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The Science of God for mastering the Science of Thought that enables one to Decree a thing and bring it to pass. By





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My ideal can indeed be put into a few words and that is: to preach unto mankind their Divinity and how to make it manifest in every movement of lifeLet us call and call till the sleeping Gods awake, till the God within answers the call. = Swami Vivekananda =

Go not to the temple to put flowers upon the feet of God, First fill your own house with the fragrance of love Go not to the temple to light the candles before the altar of God, First remove the darkness of sin from your heart Go not to the temple to pray on bended knees, First bend down to lift someone who is downtrodden Go not to the temple to ask for forgiveness for your sins, First forgive from your heart those who have sinned against you. = Rabindranath Tagore =

The Divine never lets you down. I have an abiding faith in the Divine, Which does not call for performing any rituals. See yourself as an instrument of the Divine and do everything as Its instrument. Success will then not raise you to dizzying heights nor will adversity leave you in darkness. You will thereby remain Gods instrument.

= Jit Paul (Apeejaysurrendra, Kolkata) =


I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and just because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. = Helen Keller =

There are thousands and thousands of children who only dream of school; there are thousands and thousands of forlorn senior citizens who are left to fend for themselves in the twilight of their lives. The only purpose of my existence is to help some of these children realize their dreams; to give succor and lessen the agony of some of these senior citizens. I am here for the sake of others for the countless unknown souls with whom I am one eternally. This first book from me is dedicated to those children and senior citizens who are counting on me.

To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has achieved but at what he aspires to do.

= Kahlil Gibran =


At a time when the world is more deeply agitated concerning spiritual matters, than it has been for many years; When people are turning away, sick at heart, from a blind materialistic belief, which reaches no further than their mere physical bodies; At such a time, whoever has a word of spiritual help or encouragement to give, let him not withhold it through any false pride. This is the only apology offered for the book. - CHARLES BRODIE PATTERSON.

I expect to pass this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. = Stephen Grellet =

Henry Drummond, the famous writer was absolutely right when he wrote: Half the world is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. For 58 years of my life, I too was running on the wrong track, not by choice but not knowing the right. Yes, I was a self centered man thinking of, living for and paying all my attention to my own self and my family members and running after success and happiness. I was like a new born kitten whose eyes are still to open, quite ignorant and was not aware of my real inward and essential nature that was concealed from me because of my limited comprehension. It was only when I was struck with a catastrophe of the worst kind in my life that I introspected and the hidden force within me rallied my defeated soul and its energies that led me to tap the deeper recesses of my being that I never thought existed. I thank God for opening the eyes of my heart and renewing my mind and thus helping me to transform myself. The veil of ignorance has now given its place to the true awareness of the essential nature of my being. I have now recognized that only in harmony with the Laws of Life that one can fill the whole of life with happiness, peace, joy and beauty. I am now awakened to the truth that the Creator, God, which brought the whole world into existence, is the root of my individuality. I am now awakened to the truth that I am here to do Gods work which is to give to all my fellow-men all that I have without any thought of return. 6

I have now grasped the true meaning behind the age old saying, Aham Brahmasmi which literally means I AM THAT I AM; I am a cell in the body of the universe. The selfish I in me met with its natural death and has now given its place to the selfless I. Strange is our situation here on earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. = Albert Einstein = I am resolved that henceforth my purpose in life is to bring joy, happiness, and encouragement to every person whom I come into contact with. I am resolved to devote the rest of my life to the development and growth of my spiritual, mental, and physical capacities so that I can serve as an example to others. To help everyone see the greatness that resides within them that will allow them to live their dreams so that they can share the fruit of their endeavors with their loved ones as well as humanity. The whole world is full of problems and people all over the world are aseeking for solutions. There is cut-throat competition everywhere. It exists in education, in social life as well as in business. Everybody thinks that money is everything. The spirit of cut-throat competition only for wealth has led to accumulation of wealth at the cost of law and ethics. Its a dog-eat-dog world. Claw your way to the top or anything for a buck mentality so many believes to be the only way to wealth. There is total negligence of all ethical values and as a result there is fear, anxiety and purposelessness everywhere. The root cause of all these problems is illusion, passion and ignorance. Man forgets his real spiritual nature. This forgetfulness is due to the influence of matter or materialistic nature. Everything that exists in the world is a product of Spirit and matter. Spirit is the basic field of creation. Spirit is not created at a certain stage of material development. Rather, this material world is manifested

only on the basis of spiritual energy. This material body is developed because Spirit is present within the body. Spirit is the most important part of the body. Without the presence of Spirit, the body has no value. Still, man is placing great stress on the bodily necessities of life, not caring for the vital Spirit. Spirit is the cause and matter is the effect. Spirit and matter, which combine to manifest this gigantic Universe, are originally the energies of God and hence God is the original cause of everything. Man will become free from materialistic influence only when he realizes as to what is within him. Swami Vivekananda explains beautifully (in Raja Yoga) the superiority of spiritual excellence as under: So all progress and power are already in every man; perfection is man's nature, only it is barred in and prevented from taking its proper course. If anyone can take the bar off, in rushes nature. Then the man attains the powers which are his already. .Competitions for life or sex-gratification are only momentary, unnecessary, extraneous effects, caused by ignorance. Even when all competition has ceased, this perfect nature behind will make us go forward until everyone has become perfect. Therefore there is no reason to believe that competition is necessary to progress. In the animal the man was suppressed, but as soon as the door was opened, out rushed man. So in man there is the potential God, kept in by the locks and bars of ignorance. When knowledge breaks these bars, the God becomes manifest. And there is nothing under the sun which an awakened soul cannot achieve. The need is to awaken the Higher Self, the God, in man. An old adage says: "God has a plan for every man, and He has one for you," and this is absolutely correct. Whoever you are, God has not made you without a definite purpose in view. The Universe is a universe; that is, it is a unified harmony, a Divine Scheme. There can, therefore, be no such thing, as a misfit, or an unwanted or unneeded piece. It could not happen that God could create a spiritual entity such as you are, without having a special purpose in

view, and this means that there is a special and particular place in it for you. God never repeats Himself, and so He has never made two people alike, and it is for this reason that no two people could ever do quite the same work, or express themselves in quite the same way. That is why, rightly understood, there really need be no competition. There need be no such thing as, say, two thousand people struggling for the same place in life. Whatever the place may be, there can be only one person who can fill it perfectly; and there are one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine other places somewhere waiting for the other people if only they will find them. There is an almost universal lack of understanding on the part of mankind that a certain quality of thought brings to the consciousness recognition of an intelligent power capable of attracting to him, and directing him so, the fulfillment of his purpose and attainment of his desire. On the other hand, the inversion of the same power produces negative result. What I mean is that a certain quality of thought enables one to do and be what he wishes, while the misuse of the same power seems to thwart ones purpose. Swami Vivekananda described the shortcomings of the mankind as under: All the powers in the Universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state. We reap what we sow; we are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame, none has the praise. There is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the Universe. Like the silkworm, you have built a cocoon around yourself. Burst your cocoon and come out as the beautiful butterfly - as the free soul. Then alone you will see the truth. In one word, this ideal is that you are Divine. God sits in the temple of every human body. If one can induce himself to recognize the presence of a Universal Intelligence which permeates all nature, he must also recognize a corresponding, hidden deep down in all things in the trees, the weeds, and flowers, in the

animals and in fact everything, which is ever ready to spring into action when appealed to. It will respond to ones call as a child would obey when bidden to come and play. Unfortunately, when in distress, man runs hither and thither, knocks every door, in vain, seeking help from without that is already within him. This is precisely what we do every time we look outside of ourselves for the solution to our problems. Led by the material conceptions of life, captivated by what is visible on the surface and depending on the sense perceptions man never bothers to look within him. Browning aptly said: We carry within us the wonders we seek without us. We live inside, we think inside, our humanity resides within, yet we spend time ceaselessly looking outside of ourselves for the answers because we fail to illuminate the inside with our thoughts. We resist the principle that thought is everything we are, because it seems easier to look outside. Our thoughts are a magic part of us, and they can carry us to places that have no boundaries and no limitations. In that dimensionless world of thought everything is possible. =Dr.Wayne W Dyer = People work so hard to bring health to their bodies; to bring prosperity, to bring happiness, to bring success into their lives; to bring artistic or literary gifts or talents within their grasp, to bring great new ideas from the outside; and, of course, they continually fail, because we cannot "bring" a single one of these things from the without to the within. The actual development is just the very reverse they have to be released from the within that they may appear on the without. In short, we have not to build on from the outside; our task, as Browning says, is "to set free the imprisoned splendor. In all major religions of the world, the quest is to know and become one with their own conception of God. The study of self demonstrated that Know Thyself is the deepest and the best advice, ever given to mankind, for it embraces the knowledge that character or self can be strengthened and ennobled that force can be added to one.


In spite of which man never finds that which he seeks. There are spiritual powers and influences that withhold the eyes of the seekers from seeing until they are ready for the revelation, for that is Gods and Natures and evolutions method. You are not a human being having spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having human experience. = Teilhard de Chardin = Basically, human beings are spiritual beings. I mean they are Divine beings. Housed in human bodies, they are here to have human experience and as such they have to function and depend on their physical senses only. However, over a period of time, they are led or pushed to the realization of their true identity; led by recognizing and coming into harmony with the higher laws of their being; or pushed, by violating the laws, and hence through experience, through suffering, and at times through bitter suffering. Being a part of the whole humanity, it is my responsibility - rather it is my duty to be of service to my own fellow-men with whom I am one eternally. I feel that the greatest service that one can do for another is to help them to help themselves and there is no better way to help one to help themselves than to bring them to a knowledge of themselves. There is no better way to bring one to a knowledge of themselves than to lead them to a knowledge of the powers that are lying dormant within their own soul. There is nothing that will enable them to come more readily or more completely into an awakened knowledge of the powers that are lying dormant within their own soul, than to bring them into conscious realization of their oneness with the Divinity or God that dwells within them so that they may open themselves to It in order that It may work and manifest through them. It has been my earnest desire to share whatsoever little knowledge that I have acquired thus far (though I am still growing and have a lot to learn) with my fellow-men. I want to share the truth with others; I want everybody to gain that knowledge through which the richest and the best that life has in store may be realized for when you know that a certain thing is so very true and so very


important, you want everybody else, if possible, to gain all that you have gained from the understanding and use of that particular thing. In the long run, no doubt, all will realize their innate divinity either through wisdom or through suffering. I felt that I have a responsibility, once I became aware of my true self, to help others wake up so that before they are pushed to this realization about their essential nature (as was the case with me), they have sufficient knowledge with which to mold their life for nobody will willingly continue to live a life of the little, dwarfed and stunted type, if they once vitally realize the facts of the larger, fuller and richer life that awaits them; if they understand clearly the laws and forces governing them, so as to be able to wisely and fully use them. Teach yourselves; teach every one his/her real nature; call upon the sleeping soul; see how it awakes. Power will come; Glory will come; Purity will come; and everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to self conscious activity. I have been inspired by the aforesaid exhortation of Swami Vivekananda and that is how the idea to write a book on this subject welled up in my thought. I felt that I have something for the mankind; something that will aid them in their march upward and onward. I felt that only that which comes straight from ones heart can reach the hearts of others; I felt that only that which comes forth through my spirit can reach the soul of those whom I want to serve. I have absolutely no personal motive behind writing this book. My object of writing this book is neither for money nor for name or fame. In fact, I never thought of writing until 12 months ago. I am really grateful to all those people who said NO and refused help in the hour of my need. But for them I would not have introspected and gained such precious knowledge; I would not have realized the essential and inner nature of my own being. I once again thank all those people who enabled me to renew my mind and thus get transformed. Literally translated, Text 22-Ch 2 of Bhagavad Gita says, As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless one.


However, if one studies deeply this text he will find an inspirational message hidden deep within it. It exhorts one to become free of all anxieties; become free from lamentation of the past. It advises that one should not waste his time trying to piece together past conditions and failures. It exhorts that like the butterfly that discards its cocoon and becomes free or the bird that gives up its shell and flies free, having come to life, one has to refrain from clinging to the past in order to start afresh a new life in every way that includes relationships, lifestyle, habits, way of thinking or whatever it is that needs to be changed. One should go forth into his new life resplendent and joyous. Now here is something to always bear in mind. You cannot put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments. That is you cannot take with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man. All of your present beliefs, fears and limitations are weights that bind you to your present level of consciousness. If you would transcend this level you must leave behind all that is now your present self, or conception of yourself. This is what is meant when Jesus said to Nicodemus, Ye must be born again for except ye be born again ye cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. That is except you leave behind you your present conception of yourself and assume the nature of the new birth, you will continue to out-picture your present limitations. That is if you are dissatisfied with your present expression in life the only way to change it, is to take your attention away from that which seems so real to you and rise in consciousness to that which you desire to be. You cannot serve two masters, therefore to take your attention from one state of consciousness and place it upon another is to die to one and live to the other. Our natural state is to be rich. The things that get in our way of becoming rich are feelings of unworthiness, lack, despair and confusion; and the inability to master the marketplace of life. Man can control his affairs by right thinking. He can bring into his experience the things he wished to enjoy if he thinks correctly. If only people could learn to use their minds correctly they truly could create everything they want in their lives. The trouble is we are not taught from


an early age as to how to use our minds. Most of us were not taught these laws in school or by our parents. Not because they didnt love us or want us to know about them, they simply werent aware of them. The education system in place today is outdated. It was designed to give people the skills to work in industries, offices, and so on. It teaches working skills, not the real nature of mans being. All they teach is, Study these skills, get a job, and you will get paid. They are not taught about mans true Self; mans real identity. They are taught how to have the skills to work for others or for themselves. As a result, the vast majority of people are attempting to create wealth without a clue of how it is done. There is nothing wrong with them; they are just not equipped to achieve the goal they set for themselves. You always have to have the right equipment. Knowledge of the Self is the Mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know my self, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms. = Kahlil Gibran = People are educated in external knowledge; they are not educated in the Real knowledge of their own being. There are hundreds and thousands of Schools, Colleges and Universities teaching every other subject except Mental Science or Science of Mind or what we may call the Science of God for Mind is nothing but spirit and spirit is God. It is the duty of the guardians of children to revive the divine consciousness dormant in them. There is a lyric in the song Already Gone by The Eagles which goes, So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key. Stop and think about that for a moment. It sounds so simple, even a bit clich, but there is so much substance and truth to this lyric! So many of us are simply unaware that we have exactly what we need at all times; a personal, Universal KEY that works anytime we choose to use it our indwelling God. Once you become aware of the One who indwells you, at that moment you receive "whatever" you "ask for" in His name, whatever He has inwardly authorized you to ask as if He were the One asking. Yes! You can


Decree anything and it shall be established unto thee. And it will be no miracle, but a natural movement of the unseen into the place of manifestation. My object of writing this book is purely out of compassion for my own fellow men and women so as to guard them from falling prey to their weakness. My object of writing this book is an earnest effort to help my fellow men and women to cast away their past and begin afresh a new life, in every way. I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world. = Mother Teresa = In fact, it is the desire of God that abides in me and works in and through me that I raise the vibration of the universal consciousness through the medium of this book. But for my indwelling God I would not have got the inspiration to write this book. The gist of my book is to establish Self reliance; to bring to the attention of man the nature of his True Self; and to cause him to see that by becoming one with this Power he is the power in action. No more will he attempt to use this Power, once he understands that he is the Power. I direct my attention to the individual, to make him strong, to teach him that he himself is divine, and I call upon men to make themselves conscious of this divinity within. That is really the ideal conscious or unconscious of every religion. = Swami Vivekananda = It is not out of place to mention here that I have also been inspired, to write this book, by renowned German author, Johann N Wolfgang V Goethes following words: "Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute, what you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Only engage, and then the mind grows heated; Begin, and then the work will be completed." Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu. Krishnan Subrahmanyam



Though an inheritance of acres may be bequeathed, an inheritance of knowledge and wisdom cannot. The wealthy man may pay others for doing his work for him, but it is impossible to get his thinking done for him by another. = S,Smiles =

Faith in God, Prayer and worship, Self-realization, all this, in a sense, is familiar to all; all this are much talked about subjects; and all that I hope to do, through this little volume of my first book, is perhaps to throw a little more light on these subjects in my own way, so that they become to you, my fellow brothers and sisters, not merely traditional words but present living facts. I do not claim to have discovered any new truth. The truth has been known for ages but only a few have consciously used it and taken advantage of it for the simple reason that most metaphysical literature is anything but simple. Most of it is very confusing for those who havent read any book on the subject. To point them out so simply and so clearly that everybody can understand is my aim; to point them out so simply and so clearly that all can grasp them, that all can take them and infuse them into their everyday life. This small but simple book is not intended to state that your life will miraculously change as a result of reading the Principles of Life outlined therein. It is only a guide, a system of practice and if the principles therein are applied with consistency, one will definitely begin to see a shift as a result of his awareness. In an age filled with cheesy self-help tomes, readers will find this simple book, written straight from the soul, quite refreshing and interesting. The book is without any theological theories and dogmas and is a system of practice that throws light in a clear, understandable, simple way a practical, workable


procedure based upon the Divine Laws for the mastery of ones environment and conditions. There are hundreds and thousands of self-help books and products available, yet people are still searching for answers to their problems. The main reason is that they have not been able to clearly see them from the same standpoint with those who penned them or have failed to grasp the vital facts. That is the reason why the personal-improvement or the so called selfhelp industry is a multi-billion dollar industry across the whole world. It is my endeavor to make simple to you the great underlying principles of manifesting the hidden power within you so that you may be able to make use of this great power and apply it for legitimate and worthy purposes. There is no study that will so well repay to the one for the time and trouble as this study of the workings of this mighty power within you, a power that you have had right from the beginning you were born. You cannot believe your oneness with God, deeply and sincerely, with full conviction, and not receive a new source of strength and power. I have written this book in my own way, straight from the heart, from what I have learnt thus far. I have still miles to go further. I have written this book for those who believe; and to those who do believe it will come true in their lives. This book is pure and simple, written from the fullness of a spirit at peace, written for you because it will do you good and because I could not get it off my mind until it was written. I shall be happy, if the general ideas benefit the readers. It contains vital facts of life which, if followed, can help each and every one to find their real self. It was written solely to gratify the desire to make others realize their true nature, their real identity. I hope, you will find the information in this book inspiring, valuable and enlightening. How you choose to apply the message it is intending to deliver will depend on where you are standing presently on your journey in life. If the methods suggested in this book should help the readers clear their mental obstacles, I shall feel that I have written to no purpose. Each one should


stick out these suggestions for himself. Nobody can thrust an idea into the minds of the people. He can only put it before them and what they will make of it depends entirely upon them - assimilation is a process which no one can carry out for us. I am sure this simple method of scientific right thinking as conveyed though this little book may help readers to form the habit of thinking ONLY the thoughts they wish to see crystallized in worthy achievements. I fervently hope that this little book will help the readers to direct their thoughts toward a better understanding of that Spirit of God, a clearer understanding of the relation between man and his Creator, God. If this knowledge of the individuals relationship with his Creator God is imparted in all schools and colleges; if this knowledge of the individuals True Self or Divine Nature is properly taught in every school and college, it would revolutionize the entire education system and take our country forward miles ahead of others in years to come. This book is actually intended for those who want results and who are willing to take the conclusion of the Science of God as basis for action and accept them and practice them in the same way they accept the law of electricity and use it to their advantage, without fear or hesitation. Anyone, who practices this system, will be able to prove the truth in the least possible time depending upon the intensity of his faith. The Science of God, as explained in Bhagavad Gita is an exact science and failure is impossible. In fact, the gist of Bhagavad Gitas teaching is: THAT THERE IS BUT ONE AND THAT IT BECOMES TO US JUST WHAT WE FIRST BELIEVE INTO IT. If you are not yet where you want to be in terms of your personal success, the problem may be the way you think about you and if you want to change your life, you just need to change your mind. If you don't have all that you desire right now, part of the reason is because you have a mental thought pattern that has been continually running a recording loop in your life. Change the mental pattern of thought and change your life.


