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Lesson 1

STUDY 3 /3 V

This Is A Sacred Document, Upon Which You Must Vow Silence. "The Pledge Of Silence" I Stand To Witness That The Documents I Am To Receive Are Sacred Documents Upon Which I Vow Silence. In All Honesty, I Vow Not To Reveal To, Duplicate, Disclose, Discuss, Tape Or Transmit These Documents To None! Neither Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Daughter Or Son. I Overstand That To Progress Spiritually On The Path Of Intellect, I Must Not Break My Vow Of Silence, Instead, I Must Help To Preserve These Sacred Documents In Their Pure Form. I Vow Not To Misinterpret And Incorrectly Practice The Teachings Taught To Me By My Spiritual Guide, And I Vow To Keep These Degrees Solely For Personal Use. In The Event That I Am No Longer A Member Of This Divine Order, I Vow To Return All Of The Sacred Tools In My Possession."

Having Taken Your Vow Of Silence You May Continue On! Beloved Keeper Of The Secrets This Is One Of The Secret Documents You Will Receive From The Ancient Mystic Order Of Melchizedek (A.M.O.M. Or O.M.) You Have Vowed Not To Reveal The Contents Of These Sacred Documents To Anyone, And Farther Along You Will Better Overstand The Reason Why.
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Symbols Within - And Their Meaning Trillions Of Years Ago, Before Human Beings Were Created In The Physical Form Upon Gi (O-R Earth, Also Known As The Blue Rock, Tiamat, Amtu, Tiwawat.), There Existed Supreme Beings Or Eloheem. These Beings Were Also Known As, Nephilim (1n3DD) And The Sons Of God (Banu Ha-Eloheem, 1nU7DH rQJWithln The Hebrew's Lesser Mysteries Called The Torah,Genesis 6:4. They Were Also Known As Angelous(AyyeAocu) And Thehos (uEow) Within The Christian's Lesser Mysteries The New Testament, Matthew 1:20, As Malaa'ikat (JhedBl) Or Alihaat (Nhigh)Within The Muhammadans Lesser Mysteries Called The Koran 2:102 Originally 87:102, And Anunnagi In The Gilgamish Epics And Akkadian Tablets Of The Sumerians. ANU A'lyun A'lyun El Endowed These Supreme Beings With Superior Knowledge, For He Knew That Eventually The Time Would Come When They, The Eloheem Would Have To Descend Upon This Planet Gi (&, Earth), In Order To Guide Its Inhabitants Back Toward Their Home, In And Beyond The Stars; Thereby, Helping Them To Become Once Again, The Eloheem Of Pure Green Essence, The Emerald Stone Ethereal Energy That They Once Were. But First, One Must Be Sent To Prepare A Way, And That One Is Your Guide Melchizedek
And So It Was ... For Once Humans Became Successor Over (Oft) Gi "Earth", The.y Gradually Forgot That Their Purpose In Life Was To Gain Their Way Back As Each Individual Towards, ANU A'lyun A'lyun El And Instead, They Became Engrossed In "Their" Desires. While In Pursuit Of Physical Gratification And Material Gain, Humans Forgot The Pure Beings They Once Were, And Forgot Who's Image And After Who's Likeness They Were Formed Of (El's Holy Tablets Chapter 1 Tablet 14). As A Result Humans Strayed From The Original Laws And The Path Of Spiritual Perfection, Which Was Given To Them By ANU A'lyun A'lyun El. Humans Have Forgotten That The Life Of This World Is Only Temporary; A Short Stop For Rest On A Long, Hard Journey. It Was Then That ANU A'lyun A'lyun El Of The Universe Personified Those Supreme Beings From The Great Circle With Responsibilities For Children Of The Eloheem In This Solar System.










Hanuy Fakut Haza Ane Wajadtu, Dek A'lyun A'lyun El Sanity Humim Fa Dek Hum Yakul Tabu' Tadulun Sabul, Lakun Dek Hum Tuleba Badalan Katur Humim Suneba Tarugaat. "Behold, Only This Have I Found, That A'lyun A' him El Has Formed Humans So That They May Follow A Straight Path, But That They Have Sought Instead, Many Human Made Ways. " Maskun Shil A'shug "Abode Of Love"
...0.53. page 3_ By The Hand Of Your Spiritual Guide

Lesson 1
STUDY 3 fl

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The Eloheem whom A'lyun A'lyun El Instructed In The Mysteries Of Life, And Whom He Personified Upon Gi (Oft, Earth), Were Elders; Also Known As d-MUMMiLO-fc Anunnagi (Those Beings From Anu Sent Down To (Ji), In Ancient Sumeria, The First Ones, The Ancient Ones, The Original Kssenes. These Beings Conferred With The 24 Council, Who In Turn Conferred With The 144,000. It Is These Eloheem That Inspired A Few Chosen Leaders Toward (iu-au-i ( >vri standing. So That They In Turn, Could Lead The Children Of The Eloheem Toward The Higher Ways, By Re-Aligning Themselves With Nature. By I ' , kiiulliii)' .Tin- I v.,-ii. , ( )| llufus A'shug (Td-alT^ UVLTO, "Divine Love") The I 1 .1. r. W n r Only Ahlc- l < > I . ' . u h A Chosen Few, For Although Many Were Called, There Were
I rw Wlin( IVtlll

n \ T VRd V d
II ii Iliiliint El

LDX4.T V- (I
Cave Temple Found In Ajanta, India Temple Of Amun-Ra In Karnak

Aliyuret Shil Ma'lumaun Humim Uwah Hayurun Masulat Izu

IM/.H/ l>i-k Mul El Shainuslt Uwah ElAah. I / \nfirriorily Of A Learned Human Otter A Mere Worshipper Is Like That Of The Sun Over The Moon. " By The Hand Of Your Spiritual Guide

1(1 Oldtii To leach Humans The Knowledge Of The Universe, Thereby Enabling Him To ll Thill Their Is More To Life Than The Immediate Pleasures And Luxuries Which This i.i| Hmih I'n Offer, It Became Necessary To Establish "Mystery Sites Of Higher HlltlM'" 11., i . Writ' Mystery Sites Inside The Great Pyramids Of Ancient Tama-Re Wrongfully ill : MKt<''<>* III Greek, Misr In Ashuric/Syriac Arabic, Mitsrayim In Aramic (Hebrew) And n Kemel TheM Temples Which Housed Ancient Kosmosan Mysteries, And Various "din Ul ilttnijjhl Wen- In Various Temples Found In Mu, Karnak, Know Also As Nubia.

