EMEF "Dr. João Leite Vilhena" Nome: - Nº - Prof.: Luana de Cassia 6º Ano - Disciplina: Inglês Data: - / - /2013 2º Bimestre

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Joo Leite Vilhena

Nome: ___________________________ n ___
Prof.: Luana de Cassia
Disciplina: Ingls

6 ano __
Data: ___ / ___ /2013

2 Bimestre
Valor da Avaliao

10,0 (dez)


Avaliao de Ingls

1. Complete com He, She, It, They.

a) Tom is a mechanic.
______is a mechanic.
b) Monica is a student.
______is a student.
c) Jim and Vick are friends.
_______are friends.
d) The bird is a yelllow.
_____is a yellow.
2. Passe para a forma interrogativa e negativa:
a) You are a teacher.

b) It is na Orange.

c) We are good students.


d) You are well.


3. Leia o dilogo:

Pedro: Hi, Ellen!

Ellen: Hello, Pedro. How are you?
Pedro: Im fine thanks. And you?
Ellen: Just fine.
Pedro: How old are you?
Ellen: Im 11 years old. And You?
Pedro: Im 11 too.
Ellen: My sister Kate is 13 today. Shes a teenager now.
Pedro: And how old is your brother?
Ellen: Hes 21. His name is Michael.

De acordo com o dilogo circule a resposta correta sobre Pedro e Ellen:

Ellen is11/ 13yearsold.
Kate is her friend/ sister.
Her brother is 13/ 21.
His name is Pedro/ Michael.

4) Coloque as frases em ordem:

a) car/is/really/cool/This.
b) This/new/is/my/car.
c) man/That/is/my/friend.
d) That/my/is/cat/new.
e) These/interesting/book/are.


5) Complete com os Pronomes Demonstrativos THAT ou THIS:

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