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45.AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (E) When I was very young, I had a happy life.

My parents often took my sister and me abroad for holidays, for picnics and for meals in restaurants. Those were really wonderful times. Unfortunately, my parents relationship soured four years ago for an undisclosed reason. My mother became tense and moody and she kept scolding us for no reason. My father hardly ever spoke to her. When they did talk, it ended up in a shouting match which upset both my sister and me very much. We loved them both very much and my sister and I spent many sleepless nights worrying about what was going to happen next. One day, my father took my sister and me out for dinner and broke the most shocking news to us. Mother has left us, he said. I could not believe my ears. I kept asking Father for an explanation but he never told us. From then on, we never mentioned Mother. I missed her very much at first, but later I felt angry with her. How could she forsake us? One day, about three years later, we learnt that Mother had filed for divorce and for custody of my sister and me. Father had promised never to leave us but after all that had happened, I was very scared and doubtful. I could not bear the thought of leaving the security of my home or being separated from my father whom I had grown very close to. My father who had visibly aged in the past three years had been a really good parent, playing the role of both father and mother to us. On the day of the hearing, the three of us went to the Subordinate Courts together. There, both my sister and I told the kind-looking magistrate that we wanted to stay with Father. Custody was thus given to Father, and Mother was permitted to visit us during the weekends. She had never used her privilege and neither have we expected her to. That period just after my parents split up, was a very difficult time for all of us. Till today, I still feel sore and insecure. I wonder if I will ever really get over the effects of that ordeal. 46.AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (F) When I was first told that I had to visit an old folks home I was devastated. I expected to do some charity work around town and maybe earn some

money. But, no, I had to go to an old folks home. Well, maybe that serves me right for skipping school that day. Maybe you are wondering what possibly is the connection between an old folks home and skipping school. Well, the truth is, my school has this programme that when you commit a disciplinary offence, you have to do charity work around town wearing a bright orange cap with the words I love my school. You would think that no one in his righ6t mind would do anything to get a punishment like that. But you know how teenagers are, dont you? Fortunately, I just have to go to the old folks home for one whole day not for one whole week. Whats more, I heard that the old folks home would not give us any jobs to do, so this would be like a brief visit. The first time I stood outside the building, I was a bit surprised. I expected to see a dirty, unkempt run-down house full of nagging and smelly old people, but what I saw was a quiet, nice and neat building with a beautiful manicured garden full of flowers. It was not noisy but rather peaceful and soothing. When I entered and reported my attendance, it was quiet. Then I knew the reason why the receptionist said that I was fortunate to come when the occupants of the house were resting and sleeping. Silently, I whispered a prayer for this to last until my visit was over. I sat on one of the sofas because I did not know what to do. Suddenly, a loud voice broke the silence, Why are you sitting on my sofas ? It sounded angry and it made me jump to my feet. I stammered, SSsorry. I did not know. You did not know? Then what do you know? continued the old man whom I later learnt was Pak Akob. He rounded his eyes and instinctively, I moved back one step, ready to break into a run. Suddenly, he turned around and starting shouting to the receptionist and babbling that his coffee was not warm. I looked at Puan Maznah (the receptionist) but she was calm and composed as she had encountered situations like that many time before. I did not want to mess with Pak Akob anymore so I fled from the room and went into the garden. At the garden, I saw a pleasant old woman sitting on a white bench near some rose bushes, knitting something that looked like a sweater. She smiled at me and that calmed my nerves after the incident with Pak Akob. I walked towards her and she asked me, So, Pak Akobs coffee is not the right temperature again? I

managed a nod and she just chuckled. Then she gestured to me to sit beside her and I did. So, youre the naughty girl, she said with a glint in her eye. It is sure nice to be young. I still remember when. The moment she said that, I knew it was one of those moments when old people reminisce their old memories. I knew because I often had to listen my grandmothers stories even though she repeated it over and over again until I learnt it by heart. Pak Akob is really a nice man. He just has trouble dealing with people. You must understand how he feels. He was abandoned by his family to live in the street. Deep down, hes sweet, she said. I was astonished. I could not believe people could be so cruel. I vowed not to let my parents go through the same situation. For the rest of the visit, I stayed with Mak Minah and I felt a special bond between us even though our meeting was brief. She told me all about the people in the old folks home, their histories, her memories and her advice about life. So, on the whole, the visit was a quite a pleasant one. I came to realize that they were as human as we were and each of them led an interesting life. The visit left a soft spot in my heart for old people because my whole perspective about them had changed in just one single visit.

47. AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (G) It was a day I shall never forget. She left without a word. I looked at her pale face and cold body. My tears just flowed. I still remember vividly that fateful day. A phone call from Malacca brought news that my beloved grandmother had meet with an accident. To me, she was the dearest and the most important person in my life. No more will I see her chubby cheeks and warm smile on her lips. On that day, she went had gone out to buy some gifts. She had told her neighbour that she wanted

to visit us in Muar. On her way back along a busy street, she was knocked down by a speeding car. My grandmother was in a coma and she never regained consciousness. The police could not trace or contact her nearest kin for she did not have her identity card with her. My grandmother became very suspicious that something was amiss and searched everywhere for her. Finally he found her in the General Hospital ! Obviously, someone had mentioned to him about a road accident that had occurred earlier. It was already six in the evening. At once, my grandfather contacted us. My grandmother had suffered a very serious brain injury and the doctors were trying their best to save her. We left Muar immediately but when we arrived at Merlimau, my uncles mobile phone rang. The person at the other end of the line sadly told us that grandmother had just passed away. Our hearts broke and we were sobbing uncontrollably. She was still young, only 60 years old. It was very painful to know that no one was by her side at the very moment of her death. I remembered the advice she had given me all these years. I treasured the things that she had left for me- the pictures that we had taken together, which I would cherish forever. I would never, ever, forget the day she left us. May God bless her and may her soul rest in peace.

48. AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (H) After years of torment in prison, finally I was going to be a free man. Never in my mind did I think that this day would come. When I first stopped outside the prison gate, I was afraid to face the society that I had been cast from. I summoned all my courage and started to walk away from the penitentiary. I turned my head to see the prison for the last time. It had been a nightmare for me in there. It was an unforgettable experience. It happened fifteen years ago. I was 26 years old. I had just finished my degree in medicine and was employed as a surgeon in a private hospital. It was a lucrative job and my career was starting to take off. As a young and handsome doctor, my life was surrounded by woman but I had never had a long term relationship with any of them.

One day, I was assigned to treat a female patient whose name was Tiffany. Her legs were broken in an accident. She was very beautiful, a heavenly creature like an angel. She seemed very familiar, but I still could not remember where I had seen her before. After the operation, I visited her to ask some questions. It was a coincidence that we had studied at the same school. Since that day I always visited her until she was discharged. We started to go out together. Since I started seeing her, my life changed. She filled my life with joy and she was the love of my life. One day, while we were having dinner, she vomited and fainted. I admitted her to the hospital. She told me not to worry as it was just about food poisoning. A few weeks after that, the same thing happened at her house. I started feeling anxious. Then one day, I found bottles of drug in her cabinet. The drugs were for cancer patients. I asked her and finally she revealed her secret that she had cancer. There was a tumour in her head. It could not be removed. The following month she was admitted to the hospital where I worked. By that time, her condition had deteriorated. She was only given morphine to lessen her pain. Only time would tell when she would leave me. I visited her every day. I spent almost all of my time with her. I was consoled by the fact that she was a very strong person and was ready to face her fate. Then one day, she was in intense pain. The doctor could not do anything but give her more morphine. She asked me for an impossible favour. She wanted me to end her life. She just could not endure the suffering any more. I did not want her to suffer too. But I really loved her. I did not know what to do. I agreed to help her leave this world. It was the hardest thing I had to do in my life. With a heavy heart, I raised her morphine dosage. Tears were running down my cheeks as I saw her eyes slowly close. Then a nurse came into the room and saw what I did. She quickly screamed. The guard came and arrested me. The doctor came in but she was gone. I watched her lifeless body lying on the bed. She seemed as if she were smiling at me. I felt sad but I was glad that her suffering had ended. That day some part of me died with her. I told the jury the truth. I was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, there were still some people who were fighting for my freedom. Time passed by and I had served fifteen years in prison. Then one day a guard told me that I was free to leave the prison.

There were a lot of reporters who wanted to interview me. They wanted my story. It was funny somehow that first I was a criminal that was hated and ostracised by society, but now I am a hero praised by society. I remember vividly what Tiffany said to me. She said that Life is like a box of chocolate. Youll never know what youre going to get.

49.AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (I) Eleven fifteen. The night was dark and humid. The air was tinged with excitement. People were talking, muttering, shouting. The only lights that were seen were flashlights and candle lights. Slowly, one by one, the cars revved up and more lights shone to light up the place. A blackout had occurred. But that was not our only problem. The building right in front of my house was on fire. We stood in awe; my brother and I, watching the flames lick the building. It seemed so unnaturally fast, the flashes of red, yellow, and orange. The fire lit up faces of gazing people in its unnatural orange light. Unnatural- that was the word. It did not seem natural that on the very day the electricity got cut, the very night our town was plunged into darkness, the very day shooting stars appeared brighter than usual, that the tallest building in town caught fire. The firemen had come to the rescue, and they were busy trying to hose down the flickering flames. Trying but not succeeding. Even though I was no professional in judging, I knew that there was hope in rescuing the building. The fire was too wind, too uncontrollable. It was going to lick the place try. And I knew that the next day, all that would be in front of us was a black empty shell of what