Step Pyramid Found At Saqqara, Egypt

Years Ago, Those Interested In The Teachings Would Journey To These Mystery Sites In Order To Be Instructed, But As Years Passed And Times Changed It Became Necessary To Establish Different Forms Of Communications. No Longer Were Human Beings Able To Travel Great Distances In Order To Sit At The Feet Of The Masters And Study Diligently Day After page 5 iL.a.O./fl

irjllft, lll>*<l, l'ur*ln, liullu And Elsewhere.


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Lesson 1

Day And Year After Year. Instead, The Teachings Had To Be Brought To Them. Thus, You Now Receive The Teachings In The Mail, And In Addition, There Are Sites Established Which One Can Perform Spiritual Ceremonies That Can Aid Them In Realigning Themselves With El Kuwnaat (V <X TLOKMiLd-i, The Kosmos), Such As The Maguraj, (^iLOLTQ d,d. The Journey Within) Performed At El Aswud Mir (V <T d-^XLTQ fc 1 , The Black Pyramid), And (Alignment Time) Where Kosmosans Also Walke The Labyrinth Around El Aswud Mir (^ d d-^X IT Q fc q , The Black Pyramid) To Reconnect Himself With His Etheric Parents. These Cites Are Available At Little Egypt Of The West, Called Tama-Re. Those Disciples Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek Are Able To Performed Their Various Sacred Rituals Within The Temple I'enihetep At The Sacred Lodge, El Wasct, Lodge #19 Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizcdek A.M.O.M. This Temple Was Inspired By The Universal Order Of Love, Or The iL^TLTH Vfcd T4.Q LT^ Maskun Shil Hadus A'shug "Abode Of Divine Love" . T 4-Q LT^ B VLTO I Indus A'shug Means "Divine Love, Excessive Love, Spiritual Passion" And Complete Devotion. And It Is With This Type Of Love That A True Kosmosan Seeks His Or Her Place With ANU, A'lyun A'lyun El B VUO Ashug "I^ove", Kosmosan, Is A Force Which Transcends All Other Emotions. It Is A Force Which Has The Power To Heal, To Destroy And Unite. When Together All Human Beings Learn To Embrace Love, Then And Only Then Will The Universe Sing in Harmony. The Love 1 Am Referring To Is Not The Type Of Love That One Has For His Next Of Kin - That Type Of Love You Can Show With Little Effort For It Is A Natural Feeling Within That Pours Out Instinctively. The Love I Am Speaking Of Is The Emotion Which Awakens Your Heart And Allows You To Soar Fearlessly, Full Of Strength And Confidence, Through The Heights Of The Soul And Its Seven Inner Hearts Of Which We Will Teach You In Later Studies. El Waset, Lodge #19 Is The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek's Place Of Fervent Devotion. It Is The Corner Of The Ancient & Mystic Order. It Is A Great Seat Of Divine Knowledge Wisdom And Overstanding The Pure Reasoning. As You Stand At The Gates Of This Great Temple Of I'emhetep, You Immediately Sense A Presence Of Great Power, Not The Power Of One, But The Power And Strength Of Many. The Unity And Oneness That This Temple Projects Is So Strong That You Are Overwhelmed By A Feeling Of Encouragement And Warmth, Even Excitement. You Feel Safe And Secure. Mesmerized By This Prevailing Mystique, Your Eyes Explore This Room Which Is Full Of Secrets, And In Your Curlousity You Learn And Come To Overstand The Meaning Of All The Symbols Within The Walls Of This Most Sacred And Blessed Temple.

, Incense)
The First Thing You Notice As You Stand At The Gateway Of The Room Is The Sweet Smell Of Incense. As Your Sense Of Smell Causes Your Eyes To Wander In Search Of The Spot That Emits This Sweet Scent, You Suddenly See Smoke Rising From Two Large Incense Holders In The Front Of The Room. Incense, Beloved Kosmosan, Is A Mixture Of Aromatic Gums And Spices Which When Burned Produce A Fragrance That Perfumes The Room. In Our Abode Of Love, The Burning Of Incense Symbolizes, The Adoration Of Laahuwt (<T iLd-TLTXi, The Master Abode), The Purification Of The Mind, The Attunement Of The Body To The Universe And The Protection Of The Rawuh 4-X( ITT, Soul) And Nafus (H d-<9 LT^, Spirit).

Temple Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek

The Sense Of Shamuy (ViDSU'-f, Smell) Is The Most Suggestive. It Has A Way Of Whispering Certain Things To One's Mind, Both Consciously And Subconsciously. The Sense Of Smell Without A Doubt Influences The Emotional State Of The Being, And Thereby Puts The Body Into Various Types page 7_

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Lesson 1 STUDY 3

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STUDY 3 Q V q LT^ * Of Moods. Incense Transforms Your Emotions In Amazing Ways. It Is Able To Put The Mind Into Either A Towb (ZQWir, Benevolent) Or Weh ( W V T , Malevolent) Frame, Thereby Creating Agreeable Or Disagreeable Moods. It Is Able To Lower Your Countenance Until You Are Sad Or Even Acting Animalistic. Or It Can Soothe Your Being And Put You At Peace With Yourself And Your Surroundings. Witches, Warlocks And Sorcerers Burned Fennel, Hemlock, Coriander, Sulfur, Dragon's Blood And Wormwood Just To Name A Few. The Incense Burned In The Upper Room Prepares The Body To Receive The Vitality Of The Mind And Soul. Its Burning Produces Vapors Of Ether-Like Oils Which Have Antiseptic Properties Which Help Cure The Unseen Ailments Of The Body. Thereby Dispersing All Weaknesses. This Causes The Body To Become Physically Aware And Puts The Body In Such A State That It Causes The Heart To Rejoice, Allowing You To Worship And Prostrate In Reverence To The Maintainer And Provider Of All Good Things. You Are Able To Give Reverence To ANU, A'lyun A'lyun El With A Deep Sound Mind, And Apologetic Sense. The Evitable Outcome Is Preservation And Salvation For The Spirit And The Soul.