There is an age old saying, When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Perhaps, you are ready now and that is the reason why this book is in your hands now. The fact that the title of this book has led you to take it up indicates that you are interested to change your life for the better. What you couldnt achieve in your whole life till now, you may be able to achieve them all within a year or a month or even in one week and that depends on the faith that you have in the power of your own thought about God. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Why not try it and find out? It certainly is worth a trial. Your progress may be slow at first, but remember that a life time and more has made you what you are now and immediate transformation is a little difficult, if not impossible. But again it is in your mind and depends on what you think you are. If you say: I was born that way. I cannot change it. Yes, probably you were, but you can change it, unless you determine you cannot and do not try. No power whatever, from God or man, can do anything for you when you assume that attitude. However, if you have the invincible determination to change, then the hostile action of the combined powers of earth cannot stop you, for you are supreme in your own personality. Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. You may not always receive the results you seek each time you take action, you may not hit your target mark, but if you never take action, you will never learn or know what to do differently. Without action you will never find your purpose in life, or anything else. The secret of getting ahead in life is getting STARTED. It is all about trial and error. You crawl before you walk. As a baby, you knew what to do, you simply started crawling then you began standing, then the results you desired miraculously happened, you began to walk. It took time but eventually you achieved your goal, by any means. All you need is the child mentality; all you need now is the child simplicity; all you need now is the same invincible determination and the burning desire to reach your goals, which you


had when you were a child. Bring out the child in you and nothing will be impossible unto you.

** If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours. = Henry David Thoreau =


THE DISCOVERY All we have willed or hoped or dreamed of good, shall exist; Not its semblance, but itself. = Browning =


The general direction in which we all want to go is that of getting more out of life than we have ever got out of it. We want to be more alive in ourselves and to get all sorts of improved conditions in our environment. However happily any of us may be positioned in life, we all expect something even better, or at any rate we should like to make our present good permanent. Since the prospect of increasing possibilities keeps opening out more and more widely before us, what we are in search of is the secret of getting More out of life in a continually progressive degree; we are in search of a certain creative power that can be made to work for us in order to attain our desires; in order to get More out of life. However, thinking of himself as a biological creature, man believes that what exists on the surface is all there is of man. The average person lives on the surface. He thinks that the surface is all there is of him and consequently does not place himself in touch with the live wire of his interior and inexhaustible nature. He does not exercise his greater power the power to discern what his whole nature actually contains. Therefore he does not unlock the door to any of his powers. These powers are dormant simply because they have not been called into action, and they will continue to lie dormant until man develops his greater powers the power to discern what really exists within him. The principal reason, therefore, why the average person does not possess greater powers and talents, is because he is not conscious of MORE; and he is not conscious of MORE because he has not vitally recognized the great depths of his real life, and has not tried to consciously fathom the possibilities that are latent within him. Every human being is endowed with a power that lies dormant within him. This power is in constant operation, whether man knows it or not. In fact, he is always making use of this power unconsciously, spasmodically and feebly affecting ever for good or ill all who surround his path of life. We are all endowed with the same power but the majority of us are ignorant of this power. Once you gain the knowledge of the Universal Laws, you


can develop this power, which you are now dissipating and scattering because of your ignorance. All men use the same power, for all in the universe there is but One Power or One Law. The great masses of humanity are using the power destructively. Here and there, we find an occasional outstanding figure who has achieved greatness and success and he is singled out as lucky or genius, when the fact of the matter is that he has made use of this power either knowingly or un-knowingly. You have this power from the beginning, from the time you were born on this planet. The knowledge of this power is the simple, easy and certain way of accomplishing any purpose in life. There are millions of gifted, highly talented people, many blessed with rare qualities for success and leadership whose achievements would mean so much to their fellow-men and happiness and contentment to themselves and their families, who do not know what the power is all about and go on striving, straining, wasting their precious life force only to find themselves dissatisfied, discouraged, disheartened and crushed, and find themselves failures after years of despairing effort. But there is a way now for all of them. If one follows diligently the laws, one may reach any height in life. One can accomplish any worthy purpose easily and quickly. There need be no limit to ones possibilities. Ones success and achievement will multiply in proportion to ones mastery of this unfailing law and with each success his faith in the law will grow stronger until he reaches the point of conviction and can be invincible. Once you know the law, you would not think of sparing any of your precious time for worthless, idle conversations and gossip. Any personal sacrifice is worth the price of such knowledge. This law is available to every one and no one will find any difficulty in putting these principles into practice in their everyday affairs. This law is no respecter of persons. It is the highest and the most effective possible in worldly affairs and is well worth learning, for its practice results a life that is well worth living.


Employing these principles wisely and intelligently, there can be no uncertainty as to the outcome of any undertaking and no limit to your possibilities. As you go on and on, your confidence will increase and you will find that your powers are increasing. You will accomplish greater things with greater ease and greater speed. As its growth in you increases, your accomplishments will increase likewise. With many, remarkable improvements may come quickly. With others, the growth may be gradual. The difference is in the degree of the intensity employed. However, no man could ever receive these instructions and not become a better man because of them. It was in the beginning of the present age, the mortal world - the Age of Kali, fifty centuries ago that Lord Krishna stated, in what has been known as Gitopanishad - the discourse that He had with his friend-cum-devote-cum warrior Arjuna on the battlefield - that All the living entities are but the fragmented parts of Him (Ch 15 text 7 of Bhagavad Gita) and that He sits in everyones heart and it is from Him that one gets knowledge, remembrance and forgetfulness. (Ch 15-text 15 & Ch 18-text 61) Lord Krishna further stated that All the living entities are mere instruments that He uses and it is He who directs them to carry out His pre-arranged cosmic plan. (Ch 11-text 33:34) Even all our Upanishads, said to have been given to us twenty centuries before Bhagavad Gita, expressed the same truth as AHAM BRAHMASMI meaning I am Brahmn or I am God or I AM THAT I AM. We have been, thus, aware of the fact for centuries that there is More in man than what appears on the surface but it is only in the last one hundred and fifty years or so that a systematic effort has been made to understand the nature and practical use of this More as well as to work out better methods for the thorough and effective application of those things on the surface which we have always applied. It was only from the later part of the Nineteenth century that a New Thought Movement started gathering momentum in the Western world. Many of the Western philosophers like Henry Thomas Colebrooke, Ralph Waldo Emerson. Henry David Thoreau, to name a few, were strongly influenced by our


very own Vedas and Bhagavad Gita and much of their writings had strong shades of non-dualism. One of the clearest examples of this can be found in Emersons The Over-soul: We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. And this deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only selfsufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one. We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul. Emersons teachings directly influenced the growing New Thought movement of the mid 1800s. Swami Vivekananda is considered a key figure in the introduction of Vedanta and Yoga in Europe and America and is also credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism to the status of a world religion during the end of the nineteenth century. Vivekananda is considered to be a major force in the revival of Hinduism in modern India. He is best known for his inspiring speech beginning with "Sisters and Brothers of America", through which he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the Worlds Religions at Chicago in 1893. It was Swami Vivekananda who having realized the potentiality of Infinite Godhead inside finite human beings had prophesized that the most powerful thought wave to come in future is the thought of Immanent God God manifest in human beings. It was Swami Vivekananda who coined the slogan Jiva is Shiva meaning each individual is a divinity itself and went on to exhort that Each soul is potentially divine. The goal (of all actions) is to manifest the divinity within. Christs and Buddhas are but waves on the infinite ocean which I am. Swami Vivekananda wanted his practical Vedanta to penetrate into every sector of Indias social life and said: These conceptions of Vedanta must come


out, must remain not only in forest, not only in cave, but they must come out to work at the bar and bench, in the pulpit and the cottage of the poor man, with the fisherman that are catching fish, and with the students that are studying. If the fisherman thinks that he is the spirit, he will be a better fisherman, if the student thinks he is the spirit, he will be a better student, if the lawyer thinks that he is the spirit, he will be a better lawyer. Man can do far more with himself and his life than he has been doing. So much has been proven during this period with regard to developing and applying the possibilities which we know to be inherent in us all. However, except for a few here and there majority of the mankind has failed to grasp these vital facts. Many of those who believe in God do not easily accept the idea of a Power that exists inside every one. Majority of the mankind who want to get help from God, when they are distressed or want to get their desires fulfilled, are still of the view that God exists outside of them, separate from them and hence away from them. Most people understand God to mean something some supreme power outside of themselves; while exactly the contrary is the fact. It is our very life. Without It we would be dead. We would cease to exist. The minute the Spirit leaves the body, we are as nothing. Therefore, Spirit is really, all there is of us. Now, the only activity which the Spirit possesses is the power to think. Therefore, thought must be creative, because Spirit is creative. This Creative Power is impersonal and your ability to think is your ability to control It and make use of It for the benefit of yourself and others. Infinite Spirit or God is the Universal Mind. We are all created by It (Bhagavad Gita Ch 9) out of itself and as such we are all nothing but Spirit. Universal Mind created us so as to express Itself in form; It seeks to express itself in and through us. That One is called Prana, the supreme force that controls and regulates everything. He gives the power of breath to every creature, Master of all living beings, Container of all creation, He can be known through silence, meditation and the practice of yoga. = Vishnu Sahasranam =


All that a man could ever want from life is within him pure and glittering as a Divine Spark within him. I am not talking about the Power of Thought. Thought, no doubt, is spiritual and hence creative and of tremendous potency. This is the power of the Infinite Spirit or God which is of the highest order. This power responds to your faith on It and your demands on It. It is not affected by your ignorant talk of hard times, though you are affected because your thoughts and words govern your demonstration. This unfailing Power is always ready to give. It has no choice in the matter; It must give, for that is Its nature. It has no alternative. It cannot help giving in order to help Itself, as explained in later chapters. So long you are ignorant of your real inward and essential nature, so long you are ignorant of your relationship with God, so long you are ignorant of your relationship with your fellow-men, so long you are ignorant of your relationship with the world you live in, you are incapable of appropriating this mighty power. As soon as man realizes the truth of his relationship to the Infinite, he passes from weakness to strength. He realizes that he is nothing less than a son of God with all the sons privileges and powers. He realizes, in a flash, that he is one with his Divine Source. He awakens to the fact that all the power of the Infinite is his to draw upon, that he can never fail and that he is marching on to victory. It will thus be seen how great the power of thought is. While thought is not the power of the Spirit, it is the power by which man connects himself up with the Infinite Power, opening himself to the Divine Inflow. This, in a sense, is, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. If he thinks he is separate from God and cut off from his Power, then it is as though this were really the case and he is just as impotent and miserable as though he actually existed apart from God. On the other hand if he thinks and believes that he is one with the Infinite he finds that it is gloriously true and that he really is the son of God. If one believes and thinks that he is a material being then he lives the limited life of a material being and is never able to rise above it. But if on the


contrary he thinks and believes that he is a spiritual being then he finds that he possesses all the powers of a spiritual being. The Power within is infinite, for by faith in It man is directly connected with the spiritual power of the Universe. The Power within is inexhaustible that never runs dry. It is like having your cake and eating it too! Whoever you are and whatever may be your immediate need, you can demonstrate the law. If your thoughts are confused become still and know. Be still and know that you are one with God and with the Law of Its manifestation. You will have a deeper, fuller and clearer meaning of your life. You will be invincible. You will find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect. The understanding and use of this power is the whole object of the Mental Science, and it is, therefore, necessary that one should clearly see the relation between the causes and conditions. Once you realize and recognize that you are a Divine being, you operate according to a definite unerring law. Thus conditioned, whatever you think and feel yourself to be, the Infinite Spirit or God is bound to faithfully reproduce in physical form. You would thus be certain of the success of the process from the very beginning and you would know the outcome of the undertaking even before you start. Reproduced hereunder in verbatim is the beautiful explanation of Ch 2 Text 3 of Bhagavad Gita given by Swami Vivekananda in The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. In order to remove this delusion which had overtaken Arjuna, what did the Bhagavn say? As I always preach that you should not decry a man by calling him a sinner, but that you should draw his attention to the Omnipotent Power that is in him, in the same way does the Bhagavan speak to Arjuna. Naithathvayyupapadyate "It doth not befit thee!" "Thou art Atman imperishable, beyond all evil. Having forgotten thy real nature, thou hast, by thinking thyself a sinner, as one afflicted with bodily evils and mental grief, thou hast made thyself so this doth not befit thee!"


So says the Bhagavan: Klaibyam ma sma gamah Partha Yield not to unmanliness, O son of Pritha. There is in the world neither sin nor misery, neither disease nor grief; if there is anything in the world which can be called sin, it is this 'fear'; know that any work which brings out the latent power in thee is Punya (virtue); and that which makes thy body and mind weak is, verily, sin. Shake off this weakness, this faintheartedness! Klaibyam ma sma gamah Partha Thou art a hero, a Vira; this is unbecoming of thee." If you, my sons, can proclaim this message to the world Klaibyam ma sma gamah Partha Naithathvayyupapadyate then all this disease, grief, sin, and sorrow will vanish from off the face of the earth in three days. All these ideas of weakness will be nowhere. Now it is everywhere this current of the vibration of fear. Reverse the current: bring in the opposite vibration, and behold the magic transformation! Thou art omnipotent go, go to the mouth of the cannon, fear not. Hate not the most abject sinner, fool; not to his exterior. Turn thy gaze inward, where resides the Paramtman. Proclaim to the whole world with trumpet voice, "There is no sin in thee, there is no misery in thee; thou art the reservoir of Omnipotent Power. Arise, awake, and manifest the Divinity within!" If one reads this one Shloka Text 3 of Ch 2 one gets all the merits of reading the entire Gita; for in this one Shloka lies imbedded the whole Message of the Gita. In her book, "A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles", Marianne Williamson, the author, addresses the other side of that feeling, the fear of being better than your peers, perhaps even daring to be the best. It's a powerful message that has been inspiring people for decades with its deeply resonating message about our fear of greatness, of standing out from the pack: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most


frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Proclaim emphatically: I am one with God. Say with conviction: AHAM BRAHMASMI. The moment you assert emphatically your oneness with God, all the power of Omnipotent Love is instantly set into motion to rush to your rescue. And when that power has begun to work for you, you can stop doing things, boldly claiming It is done; I have the desires of my heart.

** Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action... Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake. = Rabindranath Tagore = **



Mind is the Master Power that molds and makes, And Man is Mind, and even more he takes The tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills; He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass; Environment is but his looking glass. = James Allen =

We live in an orderly Universe for Order is Heavens first law. Everything in life is simple and easy provided we follow the Law of Life. Unfortunately, it is man who makes things complicated not only for himself, but for his near and dear ones as well as for the society in which he lives. It is just like this: If we want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the directions given by the Physician who prescribed it or follow the directions written on the label. We cannot take the medicine according to our whim and fancy. Similarly one has to live his life according to the Law of Life. There is a law, this progression or success, and you are being deprived of your just rights if you do not have every needful thing. It is but natural for you to have money, friends and happiness and any other state of existence is inharmonious and unnatural. You have the right to enjoy life, follow the occupation you choose, do as you please so long as you do not injure anyone either in thought or in action. This is your natural condition and nothing but the


action of your mind can deprive you of it. It is a law; live the law and your development is assured. Increase is what mankind is seeking, which is quite natural and is the fundamental Principle of the Universe. All human activities are based on the desire for increase. People are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure--- increase in something, more life. Every living thing is under the necessity for continuous advancement, where increase of life ceases, dissolution and death set in at once. Happiness is the Summum Bonum of mans aspiration and is his rightful heritage. The very soul of man cries out for happiness and he thinks that money is every thing. He feels that money is a means to an end. Hence money is the motive power which drives everyone in their quest for the ultimate which is happiness. No doubt, in todays world there cannot be happiness without money. Therefore the occupation of acquiring money is a worthy and commendable one. Why should man suffer all sorts of lack, misery and unhappiness? The only reason for his suffering is that in search of happiness, in order to acquire money he is always running on the wrong track, not by choice but by not knowing what is right. The majority of people are drifters on the sea of life. Treating the bodily existence as his real life, he tries to find pleasure and happiness entirely through these channels even at the cost of violating the laws of his being; and violation of the laws of his own being results in pain and suffering. There comes a time in mans life when he moves heaven and earth, prays until he can pray, sacrifices his money, his health, his prospects and does everything that is in the power of a human being in a vain attempt to stave off a threatened disaster. He then wonders that a just and loving God could permit such and such things. He wonders at what he terms the strange, inscrutable dispensations of the Providence, when all is of his own making. This suffering is necessary for the mankind to inquire about their position as to what they are, why they are put into this awkward position. This suffering pushes man on in his thought and through this in his life to the reality of his being and he finds that only in conscious union with God true pleasure and


blessedness lie. Unless one is awakened to this position of questioning his suffering, unless he realizes that he does not want suffering but rather wants to make a solution to all suffering, one is not considered a perfect human being. Humanity, begins when this sort of inquiry is awakened in ones mind. Every activity of the human being is to be considered a failure unless he inquires about the nature of his own being for it is then that he becomes aware of the Power that lies dormant and hidden within him. That is how the evolution of human life on earth takes place. It is then that he finds within him the wondrous Self, which is the real Self which when found reveals to him all. Man is always at life from the wrong side. He has been giving all the time and attention to the mere physical, the material, the external, the mere outward means of expression and the things that pertain to, thus missing the real life. The majority of people are not awake; it is only here and there we find one even partially awake. Practically all of us, as a result, are living lives that are unworthy, almost the name of lives, compared to those we might be living, and that lie within our easy grasp. Ignorance is the root cause of all the problems; ignorance of the Laws of Life; ignorance of the essential nature of ones true being. Otherwise, no one will willingly continue to live a less satisfying life if they really realize the facts of the larger, fuller and richer life that awaits them. Until man realizes that the cause of all his troubles is within himself he can never do anything to remedy matters. The only thing that is required is for him to change within. He has to become changed within before his life can be altered. His thoughts, his ideals, his attitudes towards life must all become transformed. When this change has been effected, he not only begins to repair his present life, but he creates a fairer and nobler life for the future. Man is simply weak because he has chosen weakness but when he begins to choose power and greatness he will positively become what he has chosen to become. The principal reason why the average person remain weak and incompetent is found in the fact that he makes no effort to fathom and


understand the depth of his real being. This idea is well illustrated as: Straws upon the surface flow; he who would seek pearls must dive below. Man always tries to use what is in action on the surface, but he is almost entirely unconscious of the fact that enormous powers are in existence in the greater depths of his life. We all must admit that there is MORE in man than what is usually expressed in the average person. It is wrong both to the individual and to the race for anyone to remain in lesser when it is possible to attain the greater. It is right that we all should ascend to the higher, the greater and the better now. And we all can. There is enough power in any man to enable him to realize all his desires and reach the highest good he has in view. We all want to know what we actually possess in the physical, the mental and the spiritual and we want to know how the elements and forces within us can be applied in most successful manner. If only we know how to use these powers, we could accomplish practically anything that we may have in view and not only realize our wants to the fullest degree but also reach even our highest goal. Man can be, become and achieve far more than even the most sanguine indications of the present may predict. The purpose of each individual should be not simply to cultivate and apply these possibilities that are now in evidence but also to develop the power to discern and fathom what really exists within him. Man is essentially a Divine being, a part of the Infinite Spirit or what we usually call God; and thus it is that your life and mine is one with the Life of God. By this I do not mean the mere body, but the Real Self or God that takes to Itself the form body; and thus it is true that the life of man and the Life of God are essentially and necessarily one and the same. They are same in kind, in quality and in essence and the only difference simply is in degrees. Man is the individualized expression or reflection of God; man is a miniature reproduction of God, rather a replica of God, imaged forth and made manifest in flesh, made manifest in human form. When God thus manifests Itself in human form, Its inward essential nature or reality remains the same, for that is Its inherent nature. However, having taken the human form It operates through


the agency of the physical senses and because of this that for a time our inward essential nature is concealed from us because of the limited comprehension of the mankind. Hence, when we are born into the world, we see and become aware through and by means of the physical senses and so the natural physical world becomes the real world for us for a certain period of time. Eventually, however, through these very physical senses that we are able to conceive of the One and Eternal Source of Life as our real life. The ultimate destiny of all mankind is the Higher Life, the finding of the Higher Self; and to this we are either led or we are pushed. We are led by recognizing and coming into harmony with the higher laws of our being; or we are pushed, by violating the laws, and hence through experience, through suffering, and at times through bitter suffering, until through these very physical senses we learn the laws and come into harmony with them. This is the process of evolution of mankind and that is how the physical or material being is transformed into the spiritual or Divine being, much in the same way as in the case of kittens that are born blind, because it is simply natural for them to be born blind, and that in the process of time their eyes open on their own, automatically. The core of the idea of how to get everything you want in your life has been around for thousands of years. This method is within your power because it is actually with you all the time, used every day but it needs fine tuning. When you get it... when you really do get it, when you can use it properly and with a conscious awareness of what you are doing, you will change the way that you have gone about getting what you want from life. Each one of us has tapped into this power without us knowing. When a man realizes that his mind is part of the Universal Mind or God, when he realizes that he has only to take any right aspiration to this Universal Mind to see it realized, he loses all sense of worry and fear. He learns to dominate instead of to cringe. He rises to meet every situation, secure in the knowledge that everything necessary to the solution of any problem is in Mind,


and that he has but to take his problem to the Universal Mind to have it correctly answered. Stored in every human being are great reserves of energy of which the average individual knows nothing. Most people are like a man who drives a car in low gear, not knowing that by the simple shift of a lever he can set it in high and not merely speed up the car, but do it with far less expenditure of power. The World Belongs to You. It is your estate. It owes you not merely a living, but everything of good you may desire. Youve got to demand these things of it, though. Youve got to fear naught, dread naught, and stop at naught. If Universal Mind is the Creator of all, and if everything in the Universe belongs to It, then your business, your work, isnt really yours. The Universal Mind is just as much interested in its success, as long as you are working in accordance with Its plan, as you can be. The Universal Mind can do anything good. It can bring to a successful conclusion any undertaking It may be interested in. If Universal Mind created your business, if It inspired your work, then It is interested in its successful conclusion for you are a special enterprise on the part of the Universal Mind or God. Your mind is part of the Universal Mind. And Universal Mind has all supply. You are entitled to, and you can have, just as much of that supply as you are able to appropriate. You can draw from the inexhaustible Source only in accordance with the measure of your understanding, just as you can draw water from the Ocean only in accordance with the size of the vessel that you use. Almost everyone is foolishly content to fill his pitcher, small as it may be, to somewhere very short of the top. To expect less is to get less, for it dwarfs your power of receiving. For Universal Mind is an infinite, unlimited source of good. Not only the source of general good, but the specific good things you desire of life. To It there is no big or little problem. The removal of mountains is no more difficult than the feeding of a sparrow.


The purpose of the following pages will be to work out the subject chosen in the most thorough and practical manner; in brief, to analyze the whole nature of man, find all the forces in his possession and to present methods through which all those forces can be applied in making life of each individual richer, greater and better. ** To every man there openeth A way, and ways, and a way. And the high soul climbs the high way, And the low soul gropes the low; And in between on the misty flats, The rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth A high way and a low, And every man decideth, The way his soul shall go. = Oxenham, John = **



Know this: there is no power from without, yourself must answer every fear and meet all doubt with some Divine, indwelling Power which you yourself, upon yourself shall shower; And giving, take, and taking, give unto that life which you, yourself, shall live. = Ernest S. Holmes =

You've always known you were bound for greatness and you were right. You always knew that you should be living the life of success and happiness, and you were right. You always knew that you deserved a lot more respect and attention than you're getting, and you were right. You always believed in taking the road less travelled if it would bring you to the right place at the right time. You always knew that there was more out there than meets the eye, and you were so right. You always knew that your dreams were important, and you were right. Yet Success and Happiness always seem to slip through your fingers because you've never been able to GRAB the opportunities that come your way at the moment they present themselves to you. You let the opportunities pass you by without your even seeing them! You wonder what makes "successful, "lucky" people different from you. Why do you continue to struggle and make ends meet when you should be living in a pretty house of your own and be free from money troubles? You often lack in confidence to act with the necessary courage that it takes to realize your dreams - you haven't quite understood that you are special... This explains the contrast between the strong potential within you and the life you're living. Indeed, you should be living a life of success and happiness without any worries, surrounded by sincere friends.


But what you didn't know, perhaps, is the fact that you have within you a Powerhouse that can help you travel in the right direction toward fulfilling all of your dreams; that you possess an extraordinary unusual beneficial power -- in fact, you have as much potential for Good Fortune as the most successful and famous people on Earth!; that you can establish this crucial connection and tap into all the power and energy and force available so that you can get the respect, recognition, and money you deserve and the better, richer and fuller life you always knew you should have. It is time to free your spirit and achieve your full potential. Theres a way for you to use all the power and energy of your inbuilt Powerhouse that will enable you to begin receiving all of the endless things that you have so desired but that until now have been mysteriously absent from your life. It will be so easy for you to discover and use the talents and abilities that until now you didn't even know you had, and thus attract the things and conditions you deserve as only your POWERHOUSE can. It will also help you to be more adventurous and will in turn inspire those around you to embrace life with the same excitement. YOU POSSESS A FABULOUS PERSONAL POWER... Yes, you possess an amazing Personal Power asleep within you...a power that could be the KEY to your Lifelong Happiness! Think carefully. No matter how impossible your problems have seemed, no matter how often you've felt "This is the last straw...," you've always managed to stay afloat, haven't you? You've managed to get past a good number of stumbling blocks in your life, if you stop to think about it... It is the glimmer of your own inner Personal Power that has given you enough strength and creativity to conquer your obstacles! And think what you could do if you learned to MASTER this Power... By learning to cultivate this benevolent INNER POWERHOUSE that is yours, you could become the captivating, powerful person you have always dreamed of being... This Personal power within you can reveal to you those


untapped resources within your personality -- and show you how to USE these resources to become the true Master of your Destiny! This Power within you works round the clock for you, whether you know it or not. It never takes any holidays. You are always using this Power within you knowingly or unknowingly. Once you understand this Power within you, you can master your own desires. This Power can give you anything you want from life. With this Power behind you, you will know exactly what you need to know to achieve long-term success. By learning to cultivate your INNER POWERHOUSE, you will become the captivating and powerful person you've always dreamed of being. You will learn to know yourself better, to master yourself, to act according to firm and definite ideas that will allow you to influence and dominate the events and circumstances in your life. You will draw into your life the people, circumstances and conditions you need. You will not depend on help from without. In everyone's eyes you will become a captivating, influential, admired and envied individual. Your company will be sought by everyone. Your advice will be solicited. Nothing will be done anymore without your agreement or your opinion. You see, by learning to develop your Inner Personal Power, a whole new world will offer itself to you. The truth is, right now you might not have complete access to the power and greatness you were born with because you have yet to discover an important piece of the puzzle and reap the benefits of one of the most potent forces of prosperity there is. If you seize this opportunity nothing will stand between you and your dreams. Nothing will be able to stand between you and your goals. And nothing will be able to stand between you and your newfound sense of self. You can make the characteristics, talents and abilities you inherited...even stronger! You can develop new and positive ways to use your hard-working and honest nature so that you can be the person you were born to be and have the life you were born to live.


It is the most powerful among the forces of the human system that we least understand which is not unnatural for all advancement is in the ascending scale. This power is the greatest power because it prepares the way for attainment and expression of all other powers. It is the power that unlocks the door of all powers and must be understood and applied before anything of greater value can be accomplished through human thought and action. In order to tap your inbuilt Powerhouse and make it work for you, you need to know as to who exactly you are, where you have come from and what the purpose of your life is. Before you can realize your dreams, before you can use your Inner Power, you must have a clear conception of your relationship with your CREATOR GOD, with your fellow-men and with the world you live in. We must know what we are before we can know and use what we inherently possess. Then only we can control and direct the forces we possess. In order to make your INNER GUIDE work for you, you must be aware of the most potent laws that govern us all but hidden behind this inbuilt POWERHOUSE. There are Universal Spiritual Laws and Forces that work for anyone who uses them. It is not that these Spiritual Laws and Forces do not work for some of the people some of the time but they work invariably all the time for anyone. However, you need to use these laws and forces with utmost control. You use them right and the benefit goes directly to you. You misuse or abuse them and the consequences can even be disastrous. Our lives, fortunes and happiness are in our own hands to mold as we will provided we first obey the law and learn how to make conscious use of it. Once you understand as to how to apply these laws correctly in your daily life, you are on your way to living an entirely different life a life that is full of greatness and fulfillment. By studying and understanding these laws deeply you can take your own understanding of life into the next level. We all hold the Master Key within ourselves, with which to unlock the secret chamber containing our hearts desires. All that is necessary in order that


we may use this key and make our life exactly what we wish it to be, is a careful inquiry into the unseen causes which stand back of every external and visible condition and then bring these unseen causes into harmony with our conception, and we will find that we can make practical working realities of possibilities which at present seem but fantastic dreams. God made man for the special purpose of differentiating Himself. Everything that is, came into existence in the same way, by the same law of selfdifferentiation, and for the same purpose. The great Architect of the Universe contemplated Himself as manifesting through His polar opposite, matter, and the idea expanded and projected itself until we have a world - many worlds. If we can get an idea of the different stages by which things in the world have come to be; if we can get at the working principle which is producing these results, we can very quickly and easily give it a personal application. The Universal Mind or the Infinite Spirit or what we usually call God is the Creative Intelligence of the Universe; the First Cause of all causes; the Law from which all subsequent laws proceed, and It is not subject to them. God is the Omnipresent Directive Principle. God is responsible for everything that exists. It directs the creation and function of all things; therefore, things that exist must be expressions of God. It directs the creation and function of every one of the millions of cells in our bodies. It makes us what we are and gives us life. God is Omnipresent. It is all pervading, existing throughout all space and all manifestation. God is Omniscient; It knows Itself, and there is nothing existing outside of It. It, therefore, knows all there is to know. God is Omnipotent; there is nothing outside of It to act upon It. God is the only Power all there is. It is Infinite since there is nothing to define or limit its boundaries. God is the Creator and the Ruler of the Universe. God is all there is. (Bhagavad Gita- chapter 9) When we breathe we inhale It; when we think we mold It; when we speak we proclaim It; as we live we direct Its flow; when we love we share It; when we pray we commune with It; and when we keep silent we hear It speak to us.


The Modus Operandi of the creative process of God: The Infinite Spirit or God, by self-contemplation awakens to its own ability and recognizes that It is the source of all things. The Infinite Spirit or God then wants to enjoy the reality of Its own life and so by thinking of Itself as having the enjoyment which It wishes, It projects a polar opposite or a complimentary or what we call Ether and produces a condition, which, by their reaction upon Itself gives rise to the reality of the sort of enjoyment contemplated. This way the creative process goes on and on ad infinitum. In simple terms, God creates by self-contemplation. Therefore what It contemplates Itself being, that It becomes. God is All Life. Then because It is Life, It must be Love, because the pure motive of giving greater enjoyment of Life is Love. Then because It is Love, It must be Light. Then from this proceeds Power, because Life urged by Love or the desire for recognition, and by Light or the pure perception of the law of infinite possibilities, must necessarily produce Power for the simple reason that under these conditions It could not stop short of action for that would be the denial of Life, Love and Light which It is. Then because God is Life, Love, Light and Power, It is also Peace, again for a very simple reason that being the Spirit of the Whole, It cannot set one part in antagonism against another, for that would destroy the wholeness. Next God must be Beauty, because on the same principle of wholeness It must duly proportion every part to every other part, and the due proportioning of all parts is Beauty. Lastly, God must be Joy, because working on these lines It cannot do otherwise than find pleasure in the self expression which Its works afford It. There is only one God or All Originating Spirit that pervades the entire universe. Hence Harmony or Unity or Order is the first law of the universe else there would be chaos every where.


Whatever God conceives, It produces a form in correspondence to Its selfcontemplation and recognition of Its own being. Since Gods conception of anything necessarily makes that thing exist, it is logically impossible for It to conceive a lie or a thing non existent. Therefore God is Truth. Similarly disease and death are negatives of life and therefore, God, as the Principle of Life, cannot embody disease or death in Its self-contemplation. In a nutshell, God is the All Originating Infinite Spirit pervading the entire universe so that He is All and All is He. God is the Universal Mind. God contemplates and recognizes His own aliveness; realizes the awareness of His own being. A desire then arises in His Mind to enjoy the reality of His aliveness. So, animated by Love, acting on His own volition and thinking of Himself as already having the enjoyment which He desires, God projects Himself into existence and assumes the various forms that we see all around us, including ourselves. But, by the act of projecting Himself into existence and assuming the forms that He has imagined in His Mind, God does not change His real inward essential nature which is Absolute Truth, All Life, All Love, All Light, All Power, All Peace, All Beauty, All Joy, All Knowing, All Seeing, All Doing and All Having. Thus, you and I are all individualized spirit of God; individualized expression or reflection of God as imagined by Him in His Mind but made manifest and housed in flesh, bodily form. Each individual, you and I, a vital part of God and by virtue of being a part of the Great Whole (God), we are identical in nature, in characteristics and possess all the attributes of God just as a drop of water taken from the ocean is identical with the ocean itself. The only difference between God and us is in degree and scale. Hence, each one of us is one with the Eternal God, who is not separate from us and Himself dwelling within us as our life giving force and each one of us is one with each other. God, therefore, is the life of our life and the Life of God is in us.


God is Spirit, creating, manifesting and ruling the entire universe through the agency of great spiritual laws and forces such as Truth, Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty and Joy and surround us on every side. The same spiritual laws and forces operate within us and these same spiritual laws and forces govern every act of ours; these same spiritual laws and forces constitute the law of our beings. These same spiritual laws and forces constitute the Universal Principles of Humanity that we have to adhere to for our further evolution in life. This then is the Truth of our own beings that makes us free. This then is the Mother of All Knowledge that we have to grasp. It is only by gaining this Knowledge and applying it in our daily affairs of life that we are able to take on the God-powers within us and realize our innate possibilities for our own benefit as well as for the benefit of the whole mankind. For too long people have been judging material results according to their own interpretation of the source of that perceived. This has resulted in a belief of the separation of God and man, and has caused untold misery to mankind. We have evolved now to a consciousness that allows us to see that all things are made from one substance Infinite Spirit, which we call God. We must then realize that God and man are one always and that man is given the privilege of expressing God according to his or her individual understanding. To know the relationship between God and man makes all the difference in the world to each one of us. To understand the principle of self-conscious life and living allows us to use our God given creative powers. Since we are made in the image and likeness of Infinite Spirit, God, we create through the same principle as God, this Infinite Spirit, and under the same law of cause and effect. If one follows the law, comply with its nature and consistently apply himself to right thinking and living, he will prove to himself that life holds all and more than he has ever imagined.