it once used to be. I watched silently, entranced by the beautiful colour that formed patterns that changes with each second that passed. It was beautiful and graceful, yet monstrous and dangerous. It baffled me why nature had created such a thing that contradicted itself. A series of loud shouts caught my attention and broke my reverie. They sounded a lot closer than before. That was when I saw what I saw. The incoming jeep hurtled towards us like a close-up shot of a movie. That was exactly how I felt, as if I was part of the audience, watching a movie that I could not take an active part in. It slowly zoomed in. The driver was talking to her passenger. She was not even paying attention to where she was driving. She did not see the commotion. People scattered about, shouting, as the jeep rolled by. I realized a moment too late that the jeep was heading towards where I stood. My first reaction was to scream.Shut up and run! A voice in my head ordered me. Almost on autopilot, I whipped around and scrambled out of the way as fast as I could on shaky legs. I desperately leaped and threw myself on the ground when I knew that I could not make it if I kept on running. I landed gracelessly on the ground, the hard rocks and stones scratching my skin. My palms and knees throbbed and I knew they were red, swollen, and bleeding. I would never forget the chorus of gasps and screams. That came from behind me. I slowly got up and brushed off the sand that clung to my hands. Im not dead, I told myself, to be sure. I did a quick inventory of my number of fingers and toes to make sure that they were still firmly attached. When I turned around, I was greeted by the most horrifying scene I could ever think of. It was something that I would never expect to see. My brother was lying motionlessly beneath one of the cars. It was not that he was crushed to pulp or anything like that, but just seeing him lying so lifelessly with blood trickling down his pale forehead made me sick to the core. Andy! Andy! I shrieked hysterically. I could not do anything else. I was frozen where I stood, paralysed. It did not seem real. It could not be real. This is all just a dreamit must be. But the pain I felt in my heart was so real. The shock, the realization that my little brother was hit by a car was real. My knees gave way and I fell down onto the rough, dusty street. I crawled toward my brothers unmoving from. I practically dragged him out from under there by myself; so strong was my desperation to get him out of there. I wanted to get him as far away as I could from the car that he had lain under and

the jeep that had knocked him down. I wanted to get him away from the staring eyes of the crowd. I wanted him wake up and walk to me. I would not even mind if he wanted to talk about his computer games or comic books or cartoons that previously had bored me out of my mind. I would not care if he annoyed me, or insulted me, or even cursed me. Just so long that he would open his eyes and talk to me, everything would be all right. I would forgive him for everything that he had done to me. I would forgive him for giving me such a scare. If only he would wake up. I shook him. He rolled from side to side, unresponsive. Andy? I said tentatively. Andy? Can you hear me?No reply. Andy! No! Wake up, please! I begged. I shook him again.Wake up!But still, he would not reply. He would not answer. He might not answer to any of my question anymore. I raised my hands to my face in horror at the thought. When I removed them, they were wet. Tears, my mind told me, my tears. I did not even realize I was crying. Sobbing my heart out my body shuddered and shook with each sob that escaped my throat. I raised my eyes and gazed around. Many pairs of concerned eyes offered condolence, sympathies , and comfort. I looked blankly at those once-familiar faces.Who are they? I wondered , trying to place names to those faces. I did not feel like I knew them anymore. They were talking to me, putting their hands on my shoulders and arms, trying to lift me up to my feet. But I shook them off and continued sitting there at edge of the dusty street. Silent tears were still trickling down my cheeks. I could not comprehend what they were saying. I could not even here them. All I could hear were the screams again and again, getting more and more distant as it echoed itself through my head. It finally left me in deafening silence, and I crumpled up. The crowd was thinning. A group of firemen had taken my brother away, to the hospital. I bent over and buried my face in my hand wept. It was all my fault. If I had been even half a decent sister, he might have had a chance. I did not push him out of the way. I did not warm him. I did not drag him along when I ran. I did not take care of him like my mother told me to. Most of all, I did not take his place.

50. AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (J) It all started in the early month of January in the year 2000. Everyone was still overjoyed about the new millennium celebration, which happens only once in a thousand years. There were parties going on throughout the world, one after another. I watched almost all of them on television. I even woke up early to catch the first dawn of the millennium. The air fresher than ever and I was suddenly in the mood. After that, I walked downstairs and decided to take a stroll around the house. It was about 7:30 in the morning. To my surprise, there was a new car in the parking lot! I wondered if it was ours because it was such an expensive car. An S40 Volvo. Its shining body sparkled in my eyes and I was hypnotised by its beauty. I did not dare to touch it because the owner was still unknown. So, I decided to wait until the rest on my family woke up. Soon, one by one, they all came to see the car that I told them about. Surprisingly, all of them were shocked too except of my father. He only smiled at us and told us that it was his car which he bought a week before. But he decided to take it home on the first day of the millennium to surprise us. Well, it worked. Everybody could not wait for dad to take us on a test drive around the vicinity. So, we pleaded with him and he agreed. I could not wait to sit on the leather cushion and enjoy the new stereo hi-fi in the comfort of the new air conditioner. I had once read that the Volvo is the safest car in the world because of the material used to develop it and the unique design that makes it look like a tank. Father asked us to take our bath and he would later take us to a restaurant for breakfast. A few minutes later, we were ready and all set to go. Joyfully, I hopped into my fathers car and sat right beside the window on the right side of the car. Father switched on the engine and it worked and sounded perfectly at the first turn of the key. I could see the smile on everyones face. The handbrake was pushed down and we moved ahead. The performance of the car was outstanding judging by its manoeuvrability and comfort. Our stomachs were

grouching so father stepped on the accelerator. My mother could not stop praising the car and my father for making such a wise decision even though it was bought without her knowledge. Upon reaching our destination, we were reluctant to leave the car. There was no reason for us to worry about the safety of the awesome car. Soon afterwards, we were at the dining table and ready to take our orders. Luckily, there was a television set in the restaurant and the sports programme was on. I loved sports very much and that made me concentrate on the channel. At that time, there was a soccer match between Brazil and France, which were two of the greatest teams in the history of international soccer. Even when the food was served, I was more interested in the match than the sirloin steak that I ordered. Only when the match was at half time, did I start to eat. It was quite delicious. I was lucky because I seldom had Western food for breakfast. With our stomachs filled, we were ready to go home. I went to the cashier to pay the bill and went back to the table telling them that it was time to go home. We did not have any idea about what was to happen. As soon as we left the restaurant, everybody was terribly shocked to find that the car was not there. My father was terrified. The look on his face changed in an instant. I had never seen him so angry before. We assessed the situation calmly. First, we searched the parking lot thoroughly. When the search ended in failure, then we called the police. Soon afterwards, they arrived at the scene. They checked the place where the car was stolen and asked us a few questions. They also said that the thief could not have gone far since the road was busy. Fathers heart was pounding wildly while the rest of us could not believe what had happened. The policeman called for backup to set up road- blocks within a 20-kilometre radius of the crime scene. They searched for eye-witnesses but to no avail. Hours after hours we waited, mother went home with my sister in a cab to ensure that our house was safe and secure. The police decided that the search for that day was over. We felt pretty sad for father and tried to cheer him up. Until now, no news had been heard about the car and we all knew that it would never be found again.


It was a Sunday evening around 6 oclock or so, one of the many Sunday evenings where I would cruise around with my father in the car. However, this was not just any ordinary Sunday sightseeing excursion with dad. We stopped at a red light, and without much enthusiasm observed the pedestrians. A woman, as she walked, fixed the white lacy slip of her dress. It dragged out of her skirt, obviously making her feel self-conscious. A short, stubby man with an overbearing gut was nonchalantly picking his nose as he ogled the lady adjusting her slip. He stared at her, as though undressing her with his eyes. I looked at my father, who was looking right back at me. We both laughed. Being only 8 years old, I was at an age where I found everything hilarious. The very fact that my father and I were looking at the same scene and probably both thinking how perverted the man seemed, made me laugh hysterically. My dad continued to drive. I kept gazing at the scenery of the city, as the sun started to set and the darkness took over. Our little sightseeing trip was over, or so I thought. I was so used to the same path we went through, that when my father made an unaccustomed turn, it made me suspicious. I refrained myself from asking him where we were going because his usual reply would be, Dont worry about it. Dont ask where were going, okay? I had to admit it was an unfamiliar, but enchanting view. I had my window all the way down, with the reflection of the side mirror in my face. The wind blew, as the luminous setting sun mirrored back rays of light. With each reflection, I narrowly squinted my eyes and continued to marvel at this picturesque interaction of colour and beauty. Being in the month of October, one could imagine the colourful setting that was before me. Beautiful, vibrantly coloured decayed autumn leaves sprang from the limbs of the trees, the aroma of crispy, dried up leaves embraced my nose. These exuberant, withered leaves captivated my vision and olfactory senses, as though I had nothing else to admire. It was the beauty of nature that so often people, including myself, tend to ignore. Suddenly, my father stopped the car in front of a deteriorated, rundown house, indicating abandonment. It stood two storeys high, with a brownish-red exterior and a few steps before a wide wooden porch leading to the front door. The door consisted of a rich maple-like wood with an endless pattern, with two long columns of crystal clear glass.

Daddy, why do we stop? Who lives in this ugly old house? I asked. A friend of mine that I came to pick up, he replied coldly, as though trying to avoid my eyes. He honked the horn several times, startling me. I sat there impatiently waiting for this so-called friend, getting bored as the minutes went by. My eyes began to wander, travelling upon a huge oak tree surrounding the old wretched dwelling. Two squirrels chattering down the tree engaged in a game of tag. I pointed them out to my father laughingly. Look daddy the squirrels are chasing each other, I exclaimed. Yes sweetie, how funny, he said still avoiding my face. Where is she? he murmured. Who dad? I received no response. Right then, the door of the old shabby house opened. Stepping out of the brown house was lady dressed in white. She was of medium frame, short black hair, thin and fairly attractive. She trampled towards the car. Honey, sit in the back seat, my father ordered me. I was always an obedient child so I did as I was told. The lady, who appeared to be in her early twenties, opened the door and sat in front seat. She stared at my father with the most seductive glare I had ever seen. Worst of all, she greeted him with a kiss on his lips. I stared at them in disbelief. I was bewildered, completely astonished at what I had witnessed. What I saw caused my breath to be caught in my throat and my chest to tighten as I gasped in despair. Why did this woman whom I had never seen in my life kiss my daddy? I had only seen him kiss my mother like that. Why was he kissing this stranger? They stopped kissing; my dad started the car again and began to drive. As he was driving, she whispered things into his ear, giggling and snickering inaudible words. They were oblivious to the fact that I was in the back seat watching them. I sat there pondering in amazement at what I had seen. She did not look once towards the back seat, but she knew I was there watching them both. She just kept caressing my father. My mind shifted at the moment. I remembered that my mother was in the hospital that day. She had kidney pain and was not feeling well. My poor mother, what would she say, think, or do if she saw this happening?