El Sabul ( V <r

, The Path)

Having Found The Reservoir Of This Sweet Smell, You Now Enter The Temple. As You Take Your First Few Steps, The Room Is Slightly Lit By Gold Antique Cultural Chandeliers To Create An Ambiance Of Peace And Tranquility. The Lower Part Of The Walls Are Decorated In Cultural Designs With The Names Of The Most High, Engraved In Nuwaubic Script. Above The Script Are Pictures Of Your Ancient Ancestors, Who Are The Eloheem, Or Anunnagi. These Beings Are Responsible For Creation And Have Descended To Earth To Teach You And Leave You A Legacy Which Will One Day Lead You Back To Them, Your Etheric Parents. It Is Within Your Ancient Ancestors Who I Call Descendants That You Shall Receive Your Spiritual Guidance And Strength. Circular Meditation Mats Are Placed On The Floor When Ceremonies Are To Be Performed . As You Enter The Sacred Temple Of I'emhetep, The Path Upon Which You Are Walking, Beloved Kosmosan, Is Symbolic Of The Path Upon Which You Will Travel As You Journey On The Road Toward Nafusal Thahun (<A.&\S--4-<t Od-TLTH, Spiritual Intellect). The First Road You Have Taken Or Will Take Will Be That Of The Sufi Order Of The Sons Of The Green Light. This Is An Islaamic Order Which Was Adapted From The Order Of The Essenes. The Second Road Towards Higher Learning Is The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek, A Hebraic Order Whose Teachings Are Also Essene page 9 d.. >4.0. >J.

Bekhur ("i- V X-U q , Incense)

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QV q STUDY 3 Mased. Your Final Journey Into Higher Knowledge Would Be To Seek Out The Order Called The Ancient Egiptian Order. Unlike The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek Which Was A Continuation Of The Sons Of The Green Light, The Ancient Egiptian Order Or A.E.O. Is A Totally Seperate Mystical Fraternity Not In Any Way Affiliated With The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek. It Is An Order Which Is Found On The Sacred Priniciples Of Ancient Egypt.

The Temple Is Specifically Painted In Subtle Earth Colors Instead Of Loud Colors Which Can Be A Distraction And May Create A Negative Atmosphere. Contrary To What Most People Think There Is Really No Such Thing As Color. Color As We Know It Is Really Vlbrational Waves Of Energy From The Rays Of The Sun. The Hues Of These Waves Are Determine By Their Speed. The Sky Appears To Be Blue Because That Is The Wave Of Energy That You Receive First. The Word Color Come From The Latin Word Colorem Meaning "Color Of The Skin, Color In General, Appearance," The Greek Word For Color Is Kroma (Eppa) Which Means "Surface Of The Body, Skin, Color Of The Skin". In Nuwaubic The Word For Color Is Lawun (<T What Is Color? The Word Color Is Generally Used With Reference To The Sensation Which The Brain Receives When The Retina Of El Ayun (V <T E-f Ut/1, The Eye) Is Stimulated By Light Of A Particular Color. In Other Words, When You Look At An Object. You See It In Terms Of The Light Reflected From It. When Light Is Reflected From An Object, It Travels To The Retina Which Is The Sensitive Area At The Back Of The Eye. The Light Forms An Image There, And The Nerves In The Retina Sends The Image To The Brain. The Retina Has Two Types Of Cells Which Respond To Light Rays. One Type Of Cell Is Called Rods And The Other Is Called Cones. The Rods Are Very Sensitive In Dim Light Rays, But Do Not Respond To Colors Which Explains Why You Cannot See Color In Dim Light, Whereas, The Cones Which Respond Only To Stronger Light Provide Your Color Vision. Light As You Know It, Travels In Waves Going From Long Wavelength To Short Wavelength Called "Rays" From Ra "The Sun Deity Of Ancient Tama-Re "Egypt". Sunrays Comes From Ra, And Another Way To Pronounce Ra Is Re. It's Pronounced As Ra, Rah Or Re Equaling Ray. The Nuwaubic Word For "See" Is Nazur (HiLAUq).


Dispersion Breaks Multi Wavelength White Light Into Its Component Colors, Or Spectrum There Are Those Lights Whose Wavelengths Are Too Long And Others Whose Wavelengths Are Too Short To Be Seen By The Naked Eye, Such As, Ultra Violet Light (Black Light) Or Infra-Red Light. Violet Light Has The Shortest Wavelength Per Inch And Red Light Has The Longest. When A Narrow Beam Of The White Light Passes Through A Transparent Prism, It Spreads Out Into A Band Of Colors Called A Spectrum. These Colors Are The Same As That Of A Rainbow. As The Colors Blend Together, They Run From Violet Through Blue, Green And Yellow To Red. By Using A Prism To Form A Spectrum, One Leams That White Light Is A Mixture Of Many Colored Lights And That You Can Make Colored Lights From White Light And Make White Light By Mixing Colored Lights. Out Of The Seven Colors Which Are Formed By The White Light As It Passes Through The Prism (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo And Violet). When You See Full Spectrum Light In Its Physical State, It Manifests As Blackness. That Is, All Light And Color Combined Are Blackness. Primary Colors There Are Two Kinds Of Primary Colors. Primary Colors Only Means That Many Colors Can Be Produced By Mixing Those Three Colors Together. The Primary Colors Of Light Are Edum (V- Q LT2 Red), Akhdur (X, Q IT Q , Green) And Azrug (4.^ P ITO, Blue), Whereas, The Primary Colors Of Paint Are Edum (V Q U~>J, Red), Asfur (4-^.9 IT Q , Yellow) And Azrug (4.^, q LTO- Blue). You Can Form Colored Lights By Blending Groups page 11 4.. a .0.53.

Amun-Ra "The Sun Deity"