Let each man think himself an act of God, his mind a thought, his life a breath of God. And let each try by great thoughts and good deeds to show the most of heaven he hath in him. = Philip James Bailey = **

THE SCIENCE OF THOUGHT That a man can change himself, improve himself, recreate himself, control his environment, and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide awake to the power of right thought in constructive action. = Larsen = Its natural for human beings to set out in search of Truth because of the material rewards. It may be that most people first turn to God because of some weakness, some failure, or some unbearable need in their lives. After trying everything else in vain, they turn in desperation to God. Even the most depraved human being (though he wouldnt admit it) instinctively feels that, somewhere, there is a power that can give him just what he wants; that if he could only reach that power, he could prevail upon it to grant the things he desired. This feeling is itself, God-given. It is the Divine Self - a tiny spark at the center of his being - suggesting the true remedy for all his ills. Everyone wants to be free - free as the birds of the air; free of all suffering; free from bondage; free from poverty; free from all forms of distress. And we have a right to be; it is a God-given desire, and a God-given right.


Every person wants to become all that they are capable of becoming. This desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cant help wanting to be all that we can be for success in life is becoming what you want to be. To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only creed of life. = Robert Louis Stevenson = There is nothing wrong in wanting to be abundant. The desire for abundance is really the desire for a richer and fuller life. God created the world because a great desire arose in Him a desire to create, to manifest, a desire to make many from one, to expand. God is thus not separate from desire. Desire means longing, a great longing, to expand to become as huge as the sky. Vedanta Sutra or Brahma Sutra describes God by saying ANANDAMAYO-BHYASAT which literally means that God is by nature full of Joy and to enjoy His transcendental bliss, He expands and manifests all that exists in the Universe by becoming the things that He manifests. What must be God in Itself? There is no doubt that It is creative. Otherwise, nothing could come into existence. Hence Its purpose is to bring individual lives into existence and to surround them with a suitable environment. Now a power which has this for its inherent nature must be a kindly power. God seeking expression in individual lives can have no other intention towards them than that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. And you are a part of God with the same attributes. Therefore, please note that desire comes down to us from our Higher Self. It is the Divinity or God within that is urging us to do more, to be more, to have more, to realize more of our potential, and to raise ourselves up in consciousness. The mighty Oak tree grows from tiny acorn because the tree is the acorn, and the acorn is the tree. It is the life giving force within the acorn, I mean God, which gives the acorn an Oak tree consciousness. Theres already great abundance to supply every human want: theres a supply of good for every demand. God, the creative cause of all things, is Spirit. God is the sum total of all good. There is no good that you can desire in your life


that is not God. God is the substance - the real essence - within every visible form of good. God, the invisible substance out of which all things are formed is all around us waiting to come forth into manifestation. God is unlimited; therefore this good substance all around us is unlimited, and is the supply of every need that exists in the visible, material world. What everyone desires is to have only good in our lives and surroundings. We all want to live lives full of love, to be perfectly healthy, to know all things, to have great power and much joy, and this is just exactly what God wants us to have. All good, of whatever kind, is God made visible. When we crave more of any good thing, we are in reality craving more of God to come forth into our lives. And though unawakened minds may think they want more money or more goods, what we all truly crave is more of good God - for all good is God. Before you are even aware of any lack, any desire for more happiness or fullness of joy, the Infinite Spirit or God dwelling in your heart has desired them for you. God in you desiring them is what you feel desiring them, even though you think its only you, separate from God. Someone has said, "Desire is not something to be worked for, but is the thing in its incipiency pressing towards us for expression." In other words, its the thing itself coming in your direction that sparked your awareness of it and called forth your desire. The only way God has to let us know about the infinite supply available to us and Its desire to make it ours is to push gently on the divine spark - the I AM - that is the center of each of us. God wants you to be a strong, self-sufficient man or woman, to have more power and dominion over the world around you. So quietly, silently, God pushes a little more divine desire into the center of your being. God enlarges, so to speak, your real self, and at once you become aware of a new desire to be grander, stronger, more capable. Without God pushing at the center of your being, you would never have thought of new desires, but would have remained content as you were. You think you want better health, more love, a brighter, more cheerful home all your very own: in short, you want more good in your life. This is only God pushing at the


inner door of your being, as if saying: My child let me in; I want to give you all good, so you can be comfortable and happy. Remember this: Desire in the heart for anything is Gods sure promise sent beforehand that it is yours already in the realm of supply, and whatever you desire, you can have for the taking. All is yours, and you know that all you have to do is to reach out your mental hand and take it. Our desires always are Gods desires, but till now, in a limited way. As we see that more of God means more of good and joy and happiness, we soon throw aside those limitations. God wants you to know that you should never be content with so little when you can reach out for the whole Universe. It is essential, however, that your purpose should be in perfect harmony with the governing Principles of Life; for your own benefit and for the benefit of others and not for hoarding or for personal aggrandizement. No good thing shall be withheld from those who live in harmony with the higher laws and forces. There are no desires that shall not be satisfied to the one who knows and who wisely uses the powers with which he is endowed with. One can rise to any heaven one chooses; and when a person chooses so to rise, all the higher powers of the Universe combine to help him heavenward. When you really want something, the entire Universe will conspire to fulfill your desire. = Paulo Coelho = The desire for money is not really the desire for money, it is the desire to expand; it is the desire for increase of life; it is the desire for aliveness. It is the desire to be more, to have more and to do more. The same is the case with all other desires. People want more power, more fame, longer life, better health but these are all the effects; these are all the conditions. Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Be interested only in causes rather than the effects. Money, power and wealth are mere symbols and are not the reality. Know that it is God that works in and through you. Whatever God desires, he manifests them. You are a part of God with the same attributes. Whatever you desire, you can manifest them in your physical reality in the same way.


Man is made out of and from spirit and as effect must partake of the nature of its cause, so man must partake of the Divine nature from which he springs. Man re-enacts the nature of God. The whole scheme of life and the whole nature of the Divine Being is re-enacted through man. = Ernest S. Holmes = Always remember that you are a part of God, the Creator and that the Creator could create nothing different from Himself and so you have the same characteristics of God and hence you have within you the same God power and God potential, varying only in degrees. Whatever is true of God as a Whole must also be true of the individual as some part of the Whole. Man is evolved from God and is a self-conscious, thinking center of the living Spirit and as such he must in his nature and being reproduce God. The Infinite Spirit or God, in order to do something for us must do that thing through us and what It is to do must become a part of our mentality before it can become our individual expression. Our mentalities are but God working through us as individuals. There is always a cry to Have but never the cry to Be. Success, Happiness, Power, Health and Wealth are all states of consciousness and do not depend upon the possession of things. Things and conditions are effects and come as a consequence of correct mental states so that if we desire material possession of any kind our chief concern should be to acquire the mental attitude which will bring about the result desired. This mental attitude is brought about by a realization of our spiritual nature and our unity with God which is the substance of all things. This realization will bring about everything which is necessary for our complete enjoyment. This is scientific correct thinking; this is the Science of Thought. When we succeed in bringing about this sort of mental attitude it is comparatively easy to realize our desire as an already accomplished fact; when we can do this we shall have found the Truth which makes us free from every lack or limitation of anything.


Jesus said: What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them. What things soever! That is, it makes no difference for what you ask; if you will believe, you shall receive. But if you are doubting in your heart as to whether God is willing you should receive, then indeed you will not receive. Have no doubt in your mind of Gods willingness to give you any good thing that you would give yourself. You can have anything you really desire, whether it is a peanut or a planet so long you dont destroy the independence of others; so long you dont desire anything that belongs to others. Well, you can; the thing you want is among the possibilities for you or you would not want it. Desire is implanted in you by God that intends you to have what that desire calls for. Desire is meant to be fulfilled- consuming, supreme desire, not the occasional little wishes that do not even last over night or past mealtime. Your real desire becomes the great purpose of your life; and it matters not what that purpose is, you are going to get a reward commensurate with your singleheartedness. Remember, your desire is implanted in your heart by God and God will grant the desire--has already granted it--because God is the only power there is in the Universe. And since God has put the desire in you, you will get the thing you desire and no man or woman on earth can prevent it. Remember that you are one of God, one by God, one for God and one with God. You are working for God, not man. God is the one to whom you go for anything, for whom you labor, from whom you receive your reward. You cannot help it; that is the way it is. It is so, whether you believe it or not, whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not for God only is the source, means and supply of all the desires in your heart. There is but One Mind, God. It is this One Mind that creates for us, whatever we believe. Our thought operative through this One Mind produces all our affairs. We are all centers in this One Mind, centers of creative thought activity. There is nothing which appears in the manifest Universe other than an objectified thought. It could not be there were it not made out of this One Mind.


Whatever is made is made out of It. Nothing exists or can exist without a source from which it springs. For the sake of clearness, think of yourself as in this Mind, think of yourself as a center in It. That is your principle. You think, and Mind produces the thing. One of the big points to remember is that we do not have to create; all that we have to do is to think. Mind, the only Mind that there is, which is God, creates. Few people seem to understand the nature of the law and so think that they have got to do something, even if it is only holding a thought; thinking or knowing is what does the thing. It will make it much easier for us when we realize that we do not have to make anything, just to know; that there is something back of the knowing which does the work for us. That person gets the best result who realizes that he can use this Divine Principle; he who can get the clearest concept of his idea, and who can rely on Mind, the Mind of God, to do for him, keeping everything out of his thought that would contradict the supremacy of Spirit or Mind or God. NEVER get away from the fact that you are surrounded by such a Power. It knows every thought. As we send forth our thought into It, It does unto us. The person who is ignorant of this law must by that ignorance be bound by his thought, by his human beliefs. One who understands will begin to break these ties that bind him; one by one he will destroy every negative thought until at last he is able to think what he wants to think; and so he frees himself by the use of the same power that at one time bound him. We must destroy all thoughts that we would not see manifest and hold to that which we would see, until we receive the affirmative answer. All Mind is right here. It is God's Mind, God's creative Power, and Gods creative Life. We have as much of this Power to use in our daily life as we can believe in and embody. The store house of nature is filled with infinite good awaiting the touch of our awakened thought to spring forth into manifestation in our life; but the awakening must be on our part and not on the side of God. The Spirit, or Life, or God, must make things out of Himself through selfrecognition, or self-knowing or, as we would call it thinking. Since God is all,


there is nothing to hinder Him from doing what He wishes, and the question, "How do things come into being?" is answered: God makes them out of Himself. God thinks, or knows, and that thing which He thinks or knows appears from Himself, and is made out of Himself. Therefore it follows that since we, too, are made out of God we must partake of His nature, for we are "made in His image". If we have the same power in our individual lives that God has in the Universal, then this discovery will mean freedom from all bondage when we learn how to use our God power. As God governs His Universal world so will man govern his individual world, always subject to the greater law and life. This could not be otherwise if we realize what follows from it, for so realizing we find ourselves living in a very different world from the one in which we thought we were living. God governs not through physical law as result, but first by inner knowing--then the physical follows. In the same way, man governs his world by the process which we will call, the power of his thought. We know the law of abundant supply, and the truth that supply always precedes the demand (demand simply being the call that makes the supply visible). We must know that the desire in our heart for any good is really Gods desire for us. Now the question becomes: how shall we obtain the fulfillment of our desires, quickly and effectively? Thank God that you have (not will have) the desires of your heart, remembering always that the desire is the thing itself in incipiency. For, if the good you desire were not already yours, you could never, by any possibility, desire it. Our Desire is Gods desire for us. We dont need to be anxious or in a hurry for the experience. Lets not lose sight of the fact that our desire, great as it is, truly is Gods desire for us. Know that you are not seeking God; God is seeking you. Your longing for greater manifestation is the Eternal Energy that holds the planets in their orbits moving in and through you to experience Itself more fully. You need not worry. You need not strive. You only need to let It work. There is, right now, an unlimited supply of all good, held in the unseen for every human being. In spite of any


evidence to the contrary, no one must have less so another may have more. Your very own good is waiting for you, and your understanding faith is the power that brings it to you. The man who knows this law is sure that his welfare is dear to the heart of Being . . . He believes that he cannot escape from his good. = Emerson = Whatever we find that we need in life, physically, mentally or spiritually, we affirm that God is now giving us all these things. And this is absolutely true. God is closer than breathing; therefore knows what we need every hour, and supplies every need at once, whatever that need may be. In the exact proportion that you believe yourself to be part of the Universal Mind, sharing in its all-power, in that proportion can you demonstrate the mastery over your own body and over the world about you. All growth, all supply is from the world-within. If you would have power, if you would have wealth, you have but to image it on this world within, on your Inner-self, through belief and understanding. Look as though you have already succeeded. Shakespeare expresses the same thought in another wayAssume a virtue if you have it not. Look the part. Dress the part. Act the part. Be successful in your own thought first. It wont be long before you will be successful before the world as well. Consciousness is the way or door through which things appear. The awareness of being is the way through which the thing shall come. The signs always follow. They never precede. Things have no reality other than in consciousness. Therefore, get the consciousness first and the thing is compelled to appear. Get first the consciousness of the things that you are seeking and leave the things alone. It is impossible for the poor man to find wealth in this world no matter how he is surrounded with it until he first claims himself to be wealthy. For signs follow, they do not precede. To constantly kick and complain against the limitations of poverty while remaining poor in consciousness is to play the fools game.


It is the law of Spirit that we must be that which we would draw to us. Whatever may be your desire, whatever you want to see manifested in your physical reality thank God for having supplied that thing to you. If we would draw to us love, we must be love, be loving and kind; if we would have peace and harmony in our environment, we must establish it within ourselves. We must faithfully and persistently deny the appearance of that which seems to be inharmonious and silently and faithfully affirm the peace, love, and harmony that we want to see manifested. That which we hold in consciousness will be made manifest for us, therefore we should not hold the thought of anything that we do not want to see appear. If we build a house or structure of any kind, the plan of the house or structure is first completed, then the builder, step by step, is guided by the plan to its completion. Similarly, every man who accomplishes things sees first in his mind what he wishes to do. Yes, we build in thought the conditions that will later come into manifestation on the physical plane. You have to believe that the thing you desire to have is actually in existence just as you believe that the picture you took is on the film, even though you cannot see it before it is developed. It is essential that you BELIEVE that the consciousness you are trying to bring out actually and literally exists, before it is humanly possible for the materialization of it to take place. You have to cast away all your doubt. It makes no difference how small or how large the thing you want to do may be. Nothing can in any way impede or defeat you. Faith is the highest expression of belief or confidence. It is that something in man which says: "I believe in the possibilities of things that I cannot see. I believe in the possibility of Divine Mind doing in this age, right now, everything that was ever done in any age." When we believe this and hold to it, putting aside all doubt and whatever suggests failure, the thoughts of faith begin to accumulate substance, and fulfillment follows. When the disciples of Jesus asked, What must we do that we may work the works of God? all the reply that Jesus gave was, Believe, and this was the substance of all his instruction. Set your thoughts in a certain direction; make


your mind to hold thoughts that believe in the Good as possible. That is all that is necessary for us to do to increase our belief, to extend the boundaries of what we believe to be possible. All that we are now is the result of our believing; every action and word shows forth what we have believed, and are now holding in mind. When you lie down at night you believe you will arise in the morning; when you walk, every step you take; you do so through the exercise of faith, believing that you will be supported: so all things that you do are simply pictures of your faith, or what you are believing in. Your powers of believing are exercised in three ways: by thinking, by speaking, by doing. Thought is the causative power, words and deeds are the fruit of your thinking. Keep the thoughts upon believing in the Good, and your words and deeds will conform to your thoughts. These should be one and the same always. It is not enough to think aright, but also we must speak aright, and act aright. When you are trying to believe in the reality of the presence of your desire, do not let the lips speak as though there were any other presence than Good. See that all your words and deeds are consistent with your thoughts. We are not to be concerned about the outcome, knowing that a rubber ball thrown against a stone wall will return without any effort on our part. Dont be anxious or concerned as to results. They will follow just as surely as day follows night. Knowing Divine Law and acting according to it, we can rest forever from all anxiety, all fear. You are working with a spiritual law as firm as the laws of geometry, and you cannot fail. There should be no personal effort to do and to be from you. You do not have to do anything, for it is done unto you of a Power that knows Itself to be all there is. You need not struggle to accomplish anything. Your indwelling God is responsible and you just let It accomplish the thing for you whatever you desire may be because it is God abiding in you that works in and through you. Never struggle, God makes things out of Itself by becoming the thing that It desires or thinks about, there is no effort made. Don't think that there is so much to be overcome. Have only a calm sense of perfect peace as you realize


that God is all, and that you are using the perfect law and that nothing can hinder God from working for you. Doing is secondary to Being. When we live consciously in the Truth, it will radiate from us and accomplish its works without our ever running to and fro. = H. Emilie Cady = All the good that is to be manifest in a mans life is already an accomplished fact in the Divine Mind. It lies with man to call into manifestation that which already is an absolute and established creation in God. Man is the image and likeness of God; therefore he is spiritual and perfect. He, in his true being, works after the same manner as God. The man who seeks no will but the Will of the Great God of all can declare concerning any of his desires It is done, and his words will come true, for his will is Omnipotent. In this way, conditions are produced and we find that our lives are simply the reflection of our predominant thoughts, our mental attitude. Nothing can stand in the way of your perfect success when you learn to apply the scientifically correct thought methods and principles. You are merely externalizing in your environment your inherent soul potencies. Within each one lies the cause of whatever comes to them. Each has it in their own hands to determine what comes. Everything in the visible, material world has its origin in the unseen, the spiritual, the thought world. This is the world of effect. The nature of the effect is always in accordance with the nature of cause. What one lives in their thought world, in the invisible, is continually actualizing in the visible, material world. If you want to change the condition you have to change the cause. Whatever cannot be done in the physical, material world can be done in the spiritual world. According to your faith and works be it unto you. **


The possibilities of thought training are infinite, its consequence eternal, and yet few take the pains to direct their thinking into channels that will do them good, but instead leave all to chance. = Marden = ** THE AWAKENING

Till the Divinity within is awakened no book will help you; Once it is awakened you do not need any books. = Swami Vivekananda =

Nothing else will ever make you master of your own destiny. There is in your own indwelling God all the life and health, all the strength and peace and joy, all the wisdom and support that you can ever need or desire. No one can give to you as can this indwelling God. It is the spring of all joy and comfort and power. Hitherto we have believed that we were helped and comforted by others, that we received joy from outside circumstances and surroundings; but it is not so. All joy and strength and good spring up from a fountain within one's own being; and if we only knew this truth we should know that, because God in us is the fountain out of which springs all our good, nothing that anyone does or says, or fails to do or say, can take away our joy and good. We are called "Partakers of the Divine nature." It is impossible for you to do the things that you cannot do as long as you remain in your natural human consciousness, limited by the five senses and three dimensions. It is possible to accomplish all things when you recognize that through being joined as one with your Inner-self you have become one with Divinity the God within you.