I was eight years old when this happened. I was young and innocent, but knew that what I had seen that day would never leave my mind. After that incident I was unable to look my father in eyes. That image has stayed very vivid in me. That womans eyes staring with such desire at my father, and he caressing and responding right back. I can still hear her hands brushing against the tiny hairs of his neck and arm, the tapping of her long red nails, and the mocking laugh she had. That day I lost my respect for my father. Although I have forgiven him, I never have told him that I remember what happened that day. That day, in which he allowed me to witness his unfaithfulness, losing all trust in him. After a year or two I did tell my mother. Through her, he has realized that I do remember. There have been few experience throughout my life that I recall more vividly than of that Sunday evening. Memories of the past leave impressions of the future. I now realize the significance of that Sunday drive. It changed how I saw my daddy. I could no longer look at him in an innocent and dignified manner.

52. AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (L) One day, my mother asked me to buy her some sour plums. My mother had seen pregnant for six months. She had a sudden craving so she pleaded with me to go to the hawker stall which was quite far away to buy her a packet of sour plum. As usual, I took the short-cut which was lined with shady trees. It was a perfect choice for a hot blazing day like that. I felt a bit scared when I walked along the narrow and deserted path. The atmosphere was tranguil and serene. Therefore, I whistled as I walked to uplift my flagging spirits. Suddenly, I heard a faint feeble cry for help. The cry aroused my curiosity. I stood rooted to the ground. My heart was palpitating wildly and adrenaline rushed through my veins. Beads of cold sweat formed on my forehead. I tried to calm down. After a while, I decided to investigate. I learned that the voice came from somewhere nearby. I searched around and noticed an old woman with grey

hair and her face was crisscrossed with wrinkles. She was lying in a deep, filthy and smelly drain. I panicked when I saw an ugly gash on her right leg. The wound was bleeding profusely and blood was gushing out like a fountain. I quickly dragged her out of the drain using all the strength I had. Without wasting any time. I administered first aid to stop the bleeding. I tore my sleeves and bandaged up the wound. The old woman needed immediate medical attention. So, I ran to the main road with all my might. When I reached the main road, I was totally exhausted. I raised my hands and tried to stop the passing cars. But, none of them were paying attention to me and just zoomed past me. I felt very frustrated and disappointed with the selfish attitude of the drives. As a last resort, I dashed to the middle of the road. I waved frantically at an oncoming car. The driver jammed on the brake and his car screeched to a halt. He go out of his car and walked towards me. The serious look on his face told me that he was seething with anger. He gave me a tongue lashing. After he had calmed down, I explained to him my predicament. He started to express his concern and agreed to send the old woman to the hospital. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the old woman would be safe. On the way to the hospital, the old lady was screaming in agony and writhing in pain. The pain was driving her mad but I managed to pacify her. I consoled and assured her that everything would be fine. After I had calmed her down, I also asked for her phone number. I borrowed a hand phone from the driver and contacted her family. Her grandson answered the phone. He was aghast and shocked beyond words. He just could not believe the words that came out of my mouth. That was terrible news for him. After a while, we reached the hospital. The old woman was rushed to the emergency room. While she was undergoing medical treatment, I waited at the entrance of the hospital. I was hoping that I could spot her grandson. I was lucky. I noticed a young man who walked briskly. I stared at him. His face was pale and he looked worried. My intuition told me that he was the person that I was looking for. I called out the name which the old woman had told me. My hunch proved to be right when he turned around and responded to me. After the formal and customary introduction, I accompanied him to visit his grandmother. As we walked into her room, he saw his grandmother lying on the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes upon seeing his helpless grandmother with her leg bandaged. He was choked with emotions. He blamed himself for not taking care of his

grandmother. He approached her and hugged her tenderly. He cried his heart out. The touching scene reduced me to tears too. The nurse walked in and told us that the old woman needed to rest. So we adjourned to the hospital canteen as Richard, her grandson insisted on giving me a treat to repay my good deed. He thanked me for umpteen times and I told him not to stand on ceremony. I was just doing my part as a good citizen. As the time was getting late and I had to run an errand for my mother, I blade him farewell. I left the hospital feeling elated with my good deed.

53. AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (M) The soft night breeze came through the open window. Zarina was again alone in her bedroom, staring at the queen of the night, surrounded by thousands of glittering diamonds. How wonderful it was to gaze at the glory of the universe. Then, a sudden chili ran down her spine. Could the story that the neighbours told me about the house be true after all? She whispered to herself. Suddenly, she heard a cracking sound downstairs. She though it was dark, she still could see a shadowy figure run past her parents room. She entered the room cautiously. She could see the indistinct shape of someone lying on the bed. Her legs quivered in fear and her mouth grew dry, yet she walked to the bed and pulled back the sheets. It was a sight so horrible that even now she shuddered to think of it. She had to bite her tongue to stifle a scream. Blood drained from her face and her body shook with fear. One the bed, lay a half naked girl with blood splattered everywhere. Her eyes were wide open and blood was still dripping from several wounds on her chest. Her face was swollen and her right arm was twisted in an awful angle. Zarina recognized her. It was her best friend, Munira. She was so terrified at that moment. Her pounding heart beat so harshly that it forced her to pace a couple of steps backwards.

Then, without realizing it, she stared running as if her life depended on it. Struck with fear at the horrible sight, she ran madly along the road with the wailing wind closely following her. Suddenly she stumbled upon a huge car. In an instant, she recognized the white vehicle which was her brothers Mercedes Benz. The cars spotlight shone on her. The car come to a stop and her brother came out. He ran towards her looking concerned. Zarina felt a wave of relief. She split out the whole story about what had happened. Her brother comforted her and asked her to calm down. Then he brought Zarina to the police station station to make a report. A couple of hours later, the police came to Zarinas house and stared their investigation. Zarina called her parents to inform them of the tragic incident. After receiving the news, her parents decided to come home as fast as they could. After the investigation was over, Zarinas brother was suspected of committing the murder of Munira. Zarina still could not forget the tragic incident that had happened to her best friend. What was worse was that her best friend had been killed by her own flesh and blood. Till now, Murinas death had been a mystery to her. She could not find the slightest motive why her brother would do such a thing to kill her best friend. Maybe there was secret they been hiding from her, after-all these while. But, what was it?

54. AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (N) Can you ever imagine losing a friend who is very dear to you? It was the saddest moment that ever happened in my life. She was at the beginning a pain in the neck which annoyed everyone. Yet, no matter what she said, all her friends were always there listening to her teases, insults and sarcasms. I did not value her friendship and only came to realise it after her death. It was too late. That was the moment when I really wanted to turn the clock back. Feelings of regret kept coming back to me. I asked myself why I had not treated her well and spent more time getting to know her. She was my first caber pal and we became fast friend. She was friendly and polite in her mails and I found her easy to talk to. I sort of started to find a little annoying when we started chatting. I introduced her to a few of my good friends and all of them adored her. No matter how sarcastic I was to her or how much we quarreled, she never got angry. We had not chatted for a long time. One day, I finally saw her name blinking on mu Internet Relay Chat. I decided to wait for her to message me first but after waiting for half of hour, I realized something was not right. It was not like her not to say hi. I finally gave up and decided to message her. I just wrote two words, Hi there. A few minutes later, I received a message that said Huh? Do you think I am Harisha? Right after reading that message. I smelled something fishy. Something was definitely wrong. I then replied the message saying, if you are not Harisha, then who are you? And the reply came, I am her sister. Harisha is DEAD! I was dumbstruck after reading the message. I was stunned until I could not even bring my fingers towards the keyboard. I asked her whether it was a cruel joke but she just said she wished it was had told me that Harisha passed away two weeks ago in an accident. I just could not believe it so I asked a few of her friends and all of them gave me the same answer.

She died on her way to school. She was driving her sisters car when a big lorry encroached into her lane. She died due to serious brain injuries. It was so hard to imagine the life of a teenager being taken away at such a young age. I have slowly learned to accept the fact that I will not be able to talk to her anymore. Now, I no longer have anyone to tease, criticise and to joke with. Although we had never met each other nor had we spoken to each other, we were very close. I did feel bad for not treating her well when we chatted on the net. I did shed tears for her, I did mourned for her and I certainly did miss her. This incident has taught me to treasure all my friend. They do not exactly have to be you classmates. Pen-pals and e-pals can also be our good friends. Remember the saying, Friend apart are close at heart; do not wait until it is too late to treasure out friend. Harisha will always be in my heart forever and will always remain my good friend.

55. AN UNFOEGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (O) No one knew anything about the couple in Apartment 240. They had moved in a month ago, bringing with them two suitcases and a huge trunk, but since that day,

no one had seen the women. Only the husband left the apartment at seven in the morning and returned in the evening. She seemed to have vanished into thin air. I recalied the day I met the husband in the lift. Dressed in a smart, longsleeved shirt and pressed trousers, he looked like an executive. He had aquiline features, chiseled nose and deep, blue eyes. However, a scar running down his cheek marred those beautiful features. He looked at me ; eyes expressionless. Uncomfortable, I looked down, shuffling my feet at the same time. Coincidentally, I noticed a few drops of blood on his white pants. Puzzled, I turned to ask him. Unfortunately, the lift door opened and he left in a haste. Two nights before, I heard screams coming from the couples home. Curiosity overcame me and I looked across to the couples window. There was only complete darkness. However, the screams continued and they increased in decibel gradually. I stared into the couples windows, hopping to discover something. Suddenly, the lights were turned on. I saw a pair of wild eyes- the husbands. This was in sharp contrast to the pair of beautiful eyes I had seen in the lift. His hair was in a mess and he was screaming, screaming word that were not in my vocabulary. He shook his head vigorously and in its wake, his entire body trembled. To me, he was in a trance. I mumbled a prayer and went back to study. However for that entire night, that pair of fiery eyes seemed to be lingering in my mind. There was something weird about the man, I thought. I remembered his trunk. It was a huge one. That day when the couple moved in, they carried it into their apartment. I managed to take a peek at that trunk. It was old and dusty, with rusty locks securing it. There were also some words, which I presumed was Arabic, inscribed on it. There was something more sinister about the trunk. It had an insignia of something evil. At that thought, I shuddered and shook that devilish thought away.