Lesson 1
V Q STUDY 3 Of Colors From The Spectrum. For Example, If You Take About A Third Of The Spectrum At The Red And Blend Its Colors, You Will End Up With Red Light. If You Take A Third OfThe Spectrum At The Violet End, The Blended Light Will Be Blue, And If You Take The Middle Third Of The Spectrum, Its Colors Will Blend To Form Green Which Brings Us To The Significance OfThe Color Green.
Although You Can Make The Color Akhdur (d,X fl IT P, Green) For Painting By Combining The Colors Yellow And Blue, There Is Also A "True Green." This True Green Is The Color Which One Sees Through The Prism And In The Rainbow, The Color Green Has Been Used In Our Temple Of Wisdom, For Green Represents Growth, Youth, Hope And Vitality. Green Is Also The Color Of The Hadus Qatum (7 4, Q U^ IPiLiLDfl , Divine Melanin) Manifested On The Planet Gi (Oft, Earth) Plane As Green. Green Is Also The Color Of Growth And Vegetation, It Is Also A Color Which Represents Healing. For Example, When The Gi (Oft, Earth) Does Not Get Its Water, It Becomes Dry As Sand, But Once It Replenishes In The Sun's Rays And In The Cool And Nourishing Rain, It Becomes Green With Life. When The Nile Overflows, The River Banks Of Sand Then Begin To Grow And Heal, ) Giving Rise To Vegetation. Thus, Green Symbolized Rebirth, Life, And It Has Life Preserving ,j Powers. From The Highest Master On The 19th Degree Whose Name Is Shaykh Khidr "The i Green Elder", Melchizedek Otherwise Known As "The Ancient Of Days, Emanates An , Akhdur Halut (iLX-Q U P 74-<T Ui, Green Aura), Originally Manifested In A Olive Tone. His Is The Halut (7 d-ff Ui, Aura) Which All Kosmosans Try To Direct, In Order To Gain Strength And Vitality. Light Is What Makes It Possible To See Color So We Say Light Creates Color. When There Is No Light, There Are No Colors Seen. When There Is No Color, There Is Black, Black Is The State Of Supreme Balance And Eternity (Without Chaos), All Exists As Blackness And Things Are Seen In Light And The Light Is Within AH. Before There Was A Sun, Or An Atom Of Weight From Which Came The Sun, Before There Was A Thought To Be, A Thing And The Thought OfThe Thought To Be A Thing Seen, There Was Blackness. No Time, No Beginning, No End, No Motion; Nothing To Interfere With The Stillness. Just Huwa, The Aumni-Gadur (d.U">!JHfc-O4.Q LTP , Omnipotent, Aum-Nipotent, All Powerful) ANU, Blackness And Eternity. This Was Supreme Balance, KullAlha Fi Kuluwm (TIT (T 4.O4- J ft TLTd LTX 2, All Within All) Then, With A Spark, The Aumni-Gadur (iLLDSHR-OiLQ LTQ , Omnipotent, Aum-Nipotent, All Powerful) Brought Into Existence The Thought Of The Thought To Be. El Kit *'/! (V I T LTX( (A, The Kosmos), The Spark Of Life, That First Spray Of Life Was Called ICI Nawur (V <T M iLX IT P , The Light) And It Was Anu. Anu Expounded On It And As A Result The Atom Became The Sun Called Aiim. Out Of This Sun Generated El Kuwnaat (V- JLT)0(MA.4.i, The Kosmos),!9 Galaxies, One Of Which Is This Galaxy The Milky Way. (Refer To The Holy Tablets Chapter 1:6:41). This, Beloved Kosmosan, Was The Beginning Of The Creation Of Tiamat, Or Later When Cut In Two It Was Called Gi, And The Existence Of Human Beings. The State Aswud, Black) Is As Reminder Of That Which Was Before Your Creation: Supreme page 12_
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Balance And Eternity, And In The Same Manner, The Color Akhdur (4-X- Q LT P , Green) Is Used So That It May Serve As A Reminder To All Devotees, That Green Is Indeed A Color Which Represents Force, Vitality And Healing. As You Walk Down The Path, You See Ahead Of You A Beautiful Platform Whose Mystique Intrigues You. This Platform In Nuwaubic Is Called Dakka ( Q 4-T7~d,). The Three Steps Of The Platform Are Symbolic Of The Three Steps Which Represent The Growth Of A Kosmosan. The Ground Floor Which Represents Step One, Is Symbolic Of Muwlud (X IT)0< <T IT fl , Birth). The First Step (Which Is Actually Step Two) It Is Symbolic Of Nadujet (M4.Q LTdV ., Maturity) And The Second Step (Which Is Actually Step Three) Is Symbolic OfGadeem Zagun (Od. ft V V X ^d-O-LTM , Old Age).


( UX (L IT a


Muwlud (LT)Cr IT Q , Birth), Beloved Kosmosan, Is The Twin Of Death And Is Synonymous With Life. When An Uwlud (LT)C< <T LT B , Child) Is Born, It Is Pure, Gentle And Very Receptive. Whatever Is Given To That Child Will Affect It Always And Create Habits Which It May Not Be Able To Break. If Towb (i0X^, Good) Has Been Given It, It Will Move Away From Weh (X( V T, Evil). And If Weh (X V T , Evil) Has Touched It, It Will Keep Itself Away From Towb (i0X(*-, Good). So It Is With The Soul Which Resides Within You. Only In This Case, The Child Like Qualities In Your Soul Must Wrestle With The Evil That Is Constantly Trying To Penetrate It And With The Fairseeming Illusions Which Cause It To Stray From Its Proper Direction, So That It May Be Born Again In A Pure State. Having Taken A New Breath Of Life, Your New Born Soul Will Then Wriggle From The Womb Of Its Fleshly Nature, As A Phoenix Rises From Its Ashes, So That It Can Be Nursed Into A Growing Spiritually Bound Babe, Within The Petals Of A Lotus As The Birth OfThe Huh Muttajasud (R<t ITT, JSLTiiitciiL^Lrfl , Celestial Being Personified In Human Form) From The Primal Waters, (The Womb Of The Woman). It Will Unfold Itself Pure. Muwlud ( LT)0( <T U fl , Birth) Is The Unfolding Of The Invisible Self Which Is Your Spirit, And The Gates Of Birth Are The Doors To The Inner Mysteries. The Inner Mysteries Can Only Be Overstood When One's Soul Matures.

Muwlud Izu El Wah Ashur Dakhul El Lameedan Shil Hayuh. "Birth Is The First Step Into The School Of Life." By The Hand Of Our Spiritual Guide

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Nadujet (HiLQ LTdV i, Maturity)


ITUDY 3 , A fc


V M i (I iLOLTT V <T diLC U"<T 4.4-i Uid.<r

Maturity, Beloved Kosmosan, Is The Quality Or State Of Being Mature, Which Is To Say Ripe, Experienced. When Your Soul Has Shaken Off The Chains That Had It Bound To The Physical, A Slave To "I" And "Self," When It Has Experienced And Triumphed Over The Tests Of The Desires Of Your Lower Self, When It Has Reached The Pinnacle Of Its Leaps And Bounds, And Itself Stands As A Tree Rooted In Solid Ground, Then And Only Then Can One Say That It Has Matured. Once The Soul Has Matured, Then It Begins To Weigh All Things That Is Does On Scales Of Reasons, And Measures Its Weight By Way Of Its Experiences. The Rawuh ( P dJK UT , Soul) Continues To Grow Inwardly By Way Of Its Inner Senses And Ages With Hakumdum (T d,TlT2 Q LT , Wisdom). And It Is Truly With Age That Hakumdum (TiLJLTa Q IT , Wisdom) Comes.

Fi Zagun Ent Laguh El Jalujaat Shil Khazutun Eza Ent Kawun Hadsuifun Mutalub.
"In Old Age You Receive The Benefits Of A Graduate If You Were An Intuitive Student. "

By The Hand Of Our Spiritual Guide

ELMAZBUH ( THE ALTAR) On The Platform Is The Altar. The Altar Has A Two-Fold Meaning. It Is The Shape Of An Hourglass, A Symbol Of Father Time, Of The Ancient Of Days, And A Symbol Of The Last fcour Before The End Of The Universe Of Physical Death. The Altar Is Also The Shape Of A Figure Eight, Or The Symbol Of Eternity Or Eternal Spiritual Life. Symbolized By The Bow Tie Of The Sacred Dress Of A.M.O.M.