Infinite strength springs from the Self within. The Self within is limitless in power and numberless in possibilities and we may well wonder what man will become when he learns to use this Inexhaustible power. What man might make of himself if he would apply these powers to his own development and advancement? Do you known how much energy, how many powers, how many forces are still lurking behind that frame of yours? What scientist has known all that is in man? Millions of years have passed since man first came here, and yet but one infinitesimal part of his powers has been manifested. Therefore, you must not say that you are weak. How do you know what possibilities lie behind that degradation on the surface? You know but little of that which is within you. For behind you is the ocean of infinite power and blessedness. = Swami Vivekananda = This Inner Being, this Inner Intelligence, this Inner Energy guides us in our path. It is our inheritance and is well and truly our very own Success Mechanism. We should establish permanent connection of our thoughts with this Success Mechanism. The Great within is the live wire. When the mind touches the Great within, it becomes charged more and more with those same immense powers and the mind will constantly be in touch with the Great within when it lives, thinks and works in the firm conviction that there is more of me so much more that it cannot be measured. We can receive from this Deeper Life only that which we constantly recognize and constantly realize, because consciousness is the door between the outer life and the Great within. And we open the door to those things only of which we become conscious. The ability to receive and manifest this INNER POWER depends upon the ability to recognize the Infinite Spirit or God ever dwelling in man, constantly creating and recreating his body and mind, and ready at any moment to manifest through him in any needful manner. In exact proportion to the recognition of this Truth will be the manifestation in the outer life of the individual.


One who learns that power comes from within, that he is weak only because he has depended on help from outside, and who unhesitatingly throws himself on his own thought about God, instantly corrects himself, stands tall, assumes a dominant attitude, and works miracles. Men and things respond to him without any apparent effort on his part. He becomes irresistible and unstoppable. In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna advised His friend-cum-devotee-cum mighty warrior Arjuna to direct all his energies towards the one supreme goal of life the manifestation of the Infinite Spirit within him through the path of Knowledge, Devotion, Unselfish Action and Meditation. The infinite power of the Spirit, brought to bear upon matter evolves material development, made to act upon thought evolves intellectuality, and made to act upon Itself makes of man a God. First, let us be Gods, and then help other to be Gods. "Be and Make." Let this be our motto.... Manifest the divinity within you, and everything will be harmoniously arranged around it. = Swami Vivekananda = There are four ways to manifest this INFINITE POWER within us. 1. KNOWLEDGE If life is worth living, it is worth living powerfully. Those who seek greater power are seeking greater life. Those who do not seek to become powerful are not seeking life. It takes power to be prosperous, it takes power to be healthy and it takes power to be free. Power is a must for anything to be created, and the first priority of anyone who wishes to experience good is to become powerful. The key to power is knowledge. Knowledge is of priceless value, because by applying knowledge we can make our future what we wish to be. When we realize that our present character, our present environment, our present ability, our present condition are all the result of past methods of thinking, we shall begin to have some conception of the value of knowledge. Knowledge of matter, spirit and controller of both is more important than bookish knowledge which is nothing but intellectual formularies. No mundane book can give this knowledge. One may study in all the best schools in the


country and in the best Colleges or Universities. One may study until he exhausts all those and then seek the best in other lands. One may study until his hair begins to change its colour but this of itself will never make him a great man until man realizes that he is Spirit. Knowledge gaining and consequent power is what determines growth and evolution. The recognition and demonstration of knowledge is what constitutes power, and this power is spiritual power and this spiritual power is the mightiest force in existence which lies at the heart of all beings; it is the Soul of the Universe. An insight into the absolute unity of the human existence with the Divine is certainly the profoundest knowledge that man can attain. Man, Know Thyself is a mighty precept. This is a worthy pursuit, for as we study the laws of our own being, we gain insight into the higher Laws of the Universe. Self-realization means understanding God and ones eternal relationship with Him. Our aim or purpose of life is realization of this Absolute Truth. Bhagavad Gita says that This knowledge of the ancient science of the relationship of mankind with the Supreme Being - The Absolute Truth, The Source of all knowledge and the First Cause of all causes is the King of Knowledge and that once this knowledge becomes known, when the cause of all causes becomes known then everything knowable becomes known and nothing becomes unknown. The Vedas (Mundaka Upanishad) exhorts that Brahma Vidyam Sarva Pratistham. It means that the Science of Brahmn or the Science of God is the basis of all sciences. Chandogya Upanishad says: A man of self-realization verily becomes a King amongst men and everywhere he moves freely without any resistance. There is only one Universal Mind which is God and that Mind permeates through all consciousness. There is only one Universal Spirit which is God and that Spirit permeates through all expression. There is only one Universal Life which is God and that Life permeates throughout the Universe energizing and animating all. Hence, God is the origin of all that is and it is the same Divine


nature that lives deep within each one of us. It is God expressing Itself in and through each one of us. We are all the individualized expressions of the only power all there is which is God much in the same way there are no two ocean waves exactly alike, yet they are each expressions of the same ocean. God cannot be separated from Itself, and so wherever It exists, It exists in its entirety. When we eat a slice of cake, no matter where we slice it, we are eating the entire composition of the cake. So, wherever we are, there God is in all His completeness. We are, as such, whole, complete and perfect, expressing all of the attributes of God, Himself dwelling within us as our life giving force. This is the Truth of our own being that makes us free from any lack or limitation of anything; This Truth of our own being is the Mother of All Knowledge and when this is known then there is nothing else to be known. We need only to recognize the existence of this Divinity within us and claim It as our true Self. Wherever we are, we have all of God at our disposal and we can consciously use this wonderful Power only to the degree that we understand our relationship to It. We also have to remember that it is God that works in and through us to provide for our every need and He does so by sending us Divine ideas that if accepted and acted upon will serve to restore our health, harmonize our relationships, care for our loved ones and lift our spirits. But mere knowledge is of no value unless it is applied by one in his everyday life. Unless we put this knowledge to work in our lives such knowledge becomes merely an intellectual exercise. Use must be the final test of everything we have. Unless you apply the knowledge it is just a dead theory. You have to make the application of the knowledge in your everyday affairs; it is in application alone that the value consists. There is a clear distinction between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. By following the letter of the law, we seek only an outward manifestation of the perfection which the law represents. However, by following the spirit of the law, we seek perfection in consciousness. This will effect a true and lasting demonstration of perfection. When you have embodied the Spiritual Self to the point at which your mind accepts it, when you have convinced yourself that you


are a part of God, you can then speak with authority because It is the God-self speaking through you. This is why it is necessary to redirect our thinking towards the Truth of our being, and only allow images of plenty, wholeness, peace and harmony into our consciousness. These attitudes we hold of ourselves are of utmost importance because they constitute the law of our being. Whosoever has the ability to absorb the knowledge of their own being, like the sponge that absorbs water, and live continually in the thought about their true essential nature, they can rise in life like the cork in water. The lotus flower starts as a small bud down at the bottom of a pond in the mud and the muck. It slowly grows up towards the surface of the water continually moving towards the light. Once it hits the surface of the water, it begins to blossom and turn into a beautiful flower. Similarly, like the bud of a lotus, any one can blossom to his full potential and receive all the abundance that rightfully belongs to him, when he lives his life consciously with this knowledge of his own being. There is only One Being and that is God. You are not a separate being from God. Unity is God's only Law. You may have a different personality or individuality from the Supreme Personality, but you're of the same substance. When you realize your unity, you have dominion. All power comes from God. No being has a power that is separate from God. Every being uses the power that comes from God. All life on Earth draws the energy from God. All spirit beings draw their existence from the only Source, God. One will have power to exert when one plugs into the Source of Power, God. The dominion comes by being conscious of your oneness with the Source and directing Its power to create. We must live continually in the consciousness of our true being. In this way we open ourselves, and become consciously awake to the Infinite Spirit or God that is ever waiting and ready to direct and work in our lives, if we will merely put ourselves into the attitude whereby It can work in us. In this way, we open ourselves so that It can speak and manifest to and through us. This It is ever ready to do if we will but make for It the right conditions.


There is a very simple method to do this: wherever you are, whatever doing, walking along the street or driving, at work of any kind, falling off to or awaking from sleep, setting about any undertaking, in doubt as to what course to pursue at any particular time, in brief, whatever it may be, carry with you this thought with conviction: I am one with God. It is God that dwells within me and it is God that works in and through me. By carrying with us this thought, by holding ourselves in this attitude of mind consciously for awhile, by repeating it in so many words now and then at first, we will find it, in time, becoming our habitual thought, and will find ourselves living in it without the conscious effort that we have to make at first, and we will in time find ourselves almost unconsciously living in it continually. Thus, God as a living presence, as a guiding, animating power, becomes an actuality in our lives, and all wisdom and all power will be given to us as we are able to appropriate and use them wisely not only for us but for the whole mankind. This will open the door of your mind to an inflow of substance filled ideas. God does not give us material things, but mind substance - not money but ideas; ideas that set spiritual forces in motion so that things begin to come to us by the application of the laws and as they come use them freely. Do not hesitate and doubt that they will bring results. They are Gods ideas given to you in answer to your prayer and in order to supply your needs. They are substance, intelligent, loving, eager to manifest themselves to meet your needs. Do not take my word or for that matter anybodys word, but try the law for yourself. The other fellows realization of the Infinite Spirit or God will not guarantee your supply. You must become conscious of It for yourself. Identify yourself with the Infinite until you make It yours. It will change your finances, destroy your fears, stop your worries, and you will soon begin to rejoice in the ever present bounty of God. **


God, in order to create must be self-conscious, able to project Itself into an idea, and be able to cause the idea to come forth or become visible through a medium (Itself). Thus God is the idea, the medium and the expression or form. = Ernest S. Holmes = * 2. DEVOTION OR LOVE TO GOD Devotion or Love to God is prayer; and prayer is not asking or begging; it is your communion with the original source of all wisdom, God. Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is a daily admission of ones weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. = Mahatma Gandhi = Prayer is a state of mind in which we raise ourselves up in consciousness to the Divinity within us. Prayer is projecting our thought towards the higher realm in an attitude of hope, expectancy and receptivity. The attitude of prayer is our humble, reverent submission of our will to the Will of God. Prayer makes our individual will coincide with the Cosmic Will. And when the Cosmic Will begins to manifest through the individual, he creates history and works miracles. Prayer is worship. God is Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and truth. When we worship from within, in spirit and truth, our inner spiritual Self is able to discern the ways that God intended for us to use the laws of our being. Prayer is the opening of communication between the mind of man and the mind of God. Prayer is the exercise of faith in the presence and power of the unseen God. Supplication, faith, meditation, silence and concentration are mental attitudes that enter into and form part of prayer. When one understands the spiritual character of God and adjusts himself mentally to the Omnipresent God-Mind, he has begun to pray aright. = H. Emilie Cady = Love to God is the recognition and living our life continually with this realization that we are one with, a part of, the Infinite Spirit or God that is the Life of all; that we are not a mere physical material being; our physical and material being is being used by our Inner, real Self or Spirit to manifest Itself. That we


are spirit; we are spiritual beings using this physical, material body to live, to experience, to get contact with the material world around us, while in this form of life; that we are spiritual beings in the material world to gain human experience. We must be, in thought, conscious of who and what we are before the qualities and powers of our real being actualize. We must live in the realization of our oneness with God and then only the Divine being or God can manifest in us. Mind is everything. Mind grows by using. What you think is what you become. We must know in thought and then live continually in this consciousness about our oneness with God. Only as man becomes conscious of the Divinity within, only as he becomes conscious realized in thought that he is one with God does this great fact becomes a moving and mighty force in the affairs of his daily life. It is only by dwelling continually in the conscious, living realization of this great fact, we enable to be manifested into and actualized within us the qualities and powers of the All Originating Spirit or God. This alone enables us to actualize the power and qualities of the Infinite Spirit or God more and more and through this only we are led into the possession of all other things. Those who come into this full and living realization of their oneness with God are at once brought into right relations with themselves, with their fellowmen and with the Laws of the Universe about them. When we thus live our life with this consciousness, Gods Will therefore becomes our will, and all is necessarily must be well with us, for contrary to His Will it is impossible that anything should ever come to pass. And one who consciously lives his life with this realization, the Divinity within him reveals to him everything. One who lives continually under the Divine guidance enters thereby into the realm of the highest wisdom, and even in the most trivial of things of everyday life they never find themselves in a state of doubt, for they always know what to do and how to do it. They have no regrets for the past or any fear with regard to their future, for they know that contrary to Gods Will (which now becomes their will) nothing can ever come to pass and thus peace, a full and abiding peace is continually theirs.


As one grows into this realization, guided by the Divine wisdom and sustained by Divine power, in perfectly natural and normal way they get the possession of an abundance of all things. As we grow in this understanding and live our life consciously with this thought, we bring ourselves into complete and perfect harmony with the higher spiritual laws and forces under which we live. And the degree to which we live our life continually and consciously with this thought, the higher spiritual laws and forces begin to respond to our call and bring us all that we desire or will. If you seek the GIVER more than you seek His GIFTS, - you will find Him. Then you will also find that having the GIVER, you have all GIFTS. =Mildred Mann= This, in the true sense, is what Swami Vivekananda said, Try to manifest the Divinity within and everything will be harmoniously arranged around it; this, in the true sense, is what Jesus said, Seek ye first Kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto you. Whoever through this realization thus finds the Divinity within or the Kingdom of God, will find Swami Vivekanandas words, everything will be harmoniously arranged around it or the words of Jesus, everything else shall be added unto you literally and absolutely as well as necessarily true. All will follow in a perfectly natural and normal manner, in full accordance with natural spiritual laws. When one realizes his unity with God, he does not have to worry about the materialistic necessities of life, he need not be anxious, because when he removes the darkness from his heart, everything is provided automatically by God; when one lives continually in the consciousness of his oneness with God, God takes charge of him and when God takes charge, when God takes the responsibility one becomes completely free of all kinds of materialistic endeavors. This is the essence of the teaching of Bhagavad Gita. = A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada = Thus, you will have no need to fear for the morrow, for you will know that all provisions have already been made by God. There will be no need to hoard


up wealth, for there will be the necessary supplies always available. There will be no need to live near a Doctor, for God shall be your health. There will be no regret for the past nor fear for the future for God makes no mistakes and created no one in vain; God engineered everyone for success incredible success. The most powerful agent in character building is this realization and recognition of our relationship with God; the realization and recognition of our inward essential nature of our own being; that we are a spiritual being, right here and now, at this very moment, with the God powers that is ever ready to respond to our call. With this realization, we are, thus, brought at once en rapport with the Infinite Spirit or God; with this realization, we get immediate access to the God powers that are absolutely without limit. We are born to be abundant; we are born to be prosperous in every walk and every aspect of our life. The great Architect of the Universe has filled the Universe with abundance of all things, filled to overflowing. All there is, in the Universe are specifically placed here for our use only. They are ours, only if we recognize our true being and lay claim to them. God is no respecter of persons and responds to the demands of the man or the woman who knows and uses the forces and powers he or she is endowed with. God always opens the treasure house, for the supply is always equal to the demand. The man who understands his own being and applies the knowledge in his affairs of daily life has literally all things under his control. God works through the instrument of human agency. It is God that thinks through you; it is God that speaks through you; it is God that works in and through you for you. Not a blade of grass can move without Gods Will. When we come to a conscious realization of the true facts and live continually with this thought that it is the Infinite Power that works through us and for us, we always think good, speak the truth and work righteously. As such, our part is simply to see that our connection with this Infinite Power is constantly and perfectly kept. If God is All Life, All Love, All Light, All Wisdom, All Power, All Intelligence, All Seeing, All Knowing, All Doing and All Having then as a part of the Great


Whole God, we possess all the attributes and qualities of God. The only difference is in degree and in scale, for we are miniature reproduction of God. Hence, we do not lack in anything and all the things are ours. We are doing in the finite world what God is doing in the Infinite Cosmos; we are creating our own reality in conjunction with God. When we come to know and live in this Truth consciously, our whole life can be termed in one word REALISATION. This realization will give you that care-less attitude, free from care. You will know that the Infinite Power is working for you and has taken charge of you and that you are relieved of all your responsibilities except one, which is that you always keep yourself in faithful and never-failing connection with God. This conscious realization of your oneness with the Infinite Spirit or God and the life that you live in with this realization will enable you to get all your desires fulfilled, for it is God that is the source, means and supply of all the desires of your heart; for God has planted in the heart of human beings no desire without its corresponding means of realization. As all life is from within out, centered thus in the Infinite and working now in conscious harmony with Divine forces, one can rule his individual world from within. That individual who knows his power does not judge according to appearances. He never permits himself to believe that this or that cannot be done. He knows that those things can be done because he has discovered the More which really exists within him. He works in the conviction that he must and will succeed because he has the power. And this is the truth. He does have the power. We all have the power. Nothing is impossible; the Great within is limitless - the Inexhaustible Source of everything that may be required for the highest development and the greatest accomplishments in human life, and whatever we may direct the Within to produce, the same will invariably be produced in the without. There is only One Will in the Universe just as there is only One Mind. The One Mind is the Mind of God; the one will is the Will of God. Your individual mind is an individual or differentiated expression of the Mind of God, and the largeness


of this human mind depends upon how much of the One Mind you may decide to appropriate. You have the freedom to incorporate in your own individual consciousness as much of the Mind of God as you may desire; and as the Mind of God is limitless, your mind may continue to become larger and larger without any end. To use Divine Will, you must first have a lofty purpose in view; you must have something high and something definite that you wish to attain; you must have something upon which to apply the limitless power of Divine Will, and you must desire to reach that goal with the very deepest and strongest desires of heart and soul. Then you must will to press on, knowing that you are using Divine Will, the Supreme will of the Most High, because this is the only Will in the Universe. It is the Will that eternally wills the higher, the greater and the better the Will that is invincible, and always does what It Wills to do. However strange or unaccountable at times occurrences may appear, we can rest in a triumphant security, knowing that only good can come, for in Gods life we are now living, and there we shall live for ever. ** Whatever with thy heart thou dost desire, That is thy God adored undoubtedly; Whatever thing is in thy heart always, That, be thou sure, thou shalt attain, at last. If rose be in thy heart, thoult be a rose; If nightingale, then that sweet singing bird. Thou art a part, God is the Whole; if thou Engage and occupy thyself, some while, with that Great Whole, It will fill all thy being. And make thee Whole. The part becomes the Whole. = Sufi thoughts = ** 3. UNSELFISH ACTION OR LOVE TO FELLOW-MEN


I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. In my own limited experience I have found that the more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well being It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key, then, is to develop inner peace. = Dalai Lama = Every human being wants to lead a happy, successful, joyous life with all the health, wealth, abundance and freedom; there is nothing wrong in seeking them. The very purpose of our life is to be happy and to become what we are capable of becoming. In fact, that is the creed of life. God wants you to be happy, joyous and free. It's official (remember, what the thinker thinks, the prover proves). If you choose to believe this, then it follows that anything less than happiness, joy and freedom is not the Will of God for you. Happiness is your birthright, like the air that you breathe. You don't need anyone's permission to be happy. (Remember, what you focus on increases). All that you need is the recognition and realization of the truth of your own being. What one has to keep in mind, however, is that these are not attainable directly; a few, here and there, may get them but that would not be a true and abiding one. If one wants a true and abiding success, happiness, health, wealth, peace, joy, satisfaction and freedom in life, he can get them only if he looses his own self in the service of others. Only then, he can make his life fuller and richer, greater and grander and the more beautiful and happy. The greatest greatness and the only true greatness in the world are unselfish love and service and self devotion to ones fellow-men. I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. = Rabindranath Tagore = The law of success is service; that we get what we give and for the reason we should consider it a great privilege to be able to give. Compensation is the keynote of the Universe. Nature is constantly seeking to strike equilibrium. There is no such thing as something for nothing. When something is sent out something must be received; else there should be a vacuum formed.