The mans wife had not come out of the apartment since they moved in. She did not even leave her shoes outside her door. There was only one pair- the mans. It was as if she did not exist. There were also in signs of any female clothing being hanged out. All this added to the enigma. One day, I was waiting for the lift. I turned and looked at the neighbours door. For six days, there was silence in the neighbourhood. The screams seemed to have stopped. I was quite thankful for that, for I was having my exams. Just then, the neighbours door creaked opened. The man stepped out. He was breathing

heavily. He dragged the trunk out. I presumed that it was quite heavy, as he seemed to be using a lot of effort. The door opened and he and I stepped into it. I looked hard at the trunk. It was the same as before. The locks were still there, the alien words still inscribed there. However, it smelled funny. There seemed to be something rotting in there. I covered my nose with my handkerchief as smell was really intolerable. After a minutes, the lift reached the ground floor. I steeped out and the man left in a jiffy. He walked briskly to his car. However, he failed to notice a banana peel on the floor and slipped awkwardly on it. Everything was in slow motionhe flew into air and landed head- down on a glass bottle. The trunk he was holding crashed open, revealing a grotesque sight. A badly decayed with maggots wriggling about it was in the trunk. The body had long hair. I supposed it was his wife. I turned and looked at the man. He was lying in a pool of crimson blood, presumably dead.

56. AN UNFOEGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (P) My hair was standing on end when I heard the news. That particular description of the car seemed so familiar. My heart missed a beat. A light brown Proton Iswara was rammed by a lorry this morning. Its registration number is BDS 4068. The two occupants in the car died on the spot, said the newscaster. I could not think clearly. Mom and dad did say that they were coming to visit me. Oh, please God! Tell me it wasnt them. It took a while for me to react. My jittery fingers took a phone card out of my wallet. I was sweating uncontrollably. I felt like crying. The image of my mom floated in my mind, followed by the eversmiling face of my dad. Then, a horrible image followed. My mom and dad were covered and wrapped in piece of white cloth. My sisters were reciting the Yassin

in front of my parents bodies. No! this cant be happening! Not now! Not two weeks away from my SPM! My moms words still lingered in my mind. Zimah, take care of yourself. Im not going to be here forever. Study hard and achieve your ambition to be a lawyer. The words rang out loud and clear and brought forth a sense of melancholy which wrapped me in sadness and despair. I was suddenly terrified of the phone card in my hands. This object would allow me to learn of the horrific news which I was so afraid of. Should I call home? Or should I just pretend it never happened? Maybe the newscaster read the registration number wrongly. Zimah, you have to find the truth! a voice inside me cried out. I gathered myself and ran downstairs towards the phone booth. What was my number again? Oh yes, 03-7312169. My fingers were shaking uncontrollably. I was secretly hoping that the call would not be answered. My wish was granted. For two minutes, I stood there listening to the engaged tone on the line. My friends were crowding around me. They were worried too. Their once cheerful faces were now glum. When I hung up hew phone they urged me to spill the beans. Their display of friendship and camaraderie touched me deeply. My eyes were brimming with tears. I could not bear the thought of not being able to see my mom and dad again. I feared that it would mean the break-up of my family and my youngest sister given up for adoption. I burst into tears on Akmars shoulder. She ran he fingers through my hair. I was too upset to talk to anyone. I could only spill tears. Surprisingly, my friends understood. They patted my back. They reminded me to have faith in Allah, the Almighty. They did all they could make me feel better. Finally, after what seemed like hours the gnawing desire to learn the truth, got the better of me. I braced myself for the worst and dialled the number again. My friends understanding gaze gave me the strength I needed. After the fourth ring, a voice cracked on the other end of the line. Hello, who is this? The soft, childish voice of seven-year-old, Afifah chirped. Hello, Fifah, is mom all right? I asked in a trembling voice.

Yes, . Get her on the line, I interrupted. The phone was passed to another person. Hello, is that you, Zimah? my eldest sisters voice sounded serious. Yes, it is me. I heard on the radio about an accident involving our car. I heard the occupants were killed. Please tell me what had happened, I stammered as I was choked with emotions. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Relax. It was our car all right but mom and dad were not in it. Our car was stolen last night. The people, who died in the accident were the creeps who stole it. A rush of emotion overwhelmed me. It was such a great relief. I felt as if a big boulder was taken off my back. Copious tears flowed down my cheeks but this time, they were tears of joy and immense relief. line. Hello, Zimah! Are you still there? asked the voice at the other end of the Yes, Im still here. So, where are mom and dad? They are on their way to visit you. They should be there by now. Akmar tapped my shoulder. She pointed towards two figures coming out of a cab at the hostel compound. My moms familiar laugh filled the air as my dad teased her. Her laughter was like music to my ears. I hung up the phone and rushed to hug my mom and dad. They were surprised to see me crying. What is wrong, Zimah? my mom asked, as she wiped the tears rolling quickly down my cheeks. Oh, nothing. I was just watching Kuch Kuch Ho To Hai, I lied. Kuch Kuch Ho To Hai? I thought SPM is only two weeks away, said my dad. Right now, their nags and grumbles did not matter. All that mattered now was that they were safe and sound. That alone was enough to cheer me up.

57. AN UNFORGTTABLE EXPERIENCE (Q) I woke up to a very dreary day. Heavy black clouds were looming formidably in the skies and distant claps of thunder could be heard. What a glorious day to be spent in bed, cocooned in warmth! Furthermore I could just do that! The Prime Minister had just announced that today was a holiday in conjunction with the success of our contingent in the SEA Games. Relishing the thought of a leisurely day ahead, I burrowed more deeply in my warm and snug bed. I was joited out of my lethargic state by my friend( whom I decline to name but will call her B), her eyes bright with excitement. Something was obviously on her mind from the looks of it. Oh God! What does she want at such an unearthly hour? I soon found out that B wanted to go back to K.L. for the weekend and she wanted me to go with her. I honestly thought B had gone slightly mad. It was raining cats and dogs outside, and to even contemplate going out of the dormitory was madness, what more to make a journey to K.L. in this miserable weather. Being sensible, I tried to dissuade B, bombarding her with every logical reason I could think of but it was no use. Her mind was made up. So with a faint sense of unease. I succumbed. I was dragged rather reluctantly out of my bed and followed my verymuch-excited friend traipsing all over the college, in search of a very-muchharassed warden on duty whom I could not name. by the time everything was settled, the college was already half-empty.

After a wild frenzy of packing, we hitched a ride from a friend to K.L. You may think that this was an ordinary procedure for any student but what B and I failed to do was inform our relatives that we were going back. Well, actually we did try to phone but unfortunately, Bs mother was out of town and her aunt was not around and as for me, my cousin could not be reached. We pushed aside these worrisome thoughts and with high spirits happily anticipated the weekend ahead. Upon reaching K.L. , we tried again to contact our rather elusive relatives, but luck was not on our side, nobody was at home. Never mind, we thought, perhaps they have gone out of a while. Optimistically believing that, we hailed a cab and went to the Mall, happy as larks. (We had money with us, of course we were happy!) After joyfully attacking our lunch, we tried again to phone, but without success. By this time, worry was already niggling at the back of my mind, but B, a rather high-spirited girl decided that perhaps they would be back in the afternoon. So to kill time, she suggested going to Bukit Bintang Plaza. I was slightly dubious as our money certainly could not last forever. (what with the cabs and the phoning we had been doing!) But B, the girl that she is, sensibly pointed out to me that we would not benefit from moving around dejectedly at the Mall we might as well go somewhere interesting. Oh well? I have nothing to lose, right? So again, we got into a cab and went to Bukit Bintang Plaza. It was already 3.00p.m It so happened that Metro was having its Blockbuster Sale and the two of us got caught in the frenzied crowd of ardent shoppers. To make things worse, Metros air-conditioning had broken down. So a couple of exhausting hours later, we finally decided to phone again but I could not help feeling that fate was playing a cruel joke on us! Not a single phone in the whole building was working! I was already panicking. We must have looked made quite a sight, with my windswept hair, wringing my hands in despair and cursing profusely and a rather subdued B, trying to calm my frayed nerves. Finally, after much thought, the always-resourceful friend of mine suggested going back to the Mall. By this time I was getting rather sick of shopping of complexes, phones and gallivanting around the town in cabs. Scrambling into a cab, we soon reached the Mall and made a beeline towards the phone booths but to no avail. I was nearly in tears and as for my friend, well it was rather a sight seeing her slumped dejectedly. Then, she came up with the idea of going back to her aunts place, all the way in P.J. heedless of the fact that her aunt was not around. I guessed she thought that if not her aunt, the servant might be around.

Unquestioningly, I followed her into a cab and endured a most grueling journey with a very rude taxi-driver. We further angered him when we failed to recall the location of the house, so in the process, we got rather lost. When we did find the house, we were greeted with darkness. At that particular moment, I could actually feel my heart plummeting all the way down to the pit of my stomach. Without choice, the grumbling taxi driver dropped us at Jaya Supermarket. Once again, we headed for the phone. I tried rather frantically to phone every relative of mine, however distant they were to me or living in the proximity, but to my utter horror, all were out of town. I had to pinch myself several times to make sure that I was not dreaming or hallucinating in the predicament I was in. as for my friend, she tried to get in touch with her relatives but she too met with failure. To put it down bluntly, we had nowhere to go that night. The thought of us actually sleeping by the side-walk was rather funny. I turned towards B, but decided against telling her when I caught sight of her sickly pallor. To make us more panicky, it was already 9.00p.m. closing time was at 10.00p.m.! At the end of our tethers, B suggested going to P.J. Hilton and calmy told me, Its only RM170 a night! I froze her and reminded her of our financial situation. What we had was hardly enough even to stay in a cheap coffee shop hotel! After a few minutes of deep thought, B recollected rather hazily a friends number, tool a big chance and dialled the number. At last our friend, bewildered by our feverish explanations, agreed to come and fetch us. We were so relieved, we actually whooped with joy, creating quite a scene! If anybody happened to pass Jaya at 10.30p.m. that fateful night, they could have seen two rather pathetic and forlorn figures waiting impatiently by the side-walk. It was the most unbelievably jinxed weekend I have ever had! Sometimes when I think back, I would smile, but more often than not, I just get the shudders. Nevertheless, I managed to pen down my experience, hoping that nobody else would be as dumb as the two of us were and foolishly go back for a weekend without any confirmation. Guess God wanted to teach us a lesson.