4,04, V (t 2 U^id-d

V fl .

Fi Nadujet Ent Jalus Fi El Fasul Shil Asli Kasubaatuk Atha El Mustalameed.

"In Maturity You Sit In The Class Of Which Your Experiences Are The Teacher."

By The Hand Of Our Spiritual Guide

Gadeem Zagun (O4, Q V V J3 ^ 4,0 ITU, Old Age)
When I Say That The Ra\vnh ( Q 4,)C( LTT , Soul) Ages, I Do Not Mean To Imply That It Becomes Old As Does The Physical Body Of A Person. What I Mean Is That It Is Grown Up, Nourished And An Elder By Space And Time, Wisdom And Intellect... A Soul .That Overstands By Way Of Its Inner Heart. Some Say "The Temple Of The Human Soul Is Built By Three Master Masons Personifying: Hakumdum, A'shug, Wa Khadem (T4,TLT53 Q LTJ3, E-yiTO, X(4, 5C-4-QV-J3, Wisdom, I^ove And Service.) Khadem (X-4.Q V >3, Service) Is The Vehicle By Which One Is Able To Travel, A'shug (^VU"O, Love) Is The Zeal And The Speed One Travels, But Hakumdum Cr4.TLr Q LT, Wisdom) Is The Way One Travels. Hakumdum (T 4,TLT>1 Q U>4 , Wisdom) Makes You Perceptive Of The Source Of All Things, The Aumni-Gadur (4,U~>JH&-O4, Q LT1, Omnipotent, Aum-Nipotent, All Powerful). It Raises Your Intellect Intuitively So That You May Appreciate The Source And Ultimately Come To Know Yourself. page 14_

Symbol Of Eternity

Represented By The Bo w Tie

On The Lower Half Of The Altar Is The Beehive, The House Of The Nahul (MiLT LTd , Bee). It Is Said That Humans Are Distinguished From Other Living Things By ertain Qualities. One Of Those Qualities Is Authority, And Why? Humans Were Given sminion Over The Fish Of The Sea, And Over The Fowl Of The Air, And Over Every Living hing That Moveth Upon The Earth From In The Torah, Genesis 1:26 Of The Hebrews. Human | Was The Authority And All Others Were To Be Submissive To Them. This Quality Also Exists Amongst The Nahulaat (H 4,T LTd 4,4, ., Bees). In The Case Of The Bee, The Leader Is The ?ueen Bee. She Is The Ruler And All Others Are Submissive To Her. i page iS_

Lesson 1 d-.>1.0.>5. STUDY 3 The Bee Is Symbolic Of Industry And Abundance Because The Bee Is So Small; Yet, It Produces An Abundance Of Sweet Delicious A'sul (&'\S , Honey) Which Is A Source Of Healing. A Bee Symbolizes Wisdom Because It Represents A Life Of Discipline. The Beehive Is A Reminder That In Labor, Determination Perseverance And Devotion, One Finds Happiness And Prosperity. The Beehive Is A Symbol Of The "Hall Of The Order" And The Bee At Work Is Each Kharumey (X-iLQ LT V - f , Devotee) And Kosmosan. As Bees Stand Guard Over The Hive And Sacrifice Their Lives Upon Intrusion, So Do The Disciples Of This Order Work And Sacrifice For Spiritual Perfection.
The Bee

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On The Lower Half Of The Mazbuh ( 4-A^-LTT , Altar) Is Also Found The Symbol Huwa ( _o ). This Nubic Symbol (The Language Used In Your First Degree Of Learning Of The Sons Of The Green Light.) Is The Universal Symbol Of Hafus A'shug (T d.3 [f- E VITO-, Divine Love) And Represents "He Who Is"; Huwa (^@). Huwa Representing Hafus A'shug (T 4,a LT-^ SVLTG, Divine Love) Is The Source Of All Things Great And Small. It Is Through Divine Love That All Hate In The World Will Be Conquered. Through The Hafus A'shug (TsLalT^ BVLTO, Divine IMVC) Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizcdck Which Is Channeled From Your Spiritual Guide El Khidr (V- <T T7& Q Q , The Green One)You Will Learn To Bring Back The One Thing That Is Missing In The World Today. Care!

El Mazbuh (V

4,^,-fc-LTT, The Altar)

The Aumni-Hudur The Aumni-Gadur And The Omniscient Orders Exist And To

"He" Is None Of Them, They Are All Of Him; .U"*JM&QTirQ LTQ , Omnipresent, Present Everywhere), pLU~M& O-4-Q L T Q , Omnipotent, Aum-Nipotent, All Powerful), Kim-Niscient, The All Knowing); And The Reason Why All Mystic Kom Their Love Is Directed.

"We" Is The Subject Of All Mystic Expressions And The Object Of All Mystic Xpressions. When The Kosmosans Chant, It Is About:

The Holy Tablets, Chapter One "Khalqu" Tablet 2:114 74.TIT>J Q IT* R^LT 4.M Q ITQ d-dlTQ d4_ Z,U-LTq ITQ , 4,HirV4,4,;

RAIT), 4 4-4, T U ( > 3 V H L r 1 TIT V^I0 d 0V TLT ^AU <t d-<I LTd TU.

Vaa Hu (Menu Izu), Yaa Hu (Menu Izu), Yaa Hu (Menu Izu) Yaa Hu Menu Loe Wahed Baruf Menu Hu Izu Lalul Hu. C) He (Who Is ), O He (Who Is), O He Who (Who Is), O He Who No One Knows Who He Is Except He. TU (VMLT fc^U"), *<Ld, TIT (VMir fc^lT). LTTLT, =

Hakumdum Izu Andur Nim Zumurud, Wa Lissa Hum Atha Wajud Bayna El
Anushaat Menu Jame' Ja El Takhun Hajiiraat.
"Wisdom Is Rarer Than Emerald, And Yet They Are Found Amongst The Women Who Gather At The Grindstones. "
,_ Igc 17

Yaa Hu, Yaa Hu, Yaa Aluhum, Antum Atha Fi Kuluwm O He (Who Is), O He (Who Is), O Aluhum (Eloheem), You All Are In All

