Comm 362 Assignment 3

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Memorandum To: Dr.

Swanson From: Tara Brown Date: July 16, 2013 Subject: Potential Lawsuit against Piney Woods Lumber Co.

A situation regarding current employee Matt Martinez has been brought to the companys attention. When Public Relations Specialist, Bob Burruss and Personal Director, Jim Haskins learned that production figures were falling, they went to investigate at the Mout Reavis production plant. When they figured out that alcohol was the cause of the problem, they interviewed Matt Martinez for the company newspaper. Mr. Martinez had many issues with drinking in the past and was convicted of a DUI and manslaughter at the age of 18, due to his alcohol issues. The company has used Mr. Martinezs story to persuade other employees with drinking problems to enter an alcohol rehabilitation program, which had a great success rate. The article written about Mr. Martinez for the companys newspaper told his story but emphasized his road to recovery and exemplary life. Although the article focused mainly on positives, Mr. Martinez feels as if the article was an invasion of privacy. He feels as if his life was portrayed more negatively than positively. Mr. Martinez did give written consent about publicizing his story in the newspaper, but it was not professionally constructed. In order to avoid any legal issues, a contract like the following should have been created: I, Matt Martinez, give Piney Woods permission to publish the story of my past alcohol problem to the companys newspaper. The article must be published with the sole intent of influencing other employees to get help for their alcohol problem. My private information has been discussed with both Bob Burruss and Jim Haskins and I understand that it will be available for the public to see. I give the company permission to use my information to help influence people positively. I understand that the article written will focus mainly on the positive ways my life has changed since receiving help for my alcoholism. By giving Piney Woods my consent, I understand that I am held responsible for any positive or negative response I will receive from the public.

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