58. AN UNFORGTTABLE EXPERIENCE (R) In the great stretches of the sky, the sun was pulling a blanket of black clouds up its head. The usual melodious song of magpies was not heard today but only the great shocking thunder once in awhile from a distance. The still air was shaken, bringing icy-cold wind through my crooked window. The chilly wind brought goose bumps on my arm and woke me up from my slumber. I rubbed my sleepy eyes lazily and wondered for awhile what I would do on this morning Sunday. I decided to treat myself with a cup of coffee and listen to the radio while I watched the rain fall on my invisible sliding door. I loved the rain and never once I regretted it. My empty house was in deep silence and I heard my own footsteps down the stairs. In the kitchen, while I was pouring the hot boiling water into my mug, the phone rang suddenly. I jumped a little and shrieked in pain when the hot water dripped on my hands. I rushed to the phone as its annoying cry was making my drowsy head spun. My mumbling morning voice greeted the caller but the voice in my ear was an uneven sound. It was Mrs. Stan, who had called from her house. She was my best friend, Didos mother. She was a very nice young mother and always allowed me to hang out with Dido. Her cheerful tone was different today as she talked slowly but I concluded that she was also sleepy like I was. A few seconds later, I was dumbfounded and my heart shattered to pieces when Mrs. Stan told me that Dido had a car accident the night before while on her way to my house. I could not believe what I was hearing. Only yesterday I went to Sunway Pyramid with Dido, playing games at Sega City like we always did but today she was lying in the intensive care unit. After I hung up the phone, I rushed to my bedroom to change my pyjamas and headed for the hospital. Without thinking twice that I did not have my licence yet, I took my fathers motorcycle key and headed for the hospital in the horrifying storm. The slippery road and blurry view did not stop me although the raindrops never stopped pounding on my body. It seemed like even my beloved rain had become my enemy, the desire to reach the hospital as fast as I could, made me rev up the engine to its maximum limit until the speedometer reached 140kph.

At a sharp bend, I lost my control and hit the hard black road until my kneecaps became shredded meat. The bloody wounds and the blood flowing from my knees and elbows did not seem to hurt as though my desire to see Dido had numbed my whole body. Some drivers stopped to help but I ignored them just like I ignored my cuts and picked up my motorcycle and continued on the journey. The journey seemed to take forever. As I turned into the hospital gate, with my drowsy head lacking of blood by now, I hit a parked ambulance in front of the main entrance of the hospital. My fathers newly brought Kriss was now a pile of scrap metal. Everyone there gasped in an awe and confusion as I pushed the nurses away with my weak hands and murmured Didos name until I reached the counter. With my wet body mixed with cuts, bruises, and blood, I asked the nurse for Didos room in my most important voice. I trudged along the hallway with every pair of eyes focused on me when I was searching for my best friends room. Dido meant everything to me. We were not friend s, we were like sisters, having known each other since birth and played with each other since then. Every time I was scared, she was there for me. And when something went wrong, it was all right as we had each other. Everything seemed perfect if we were together and nothing, nothing in this world could separate us, not even God. As I entered her room, my eyes welled up with tears, saddened by the miserable state of friend. She did not deserve to suffer like this. I shed copious tears when I saw all kinds of weird machine beside her and needles sticking through the veins in her arms. I dropped on her bed and hugged her. Moments later, I lost consciousness but it was fine because we were together now. And that was friendship meant to me.

62. AN UNFORGTTABLE EXPERIENCE (V) I cycled into Jalan Antarabangsa in Hulu Kelang where a community of wellto-do businessmen and government servants lived as it was a shorter route to my house.

The sky was gloomy and overcast. Dark, rain-laden clouds raced across the sky. The wind wailed and shrieked mercilessly. The tree gesticulated wildly. Leaves and debris were scattered everywhere. The atmosphere was a surreal. Lightning flashed and illuminated the dark sky momentarily. Thunder rumbled in the distance. A storm was imminent. Soon, the skies opened up. The torrential downpour cascaded down with a vengeance. I was drenched and soaked to the skin. The raindrops pelted me viciously. It was agonizingly painful. I was filled with intense regret for not going back earlier. A chill ran down my spine. I shivered uncontrollably. My hair stood on end. Goose bumps rose on my skin. I came to a slight incline. The wheel of my bicycle made a sloshing sound against the wet road. I slowed down to navigate a sharp bend. As I was almost completing the bend, I noticed some movement on hillside in front of me. Were nocturnal animals foraging for food in the forested area? I peered into the semi-darkness. Within seconds, an entire wall of earth rocks came tumbling down the hill to my right. For a moment, I could only stare. The massive pile of earth uprooted trees and loosened rocks. The next instant, I reacted instinctively. Adrenaline surged through my veins as I turned and cycled back the way I had come. Unfortunately, I tripped on some branches and slid down helplessly toward the slippery road. Before I could decide on my next course of action, a huge tree came crashing down towards me. My mind went blank. I was paralysed with fear. In the flash of an eye, the trunk of the tree crashed down on my legs with a sickening thud. Instantly, a spray of red blood gushed out from my stricken thigh. The pain rushed to my head so strongly that I felt as if my brain were going to explode! The excruciation pain was unbearable. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth as I writhed in agony. My yells and screams were d drowned by the wailing wind. Just as suddenly as the intense pain had tormented me, it suddenly ebbed away. Moments later, my lower body was numb and devoid of any sensation. A lump rose in my throat as panic overwhelmed med. I knew I was in dire straits if help was not forthcoming. I was staring at the face of death and prayed fervently for a miracle to deliver me from this anguish. For some strange reason, I started to think of my family my dad and my mum. All sorts of terrible thoughts raced through my mind to torment me. What if I did not get out of this mess alive? Obviously, they would be devastated with the

death of their only child. I was infuriated that I had to die in this manner. I was in the prime of my life and there were so many things I had not done. It would a shame to leave this world in such an undignified manner. The burst of anger fired my determination to persevere and hang on to dear life. Shouting for help did occur to me, but only momentarily, as I was aware that it would be an exercise in futility. My throat was constricted and parched dry. I could hardly breathe let alone scream! My body was going limp due to the massive blood loss. My mind was swirling as I fought a losing battle to remain focused. Despite the grogginess managed to discern a ray of light in the distance. It was coming towards me and grew increasingly brighter. A glimmer of hope welled up in me. I managed a faint smile as my prayer had answered. Help was at hand and my heart fluttered with anticipation. However, I was slowly drifting into unconsciousness. Soon, the nothingness engulfed me as I faded into a deep sleep.

63. Death (A) Being a young girl merely nine years old, I never really understood the meaning of death nor the purpose of death. All I could understand that not only was death unwelcome but it was also inevitable. Death took something too precious away from me. So priceless that even words cannot describe it. It took away my sister from me. I do not remember much how it all started. But I recall how she would always complain about her horrible headache, which would never go away and haunt her in her sleeps at night. Finally, one day, when she fainted in school, my parents got agitated and sent her to the hospital. That was the last time I saw her in school. I remembered the doctor explaining something to my parents, and fear was written on their faces. Mum, broke down and tears slowly rolled down dads cheeks. I heard words which I did not understand then cancer and brain tumour. Mum and dad

never told me anything and I was too terrified to ask. As the days went by, my sister grew thinner and thinner. She was becoming bald due to the chemotherapy treatment. She always looked so still to me, like the dolls in the house, which we used to play with. The doctors poked funny needles into her arms and they told me she needed them to survive. How penculiar, I thought. Whenever I looked into her eyes, I could not see the fire in it anymore, probably it was snuffed out by all the calamity. One day, she looked up to me and smiled. She whispered these words into ears. Sha, I think the time has come for me to leave you, she uttered deeply. I was confused. Leaving me? For how long? Please promise me youll grow up to be a beautiful and good girl, okay? her voice trailed off. I shouted for mum, when I realised she was not moving. The doctors rushed in, frantically checking her pulse. One of them then looked up, and said nothing. I never realize that silence become deafening, until the moment. Then mum become hysterical and cried agonizingly. That was a moment, I came face to face with death, and how much I despised it. I cried myself to sleep that night, and many nights that followed. My parents walked around like zombies in the house. I cursed God for that incident. He had wanted to give my sister a life, why take it away so quickly? It took quite some time for me to get over it. Now, I am learning to accept the ups and down in life. God, the Almighty already has plans for each and anyone. And I guess that whatever happens it is failed.

64. Death (B) As I listen to the lyrics of the old Bee Gees classic Emotion, revitalized by Destinys Child, I am inspired to write this essay. October 361 seemed to me just like any other day, with the exception of the dreaded SPM examination that was looming closer. I was studying Malaysian History. Shudder! Just as I was taking a few minutes break on the Internet, my telephone rang at 11.45a.m. I picked it up with a hint of mischief in my voice only drop back on the sofa in shock. One of my best friends was on the phone bearing bad news. My classmate had passed away earlier that morning. Nothing can describe that feeling that seemed to tear through my very being. My friend continued to talk. She and a couple of friends were going to the hospital. Did I want to come along? Definitely. In ten minutes we were on our way but we were too late. The body had already been taken for post-mortem. At the hospital, we were asking each other questions. A few of us were crying and succumbed to the grief that was heavy in the air. A few teachers came out of the hospital. Not wanting to be caught crying by their students, they quickly turned away and hurried off. Only then, did I realise that even teachers have feeling wrong time for a revelation.