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STUDY 3 El Ma-Un Shil Baluhaat Wa Teenaat
"The Bowl Of Figs And Dates" On Top Of The Altar Is A Bowl Of Figs And Dates. The Bowl Is Symbolic Of A Beggar's Vessel Held Out By The Hand, Not Out Of Want, But Out Of Need. The Bowl When Empty Represents The Temple Or The Physical Body, Poor Of Spirit, Aching With Hunger And Thirsty For Intellect. The Body, Alone And Weak, Begs The Rabbaat ( P iL'i-'i-iLd.i, Masters) For Guidance And Cries To The ANU A'lyun A'lyun El For Nourishment. Impoverished, It Remains Weak And Without Strength, Hoping For Deliverance And Salvation. The Bowl Full With Dates And Figs Represents The Temple Or Physical Body Replenished With The Spirit And Saturated With Hafus A'shug (TiLaLT^ PVLTO, Divine Love), Electrified With Energy. Why Dates And Figs? Dates Are The Fruit Of The Palm Tree. They Are Left Upon The Palm Tree After They Are Ripened Until They Have Become Almost Dry. From Dates, Honey Can Be Made Called "Date Honey." Dates Warm The Body, Satisfy Pain And Strengthen The Stomach. They Are Nutritious And A Remedy For Hemorrhoids, Intestinal Disorders, And Bad Thoughts. It Is Even Effective For Reviving A Person Who Has Fainted. Symbolically The Palate Or Roof Of The Mouth Of A New Born Infant Is Rubbed With A Chewed Date, An Act Of Initiation In The Ways Of Life And Its Experiences. When That Child Has Matured And Passes On, That Date Will Keep His Or Her Soul Nourished Until The Soul Ascends To Be Judged To See If It Passed The Test Of Life. Figs Are Like Dates, Very Nourishing. Figs Were Distributed To The Poor In Time Of Famine. In The Bible Times, The Character They Call Noah Took Figs Into The Ark To Nourish His Family And The Animals. Figs Are Easy To Digest And Help To Carry Off Phlegm. They Also Help Remove Obstructions In The Kidneys, Bladder And Liver. They Help To Relieve Inflammation Of The Throat And Lung And Are An Antidote For Swellings. In The Book Of Isaiah Chapter 38:21, Of The Hebrews, Isaiah Used Figs To Cure King Hezekiel Who Was "Sick Unto Death" Of His Boil. There Are Many Kinds Of Figs, That Of The Desert, That Of The Cultivated Land, That Of The Plains And That Of The Mountains. The Figs Tree Sheds Its Leaves In The Winter. Before It Is Covered With Leaves Again, Green Figs Form And Continue To Grow During The Summer. Some Fall Off And Wither, Some Ripen. There Are Those That Ripen Early And Those That Ripen Late. And For This Reason Figs Are Picked Daily Because They Do Not Ripen At The Same Time. Hence, They Are Said To Have "Untimely Fruit". And So Comes The Parable Of The Fig As Found In The Christian Book Of Matthew Chapter 24:32 And In The Book Of Proverbs Chapter 27:18, Books Of The Christians: page 18_ gTUDY 3

ano 8e tr|G3 ai>icr|GJ (j.a0ete TT|V n:apa|3oA.r|v: otav t|5r| o amr|GJ yevriiai arcaXoGJ mi TCX <|n>AAa K<|nyr|, ywooaiceTe oti 9epo03:


" But Now You Must Learn A Parable Of The Fig Tree; When His Branches Become Yet Tender, And Puts Forth It Leaves, You Will Know That Summer Is Near " nd The Proverb 27: 18:

"Whoever Keeps The Fig Tree Will Eat Of The Fruits Of It: So He That Waits On His Adonai " iMrd And Master" Will Be Honoured." Out Of The Nourishment And Wholesome Goodness Of The Figs And Dates, And Masters And Their Disciples Remained Healthy. And For This Reason The Bowl On The Altar Remains Full, For If The Bowl Remains Full, Never Lacking, Them The Temple Or Body Hemains Sounds Physically And Spiritually.


On The Altar Are Four Chalices, Or Cups. One Of labun (d d.*-U"H, Milk), One Of Moya (0-f4-, Water), One Of Nahuth (M4-*-LTC), Wine), And One f A'sul (H^lTd , Honey). The Milk Symbolizes Bteligion, For Once The Veil Of Ignorance Has Been Uciiioved From Your Eyes, You Will Be A Babe Again, ."Nursed" By The Truth Of All Religions Which Is To love The Source Of All Life. Water Symbolizes Purity, Fur Once The Veil Has Been Removed From Your Eyes, Ifou Will Have Been Cleansed OfThe Filth Of The Earth And The Filth By Which It Entices You. Honey Symbolizes Healing, For Once The Veil Has Been Removed From Your Eyes, llfour Gisum (O-R^LT^, Body) Will Be Healed And Your Rawuh (1 d-XUT, Inner Soul) [Will Be Cured Of All Physical Weaknesses. And Wine Symbolizes Rejoicing, For Once You Have Removed The Veil From Your Eyes, You Will Become Intoxicated With The Love That You Have For The Source And The Love That The Source Has For You.

Lesson 1 STUDY 3

4. P

I rsson 1 STUDY 3 Q XTemple Of I'emhetcp At Waset, Lodge #19 Represent This World And The Next. One Needs A Candle In This World To Lead One Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, And One Needs A Candlestick At The Gateway Of The Next World As A Torch To Show One The Way.

E 4.M V- V , fc 4,Mt 3d.^LTq TlTi-lTM V Td-ILDX T 4 . T L T Q U - " Ahdur Rashuf Ma' anee, Li Ane Fafur Kubun Shil Haluw Hakumdum. "Come Sip With Me, For I Prepare A Cup Of Sweet Wisdom. " THE SCRIPTURE On The Altar Opened To A Chosen Page Also Lays The Scripture Of Wisdom That Is The Holy Tablets. This Scripture Of Hakumdum (TiLTLDJ fl ID3, Wisdom] Contains Pure Pages Which Helps One Enter From Ignorance Into Intellect, Aware And Full Of Knowledge. It Is Not A Scripture Read And Easily Overstood By One Whose Third Eye Has Not Yet Opened. It Is A Book That Becomes Overstood As A Disciple Spiritually Progresses. No Longer Will Passages And Verses Remain Allegorical. They Will, In The Mind's Eye, Become Crystal Clear In Meaning. 4.TLTQ TlTd d V H

f e d d ,V M i

ITM d,d 4.

