus, and Hippicus, and Mariamne; and so much of the wall enclosed the city on the west side. This wall was spared, in order to afford a camp for such as were to lie in garrison [in the Upper City], as were the towers [the three forts] also spared, in order to demonstrate to posterity what kind of city it was, and how well fortified, which the Roman valor had subdued; but for all the rest of the wall [surrounding Jerusalem] *Yahruwshalam*, it was so thoroughly laid even with the ground by those that dug it up to the foundation, that there was left nothing to make those that came thither believe it [Jerusalem] * Yahruwshalam * had ever been inhabited. [text between asterisks mine] Josephus Witness Of The Extermination Of The Biological Seed Of Abaraham Josephus claims that 1,100,000 people were killed during the siege, of which a majority were Jewish [Yahuwdyam], and that 97,000 were captured and enslaved, including Simon bar Giora and John of Giscala.[4][bracketed text mine] The slaughter within was even more dreadful than the spectacle from without. Men and women, old and young, insurgents and priests, those who fought and those who entreated mercy, were hewn down in indiscriminate carnage. The number of the slain exceeded that of the slayers. The legionaries had to clamber over heaps of dead to carry on the work of extermination.[5] The A. D. 70 Holocaust Against The Biological Seed Of Abaraham Holocaust: 1: a sacrifice consumed by fire 2: a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire 3 a often capitalized : the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II usually used with the b : a mass slaughter of people; especially : genocide (Merriam-Websters Dictionary) The A.D. 70 biological seed of Abaraham and Yaaqab were people of color and they are called Abary, Yahuwdyam and Yahsharahal. The Fall Of Yahruwshalam Luwyachash (Luke) 19:41-44 41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, 42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. 43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, 44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. Luwyachash (Luke) 21:5-6 5 And as some spake of the temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones and gifts, he said, As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. The Western Wall

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The Western Wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel is located in the Old City of Jerusalem [Yahruwshalam] at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount. It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded the Jewish [Yahuwdy] Temples courtyard, and is arguably the most sacred site recognized by the Jewish faith outside of the Temple Mount itself. Just over half the wall, including its 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period, commonly believed to have been constructed around 19 BCE by Herod the Great, but recent excavations indicate that the works were not finished during Herods lifetime. The remaining layers were added from the 7th century onwards. [bracketed text mine] The phrase commonly believed means the same as traditionally believed. The Western Wall

Author: Golasso CC license: Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Dumb Idols Made Of Stone Yahuwshuwah Amanuwal prophesied that not one stone would be left upon another of the city of Yahruwshalam or of the temple of Yahruwshalam. He prophesied that the whole city would be laid even with the ground. If we believe this prophecy, we know that The Western Wall which now stands in the place which has been renamed Israel is not part of the original city of Yahruwshalam. If it was built by the hands of the biological seed of Abaraham and Yaqaab whose name was changed to Yahsharahal, it came down even with the ground. The account of Josephus is in accord with The Scriptures with the exception of one spot on the western side. In other words, all the walls came down even with the ground on the north, east, south, and most of the western wall, however, somebody has inserted into the historical record that one spot on the western side did not come down as prophesied. I believe the account of Yahuwshuwah Amanuwal. The Wikipedia article admits that it has been exposed that someone added layers of stone in the 7th century. The people of Yahuwah already know that we should not pray to a dumb idol like a wall made of stones which cannot speak. A Fallen Angel Covered With Stones Yachazaqaal (Ezekiel) 28:11-14 11 Moreover the word of Yahuwah came unto me, saying, 12 Ban (male child) of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tsuwr (Tyrus/Rock), and say unto him, Thus saith Adany Yahuwah; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13 Thou hast been in Adan (Eden) the garden of Alahyam; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy

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tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. 14 Thou art the anointed karuwb (cherub) that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the qaduwsh (set-apart) mountain of Alahyam; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Shatan (Satan) is associated with stones. He was covered in stones and he walked among stones. The Word STONE A transliteration of the word STONE into the Abary language is as follows: S-T-(O)-N-(E) (the o is equal to the Abary letter waw or uw, and we need to remove the foreign letter e sound and insert the Abary letter a which has an ah sound) (S-T)-UW-N-A (we need to insert the Abary letter a which has an ah sound between the consonants s and t) S-A-T-UW-N-A STONE=SAT(UW)NA (in our modern times they have assigned an a or ah sound to the waw or uw which is equal to o in the English language as in the o in pot (pronounced paht) UW=A (we can substitute the uw with the a sound) S-A-T-A-N-A STONE=SATANA (the a at the end is not part of the root word) Those who worship objects made of stone worship Shatan (Satan). The Last Days Prophecy Of The Abomination Of Desolation Matatyahuw (Matthew) 24:15-16 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Danyal (Daniel) the prophet, stand in the qaduwsh place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Yahuwdyah (Judaea) flee into the mountains: Marak (Mark) 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Danyal (Daniel) the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Yahuwdyah (Judaea) flee to the mountains: Luwyachash (Luke) 21:20 And when ye shall see Yahruwshalam compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. The Word EREMOSIS eremosis (G2050) {er-ay-mo-sis} from 2049; n f AV desolation 1) a making desolate An ongoing theme of the peopleofyahuwah website is that meaning is hidden in names and words. The Greek word EREMOSIS in the phrase abomination of EREMOSIS (DESOLATION) is no different. The Greek DESOLATION A transliteration of the word EREMOSIS into the Abary language is as follows:

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(E)-R-(E)-M-(O)-S-(I)-S (we need to remove the foreign letter e sound and insert the Abary letter a which has an ah sound, the o is equal to the Abary letter waw or uw, the i is equal to the Abary letter yod or y) A-R-A-M-UW-S-(Y-S) (we need to insert the Abary letter a which has an ah sound between the consonants y and s) A-R-A-M-UW-S-Y-A-S DESOLATION=EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS ARAMUWSYAS=SA(YS)UWMARA backwards (we need to insert the Abary letter a which has an ah sound between the consonants y and s) EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards The Prophecy Hidden In EREMOSIS Danyals (Daniels) and Yahuwshuwah Amanuwals Abomination of Desolation prophecy is hidden in the Greek word EREMOSIS (desolation). The Word SEE EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS A(RA)MUWSY(A)S=raa or raah (H7200/H7202)=see, watch, heed, look, behold A(RA)MUWS(Y)AS=ray (H7210)=see, watch, heed, look, behold SAYASUWMARA backwards (SA)YASUW(MAR)A=samar or shamar (H8104)=see, watch, heed, look, behold (S)AYAS(UW)MA(R)A=suwr or shuwr (H7789)=see, watch, heed, look, behold The Words ARAM And ARAMY EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS (ARAM)UWSYAS=Aram (H758)=Syria (ARAM)UWS(Y)AS=Aramy (H761)=Syrian The Abary word ARAMY represents the word ARMY in the English language. The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:

The Word TREAD

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The Word CITY EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards SAYASUWMARA backwards S(AY)ASUWM(AR)A=ayar (H5892)=city S(A)YASUWMA(R)A=ar (H5892/H6145)=city S(AY)ASUWMARA=ay (H5857)=city (SA)YASUWM(AR)A=saar or shaar (H8179)=city The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:


A Transliteration Rule: The Letter S Before I go any further, I want to make sure that the people of Yahuwah are familiar with the following transliteration rule: The letter S is equal to the following Abary letters: SH, TS, and Z. However, the secular world has assigned the letter S equal to the letter C which means that the letter S is also equal to the Abary letters: CH, K, and Q. If you have the letter S in your name, then more meaning can be found in your name because there are a lot of possibilities. For example, if your name is SAM, your name is also SHAM, TSAM, ZAM, CHAM, KAM, and QAM. I would need to research all the forms of the name SAM to find a more thorough meaning in the name.