The next few hours were a blur, hurrying from one place to another. Finally, we ended up at the cemetery. Everyone I know was there. This friend of mine certainly was special. Amidst the crying, the ceremony went on. When it was over, my friends family were escorted out. One picture that will always etched on my heart is the look of grief and resignation on the faces of her family members. Her younger brother was weeping uncontrollably, saying that his sister was gone. That was the last straw. The tears that were held back came pouring. Only then did I fully realise that she was gone forever. My friend was dead. I would never see her again. She would not be able to sit for her SPM. She would not able to jump in ecstasy over her good results. She would not be able to go college with all of us. She would not be able to get a job. She would not be able to get married and have children. A thousand and one questions raced through my head. Why? Why? Why? And I had no answer to any of them. When I reached home, I knew I needed privacy. I sat down in my room and I thought about what had happened. She had been in a car accident about five days before. Oddly, she was the only one out of the six passengers who critically injured. She was in a coma for four days. We were delighted to hear that she had some reflexes and could hear what we were saying and thought she would pull through. But on the night of October 30, she took a turn for the worse. And by the next morning, she was gone. I thought of all the good times we had together. She was such a bubbly energetic funny charming and pretty girl who was popular amongst friends and teachers alike. She represented the school in numerous event netball, bowling, debates and much more. Her life seemed perfect. She had loving parents, and four siblings. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that she would be one of the first to leave us. Just the day before her death, we had our graduation day in school. Our class would be graduating with one person less. Life is precious. That is the lesson that I have learnt from this ordeal. Many of us seem to take our lives for granted, thinking that we have a good 60 or 70 years ahead of us never stopping to think what would happen, if the next day, we, or someone close to us, would be gone.

One day we are laughing and having fun with the ones we love and care for, and the next, we may be mourning our loss. Our future is uncertain. So we have to make use of every moment we have and cherish every moment with the ones we love. I know there are many of us who are still hurt over the loss of our friend. Let us try not to take for granted the loved ones around us and learn to put the past behind us and carry on even though the pain is still there. As the Bee Gees say in their song, Its over and done, but the heartache lives on inside.

65. DOUBLE TRAGEDY She could fell their eyes watching her staring, baring into her soul. Everyone seemed to judge her. Why? What was it that she was blamed for? Why was she responsible for something she had never committed? It was true. Rumours can kill, thought Taryn. She began to quicken her pace, slipping through the throngs of people around her. She did not even dare look up. Her head bowed low, so low until she almost knocked over a sweet old lady and her pile of groceries. She hastily apologized and disappeared into the dark corridor of apartment building. Once inside, Taryn decided not to go up first. Instead, she leaned against the wall. Thoughts raced through her mind. She definitely could not face Collin now. She knew she was right yet she did not want to be subjected to such emotional pressure again. She remembered the time when they had quarreled over their failing relationship. Slowly, Taryn dragged her feet up the stairs. Her head throbbed so hard she could almost feel the veins on her forehead pulsating. She reached the door of her apartment and fumbled with her keys before she opened the door. Collin? Collin, are you home? Her voice hollered through the hallway. Not hearing a reply, Taryn cautiously stepped in and closed the door. She suddenly began to despise Collin, hated him so much for not being there when she really needed his support and care. Taryn sank into the plush cushion of her sofa. No, she could not take it anymore. She had to let it all go. But how? Could she bear leaving Collin, her career and her relatives? Taryn scoffed at the idea. She never felt like she had a family.

She had been isolating herself for the past years from all of them. Only Collin would understand. She clearly remembered the day she walked out of her parents home, vowing never to return. They had a fight over Taryns decision to live and work in downtown Manhattan with Collin who was then her boss. Three years later they had settled down and co-owned an accounting firm. Marriage was not an option. They both believed that they should not be tied down by commitment or responsibility. She had everything she ever wanted, yet it was so different now. It all began a month ago when Collin had found an error in the accounts of William and Beasley, a law firm in Manhattan. It was not just any error, there was a loss of more than five hundred thousand dollars. Collin immediately pointed a finger at Taryn who handled the account. An argument ensued. Taryn was accused of embezzlement. Eventually, Taryn and Collins relationship soured. Days would pass buy almost unnoticed each of them kept themselves busy and avoided each other. Gone were the laughter and happiness they shared. All that was left in plain anger and hate. Taryn had begun her investigation on her own. All evidence seemed to point to her. Meanwhile, Willem and Beasley were infuriated and threatened to press charges if the loss was not recovered. Upon hearing this, Collin suspended Taryn from handling any more accounts. Most of their co-workers had foreseen this parting of ways between the two corporate leaders and decided to leave the company. The value of their shares dropped. Willem and Beasleys lawyer had called. This turn of events had been closely watched by the rest of the world. It was the beginning of a steep downturn for their company. Everything was reported in the papers. Taryn jolted awake. She seemed to have somehow dozed off. It must have been the Prozoc. She confused for a while before she recalled where she was. Taryn got up and stood at the window still. Life is so hopeless, she thought. She focused on the people walking by three floors down. No, too low Much too low. She thought. She let out a long sigh. Her eyes travelled across the room to the store room which had its door open. Rope that was what she saw. Strong, tough rope. Taryn looked up and stared. Not at the ceiling, but at the ceiling fan. A light bulb-flashed in her head.

The clock struck five. Collin grabbed his briefcase and made his way to the car park. His head spun. He had to get home fast. Earlier, he had already contacted the police and they had apprehended McCarter. He should have known. How silly of him to accuse Taryn of such a horrific act. Collin had caught McCarter going through his files when he came in earlier from lunch that afternoon. He had a diskette with him, containing the details of the transaction of five hundred thousand dollars to a private account in Switzerland. As Collin drove home, he replayed a scene in his mind. He would apologise to Taryn, make a statement in the papers and everything would be fine. He did not see a truck swerve from a junction directly in front of his car. The news came out the next morning. In great, bold letters were written these words: Double Tragedy Hits Maxwell and Brown. Everyone was horrified with the simultaneous deaths of Collin Maxwell and Taryn Brown, owners of the infamous accounting firm which had been tarnished with the reputation for embezzlement. The police confirmed Taryns innocence and McCarter was prosecuted. Some people said the coincident death were a sigh of true, everlasting love between Collin and Taryn.

66. DREAMS The door was ajar, I pushed the door and slipped into the room. The air was thick with blood. I walked cautiously towards the object that was enveloped in blankets on the bed. Adrenaline rushed out and I could feel my heart beating wildly. My legs were shivering and my hands trembling. I plucked my courage and flipped open the blanket. What the flickering light revealed was a horrendous sight! I stepped back and felt someone tap my shoulder. It jolted me out of my numbness. As I turned around, I saw her, a pale young women. What is happening here? I asked, hoping she did not know the answer. Who is she actually? I wondered. It was the first time I had seen her in this mansion. Im Fear, Justin Fear. This is my mansion, at least I think so but that dead body was not supposed to be here. I took a glance at the girl. She stood at 5 feet 5 inches, with red coppery hair and almond eyes. She was pale-ghostlike pale but she was beautiful. She glanced at the bed and slowly walked away. Huh? You want me to follow you? In my mind, I thought that this girl was weird. She wore a dress that belonged to the 18th century What about the corpse? Are we going to leave it like that? I asked but still followed her. She did not seem to be walking she seemed to be floating off the ground. She led me to a big hall full of people. All the guests gathered there were dressed in 18th century clothes! What is this? When did I invite these weirdos? I did not remember sending invitation cards to anyone except Lynette, my girlfriend. And what is wrong with people? Why are they looking at me like that? The red-haired girl stopped and turned at me. I was astonished by the beauty of her face, her perfect body. She was the perfect embodiment of the female species. Shall we dance? she asked politely. Her voice was soft. She took my hanks and placed them in her own. A song was played in the air and as we danced, I felt my eyes drawn deep into her green eyes. The song that was played had a tinge of melancholy in it but I was too engrossed holding her in my arms What is your name? I asked softly against her earlobe.

Tanya Fear, she replied nonchalantly. Huh? She is a family member? Why havent I seen her before this? Maybe did, at Fears Family Reunion. No, I have not seen her before this. Numerous questions swirled round my mind. Justin, I like you. Please stay the whole night, will you? she asked while her hands traced down my chiseled features. Her eyes stared into my grey eyes. I felt like I was under a spell but I relished every moment of it. It was a heavenly sensation. Of course, I am staying. This is my mansion, after all. Tanya, mind if I ask you? Who are these people? I never seen them around before and actually, are we related? Tanya just smiled. Her lopsided devilish grin spread across her angelic face. She laughed softly. There was something sinister about her but I could not careless. I was dumbfounded by her beauty. I wrapped my arms around her and danced the night away, not wanting her to slip away. As the clock struck midnight, I heard laughter all over room. Tanya was laughing hard too. What was wrong? I was bewildered. Tanya slipped off my embrace and started walking towards her friends. Who do you think you are? The master of this mansion? Dream on, Justin. We were here long before you. I was startled and as I walked towards Tanya, I stumbled over a body. I took a look at the corpse. Lynette! Dead! Motionless! Lifeless! This is our house, you cant take it away from us! You have to make a choicebe with us or live in your temporal world? Wondering who we are? We are the immortals. You can have the power to control the world if you want to, Justin. I love you from the first time I saw you, so hesitate no more. Join us! Tanyas voice echoed through the hall. No! I protested vehemently as Tanya and her friends moved menacingly towards me. No! Please leave me alone. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I shuddered and lashed wildly with my hands and legs. As I tried to get away from them, I slipped and fell. A sharp pain shot up my back. When I opened my eyes, I realised I was in bed and sweating profusely. Luckily, it was only a dream.