"Ane Ya Rasul Ila Ent Ma'a Sha'alun Ala Haza Tarug Shil Zalumane, A'mud Dabuk Ilanee" "I Am Sent To You With A Torch On This Road Of Ignorance, Stay Close To Me" By The Hand Of Your Spiritual Guide;



LTT -TU ttd, V XiLTVfl, fc 4- -f d, T4.X LH/I , <t LT5t q 4,,

VV- V M i
A/zwJ Humim Katub Katubun Shil Hayuh-Hu Wa Ahud Warug E'ndAtned Janbuaat: El Wahed, Kull Ent Sofa Bahub Liyya Kawun, Wa El Ukhra, She Ent Sofa Kawun . "Each Human Writes A Book Of His Life And Each Page Has Two Sides: The One, All You Would Like To Be, And The Other, What You Will Be. " By The Hand Of Your Spiritual Guide;

Banuraat (-JriLM IT q d_d,i ,Candles) he Top Half pf The Altar Is Decorated With A hree Dimensional Tetrahedran. According To H)e American Heritage Dictionary The Word Tetrahedron Is Defined As: A Polyhedron With Vfrur Facts [Lgk Tetraedron , Ck., Ncut. Of Ti'lracdros, Four-Faced: Tetra -, Tetra- + llcdra. Face Of A Geometric Solid; A Polyhedron Is A Solid Bonded By Polygons; A Closed Plane Figure Bonded By Three Or More lines Segments. The Tetrahedron Is Symbolic K)f The Four Crafts Or Four Winds That Are molding The Earth On Its Orbit At A 23" Degree juis Spoken Of In The Books Of Revelation B:l. These Ships Encircle The Earth Forming A petrahedron Of Electromagnetic Frequency. i eiranearon

Banuraat (ird,HUq
, Candles) On The Platform Are Also Two Candlesticks. A Candle Is A Stick Of Hardened Wax Through Which A Wick Is Placed In Order That It May Be Lit To Give Light, Hence, Candles Shine, Glow Or Burn. In The Past, Candles Were Made Of Wooden Splinters Dipped In Tallow Or The Fat Of Sheep. Later They Were Made Of A Mixture Of Beeswax And Tallow With A Cotton Wick. Some Were Even Made Of The Wax Of Fruits And Berries. Candles Are Symbolic Of Light, Which Brighted The Path Toward Proper Direction And Guidance. It Was By Candles That The Masters Were Taught, And By Candles That The Disciples Studied And Learned. It Was Also By Candles That The Disciples Were Led By Hierophants Own Dim Corridors To Rooms Of Right Wisdom. The Two Candlesticks In The Room Of The page 20 4-..0..

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Lesson 1 iL.2.0.2.

fl 4- P
V q

I rsson 1

Q V 1 LT^ *

In The Center Of The Altar Is An Orb. The Orb Is Symbolic Of Kuwn (TLDKM, Kosmos) And The 360" Degrees Of Knowledge Of Towb (iOXt-, Agreeable Things) And Weh (X( V T , Disagreeable Things). 360 + 360 = 720 Degrees Of Knowledge. As The Kosmosans Raises In Levels From Degree To Degree, 720 Is What They Will Be. 360 Degree Master The Physical And All 360 Degree Opens The Way To The Spiritual Hall; 3 And 6 Equals 9, 3 And 6 Equals 9.9 + 9 Equals 18. 1 And 8 Equals 9. 7 And 2 Equals 9; 9 To The 9th Power Of 9 Or 9. 9' At This Point, You Become "Master" Over Space And Time, Knowing No Depth, Nor Height, As You Are Raised Out Of Ignorance Into Intellect, Enduring All Temptations When He/She Is Tried.

The Translation Of The Word Aum " Is So Be It "., It Also Means To Prevail; To Spread Over; To Reign Or To Dominate And Surely, ANU A'lyun A'lyun Is The Source And Force Of The Universes, Whose Power Overshadows All Of Creation.


2 ITi, Talisman)

H Also A Word From The Greek Telesma (TtAEOua) Meaning "Consecration, Mystery" Taken Bt>m The Greek Root Word Telein (TeAeiv)" Meaning To Fulfill Perform; To Pay; To Initiate Into Mysteries " Every Person On Earth Has Their Star In The Sky Which Exercises A Mysterious Influences Upon Their Life, Either Favorably Or Unfavorably. A Person May Bless Another By nying "May The Lord Make Your Star Fall". It Was The Unfavorable Star That He Was Afraid Ol, The Unseen. The Ancient Kosmosan Followed The Star Called Sothis Or Sirus And By Bellowing This Star Also Called "The Nile Star", The Ancient Egyptians Were Able To Judge When The Flood Waters Of The Nile Would Irrigate Waiting To Grow. (Holy Tablets Chapter I Tablet 5) s Have Tried To Protect Themselves From Calamity And The Unseen Forces Since Time it, Which Brings Us To The Subject Of Tamemutaat (id- \- l/id-d-i, Talismans). He Of The Ways They Did This Was Making Use Of What Seemed Sacred To Him. Placing ^HS Sacred Things In One's House, Or Close To The Person Gave Many A Sense Of Security. His Sacred Thing Is What Is Called: A Tamemutaat (iiL V LTiiL4,i, Talismans). Hrsons Who Imagined That They Was Constantly Surrounded By Evil Spirits, Which Lie In Hit, Was Provided With A Tamemutaat (id_>3 V LTiiLiLi, Talismans) That They ^fcnstantiy Carried With Them. There Are Two Types Of Protection That Come From Tamemutaat K~A\- LTiiL4.i, Talismans), The First Is Through Mental Power, Or A Psychic Self Defence. And The Second Is With The Aid Of An Object. In The First, The Veil Has Been ^moved From The Eyes And Nature And Its Forces Work For You. In The Second, With The Help Of Words And Objects, The Spirits Are Invoked And Brought Down To You. Amulet, Charm, Hirz, Haamilah, All Are The Same, All Are Tamemutaat lid_>l V )3LTiil,4.i, Talismans). The Meaning Of Talismans Were Confounded When Charms And Amulets Were Used For Weh ()0<V-T, Evil) Purposes. However, The Original Burposes Remained The Same To Defend To Protect And To Heal The Owner Of The mamemutaat (id,)!l V )3 LTid,d,i, Talismans). It May Be Suspended From The Neck, Horn Inside Clothings, Outside Of The Clothings, Worn Around The Arm Or The Wrist, oncealed In A Ring, Attached To A Turban Or Head Dress, Hidden In A Brass Case, A Silver Base, A Steel Case, Or A Leather Case. Each Object Used As Tamemutaat (id->3 V- >HJiiLiLi, Talismans) Possesses A Power That Extends From The Unseen And It Linked With Faith. Every "True" Tamemutaat U"id,iLi, Talismans) Is Charged With The Force Which It Is Intended To 23 ___ _______ _ 4- .0. .