This is true on every plane of existence and in every field of endeavor, and all walks of life. The more we give, the more we get. In the physical world there is a law of compensation, which is that the appearance of a given amount of energy anywhere means the disappearance of the same amount somewhere else, and so we can get only what we give. By observance of this rule you cannot fail to profit in such measure as to amply justify your effort along this line. The more we give the more we shall get; we must become a channel whereby God can express activity. God is constantly seeking to express Itself, to be of service, and It seeks the channel whereby It can find the greatest activity, where It can do the most good, where It can be of greatest service to mankind. This power is from within, but we cannot receive it unless we give it. Use is the condition upon which we hold this inheritance. We are each of us but the channel through which the Omnipotent Power is being differentiated into form; unless we give, the channel is obstructed and we can receive no more. There is a law which says that one cannot do a kind act or a loving service for another without its bringing rich returns to his own life and growth. This is an invariable law. In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us multiplied manifold.=Flora Edwards= The great law of compensation that runs through all life is wonderfully exact in its workings. Our love, our service, our helpfulness to others invariably comes back to us intensified sometimes a hundred or a thousand or a thousand thousand fold and this by a great immutable law. There is no such thing as finding true happiness by searching for it directly. It must come, if it comes at all, indirectly, or by the service, the love, and the happiness we give to others. So, there is no such thing as finding true greatness by searching for it directly. It always, without a single exception, has come indirectly in the same way, and it is not at all probable that this great eternal law is going to be changed to suit any particular case or cases.


Katha Upanishad exhorts, Tesham Sukham Shaswatham. Tesham Shanti Shaswathy, which means that infinite happiness and infinite peace come to them who sees the Self within and serve the Self in all beings. Lord Krishna convinced Arjuna that Divinity is achieved only by him who works intensely for the good of others forgetting his own self, without expecting fruits of action for himself. He, who works this way is a true Yogi; he is a true Sanyasi. (Bhagavad Gita - Ch6:text1) Jesus said, He that is the greatest among you shall be your servant. In other words, what Jesus meant was that he who would be truly great, and recognized as such, must find it in the capacity of a servant. Swami Vivekananda too had expressed the same view when he said, Always first learn to be a servant, and then you will be fit to be a master. If one wants to make his life a great success, truly great and genuinely happy, loved and blessed by all, it can be possible only if he looses his own self in the service of others. Only when you give more of your life for the good of others that your own life will become the fuller and richer, the greater and the grander, the more beautiful and the more happy. Our best work is done; our greatest influence is exerted, when we are without the thought of self. Such a man becomes a world mover for whom this little self is dead and God stands in its place. The perfectly unselfish man is the most successful. = Swami Vivekananda = The more good a person can do for others with his product, his life, his work, or whatever it may be, the greater success will that person have! No one ever succeeded in any great degree whose dominant motive was that of personal gain only. If one actually helps others, many others, to live happier, better, more successful lives, one need give little thought to the gain that will accompany the success; for if one does this the gain to self can not possibly be withheld. One's chief motive then in reaching out for success is not to see how much he may help himself but to see how greatly he may help many others. If you are a student, a businessman, or whatever may be your profession, if you want to become great, to attain fame and honor and thereby success and


happiness then unless you have a great purpose behind you, a great cause behind you, you cannot achieve these highest results, whilst one whose life is a life of service and self-devotion has no limits, for they thus put themselves at once on the side of the Universal, and this more than all else combined gives a tremendous power to excel in their chosen field. Nature herself seem to come forth and give a great soul of this kind means and material whereby to accomplish their purposes. You can have anything in the world you want if youll just help enough other people get what they want. = Zig Ziglar = MAKE THE WORLD YOUR DEBTOR: HEAVEN WILL REPAY It purports to be a teaching revealed in these later days from a noted Hindu Scientist of four thousand years ago. It professes to be the law of worldly increase as seen from the standpoint of spirit life, and it is stated above in the caption of this paragraph: "Make the World your debtor, by serving humanity in every way, but especially on the highest possible plane of service, the spiritual. Make the debt as great as possible. Do all the good you can, every time you can, everywhere you can, in every way you can, and to every man you can. The underlying thought is that the Angels, who administer God's providence here on the mortal plane and are guardians over humanity, will accept as done unto themselves every act of kindness to mortals, and endeavor to repay not only in spiritual but also in temporal good. Live for a great purpose, and hold the central idea of that purpose constantly before mind. When you begin to live and work for a great purpose, you get into the current of great forces, great minds and great souls. You gain from every source; all the powerful lives in the world will work with you; to live for a great purpose is to live in the world of great ideas, and great ideas awaken great thoughts. Most lives, as we have already pointed out, are poor and mean in their outward expression and conditions because the individuals are mentally poor and poverty stricken. Little thoughts, plans, ideals beget little interest, little effort,


little zeal in the individual, and awaken little or no interest in other minds. Great ideas, projects, enterprises, on the other hand, rouse the soul of the individual to zeal, effort, courage, daring, commensurate with the great ideas. You are as you think. Great thoughts produce great minds; from great minds proceed great works, and great works constitute the building material with which the kingdom upon earth is to be constructed. Live in accord with all the laws of life physically, mentally and spiritually; do all things in the consciousness of God; do all things to the glory of God, and follow the light of His spirit in every thought and deed; then you will always do the Will of God. Any method that will tend to develop in the mind the consciousness of the God will produce emancipation from physical or mental ills, the reason being that there are no ills in God, and it is not possible for the mind to be conscious of ills when it is in the consciousness of that which is absolutely free from ills. In other words, the mind cannot be in darkness, weakness or disease when it is in light, power and health. Man is essentially a spiritual being, a part of God. God is Love and Love is God. Love is another name for co-operation, kindliness, helpfulness and service. Not to love is not to live, for love is the greatest thing in the world. Love is the static; helpfulness, kindliness, co-operation and service, the dynamics. They are all expressions of love; they are love in action. The entire concept of God and Life in the Vedas is that the life giving force or soul or Atman as we call it is a part of the Higher Soul or Divine Being of the Universe called Paramatma. Just like the cells in our body are parts of a higher organism called a human! If the cells in our body are selfish then they do not realize that they are part of a higher structure called a human body and instead just work only for themselves. Whereas a self-less cell which realizes that it is a part of the human body as a whole works for the betterment of the entire body! AHAM BRAHMASMI is one of famous Mahavakyas in the Vedas, which means I AM THAT I AM or literally I am God. So if we are to claim to be God ourselves, and not just part of God, then one has to think beyond the self, in terms of the entire humanity; he has to be self less by giving up selfishness.


Do you ask anything from your children in return for what you have given them? It is your duty to work for them, and there the matter ends. In whatever you do for a particular person, a city, or a state, assume the same attitude towards it as you have towards your children--expect nothing in return. = Swami Vivekananda = One has to think and work for the greater good of the entire world, for the entire society, than just for oneself or just for ones own family, which is why the Vedas also say that, for a person who has realized the existence of a Universal Soul of which he/she is a part, does not require any religious rites to be performed after death because such a person is bound to attain salvation or Moksha! And how does one realize the existence of a Universal Soul? Only by identifying ones self with the Universal Soul and acting like a Universal Soul; by working towards making this Universe of ours a better place to live in; by elevating and enriching the self of others; by touching the lives of others in positive ways; by working towards resolving the problems that exist in the society; always ensuring peace and harmony in the society. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people; first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest -a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.


Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Only a life lived for others is worth living. = Albert Einstein = Vedas say, Vasudaiva Kutumbakam meaning that the entire earth is a family. Vedas also say, Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavanthu which means May all the people live happily. Every time when God wanted to do something good to this world, He did not do it by Himself, instead God created a child. You and I have come in the same way. Identify yourself with God and achieve the purpose of your being on earth and you can proclaim emphatically, Aham Brahmasmi or I AM THAT I AM , by replacing the selfish I with the self-less I. ** Love is innocent when there is no motive in it. Love is innocent when it is nothing but a sharing of your energy. You have too much, so you share ... you want to share. And whosoever shares with you, you feel grateful to him or her, because you were like a cloud - too full of rainwater - and somebody helped you to unburden. Or you were like a flower, full of fragrance, and the wind came and unloaded you. Or you had a song to sing, and somebody listened attentively ... so attentively that he allowed you space to sing it. So to whomsoever helps you to overflow in love, feel grateful. Imbibe that spirit of sharing, let that become your very style of life: to be capable of giving without any idea of getting, to be capable of giving without any conditions attached to it, to be capable of giving just out of your abundance. = Osho = ** 4. MEDITATION Every meditation is direct super-consciousness. In perfect concentration the soul becomes actually free from the bonds of this gross body and knows


itself as it is. Whatever one wants, that comes to him. Power and knowledge are already there. The soul identifies itself with that which is powerless matter and thus weeps..He who has known God, has become God; there is nothing impossible to such a free soul. = Swami Vivekananda = Meditation is mind management. There is no attempt to control the mind. Meditation is not concentration of mind either. In concentration, we control the thoughts and are focusing the attention of our mind on an object of attention and hence it is a mental exercise. Meditation creates a space for the Inner Being to flower. It creates peace amidst the chaos that rules our life. Meditation creates the space where you have neither questions nor answers. You will simply be aware. This awareness is precious. Where there is pure awareness there is enlightenment. This is true freedom. In meditation we do not do any thing; we just watch our thoughts, for watching is our true nature; we just watch the thoughts and see them come one after another and get dissolved automatically without any force from our side; we just feel the flow of our breath which is our life giving force or Atman within us. In meditation, we look within directly to feel the presence of the Divinity within us. Meditation, therefore, is the Mother of Concentration. The function of meditation is to awaken the Infinite Power within ones self. "God is spirit and should be worshipped in spirit and faith. Where does the spirit reside? On a tree? On a cloud? What do you mean by God being ours? You are the spirit. That is the first fundamental belief you must never give up. I am the spiritual being. It is there. All this skill of Yoga and this system of meditation and everything is just to find Him there. = Swami Vivekananda = A calm mind, when the restless mental waves have been stilled, touches the core of the Infinite and this gets re-energized from even a momentary touch of that Infinite Self within. According to Buddhist texts, if one can hold on to his thought, of any desire that he wants to accomplish, continually for 17 seconds that thought is bound to materialize in objective form.


Therefore, quiet the senses; seek inspiration; focus the mental activity within, dwell in the consciousness of your unity with the Omnipotence. Still water runs deep. Contemplate the multitudinous opportunities to which you have spiritual access by the Omnipresence of Power. Power comes through repose. It is in the silence that you get in touch with the Omnipotent Power of your own Self within from which all power is evolved. Intuition usually comes through silence. Great minds seek solitude frequently. It is here that all larger possessions of life are worked out. When you begin to perceive that the essence of the Universe is within yourself is you you begin to do things; you begin to feel your power; it is the fuel which fires the imagination; which lights the torch of inspiration; which gives vitality to thought; which enables you to connect with all the invisible forces of the Universe. It is this Power within you which will enable you to plan fearlessly, to execute masterfully. But perception will come only in the silence. Go, then, into the silence, even if it be but for a short period, a period of no more than a quarter or half an hour a day, and there come into contact with the Great Source of all life, of all power, send out your earnest desires for whatsoever you will; and whatsoever you will, if continually watered by expectation, will sooner or later come to you. All knowledge, all truth, all power, all wisdom, all things whatsoever, are yours, if you will but go in this way for them. Within a short period you can know the truth of this for yourself if you will but go in the right way. You have to realize that silence offers an ever available and almost unlimited opportunity for awakening the highest conception of truth. Try to comprehend that God itself is absolute silence, all else is change, activity, limitation. Silent thought concentration is the true method of realizing, awakening and then expressing the wonderful potential power of the world within. **


We talk to Godthat is prayer; God talks to usthat is inspiration. We go apart to get still, that new life, new inspiration, new power of thought, new supply from the fountainhead may flow in; and then we come forth to shed it on those around us that they, too, may be lifted up. = H. Emilie Cady = ** THE APPLICATION When any object or purpose is clearly held in thought, its precipitation, in tangible and visible form, is merely a question of time. = William Whiting =

Man lives to move forward and to move forward is to live more. To live more is to be more and do more; and it is being and doing that constitutes the path to happiness. The more you are the more you do, the richer your life, the greater your joy. But being and doing must always live together as one. The being of much gives the necessary power to the doing of much. The doing of much gives the necessary expression to the being of much. But this being and doing depends to a larger extent as to what you are and what you are depends on what you think - what you think of yourself. We must be before we can do and we can do only to the extent which we are and what we are depends upon what we think. = Charles F. Haanel = It is the power of the mind that rules the world, and therefore it is evident that he who has acquired the best use of the power of mind will realize the greatest success, and reach the highest places, that attainment and achievement hold in store. When the power of the mind is used correctly in working out what we wish to accomplish, the other forces we possess are readily applied for the same


purpose, and this fact becomes evident when we realize that the power of mind is not only the ruling power in the world, but is the ruling power in man himself. Therefore to secure the results desired, one must give his first thought to the scientific and constructive application of mental action. The Self or Divinity or the I AM within directs the mind, and that the power of the mind directs and controls everything else in the human system. It is the mind that occupies the throne but the I AM is the power behind the throne. This being true, it becomes highly important to understand how the power of mind should be used. You are nothing but Spirit; and Spirit is nothing but Mind; the only activity of mind is thinking; thought is the only by product of thinking. Thought is a powerful force of tremendous potency; even mightier than gravitation, steam or electricity. You are a part of God, the Infinite Spirit, with the same attributes of God. You differ not in kind, quality and essence; you differ only in degree and scale; you are a reproduction of God in miniature form but manifested in bodily form; you have the capability to manifest in your physical reality all those things that correspond to your thoughts, much in the same way God created you. The moment we fully and vitally realize who and what we are, we then begin to build our own world as God builds His. = Ralph Waldo Trine = When you think of yourself do not think of that part of yourself that appears on the surface, I mean your body. That part is the smaller part and the lesser should not be pictured in mind. Think of your larger Self, the Divinity within, that is limitless both in power and in possibility. Believe in your SELF, the Divinity within. Give constant recognition to ALL that is in you, and, in that ALL, have full faith and confidence. Give the Bigger Being on the inside, your own Divinity within, full right of way. Believe thoroughly in your greater interior Self and know that you have something within you that is greater than any obstacle, circumstance or difficulty that you can possibly meet. Then in full faith in this greater something, proceed with your wish. There is an age old saying, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.