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The transliteration of names and the search for the meaning in a name or word can get complicated, but I ask Yahuwah to stir up the ruwach in His people to understand. My focus in this presentation will be on the information found under the S, SH, TS, and Z. Sometimes, to save space, I do not include all the various combinations. The Word SET or SET UP EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS ARA(M)UW(S)Y(A)S=masa masha matsa maza (H4853)=set, set up A(RAM)UWSYAS=ram or ruwm (H7313)=set, set up SAYASUWMARA backwards (S)AYAS(UWM)ARA=suwm shuwm tsuwm zuwm (H7760)=set, set up (S)AYAS(UW)M(A)RA=suwa shuwa tsuwa zuwa (H7313)=set, set up (SA)YASUWMA(RA)=sara shara tsara zara (H2232)=set, set up The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:


The Word ABOMINATION EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS ARA(M)UW(S)YAS=mas mash mats maz maas maash maats maaz (H3988)=abomination, vile, detestable, abhorrence, filthy SAYASUWMARA backwards (SA)Y(A)SUW(M)ARA=sam sham tsam zam saam shaam tsaam zaam (H2194/H2092)=abomination, vile, detestable, abhorrence, filthy SAYASUW(MARA)=mara (H4754)=abomination, vile, detestable, abhorrence, filthy (SA)Y(A)SUWMA(R)A=sar shar tsar zar saar shaar tsaar zaar (H8182)=abomination, vile, detestable, abhorrence, filthy (S)AYAS(UW)MARA=suw shuw tsuw zuw (H6674)=abomination, vile, detestable, abhorrence, filthy The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:

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The Word DESOLATION EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards SAYASUWMARA backwards (S)AYAS(UW)MARA=suw shuw tsuw zuw (H7722)=desolation, destruction, waste (SA)YASUW(MA)RA=sama shama tsama zama (H8047)=desolation, destruction, waste (SAYA)SUWMARA=saya shaya tsaya zaya (H7591)=desolation, destruction, waste (SA)Y(A)SUWMARA=saa shaa tsaa zaa (H7582)=desolation, destruction, waste The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:


The Words IDOL And IMAGE EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards SAYASUWMARA backwards (SA)YA(SUW)M(A)RA=sasuwa shasuwa tsatsuwa zazuwa (H6816)=idol, image S(AYA)SUW(MA)RA=ayama (H367)=idol, image S(A)YAS(UW)MARA=auw auw(n) (H205)=idol, image The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:


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When you SEE the ARMY TREAD UNDERFOOT the CITY and SET UP the ABOMINATION of DESOLATION IDOL (IMAGE) PROPHECY The Word FLEE EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS A(R)AM(UWS)YAS=ruws ruwsh ruwts ruwz (H7323)=flee, run A(RA)MUW(S)Y(A)S=rasa rasha ratsa raza (H7519)=flee, run

Yahuwah says in the Greek word EREMOSIS, when you SEE the ARMY TREAD UNDERFOOT the CITY and SET UP the ABOMINATION of DESOLATION IDOL (IMAGE) PROPHECY, FLEE! What Does FLEE! Mean? Matatyahuw (Matthew) 24:15-17 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Danyal (Daniel) the prophet, stand in the qaduwh (set-apart) place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Yahuwdyah (Judaea) flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