The Orb As Stated Previously The Orb Is Symbolic Of El Kuwn (V TLT)0(M, The Kosmos). By Attuning Your Soul To The Sacred Tone Of El Kuwn, You Will Also Obtain This Oneness With Yourself . This Tone Is All Encompassing And It Has No Limits. It Is The Medium To The Source Whose Love Cannot Be Contained, For It Is Ever So Boundless. The Sacred Tone Of Which 1 Speak Is The Sound Of "Aum" Also Referred To As The 'Aiyn (U) Principle. Notice, If You Will, That The Sound Of "Aum" Is As The Sound Of The First Letter In The Words "Aum-Niscient", "Aum-Nipotent", And "Aum-Nipresent, Three Attributes Of ANU A'lyun A'lyun El. This Sound Rises From The Throat To The Tip Of The Lips, It Flows To The Center Of The Head And Escapes From The Ears. Holy Tablets 1:7:86


4.4,0- V4, V ELT>3 <



Li El Khalus Sawut Shil A' urn, Ash Gab-Tarukh El Ratuth Izu Ghatuy Fi El Fawud Shil Istakhlaag Wa Ent Lazum Talub Haza Naghum, A 'urn Liyya Mur Satuf Nasufuk. "For The Pure Sound Of A 'urn, Which Predates The Bang Is Covered In The Chaos Of Creation, And You Must Seek This Tone, Aun To Realign Yourself
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Lesson 1

4. Q

I csson 1 MUDY3

Represent. For This Reason One Should Know What He Is Doing When Using A Tamemutaat, ( Talismans) For It Only Takes One Letter To Send One's Soul To Be Damned For All Eternity. In Ancient Egypt Tamemutaat (Talismans) Were Worn For Protection From Harm, For The Birth Of Children, And For "Good Luck" Or Fortune. For Instance Ancient Egyptian Women Who Wanted Children Would Wear A Necklace Of Gold Crowie Shells, Someone Who Wanting Protection Would Wear An Tamemut "Amulet" With The Deity Bcs And A Person Who Wanted Good Luck May Wear A Scarab Beetle. The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek Uses Tamemutaat (Talismans) Only For The Sole Purpose Of Putting The Wearer In Communication With The Source Of All Life So That They May Be Granted Protection, Physically And Spiritually, And The Source Of Healing, Physically And Spiritually. The Temple Of The Ancient & Mystic Order Of Melchizedek (A.M.O.M.) Is A Place Of Great Inspiration; However, You Can Only Enter It, After You Have Reached A Certain Heights In Your Studies. When You Search That Height, An Invitation To This Will Be Extended To You And It Is Only With That Invitation That You Will Be Allowed To Enter. The Gates Of This Temple Will Open Only To He Or She Who Is Worthy Of Its Glory. Beloved Kosmosan, I Am Aware That You May Find The First Few Studies You Have Received Thus Far, Somewhat Rudimentary, But I Assure You That It Is To Your Advantage. It Is My Responsibility As Your Nafusal Haduy (M<L<9 LT^d,<t " r i L Q U - ? - , Spiritual Guide) To Seek A Method Of Study Which Will Best Suit You, And Thus, I Have Found That Rather Than Give You Immediate Mystical Heights, Which Would Only Cause Your Confusion, It Is Better To Guide You Step By Step So That The Teaching Will Become A Permanent Part Of Your Life. The Teaching That You Have Received So Far Are Stepping Stones To Greater Overstanding. Overstanding You Will Acquire If You Apply Yourself To The Study Of All The Lessons, For In Every Lesson, Regardless Of How Insignificant It May Seem To You There Is Improvement.

I liis Glossary Has Been Made Available To Yo So That You Can Become Familiar With New Words And Also So That You Will Overstand The English Equivalent To The Nuwaubic Words Of Interest That Have Been Used Throughout This Study. Hahuwt
Bskun (Indus A'shiiH Nuwaubic Word For "The Master Abode"; Also Meaning "The Utterance" . Nuwaubic Word For "Abode" BiL^TlTM Nuwaubic For "Divine Love" T4.Q U^ ^rLTO Nuwaubic Word For "See" MiL^irq Nuwaubic Word For "Altar" ad^-fr-LTT Nuwaubic Word For "Milk" di-i-lTM Nuwaubic Word For "Honey" E^ircr Nuwaubic Word For "Wine" M4-irirO Nuwaubic Word For "Body" ofc^ira Nuwaubic Word For " Kosmos" TLTWH Nuwaubic Word For "Wisdom" T4.TU>3QLr Nuwaubic Word For "Water" 0iL N u w a u b i c Word For "Talisman" iitat aLri Nuwaubic For The Color "Green" 4-XcQLrq )0(iL-^Vi N u w a u b i c For The Word "Thebes" Nuwaubic Word For "Birth" LT)C(TLrQ Nuwaubic Word For "Maturity" MiLQ ITdVi OiLQ V V > 1 ^d-O-UM Nuwaubic For "Old Age" Nuwaubic Word For "Agreeable" i0)X-ANuwuubic Word For "Disagreeable" HV7 Nuwaubic Word For "Harmony" Td-OLT)!5 Nuwaubic Word For "Peace" ^iLd LT Muwaubic Word For "Overstanding" ^iLTLT)!! N u w a u b i c Word For "Devotion" fc-^iiUCrqiLiLa Nluwaibic Word For "Righteousness" ^iLTUTd_)0(^ Muwaubic Word For "Truth" TiLO-LTOd.LTMR-Td.Q Ifq Muwaubic Word For "Omnipresent, 'resent Everywhere" d-LDtJM^-OiLQ U~q Muwaubic Word For "Omnipotent, AH Powerful" d.LTHR-1rd.qLrA Muwaubic Word For "Omniscient, All <nowing" By The I land Of Your Spiritual Guide;

iLd,T Utt ^

Bur azbuh bbun

Lbuth Urn nwn lukunidum Eya inemut Khdur -Set Hwlud dujet deem Zagun


Holy Tablets Chapter 10, Tablet 12:187-188;


Eza Dahuth hu Ma Liyya Kawun Khaazuy Wa Bithalek Gur-Tathurif, Zi Lazum Kawun Fi Jamun, Dahuth Laguh Lazum Kawun Fi Yaguw Jamun, Ft Zagur Liyya Rakhut ElA'gul Fi Zagur Wa Yakhudy If Knowledge Is Not To Be Confusing And Thereby Ineffective, It Must Be In Sequence. Knowledge Received Must Be In Organised Sequence, In Order To Pat The Mind In Order And Unity.

hum kakhraam huhaws fcgug Liimni-Hudur Ltimni-Gadur lumni-Baruf


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