67..HE DISAPPEARED AND WAS NEVER HEARD OF AGAIN The rain continued to pour, the wind howled again and again coldness crept through here veins but she ignored it. It had been raining even before she was taken here. Her grace and charm began to fade day by day. Each time hearing the rain made her wondered if that kingdom will ever be flooded. She did not know how long she had been there. Maybe days, maybe weeks, maybe months had already passed by. She was chained and locked in a chamber in one of the towers of the vast castle for a crime she never did. All day she only sat on the wooden bench looking at the blazing flame of an eternal fire. Memories of her past played again in front of her. They were the

happy days even after her fathers kingdom was at war. The war was started by an attack upon one of her fathers villagers by the Nerefro kingdom. The Nerefro kingdom was once peaceful until the royal prince took over. It was later filled by beasts, orges, trolls, monsters, demons and nearly everything she could think of. Her daydream snapped away as she heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Two bulky orges appeared. One of in. They then walked away. Alura knelt down to see what it was but the shadows kept on dancing menacingly upon her. Her fingers touched the stuff. It felt soft, a bit sticky and it did not move. Alura then brought the stuff to her eyes. A roasted chicken or just a part of it but she did not think for long. She ate it hungrily. Alura stood instantly when she heard a bloody cry. A cry of an ogre dying. She went to the iron door but the chains stopped her. Then, swift footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. Princess Alura, a voice called upon her. Alura was shocked and speechless for a moment. Are you in there? Answer me. Are you in there, Princess Alura? The voice came again, Yes, yes. I am chained in here. Please release me. Aluras voice was filled with hope. She could feel her spirit returning. Stand back. The iron door fell in front of her. Outside stood a young man dressed in simple knight clothes and a black cloak wearing no armour for protection. His right hand held a rather long sword with blood dripping from it. Without any word, the man cut off Aluras chains using his sword. Come with me. The man directed Princess Alura out. Escaping from the castle was not an easy task. Monsters pounced on them at every turn. But the mans quick actions finished them off before they could make a move. Watching the man battling alone to protect her made the emotions inside her tremble. She became eager to know who the man was but did not ask, fearing that she would distract the man. After a long time of running, hiding, and fighting, they came to a large hall. Alura was shocked to see her father and the knight of Krenoga kingdom frozen in crystal clear ice. Then, a horrifying laughter drew her attention. in the middle of the hall stood a tall figure. It wore a black robe that swept the floor. Its silver mask showed nothing and from its eyes came an eerie red glow. It has been a long time since out last battle, Seiryu. A hundred years perhaps? The figure said in an echoing tone. Alura was shocked to know the mans

name. Seiryu was the name of an ancient knight believed to have died a long time ago. You have never changed Merfro. Seiryu said as he dashed towards Merfro. They were like two knights fighting for their lives. They exchanged attacks, each time stronger than the previous one. The techniques unleashed were never made by a normal knight. Alura was like a spectator of an ancient battle. Swords clashing again and again. Then, finally Seiryus sword stabbed Merfros heart from behind. Merfro let out a bloody cry. Then with a blinding flash it ended. The smoke clearly. He disappeared and was never heard of again.

68. HONESTY (A) Oh! Thank you! Thank you for the wonderful news. After returning the phone to its cradle, Liza broke into spontaneous laughter. I have succeeded. I am accepted into Yale University. Hurray! Her singing voice sailed upstairs into her parents ears. There was much rejoicing and they celebrated her success by going for a marvelous feast. Liza could not wait to share her good news with all her friends who supported her through thick and thin for all these months. Hello, Meredith. Guess what? she asked smugly into the phone. Your boyfriend jilted you? her best friend teased. Meredith! You donkey! I just received news from Yale University and I will be in the U.S. by spring, her voice was laced with joy. Really? Congratulations! Your hard work has finally paid off. I am so proud of you.

For the next two hours she talked non-stop on the phone, spreading the good news to all her classmates. Finally, at midnight, she plopped onto her king-sized bed. There was a perpetual smile on her beautiful face. She still couldnt believe that she had made it. She felt like dancing around the room. He was intoxicated with happiness. Her entire being was radiant with optimism and hope. She was no more the ugly duckling of the family. Joey. James and John would no longer look down on her. Her cousins would have to admit that she was their equal if not better. And her boyfriend, Jordan would no doubt pick her up and swing her round in circles. Ringring, her bedside Tweety-shaped telephone rang. Hello, she answered, happiness written all over her face. Hi! Remember me? Congratulations! We have finally made it to Yale University, the barely audible voice was menacing. To Liza, it was a call from hell. She could feel the blackness closing in, like storm clouds rushing from a threatening horizon. She plummeted from heaven down to earth. Harsh reality came rushing back. Forgotten about me, have-you not? the husky voice mocked sarcastically. I was the one who helped you pave the road to success and now it is time for payment, she rasped. See you behind the school hall. Oh, dont forget to bring along the two thousand ringgit you promised me. With that the line went dead. For many minutes after that, Liza was still sitting at the edge of the bed, her eyes staring unseeingly into space. Her mind wandered back to the first moment she set eyes on Jennifer. Liza and Jennifer were almost identical. They had the same curly hair, big round eyes, rose-shaped lips and a five- foot five stature. But their similarity ended there. Although they had the same features and physique, they were worlds apart. Liza was the epitome of goodness and wholesomeness while Jennifer, evil and selfishness. People were drawn to Liza by her ladylike demeanour, prim mannerisms, daintiness and delicacy. In contrast, friends shrank away from Jennifer. There was something wicked about her, threatening, menacing and sinister. Two months ago the two girls met. I heard that you are desperate to score at least a strong credit for maths. Well, I know the way to achieve your goal.

Lizas eyes lit up. For many days she had been brooding and hopping mad at the disastrous results in her Maths paper. She badly needed a credit in Maths to enter Yale University. She had score in every subject but failed miserably in the crucial paper. Liza knew that her nightmare had just begun. She pressed the heels of her hands against her temples. I shouldnt have asked Jennifer to sit for my Maths paper. I should not have been dishonest. It is not me to stoop so low to cheat in the examination. But then, what choice do I have? Either I cheat or fail! And I could not fail! She was overwhelmed by a wave of helplessness. Everyone had such high hopes for her. Her parents expected her to become a successful engineer. Her aunt, Mona had already booked a car for her in the U.S. Her boyfriend had rented a room for her near the university. Everything was nice and ready, just waiting for her to pursue her studies at the prestigious Yale University. The tension and pressure were just too great. She knew that even if she resat for the Maths paper she was bound to fail again. So, she compromised her principles and cheated. Jennifer masqueraded as Liza and sat for the examination. Since then the blackmail began. Initially it was money. Then Jennifer wanted her tennis racquet, her CD player, to driver her sports car, etc. There was no end to it. Lizas fear escalated to terror. She was no longer the happy-go-lucky girl. Her world turned topsy-turvy. She was a quivering pack of nerves. She shuddered each time the phone rang. Liza, darling, I have never been to a ball. I will be going to Johns ball in your place, wont I? she tossed her jet black hair back and laughed. Liza stared at her in terror. A groan of fear and anguish rose in her throat. I must stop her. I must. I will not let her ruin my life, she cried to herself. Finally, she could no longer stand the blackmails and threats. When Jennifer commanded her to bring more money, she decided to do something. The night wind was howling and the waves were lashing furiously to the shore. Did you bring the money? Jennifer barked.

No, I did not, and I will never again jump to your bidding, Liza answered in a steely voice. Do you wish for everyone to know our juicy secret then? Jennifer threatened. Are you willing to say goodbye to Yale University? Are you prepared to ruin your reputation? If you stop catering my whims and fancies, I will make sure that you are ruined for life. body. Liza was at a loss for words. Frustration screamed from every cell of her

Suddenly, Jennifer lunged at her, trying to push her over the cliff. Die! Die! I will be Liza Lee and you shall die! Jennifer thundered. With a sudden burst of energy, Liza ducked out of Jennifers grasp and pushed with all her might. Jennifer lost her footing and fell headlong into the angry, roaring sea. One month after the unforgettable incident, Liza was on her way to the U.S. She should be happy and contented, yet she was not. She now had a burden to carry, a burden of guilt that will never cease to haunt her for the rest of her life. She was no longer pure and innocent. Honesty, the value she emphasized most, was no longer with her. Now, she was a liar, a cheat and a scumbag. After the second semester, Liza dropped out of her course. She not only could not catch up with the compulsory Mats paper, but her mind was tormented by the death of Jennifer. She learnt the hard way that honesty is the best policy.

69. HONESTY (B) Eric, never tell lies or else your nose will become longer and longer just like Pinocchio. My mothers advice still echoed in my ears. My mother was a staunch believer of the maxim To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education. Therefore, she took great pains to impart me with this good moral value since I was five years old. She liked to read me Pinocchio for my bedtime story. She also told me the apocryphal / legendary story about George Washingtons honesty as a child. Just like my mother, I always presumed that honesty was best policy. However the incident which occurred to me six months ago made me realise that I was dreadfully wrong! I was nearly killed because of honesty. Lucy and I were a lovely couple who had been together for about five years. She was a gorgeous and vivacious woman, a heavenly creature like an angel. I still remember vividly the first time when she flashed her dazzling smile at me, my heart melted like a hot knife cutting through butter. She was a perfect lover, caring, loving and understanding. We were the perfect couple. We were made for each other. Everyone felt so. I felt so, too. There was no ulterior motive or hidden agenda between us. We trusted and respected each other but the situation changed just because of my honesty. One night, I attended my friends stag party in a pub and had one drink too many. In the pub, I met a sexy and marvelous woman named Cathy. We chatted happily and both of us really had a good time. Early the next morning when I woke up, I was utterly shocked and petrified to find out that I was in Cathys room. Oh my goodness! What had I done? I was panic-stricken. I dressed up hastily and dashed out of her house. When I reached home, my heart was still palpitating with apprehension and trepidation. I sweated profusely out of nervousness. I took a deep breath to compose myself. I summoned all my courage and stepped meekly into the house.

Daring is that you? My heart nearly leapt out my mouth when I heard Lucys voice. The keys dropped from my trembling hands to the floor with a clinking sound. The sound seemed to be amplified in the serenity and tranguillity of the wee hours of the morning. Darling, is that you darning? she asked curiously. Yes Yes, honey it is me. I am back, my voice shook as I spoke. Are you ok darling? Where have you been? I have been waiting for you the whole night! Worry and anxiety was written all over her face. I felt a tinge a quilt and my head hung low to avoid eye, contact with her. I I am ok honey. Sorry for making you worried about me, I stayed stayed in my friends house yesterday because I was drunk, I stuttered. Darling, it is ok. Are you hungry? Want me to cook something for you? Without waiting for my answer, she had already entered the kitchen and started to prepare the food for me. She was a caring and loving woman, was she not? I felt really bad and guilty to cheat on her. I knew I should not have treated her so unfairly. I plucked up all my courage and decided to tell her the truth. Honey..I..have something tell you. Yes darling, I am all ears. She cooed lovingly. Honey, I I feel really bad about that and I . I didnt mean to betray you. I am so sorry actually, I spent the night in in a womans house yesterday but honey She did not wait for me to finish my words. She stared at me with her blazing eyes and gave me a tight slap. I could feel an acute pain shoot up my face. This was followed by a pin-drop silence. I was paralysed for a moment and shocked beyond words. The palpable tension could be felt in air. She clenched her first in frustration and gritted her teeth in desperation. Damn you! How dare you treat me like that! she bit her lower lip to stifle an outburst of tears. She glared me with her fiery eyes and shook her head in disbelief. Sorry Honey I didnt mean to hurt you I was drunk. Honey please forgive me, I pleaded