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FLEE! means that if you are in Yahuwdyah (Judaea) in the field working or on your housetop working, Yahuwah commands His people (both males and females) to FLEE! Immediately!. Yahuwah says that you will not even have time to go inside your house. Come down off your housetop and FLEE! You will not have time to pick up your spouse or the children who are at another location. You will not have time to pack a suitcase with clothes. Yahuwah commands you to FLEE! To the mountains which is Har Zyathyam (Mount Olivet) where Yahuwshuwah Amanuwal will appear when he comes. This command will be a test for the people of Yahuwah to determine who places family and material things over the command of Yahuwah. Who will obey or who will look back and be labeled with the salt turners (Genesis 19:26)? The Word RAISE EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards SAYASUWMARA backwards (S)AYAS(UW)MARA=suw shuw tsuw zuw (H7721)=raise, raised, rise, arise SAYAS(UW)MA(R)A=uwr (H5782)=raise, raised, rise, arise The Prophet MASHAH (Moses) EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS ARA(M)UW(S)Y(A)S=masa (H4872)=MASHAH (Moses) The name MASHAH (Moses) is found in the word EREMOSIS. MASHAH (Moses) will be one of the two witnesses. The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:

The Prophet ALYAH EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS A(RAM)UWSYAS=ram or ruwm (H7311/H7315)=high (ALY)AH=aly (H5943/H5945)=high Both these words mean the same thing, therefore, these two words are interchangeable. Ram or ruwm (H7311)=raise, raised, rise, arise If ram or ruwm means raise, raised, rise, arise, then aly means the same thing. RAM=ALY

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The word RAMYA represents the name ALYAH in the transliteration of the Greek word EREMOSIS (desolation). The prophecy is found in the Greek word EREMOSIS as follows:


Yahuwah says in the Greek word EREMOSIS, I will RAISE MASHAH and I will RAISE ALYAH! The Prophecy Of The Raised Two Witnesses Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. Both the names MASHAH and ALYAH (RAMYA) are found in the Greek word EREMOSIS (desolation). Yahuwah reaffirms the Abomination of Desolation prophecy and repeats the command to FLEE! for those located in Yahuwdyah (Judaea) and He reaffirms the prophecy of the two witnesses to His people in the Greek word EREMOSIS that around about the time we see the armies invade the city of Yahruwshalam and tread it underfoot and set up the abominable, vile, filthy, detestable, and abhorred image (idol), He will raise Mashah and raise Alyah from the dead, and they will prophesy the words of Yahuwah to the whole world for 3 years. The Image Of The Beast Is RAMYA There is a positive RAMYA which speaks about the raised ALYAH and there is a negative RAMYA as follows: ramyah (H7423) {rahm-ee-yah} from 07411; n f AV deceitful, deceitfully, deceit, slothful, false, guile, idle, slack The word RAMYA also points to the fact that the image (idol) that they will set up will be a matter of deception and strong delusion. RAMOS MAYS When I look at the forward Abary transliteration of the word EREMOSIS, it appears to have the following name in it: EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards ARAMUWSYAS A(RAMUWS)YAS=ramuws (Ramos since uw equals o) ARA(M)UWS(Y)A(S)=Myas or mayas (these are the letters that represent Mays)

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Ramos Mays is a ruler of a company named SOMARK, and he is one of the inventors of RFID ink. The people of Yahuwah need to watch the name Ramos Mays just in case his name is represented in the Greek word EREMOSIS (desolation) and points to the possibility that he will play a significant role in these last days. SHEMAR FRANKLIN MOORE When I look at the backwards Abary transliteration of the word EREMOSIS, it appears to have the following name in it: EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards SAYASUWMARA backwards (SA)YASUW(MAR)A=samar or shamar=SHEMAR SAYASUW(MARA)=mara=a form of MOORE (MUWRA) Shemar Franklin Moore is a ruler who is a celebrity actor and model. He guides us in the area of beauty and moral behavior through his on screen and off screen presence. The people of Yahuwah need to watch the name Shemar Franklin Moore just in case his name is represented in the Greek word EREMOSIS (desolation) and points to the possibility that he will play a significant role in these last days. The Celebrities (a.k.a. STARS) I have previously featured Shemar Franklin Moore in my presentations as a person of interest among the rulers who may play a significant role in these last days, however, I have been concerned about the fact that I have not been able to find any information concerning Shemars political and religious views. Even though I cannot find this information, I am aware that the celebrities lead us in many ways because they are given access to millions of people by way of the television. As a daughter of Yahuwah, I must ask myself do I want to exhibit the actions and behavior of Shemar or any other celebrity as he or she demonstrates to me on television? Do I agree with public displays of nudity in intimate bedroom scenes? Do I agree with getting breast, facial, and genital implants? Do I agree with public displays of profanity on T.V.? Do I agree with celebrities who say that there is more than one path to a god or that there is no Creator? Do I agree with men impersonating women and wearing womens clothing in movie scenes? Do I agree with the celebrity who promotes sexual enhancement and energy products? Do I agree with celebrities who contort their fingers into strange occult signs or use their hand to cover one eye? The celebrities are in a position to lead us, if we let them. The Mark Number And Name Revelation 14:9-12 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Yahuwah, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the qaduwsh (set-apart) angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. 12 Here is the patience of the qaduwsh (set-apart people): here are they that keep the commandments of Yahuwah, and the faith of Yahuwshuwah. The Mark Number And Name In EREMOSIS EREMOSIS=ARAMUWSYAS=SAYASUWMARA backwards SAYASUWMARA backwards