To bring this statement to practical use and apply it in your daily affairs of life, you have to realize and recognize the hidden wisdom this statement contains in it. The principle involved in being as we think in our heart is revealed in another age old saying, As you sow, you shall reap. If you sow a grain of corn, you reap a stalk of corn. If you sow a flower seed, you expect a flower to grow out. A mango tree wont grow pine apples. A mango tree can grow only mangoes, the likeness of itself Thoughts are causes and conditions are effects. Nothing happens without a definite cause. There is no effect without an adequate cause. Thought is creative and will automatically correlate with its object. This is a Universal Law, the Law of attraction, the Law of Cause & Effect. Thought is the connecting link between the Infinite and finite, between God and man, between the Universal and the individual. Electricity is a form of motion and its effect will depend upon the mechanism to which it is attached. Upon this mechanism depends whether we have heat, light, power, music or any other thing. Similarly thought is mind in motion and its effect will depend on the mechanism with which we establish its connection. Hence, establish the connection of your thought with the Power House within; the Divinity within; your inner self, your very own Success Mechanism or I AM within to get what you want from life. When we examine the whole nature of man we find that the Self within is the man himself. The I AM or Self within is the ruling principle in man, the centre and source of individuality, the originator of everything that takes place in man and that primary something to which all other things in human nature are secondary. If you wish to understand your forces and gain that masterful attitude necessary to the control of your forces, train yourself to think that you are a Spirit, but do not think of the Spirit as something vague or mysterious. Think of the Spirit as being the individual you and all that expression can possibly imply. Train yourself to think that you are the master of body and mind, because you


are above body and mind and possess power to use everything that is in body and mind. Come up, O lions, and shake off the delusion that you are sheep; you are souls immortal, spirits free, blest and eternal; ye are not matter, ye are not bodies; matter is your servant, not you the servant of matter. = Swami Vivekananda = You must act from the throne of your being. You must act not as a body, not as a personality and not as a mind but as a Spirit, as the I AM, as the Self or Divinity within and the more fully you recognize the lofty position of the Self within, the greater becomes your power to control and direct all other things that you may possess. In brief, whenever you think or act you should feel that you stand with the Spirit or I AM at the apex of your mentality on the very height of your existence and you should realize that the Spirit or the I AM is you the Supreme you. The more you practice these methods the more you lift yourself up above the limitation of body and mind into the realization of your true position as a masterful individuality. In fact, you place yourself where you belong over and above everything in your organized existence. Always be aware of your I AM ness; your own Divinity; always recognize the Truth of your Unity with God. Sow the seeds of I AM (Your Divinity) .. I OUGHT .. I CAN ..I WILL REALIZE that because you ARE (Divine being), you OUGHT; because you OUGHT, you CAN; and because you CAN, you WILL realize what you desire. In the degree that you realize this TRUTH, you draw your power from the Power House within and attain all your desires. Be perfectly resigned, perfectly unconcerned; then alone can you do any true work. No eyes can see the real forces; we can only see the results. Put out self, forget it; just let God work, it is His business. Doing is very good, but that comes from thinkingfill the brain, therefore, with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you and out of that will come great work. = Swami Vivekananda =


Keep in mind that on your own, you are incapable of doing anything; it is God in you that works in you and though you; it is God in you that works in you to experience Its own God-self through you; it is God that works in you to enjoy Its own aliveness though you. You are the temple of God. Your body is the temple through which It expresses Its innate and infinite possibilities. Your body is the place where the invisible steps down to visibility. And always remember that God needs you. You are needed to, in some special manner, manifest the Divine Mind. However humble your place in life, however unknown to the world you may be, however small your capabilities may seem to be, you are just as necessary to Gods effort to come into visibility as is the most brilliant intellect, the most beautiful, the most politically powerful person in the world. Remember this, always, and act from the still small voice - the highest within you - to honor the highest - Gods Spirit - within those around you. There is no alternative to God. In order to help Himself experience His own God-self, in order to enjoy His own aliveness, He has to help you. Remember that it is God that implanted Its own desires in your heart and by implanting its own desires in your heart, God communicates Its wishes to you as to what It wants to manifest in your life as per Its pre-arranged Cosmic plan. Remember also that whatever God thinks or desires, it is done. God accomplishes the things that It wants to create by becoming the thing that It wants to create. All the desires in your heart have already been accomplished in the Divine Mind. It is just a matter of time before they are manifested in your physical reality at the right time, in the right way and through the right channel, all in perfect Divine Order. Hence, think of whatever you want to have as already accomplished, for God cannot fail. When you walk in the light you cast a shadow. Do you say that you cast a shadow? You don't do a thing, do you? And you can never get rid of it the shadow. The minute you step into the light, manifestation takes place. There's nothing else that can happen.


When you move in the light, the shadow that was cast, as a result, also moves without any effort on your part. In the same way this power of God operates you instead of you operating it. This does not make you an automaton (robot). It makes you a point of expression and that nothing is impossible to God. You are a success because you cannot help it. You are a creature of Light (God) in the Universe of Life, and suddenly all the shadows of Human Fate disappear. You are Freeborn --- the old patterns are broken. It is a definite law that when you are ready God will do the works through you. Heed it, and you will see the new day dawning through the mists of conscious limitations. Spiritual or mental laws are just as real and unchanging as the laws that govern the material world. If we have certain conditions in the mind, we must have certain results - not because we believe some wise persons testimony, or even because our intuition tells us it is so, but because it is based on a law that cannot fail or be broken. And just as with natures laws, we can know positively beforehand precisely what results follow from certain mental states.




The Seed Foundation

THE SEEDS OF SUCCESS Meditate upon Him and transcend physical consciousness. Thus will you reach union with the Lord of the Universe. Thus will you become identified with Him who is One without a second. In Him all your desires will find fulfillment. The truth is that you are always united with the Lord. But you must know this. = Svetasvatara Upanishad = Plant Seeds For Your Prosperity When you speak of God's Word over your finances, you are planting seeds that will grow and produce abundantly for you.... If you sow the seed of God's Word in the good ground of your heart by speaking it, it will produce in your life.....

What does a farmer do before he gets a crop? He gives the seed to the ground and gives it water and care regularly and waits with patience. The farmer knows that when he sows, the day will eventually come when he will reap his reward. The farmer may seem to get his supply from the seeds he plants, but he would never plant a seed unless he had faith in its innate capacity to increase. Each one of us is a spiritual farmer and we are all subject to Gods laws of harvest. Here are some random Thought Seeds for you to sow them in your mental field. Water them with faith regularly. You will reap a rich harvest in a different season from when you sow because there is always a time gap between the period of sowing and the period of reaping. When you sow a mango seed you will reap many mangoes. This is Gods law of harvest. You will reap much more than what you sow. Remember that what you give out comes back to you-multiplied.


** Something cannot come from nothing; something must come from something; but man is something, else he could not declare himself; and since he is something, he must be made from, or come out of, something; and that something must be what we call God. As such, Man comes from God or is made out of God by God. What is true of whole must also be true of any of its parts. Hence, man, being a creation of God must partake of the Divine nature of God if he comes from God or made out of God. Man is made out of and from Life or God; and, as effect must partake of the nature of its cause, so man must partake of the Divine nature from which he springs. Since man is made in the image and likeness of God by God, it is evident that the whole scheme of God and the whole nature of Divine Being or God is re-enacted through man. Man, as such, is nothing but God in essence made visible. ** You are the temple of the Living God. Your body is the temple of the Living God. Not only is man here as the temple of the Living God, but he is here in order that God can find expression. The temple embodiment known as man, is here for the purpose of God making Himself manifest. The temple is the place where the invisible is stepped down into the visible. Without man, or this embodiment known as temple, none of the present-day inventions would have found expression. Though man has sensed this, he has mistakenly thought to work independently of this Power. When he becomes conscious that it is the NATURE of the temple embodiment to express God, and that is its only reason for being, the dis-ease, struggle, anxiety, fear and questioning will cease. ** Your desire is the urge of Spirit giving the temple embodiment instructions as to what should come into manifestation through that medium. If you assume the work yourself it immediately becomes impossible or marked with the ugly shadow of personality or is still-born, but when you make the assumption that your temple "embodiment" is for the express purpose --- and only for the


purpose of making the invisible visible, then that glorious relaxation and naturalness of the expression of God through you will take place. ** The more naturally you approach the pattern or desire given to you, the simpler will be its appearing. The hovering Spirit of the Presence is waiting to pour out the infinite gifts through your temple embodiment. The temple "embodiment" is for the purpose of supplying, not acquiring things. That is the only reason for your existence. It is amazing what takes place when you come consciously into the understanding that you are here simply for the purpose of letting this God Power into expression. The recognition that your body "temple" is for the purpose of letting God manifest through you sets aside any effort or struggle you can make on the outside to accomplish anything. ** When the electric current is passed through the refrigerator, it produces ice cubes. Your body has no more intelligence than your refrigerator. And when you understand even in a degree that your body --- yes, this very funny, old body, aged, diseased, filled with heavy scars of battle --- filled with fears and limitations --- is the actual, literal Temple of the Living God --- and is to be used for the purpose of showing forth the Light of God, there is some reason for your existence. ** Who are you? You are the expression of God in your individuality. Think of that. In Him you live and move and have your being. You are one with God, the Supreme Power in the Universe. You are one with the Supreme Universal Mind. And Universal Mind creates what It wants to create. In other words, It gives out what It wants to see manifested. Think of it. Think! You! Not somebody else--you! You cannot fail! ** What are you? You are the temple "embodiment" of the Living God. You are the transformer, the point at which the invisible takes on a body and form. **


When you see the purpose of your existence --- the expression of God, the releasing of the unseen into the seen, all the greediness for things, place, power, name or fame fades away. Why should you be greedy for things when you know that you are automatically the distributor of all --- that you can give to all men whatsoever they ask because the giver within the temple "embodiment" is God? ** A glorious sense of freedom and relaxation takes place when you realize your purpose in life. You are here as an organism through which God is to express Himself. His wishes come to you in the form of desires - yes, all your desires. They would all be beautiful and glorious if it were not for the way your intellectual mind distorts them and produces malformations because of its limitations - because of its inability to believe that God's desires in you have the power of self-expression. ** Think for a moment what it means to realize that you are the temple of the living God - the point through which God is to be expressed - and that His way of communication to you is through the urge of the Spirit upon your inner person in the form of desire. You will readily see that it is necessary to take the whole proposition out of the processes of the human reason which cannot understand the how, why, when or where of the One who "Has a way you know not of." ** You are a point of manifestation where God pours out into expression, in a constant and endless stream of power, health, wealth, substance etc. ** You are a man having no competition because you are sent here by God in whom you live, breathe, move and have your being and at the same time God lives, breathes, moves and has Its being in you. **


The individual is simply the differentiation of the Universal Mind and his so called individuality or personality consists of nothing but the manner in which he relates himself with the Whole. ** The same power that brought Universal substance into existence will bring your individual thought into physical form. There is no difference of kind in power. The only difference is in degrees and scale. ** You are one with the nature of your desire. You are the beloved of the Most High, God and what you seek is already given to you. You are the highest manifestation of the only power all there is. You are made of the all inclusive substance of Mind called Spirit or God. Infinite power and happiness is your birth right. In pressing your claim and claiming your own stand firm knowing what is true. You are a centre of God in God. Whatever God is in the Universe, you are in your individual world. ** Dominion is yours through the recognition of your Divinity within --dominion to do and to be. The Divinity within asks no favors to perform. It does not need the recommendation or veto of anyone. It is independent of such threedimensional rubbish. The dawn asks no permission to dispel the night. ** Discovering that Divinity indwells you -- that there is a hidden point of power which is located in the temple of your being -- is like finding a lost continent. The old systems of man pass away; the revelation from within takes place. ** Man, of himself do nothing but with God all things are possible through the temple of man. Man is only capable of doing anything when this power within him directs him to do so. Whenever man is in the nature of a thing he expresses that nature. Man is, in fact, a transformer, a point at which the invisible takes on a body and form, a point where God becomes visible. That is the reason for his


existence. Man is the giver and the Spirit within him dictates the symbol of his giving. ** God has need of you or you would not be. You are here to strengthen that plan. The desire in your heart is God seeking utterance; the desire in your heart is the open line of communication is the message from God to you. Your desire is the urge of Spirit giving you (the temple embodiment) instruction as to what should come into manifestation through you. Being a creation of God, it is your nature to cause the thing to appear from the unseen to seen. Remember that you have no need that God within you cannot supply. Every instinct, appetite and aspiration is implanted in man by God. ** Who would stand before a blackboard, and pray the principle of mathematics to solve the problem? The rule is already established, and it is our task to work out the solution. Shall we ask the Divine Principle of all goodness to do His own work? His work is done, and we have only to avail ourselves of God's rule in order to receive His blessing, which enables us to work out our own salvation. ** There can be nothing, either in the law or in the Spirit back of the law, to deny us the right to the greatest possible expression of life. So we need not hesitate to use the law for personal motives, for we have a perfect right to do so. It is good for every one to express himself, provided that in so doing, he does not destroy the independence of others. ** When you discover your union your oneness - with the Higher-Self, God through your Inner-Self or Divinity within and are wed to Him, and begin to function naturally from this standpoint like those who use the receiving set, you will be able to find the truth in everything, even as a bee finds honey within a poisonous flower and extracts it. Until this union is discovered or recognized, you


will continue to look to people, masters, spirits, books or organizations for your help. ** You must awaken to the knowledge of your real being. When this awakening comes, you will have, and you see that you have, the power to determine what conditions are externalized in your life. You must recognize, you must realize your self as one with the Infinite Spirit. Gods Will is then your will and your will is Gods Will and with God all things are possible. And hence no action on the part of the individual can be at variance with the All Originating Spirit, God. ** The creative power does not originate in the individual but in the Universal, which is the source and foundation of all energy and substance, the individual is simply the channel for the distribution of this energy. ** In studying the law of your own being, the important thing to realize is that you as an individual are a specializing center, through which the Infinite Spirit takes form which correspond exactly to your most habitual conception. ** The relation between your individual mind and the Universal Mind is one of reciprocal action which might be compared with a tree and its branches. Your mind is the specific expression of the Universal Mind from which it draws its power to think. Just as a branch of a tree is a specific part of a tree, not apart from it, but a part of it. Thus between the Universal Mind and its own specialized expression (which is your mind) there is a perpetual interaction, as with the tree and its parts; its branches and its leaves are continually drawing sustenance from the parent trunk. Your thought action is the specialized, identical action of the Universal Mind. ** WE have within us a Power that is greater than anything that we shall ever contact in the outer, a Power that can overcome every obstacle in our life


and set us safe, satisfied and at peace, healed and prosperous, in a new light, and in a new life. ** It is the Infinite Spirit manifested though you That guides your activities. Without It you would be unable to outline your intention, much less accomplish your purpose. ** Man is a center of God in God. Whatever God is in the Universal, man must be in the individual world. The difference between God and man is one of degree and not of quality. Man is not self-made; he is made out of 'God ** As God's thought makes worlds and peoples them with all living things, so does our thought make our world and peoples it with all the experiences we have had. By the activity of our thought things come into our life, and we are limited because we have not known the truth; we have thought that outside things controlled us, when all the time we have had That within which could have changed everything and given us freedom from bondage. ** You are working for God and since God has put the desire in your heart nobody can prevent you from having your desire. ** The Universe is a mental creation of God, Infinite Being. An Infinite Being creates infinitely. In other words, all that is, all that was, and all that will be has been created in the mind of God. You are part of that creation. Your world is a mental creation of yourself. Know that you too are a creator. Get to understand your mind a bit better and you will find the way. We can only use the concept of the Universe being a mental creation of God in our own lives. We are also mental creators. Every thing, every dress, shoe, tie, suit, car, pencil, house, building, everything was created by the mind of a human being. In that we are all imitators of the Creator of all things. God didn't create us to suffer or to prosper. He didn't create us to be bad, or good. He created all of us and then gave us free will that


is subject to His Law, commonly called Law of Cause & Effect. There is a road ahead of you with many forks in it. Each one involves a choice. Your reality is the result of the choices you made in the past. Your future life will be the result of the choices you make now. ** You are an individual expression of God. You create what you choose. How? : By thinking. That is the only way anything is created--by thought. Things are created by thought in the mind, and by nothing else and nowhere else. Yes, by your thought, and in your mind. And when you begin to realize that, you will begin to work for the God who is Universal Mind, in you and in me and in everybody else, and in everything in the Universe. You will realize that you cannot fail to do what you really want to do and have what you really want to have. ** There is but One Infinite Mind in the entire Universe and we are all individualized manifestations of It, therefore we are essentially all One Being, One Life, now and forever more. All is Infinite Mind and Its Infinite Manifestation, for God is All in All, and Love is the Eternal Reality of Life and of our being. ** Just as an ocean wave is an expression of the ocean and is part of it, so are we expressions of the Universal Intelligence and part of It, and it is this realization of our oneness with all people and the interconnectedness of all life that sets us free and empowers us, and will eventually bring peace and harmony to this planet. ** Nature is a Living Intelligence in which we live and move and have our being, and which responds to us in direct proportion to our realization of our true relation to It. ** Any prayer that beseeches and begs God to do a thing is an open acknowledgment that the Creator has forgotten or overlooked something that is


very necessary of accomplishment. The more we beg God to be good, the more we show forth our ignorance of His eternal nature. ** Prayer must be something deeper and finer than telling God what He is and what He should do. Prayer is a conscious recognition of the eternality of good, here and now. ** Mental Science or the Science of Mind or scientific correct thinking is based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in its original state, fills all space with Its presence. Since It fills all space, It fills the space that man uses in the Universe. It is in man as well outside of him. As he thinks into this Universal Mind he sets in motion a law which is creative, and which contains within itself limitless possibilities. ** Mental action is the interaction of the individual upon the Universal Mind; and as the Universal Mind is the Intelligence which pervades all space and animate all living things, this mental action and reaction is the law of causation; but the principal of causation does not obtain in the individual, but with the Universal Mind. ** God or Universal Mind made man for the special purpose of differentiating Himself through man. ** The Universal Mind is static or potential energy; It simply is; It can manifest only through the individual, and the individual can manifest only through the Universal. ** Infinite Spirit is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. It will respond to our desire in direct ratio to our purpose and faith; the purpose must be in accordance with the law of our being, that is, it must be creative or constructive,


our faith must be strong enough to generate a current of sufficient strength to bring our purpose into manifestation. ** The effects we have produced in the world without are the result of the action and reaction of the individual upon the Universal. That is the process which we call thinking. It is the same mind that is operating through the individual. ** Your predominant mental attitude is what counts. You will manifest in your physical reality all that corresponds to the predominant mental attitude. Not what you think once in a while when you are in a Temple, Gurudwara, Masjid or a Church or have just read a good book. ** God is the soul of the Universe. Universe is simply the condition which the Universal Spirit has made for itself. We are individualized spirits and are creating the conditions for our growth in exactly the same way. ** We are not doing anything on our own. We can do nothing to assist in the manifestation. We simply comply with the law, and the All Originating Spirit brings about the results. ** The Universal Mind, being Infinite and Omnipotent, has unlimited resources at Its command, and when we remember that It is also Omnipresent, we cannot escape the conclusion that we must be an expression or manifestation of that Mind. ** In creating a mental image or an ideal, we are projecting a thought into the Infinite Spirit from which all things are created. The Infinite Spirit is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. It knows everything in your mind and will set causes in motion to manifest your ideal in your physical reality. You need not advise the Infinite as to the proper channel to be used to materialize your demand.