Stop it! she yelled at me. She flew into a terrible rage and I was utterly taken aback by her anger. Why? Why dont you hide the truth from me? I would rather that you lie me than tell me the truth. Dont you know the truth always hurts and the absolute truth hurts absolutely? Why dont you tell me a while lie? At least I will feel better.She could barely conceal her anger, sadness and disappointment. Tears trickled down drop by drop from her cheeks. I felt remorseful. My heart shattered into a million pieces when I saw Lucy sob and weep bitterly. Honey, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I tried to go near her but she jumped back like a startled rabbit. Stay out of my way. I hate you. Dont you come near to me! she spewed out the words with malice. I am sorry. Please give me a chance. I promise that I will never I said stay clear of me She began to lose her cool and threw all the plates, cups and bowls at me. The crockery shattered into pieces on the floor. Be careful honey. You might hurt yourself I said with genuine concerned. Keep your mouth shut! She grabbed the knife which was beside her and threw it at me. I ducked instinctively but alas, it was too late. The sharp knife pierced through my chest. Blood began to gush out from the deep gaping wound an excruciating pain and anguish engulfed me. Out of the blue, she glared at me with contempt and said without lot of sympathy and concern. You deserve it! Then, she stomped out of kitchen angrily. According to Thomas Menn,A harmful truth is better than a useful lie but I could not agree him. I cannot deny that honest is generally the best policy but sometimes it just does not work with women. For women, there is nothing wrong with a white lie if it can keep them happy and contented. 70. I DID NOT LIKE THE LOOK OF HIM FROM THE MOMENT I FIRST LAID MY EYES ON HIM I did not like the look of him from the moment I laid my eyes on him. I did not recognize him but my instinct told me that man was not a good person. But what

could I do, I did not have the guts to say no. My mom and dad were divorced since I was ten years old. My mom took me with her when she moved out from the matrimonial house. Since then, my mom worked as a salesgirl in a shopping complex to support us. Life was hard and I was not able to finish my studies. I only studied until form 4 and then worked in a factory. I never thought that my mom would find another man to replace dad. Before this, I realised that my mom had always been going out with the old man but I thought they were just platonic friends until one day my mom brought him home. She dropped the bombshell and introduced him to me as prospective stepfather. Though I was shocked and surprised, I merely nodded and managed a faint smile. Mona, mom hopes that you will accept Mr.Rajoli as your own father. I know he is a good guy, only a little old but Im very sure that he will make our family happy and rich, said my mom, her eyes glittering with hope. I had no choice but to comply with her wishes and so I pretended to be happy. After they were married, moved to stately mansion. My stepfather was a successful entrepreneur. He was always busy with meetings and went overseas regularly to meet his business associates. It was truly blessing for me and his absence was not felt at all. My mom stopped working as a salesgirl and she was now perpetually busy with her club and other charitable pursuits. As such she was rarely home too and I only had the housekeeper for company. One night, my father came home drunk. There was no one home as the housekeeper had gone back to her village to her friends birthday party. I had no choice but to help him to his bedroom. As I was about to place him on the bed, he suddenly grabbed me tightly. I struggled and shoved him off but to no avail as he was quite strong for his age. I screamed at the top of my lungs and he smashed his fist down on the mouth. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I begged him to let me go but he would have nothing of that. He proceeded to violate me and satisfied his lust. That night, my mom came back and found me alone in her bedroom, sobbing my heart out. The animal beat a hasty retreat after the dastardly act. I remembered my first impression of him and my instinct told me that he was has a sinister disposition. My mom was shocked beyond words and reluctantly brought me to the police station to lodge a report. After a lengthy trial in which I was humiliated and tormented, the judge eventually found him guilty and sentenced him to ten years in prison but was spared

the canning due to his age. He truly deserve to be incarcerated but it did not help much to soothe pain, agony, hurt and the mental anguish! Suffered. 71. . . . I TOLD YOU SO. (A) Ring ! Ring! The shill sound of the alarm clock woke up me from the slumber. The burnt smell roasted coffee tickled the tip of my nose. I blinked my eyes as the morning rays penetrated through the white curtains. A loud shout filled the air and made me jump out of the bed. Mother must already be waiting downstairs I grabbed the towel and headed for the shower. The cool water was indeed refreshing. Putting on my jeans and sweater I heeded down the stairs two at the time. It was no long after that when I arrived at school. I greeted my friends as usual and we headed for class. It was our final year and we all wanted to enjoy ourselves before we left. The class was filled with laughter from all corners. We were so excited for there for there was a new guy coming that dat. His father had moved into the area a few days ago so he would be spending his final year at out school. The first lesson was Mathematics. In the middle of the lesson, there were soft knock on the door. A tall guy with straight, brown hair entered the room. The girls held their breaths. He was utterly handsome with a well built body and stunning features. He gave the teacher a smile and introduced himself. Then he headed for the empty seat beside me right at the back. My heart began to throb wildly. I had never felt this way towards a guy before. There was indeed something special about him. After school, I was surprised to see him learning against the front door as if waiting for someone. Are you waiting for me? I asked him playfully. He started at me closely and a strange expression crossed his face. I stepped back and immediately felt goose bumps rising on my neck. He stepped forward and reached out his strong hands towards me. My mouth opened to let out a scream but clenched shut when he pulled out a feather. You had stuck in your hair. He said softly and handed it to me. I was dumbfounded and utterly embarrassed. I was about to reply when a slim girl with same stunning features appear next to him. She hardly glanced at me but just grabbed Brads hand. Then, they turned around and left.

I went home that day feeling confused and silence took over me. My mother was worried but I just told her that I had a lot of homework to do. She just nodded her head. My mind kept on imagining the girl with Brad. Who was she? I just needed to know so badly. Could she be his sister? The thought made me feel better and soon I was deep asleep. The next day, I saw Brad walking to school with her, hand in hand. I made up my to mind to ask him who she was. During recess, I turned around to talk to him and was surprised to see him staring at me. During recess, I turned around to talk to him and was surprised to see him staring at me. He gave me a slight smile and I returned it with a big one. So, who was the girl that you walked home with yesterday? I asked him. Shes my sister. He said in soft voice. I have to take care of her. Shes not very well these days, since we moved I mean. She never wanted to come here. Why not? I asked feeling a little angry. This is one of the best areas here. This is a fine school and there are many shopping complexes nearby. I know. He replied staring into my eyes. Its just that she has a little problem of mixing with others. Shell be all right in few days I guess. His eyes stared directly though mine. I looked away quickly. I was not quite sure but I thought I saw him smile slightly. After that short talk with him, I became close to Brad, more than anyone could imagine. I trusted him to keep all my secrets and he trusted me with him. Finally, one hot and humid day, she grabbed me by the collar and pushed me into ladies room. She warned me to stay away from Brad or something terrible would happen to me. I was surprised at her strength. Her fists were clenched as if ready to attack. I just kept quite and nodded tamely. She stared at me for a long time and then marched out of the room. I heaved a sigh of relief. After that, I tried to stay away from Brad as much as I could. He asked me if anything was wrong but I always shook my head. I could not tell him about his sister jealousy. A few days later, Brad called me over to his home. He wanted us to study together. I could not resist his pleading. After all, his sister had gone to a friends party. I arrived at 8.00pm sharp. We studied for a long time and it felt like old time again. Then I realised that it was getting late. I packed up my things and

left .Brad offered to accompany me but I refused. Stepping out into the still night gave me the shivers. I walked quickly without turning around. Suddenly, a speeding vehicle with glaring light came rushing towards me. I ran as fast as I could and I could feel adrenaline rushing through me. The car chased after me until there was a loud bang. I could feel myself flying through the air and landing with a loud thud. I could not move and my vision was faltering. In the silence of the night, I heard someone walking toward me. I struggled to see who it was and was shocked to see Eliza, Brad sister smiling menacingly at me her eyes sparkled and out of her mouth came the words, I told u so 72I TOLD U SO. (B) It was a dark and cloudless night. Millions of diamonds were sparking in the night sky. I was walking alone along the path toward my destination. The air had a stillness that sent shivers down my spine. The only sound heard was the hooting of an owl. A cool breeze blew across my face as I clutched my jacket around my neck. I finally reached the mansion. The haunted mansion which Derek had dared me to explore. He taunted me by a calling me a wimp. I did not know why I took up the stupid dare. Suddenly, Eric words sailed across my mind. Dont do it, Alex. Its not worth it. He told me that Derek and his sadistic friend had thrown me the challenge to trap me. Derek and I were long time rivals. We had fought with each other ever since we were in day care. I remembered every single detail.You cant push me anymore Derek I muttered under my breath. Even before I ventured to the mansion, Eric had tried to restrain me. He told me that Derek would scare the wits out of me and I would be the loser. I believed that was the main reason why I had to go and prove that I was not a loser. I stood in front of the old stately mansion. The shadow loomed over me as if trying to swallow me into the darkness. I gasped and had to admit that I was afraid but I had to prove my courage to Derek. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, clearing my thoughts. The silence was deafening. My only focus was to wipe the leer off Dereks face. Thinking about it made me furious. I opened my eyes and clenched my fists with determination. I walked across the pavement towards the door, thinking about Dereks taunts and the humiliation I would suffer if I backed out now. I stood rooted in front of the big wooden door. I was thinking if I should knock the door or just enter. I decided to knock, to be polite. I would not want to

make anymore or just anything angry. As I lifted my hand to knock, I heard whispers coming from the mansion. I almost backed out, but Dereks face flashed through my mind. I lifted my hand again. As my knuckles hit the wooden door , a hand landed on my shoulder. I almost wetted my pants as I turned to face whatever was behind me. Hey, relax! Its me.Eric grinned, holding out his hands. At that moment , I felt like slapping him. I glared at him. He was obviously trying to stifle laugh. Whoa, Alex. Youre a mess! he managed to cough out. What the hell are you doing here? I demanded. My eyes blazing. To save you from the most humiliating moment of your life, he answered sarcastically. I ran my fingers through my hair and realised that I was sweating profusely despite the cool air. Eric was right. I was a mess. I ignored him opened the door without knocking. Honestly, I was glad that Eric came but I could never ever tell him that I was shaking with fear at that moment.

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