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Will the mark number or name be associated with the names Ramos Mays or Shemar Franklin Moore? Lets watch and see as the prophecies are fulfilled by Yahuwah. The Fate Of Yahruwshalam Zakaryah (Zechariah) 14:2 2 For I will gather all nations against Yahruwshalam to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. The peopleofyahuwah website has warned the people of Yahuwah to do not move to the land of Yahsharahal before the time because an army is prophesied to invade Yahruwshalam. The soldiers will come to rob, rape, and make slaves of the people. This will happen around A.D. 2025. Yahuwah says He will gather His people from out of captivity at the appointed time. How Long Will The Siege Last? Revelation 11:1-2 1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of Yahuwah, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the qaduwsh (set-apart) city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. The Yahruwshalam invasion will last 42 months which is 3 years. Flee To Har Zyatyam (Mount Of Olives) Zakaryah (Zechariah) 14:3-5 3 Then shall Yahuwah go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. 4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Har Zyatyam (mount of Olives), which is before Yahruwshalam on the east, and the Har Zyatyam (mount of Olives) shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Atsal (Azal): yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Azyah (Uzziah) king of Yahuwdah (Judah): and Yahuwah my Alahyam shall come, and all the qadashyam (set-apart people) with thee. The people of Yahuwah located in the land of Yahsharahal are commanded to flee to Har Zyatyam (Mount of Olives) 3 years before Yahuwshuwah Amanuwal comes. They are commanded to wait there for the Mashyach. Yahuwah Is Unsealing The Books Danyal (Daniel) 12:4 But thou, O Danyal (Daniel), shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

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Yahuwah has blessed His people in that He is giving us understanding and revelation that even Danyal (Daniel) wasnt given because it was not for his generation, but we are the last days generation and Yahuwah is faithful in His promise to unseal the books. The Books Are Being Unsealed It is obvious that Yahuwah has sealed (hidden or closed) information in the Greek text for His people in these last days just as He sealed information in the Abary text. The Greek word EREMOSIS has additional meaning in it, therefore, I will need to revisit the word EREMOSIS in the future. Let us run to and fro (look into the matters of The Scriptures) in the ruwach because now is the time that a door has been left open for us to do so. Each an every single word may yield vital information that Yahuwah wants His people to know in these last days. Each and every revelation says to us that Yahuwah is with us because we cannot know anything without Yahuwah. The fact that the prophecies of Danyal (Daniel) and Yahuwshuwah Amanuwal are being unsealed and coming to pass is evidence that we are the last days qaduwsh (set-apart) people. Take Heed! Shamar! Raah! The Wikipedia excerpts are from the Wikipedia Website and are used under a CC Attribution Share Alike license (please visit the Wikipedia Website for the details of this license). Permalink

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