** You need not hesitate to the highest possible attainments in anything you may undertake, for the mind forces are ever ready to lend themselves to a purposeful will in the effort to crystallize its highest aspirations into acts, accomplishments and events. ** There is no limit to what the Divinity within you can do for you. Only dare to believe in your own idea. Remember that the Infinite Spirit is sensitive and responsive to the ideal. Think of the ideals as an already accomplished fact. ** When the individual mind touches the Universal Mind it receives all the power it requires. ** Your greatest aim should be to irrevocably convince yourself that the Originating Spirit which brought the whole world into existence is the root of your individuality. Therefore, it is ever ready to continue its creative action through you. Just as soon and just as fast you provide these thought channels, you will find yourself the possessor of an unfailing reproductive power. ** Your intelligence is the instrument though which the One Creative Intelligence of the Universe is constantly taking specific form. This being true, every idea which registers in your mind was first formed in this One Infinite Mind. A continual recognition of this fact will enable you to find your way out of any sense of limitation which may arise in your individual experience. ** You are not a material thing separated from God, but a being of pure Spirit. You, as the highest manifestation of this Power, are made of the allinclusive substance of mind called Spirit. You are the center of manifestation, where all the innate qualities of God pour out into expression. **


Human thought is the spiritual power of the Creator of the Universe, God operating through its creature, man. Since the Creator can create only through its creature, man, it is all the more important for each one of us to study the creative process of the Creator and then apply that knowledge in our everyday life so that the things and conditions we desire become realities in our life. ** Man is the idea of God, and the idea of God is the word of God, an expression of God. Man is not a thing of small beginnings but of infinite beginnings. His resource is the Infinite, and he draws his substance from an Inexhaustible Powerhouse within. He is never at a loss for supply, be it ever so scarce in the markets of the world. ** We dont have to beg and plead and bargain with God, any more than we must beg the sun to shine! The sun shines because its the law of its being to shine, and it cant help it. No more can God help pouring into us unlimited wisdom, life, power - all good - because it is the law of Gods being to do so. ** God implanted in man His perfect image and likeness, with executive ability to carry out all the creative plans of the Great Architect. When man arrives at a certain point in spiritual understanding it is his office to co-operate with the God principle in creation. ** "Faith is the hidden secret to everything; the key that unlocks every door that may exist in the universe; Faith is the perfect way to that inner world from which all things proceed; Faith is the royal path to unbounded power, immeasurable wisdom and limitless love; Faith is the gates ajar to that kingdom which first must be sought if all other things are to be added; Faith is the hidden secret to every desire and need of man......It is this faith that opens the mind to the limitless


possibilities of the Great within and gives to man that something through which he may become as great as he ever may desire to be." = Christian D. Larson = **


Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes destiny. = Frank outlaw =

What man is and what man does determines in what condition, circumstance and environment he shall be placed. To change himself man must change his thought because man is as he thinks. And since man can change both himself and his thought, he can determine what his fate is to be. You cannot change the thoughts you have had in the past that have created your circumstances of today. You can, however, change your thoughts today that are now creating your circumstances of tomorrow. Who you are today is the result of your past thoughts. All of your current surroundings are the result of your past thoughts.


"Throughout all history, the great wise men and teachers, philosophers, and prophets have disagreed with one another on many different things. It is only on this one point that they are in complete and unanimous agreement. We become what we think about." = Earl Nightingale = Every moment is a new moment and a new opportunity to choose new thoughts and create a new future. By changing your thoughts, you change your energy vibration, therefore changing what you attract, both now and in the future. You are the master of your thoughts; your thoughts are not the master of you. Master your thoughts and you master your life. The power of words is infinite. Word itself is God - Sabda Brahman. In the beginning there was the word. The word was with God. The word was God. The power of word is not merely an idle phrase or form of expression. It is a real mental, spiritual, scientific fact, and can become vital and powerful in your hands and in every ones hands in just the degree that we understand the Omnipotence of the thought forces, and rise all to the higher planes. The first form which thought will find is language or words. This determines the importance of words. They are the first manifestation of thought, the vessels in which thought is carried. They take hold of the ether and by setting it in motion reproduce the thought to others in the form of sound. Words are only thoughts taking form. It is with words that we express our thoughts. Words, are therefore an invisible and invincible power which will finally objectify themselves in the form they are given. In every word there is the power germ that expands and projects itself in the direction your word indicates, and ultimately develops into physical expression. For example, you wish to establish joy in your consciousness. Just repeat the word joy secretly, persistently and emphatically. The joy germ begins to expand and project itself until your whole being is filled with joy. Everyone knows that joy comes from within. Joy is a state of consciousness and consciousness is purely mental. There is nothing truer than that the quality of thought which we entertain correlates certain externals in the outside world. This is the Law from which there


is no escape. And it is this Law, this correlation of the thought with its object that from time immemorial has led the people to believe in the special providence.=Wilmans= This method of repeating the word makes the word in all of its limitless meaning yours, because words are the embodiment of thoughts, and thought is creative, neither good nor bad, simply creative. It is because of this ever present Creative Power within the heart of the word that makes your health, your peace of mind and your financial condition a reproduction of your most habitual thought. Try to believe and understand this and you will find yourself Master of every adverse circumstances or conditions. This mastering is to be accomplished by knowledge, and the only knowledge which will afford this purpose in all its measureless power is the knowledge of your relationship with the Universal Spirit or God and Its reciprocity to your personality. In other words, the words you think, the personality you feel yourself to be, are all reproductions in miniature form of the Universal Spirit or God. All your word-thoughts were God word-forms before they were yours. The words you use are the instruments, channels, through which the Creative Energy takes shape. Naturally, this sensitive Creative Power can only reproduce in accordance with the instrument though which it passes. All disappointments and failures are the result of endeavoring to think one thing and produce another. This is just as impossible as it would be for an electric fan to be used for lighting purpose, or for water to flow though a crooked pipe in a straight line. The water must take the shape of the pipe though which it flows. Even more truly this sensitive, invisible Divine inflow must reproduce outwardly the shape of the thought-word though which it passes. This is the law of its nature; therefore, it logically follows, As a man thinketh, so is he. Hence, when your thought or word-form is in correspondence with the Eternal constructive and forward movement of the Universal Law, then your mind is the mirror in which the Infinite Power and Intelligence of the Universe sees Itself reproduced, and your individual life becomes one of harmony.


It should be steadily borne in mind that there is an Intelligence and Power in all nature and all space that is always creative and infinitely sensitive and responsive. The responsiveness of its nature is two fold; it is creative and amenable to suggestion. Once the human understanding grasps this all important fact, it realizes the simplicity of the Law of Life. This is the reason why faith builds up and fear destroys. "If there is one word that you find coming out like a bomb from the Upanishads, bursting like a bombshell upon masses of ignorance, it is the word fearlessness. Be brave! Be strong! Be fearless! Once you have taken up the spiritual life, fight as long as there is any life in you. Even though you know you are going to be killed, fight till you are killed. Dont die of fright. Die fighting. Dont go down till you are knocked down." = Swami Vivekananda = Only believe and all things are possible unto you. It is faith that gives you dominion over every adverse circumstances or conditions. It is your word of faith that sets you free, not faith in any specific thing or act, but simple faith in your best self in all ways. A man of faith is invincible. He can turn the tides of history. And this faith comes out of the knowledge that there always is the Self, the ever present Divinity within which is the repository of all strength and bliss. Faith is not belief; it is a grasp on the Ultimate, an illumination. = Swami Vivekananda = Your Word is just like a seed which you have put into the ground, and all that you need to do is to keep it from being trampled upon by doubts and fears and worry, and to see that the sun and dew of an active faith nourish it until it come to fruition. Given herein are a few powerful words which will nourish the life force within you. Live in these words; dwell on them; demand from them; pray for them. Make this your daily habit and, if possible, repeat them before going to sleep or immediately after you wake up in the morning.
















































These qualities will come to you; slowly at first, but every atom gained gives man increased strength to draw more. You may add to these your own words which, you think, could give you those qualities. To him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. = Jesus = To him that hath shall be given means one who has any quality of mind also has the ability to increase that quality; it will grow in him. To him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath is the opposite, that is, one loses whatever concentration power he possess by the force of attraction which constantly adds to the hurrying, scattering conditions of mind. ** The mind has been likened to a piece of paper that has been folded. Ever afterwards it has a tendency to fold in the same crease unless we make a new crease or fold, when it will follow the last lines. And the creases are habits every time we make one it is so much easier for the mind to fold along the same crease afterwards. Let us make our mental creases in the right direction. = William W. Atkinson = **



Opportunity follows perceptions, action follows inspiration, growth follows knowledge and eminence follows progress. It is always the spiritual first then the transformation into the infinite and illimitable possibilities of achievement. = Charles F Haanel =

Life is a store house of energy and man has to learn to tap this energy to find his place in the Universe. Our awareness and existence depends on the development of this energy. This energy will help man overcome barriers that divide people. We are all of the same energy. Our differences are in form and matter, not in energy and substance. We all share the same purpose for living whether we realize it or not. That purpose is to experience life in its fullness; to awaken the Divinity within us and allow It to work for us; to discover and strive to let unfold that perfection which is at the very core of our being; to recognize the same perfection in our fellow-men with whom we share life, so as to help them on the path to discovering it for themselves. We share a worthy purpose. If man is to evolve further, it can only be by conscious co-operation with the law which has brought him up to the standpoint where he is able to realize that such a law exists. His evolution in the future must be conscious participation in the great work, and this can only be possible by his own individual intelligence and effort. It is a process of individual growth. No one else can grow for us; we must each grow for ourselves; and this intelligent growth consists in our increasing recognition of the Universal Laws, which has brought us as far as we have yet got, and of our own individual relation to those laws, based upon the fact that we


ourselves are the most advanced product of them. It is a great truth that Nature obeys us precisely in proportion as we obey Nature. We all want to enjoy life and liberty. We want freedom in our affairs as well as in our consciousness, and it is natural that we should. Opulence is the law of the Universe, an abundant supply for every need, if nothing is put in the way of its coming. The natural and normal life for us is this - to have such fullness of life and power. By living so continually in the realization of our oneness with the Infinite Spirit we find ourselves in the constant possession of an abundant supply of all things needed. As we grow in the understanding as to who we are, where we came from, and what the purpose of our being is and how we are to fulfill the purpose for which we are intended, we will more and more afford a center through which the All Originating Spirit or God can enjoy Itself. And we will realize that there can be but one God filling all space, which is the same in its potentiality whether Universal or individual. God had faith when He imaged man and the Universe and through His faith brought all things into being. Man, being a part of God, must also have his creations on faith as the only foundation. We all have faith, for it is innate in every man. How we may put it to work in our affairs is the only question we have before us. If one understands that it is the power of the Infinite Spirit or God in man which originates, creates, directs and forms, then there seem to be nothing whatsoever for man to do in this great scheme of things to enjoy life, if he can only learn how. The sum and substance of the thought presented in these pages is, you will remember, that the great central fact in human life is the coming into a conscious, vital realization of our oneness with the Infinite Spirit, God and the opening of ourselves fully to Its Divine Inflow. This mighty truth, our oneness with our Creator God, is the central fact of human life that runs through all religions. This is the great fact that is permanent.


As long as you live merely in the physical and the intellectual, you set limitations to yourself that will hold you so long as you live. When, however, you come into the realization of your oneness with the Infinite Life and Power and open yourself that it may work through you, you will find that you have entered upon an entirely new phase of life, and that an ever increasing power will be yours. This conscious realization of our oneness with the Infinite Spirit or what we usually call God is of all things the one thing to be desired; for when this oneness is realized and lived in, all other things follow in its train. There are no desires that shall not be realized, for God has planted in the human breast no desire without its corresponding means of realization. I AM is a power packed proclamation. I AM is not only the Divinity within us but also an expression of what we believe to be true about ourselves and what we believe to be true about ourselves is what determines the entire course of our lives. Our belief system is a composite of ideas which we accept as true or real. These ideas form a pattern of thinking to which our Inner Self responds. Ideas and beliefs to which we direct our attention consciously and repeatedly will eventually feed into our Inner Self where they continue to work until we find ourselves acting out these ideas and beliefs automatically and unconsciously. This is how all habits are formed. If we focus our attention upon the thoughts of truth, abundance, health and wholeness, harmony and success, this will manifest in our affairs because we have formed the habit of using our thoughts for the right purpose. It is therefore important that we incorporate into our belief system, the fact that we are individual expressions of the Infinite Spirit or God. So, whenever you proclaim, I AM, make certain it is followed by an affirmation of Truth, I mean a positive statement about your true nature, about your Inner Being which is perfect and complete in and of Itself because It is an expression of God and hence knows only abundance, success, health, harmony. It only knows Itself which is God in every respect.


And the most powerful statement of proclamation depicting the true nature of your being is: I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, happy and harmonious. In order to disburden my mind of certain thoughts that clamored for utterance, I wrote this book; for I wanted to give to the world something; something that I felt mankind must have; something that will aid them in their march upward and onward; something that will uplift and benefit humanity something of permanent value. It is my intention to experience the joy of living by sharing what I have so that others may benefit and partake of whatever little knowledge that I have gained thus far. I have written this book with the sole thought of reaching the hearts of the people, giving them something of vital value, something that will broaden, sweeten, enrich and beautify their lives; that will lead them to the finding of the higher life and with it the higher powers and the higher joys. I have tried my utmost to make every phase of this work (I mean this Book) as useful as possible, to make everybody feel that there is something in them, not a single statement has been written that all cannot understand and not a single idea has been presented that anyone cannot apply to everyday life. It is my earnest desire to encourage as many people as possible to study and apply these greater powers within them so that they may become grater and richer and more worthy as individuals; It is my intention to awaken within each individual a feeling that we are many times as great and as capable as we thought we were. I am sure that not a single individual can fail to realize his wants and reach his goal after he has learned how to use the powers that are in him. Through this little volume of this simple book, it is my endeavor to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the great truth, the greatest thing ever known to mankind, and an awakening to this truth would help everyone access to an Inexhaustible Power that they possess within them and the use of which for legitimate purpose can make anyone literally a God-man.


There are no desires that shall not be satisfied to the one who knows and who wisely uses the powers with which he is endowed. Perhaps you have a big desire which you would give your life to have fulfilled. In reality, it is only necessary for you to give a few moments each day to earnest effort, in getting into the spirit of this idea of God and living in it every waking hour. To obtain continuous good results it is of paramount importance that you properly understand your relation to this Great Power that dwells within you. Unless your faith is built upon the solid foundation of absolute conviction, you will never be able to make practical use of it. Thought is a form of energy, a rate of vibration, but a thought of the Truth is the highest rate of vibration known and consequently destroys every form of error in exactly the same way that light destroys darkness; no form of error can exist when the Truth appears, so that your entire mental work consists in coming into an understanding of the Truth. This will enable you to overcome every form of lack, limitation or disease of any kind. An understanding of the Truth, I believe, is the Secret which the entire mankind is a-seeking. By the establishment of truthfulness, the yogi gets the power of attaining for himself and others the fruits of work without the works (Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali), and commenting upon this Swami Vivekananda says, When this power of truth will be established with you, then even in dream you will never tell an untruth; in thought, word or deed, whatever you say will be truth. You may say to a man Be blessed and that man will be blessed. If a man is diseased, and you say to him, Be thou cured he will be cured immediately. The Science of God is one science that embraces all sciences and is relevant to human life. It is in the mastery of the Science of Thought, I mean scientific correct thinking, through the Science of God that there is opportunity for unending progression. The Science of God is the Mother of All Knowledge and is truly a noeffort, fail-proof success mechanism and so radical that you can toss aside all traditional self-improvement and other positive thinking books or programs that you have purchased or attended and that never delivered what you wanted. It is


a guaranteed no-nonsense way to get the right results you want. With an understanding of the Science of God one may Decree any thing, and it shall be established unto thee and when it becomes fully operational, you will find that the things you seek are seeking you. This Inner Being, this Inner Intelligence, the Divinity within you is your very own Success Mechanism and is your inheritance. You are the heir! All you have to do is assert yourself, take possession, and use It. You must use It; for use is the condition on which you hold It. To neglect It is to loose possession. You can assert your right, take possession and use this rich inheritance. Power over circumstances is one of the fruits; health, harmony and prosperity will be the assets. It offers you poise and peace. It will cost you only the labour of studying and harvesting Its great resources. It demands no sacrifice, except the loss of your limitations, your weakness fear and worry. But, you must earnestly desire It; you must assert your claim; you must take possession. This Creative Power within you, the Divinity within you is impersonal and your ability to think is your ability to control It and make use of It for the benefit of yourself and others. Just practice this system. You may seem to attain results slowly, but that is the best reason for sticking closely and not changing your mind. Remember that there is always a time gap between the period of sowing and the period of reaping. A Chinese proverb says: Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still. You may not succeed the first time you try but practice makes perfect, in this as in everything. Anything is a cinch when you take it by the inch! No one can climb a mountain in a single leap, but taking one step at a time men have scaled Mount Everest! A great locomotive starts from the depot, moving slowly at first, but when it gains in momentum it speeds down the track like a streak. Thus it is with you.


It is results in practical life that we want and we are not true to ourselves or the humanity until we learn to use the powers within us so effectively that the greater results possible within the possibilities of human nature are secured. Life is growth and the object of right thinking is to promote that growth. Life becomes the way it is lived; and man may live the life he wants to live when he learns to think what he wants to think. Create your own thought and you become what you want to become because your thought creates you. We all know that man is as he thinks. Then we must think only such thoughts as tend to make us what we wish to be. The secret of right thinking is found in always keeping the minds eye stayed upon the greater and the better in all things. Whenever you think or whenever you feel, whenever you speak or whenever you act or whatever may be taking place in your life, your supreme idea should be that you are above it all, superior to it all, and have control of it all. You simply must take this higher ground in all action, thought and consciousness before you can take control of yourself and direct the forces you possess. You must constantly know what you are and what you want and you must constantly be determined to secure what you want. Be loyal to the All Originating Spirit, God and the adverse conditions, if any, will break up. Then the true light will come and the Invisible Power you have been faithfully affirming will begin to reveal Itself to you in all Its fullness of Good. Persist, persist and yet again persist, in your steady recognition of the Truth that the actual purpose of the Divine in having projected YOU into being from Its own Bosom was this and this only: That it might continually flow through you as consciousness, and that it might always specialize in you as health, wealth, peace and joy! Only believe in the God within. All things are possible to them that believe. ** Take up an idea, devote yourself to it, Struggle on in patience, and the Sun will rise for you. = Swami Vivekananda =




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