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Patrick Zwingly 110111168 FK UNSRAT (Semester 3) RUANG 11


Question 1: Some people say that recycling should be required by law. Others say that it should be a personal choice. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Keywords: Global warning, our Planet, Earth,Plastics,Gas,Trash,Crisis,Pollution It seems that every time one turns on the television they hear about something dealing with the environment, from global warming to pollution. It is a constant a reminder that what people do has a consequence to our planet. While some people do recycle, not enough is being done. We need to have more people recycle to have a better effect to the planet. This is why government needs to have mandatory recycling to not only better the earth, but to lessen our need for natural resources, reduce the amount of actual trash we put in landfill, and to help our economy by the creation of new jobs through the recycling project. One reason the government should enforce mandatory recycling is to reduce the amount of natural resources needed to make products. The recycling of plastic, paper, and aluminum can help to reduce the amount of petroleum, water, trees, and aluminum ore that would be needed to produce new products. According to the article Recycling Facts, by recycling one ton of paper products Americans can save 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil, and 7,000 gallons of water. Along with saving trees by recycling paper, recycling aluminum can save 37 barrels of oil and recycling plastic can save one to two thousand gallons of gas. Another reason recycling should be required by law is to reduce the amount of trash the people put in landfills. If people are producing so much trash, where are they putting it all? Theyre piling it up in landfills. The more trash producing the more space we need to put it. People should try to reuse, recycle, and compost everything they could to reduce the amount of actual

trash that ends up in landfills. This would not only help the environment now, but keep it from being a crisis for future generations. Question 2: Some People Say That Marriage Should Arranged By Intermediaries And Others Say Young People Should Be Free To Choose Their Marriage Partners. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use spesific reasons and examples to support your answer. Keywords: Love, Marriage,Culture, Family,Century,Sexual,Human,Partners,Marry,Decide,Relationship I agree with this statement that young people should be free to choose their marriage partners, because in 20th Century grow up a culture to choose the one that somebody love to be her/his partner for being a Family. As the author researched further and consulted with colleagues studying family life around the world, she came to believe that the current rearrangement of both married and single life is in fact without historical precedent. When it comes to any particular marital practice or behavior, there may be nothing new under the sun. But when it comes to the overall place of marriage in society and the relationship between husbands and wives, nothing in the past is anything like what we have today, even if it may look similar at first glance. The forms, values, and arrangements of marriage are indeed changing dramatically all around the globe. Almost everywhere people worry that marriage is in crisis. The United Nations kicked off the twenty-first century with a campaign to raise the age of marriage in Afghanistan, India, and Africa, where girls are frequently wed by age twelve or thirteen, often with disastrous effects on their health. On the other hand, in Singapore the government launched a big campaign to convince people to marry at a younger age. In Spain, more than 50 percent of women aged twenty-five to twenty-nine are single, and economic planners worry that this bodes ill for the country's birthrate and future growth. In the Czech Republic, however, researchers welcome the rise in single living, hoping that will reduce the 50 percent divorce rate. Each region also blames its marriage crisis on a different culprit.

Reviewing the historical trends behind these various concerns, the author began to see some common themes under all these bewildering differences. Everywhere marriage is becoming more optional and more fragile. Everywhere the once-predictable link between marriage and child rearing is fraying. And everywhere relations between men and women are undergoing rapid and at times traumatic transformation. In fact, the relations between men and women have changed more in the past thirty years than they did in the previous three thousand, and the author suspects that a similar transformation was occurring in the role of marriage. The author now thinks that there was a basic continuity in the development of marriage ideals and behaviors from the late eighteenth century through the 1950s and 1960s. In the eighteenth century, people began to adopt the radical new idea that love should be the most fundamental reason for marriage and that young people should be free to choose their marriage partners on the basis of love. The sentimentalization of the love-based marriage in the nineteenth century and its sexualization in the twentieth each represented a logical step in the evolution of this new approach to marriage. Question 3: Pet shoul be treated like family member ? Agree or disagree. Give your reason ! I agree with the statement "Pets should be treated like family members" because pets are animals, but they often behave better than humans.I have a dog and human friends. I know what I am saying! My dog for example understands when I am sad, and when I am, he tries to be with me as much as he can. In these moments he asks me to play with him by showing me the ball he wants me to throw as far as I can. By doing this, he tries to distract me. Also, pets, like my dog, protect their masters. For example when someone tries to attack you, the dog defends you, because he is loyal and is a real friend! There are other stories that convince me that pets are family members. In fact, I heard about a dog that did not want to leave the cemetery where his dead master was buried. his fact shows that pets, dogs in particular, love the men/women whom(who) they grow up. In my opinion a pet can be better than a human family member for two reasons. First, you can tell him everything and it will seem to you that he is understanding you, but maybe he is looking only at your lips moving. The second reason is, pet does not often don't ever answer you. They can not do it! A man

or woman can tell you are wrong about a particular behaviour, while a dog or a cat is not be able to do it, even if there is a way to understand if a pet agrees with you. In fact if he is with you it means that he agrees, while if he leaves you alone in the room it mean the opposite. Pet are family members without doubt! They help you when you need it and they ask for your help when they need. You can trust them, because you know they will not leave you alone until they die. Question 4: Many people enjoy participating in sports for recreation; others enjoy participating in the arts. Give the benefits of each, take a position and defend it. Which is more fun ,activities involving arts or those involving sports ?There is no exact answer to a question like this since these two very distinct activities are enjoyed by different people with different talents and interests. Many scientific research had proven that gender also plays a role in which of those two activities does one prefer; as females are more likely to enroll in activities that require artistic talents and creation, more than males who prefer activities that require a lot of physical effort and strength. Although I am a female, I enjoy participating in sports f more than arts. To start with, sports give me the chance to meet new people and make new friends. For example, the members of my team are of different ages and interests, as we attend practices and work hard in order to achieve the same goal strong bonds build between us making us very close friends, which makes every minute of the time we spending together practicing and attending meetings fun. Moreover, when we play against other teams from different parts of the world this doesn't only give them the chance to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds but also gives me the chance to visit new places around the world in which the tournaments are held. Secondly, there is nothing I enjoy more than winning in a match, it gives me a feeling of wild excitement and content that I cannot sleep that night. Furthermore, whether we win on match or not we always throw a party which the whole team attends to enjoy their time after a long tiring day. Finally, I have always enjoyed running around the court during practices as it gives me a feeling of freedom, and gives me the guarantee that I would be fit enough for life and less susceptible to disease in the future. Meanwhile arts help people express their feelings through paintings and playing

musical instruments. It also gives them the chance to be proud of themselves after composing a great symphony or finishing a masterpiece. Moreover, artists such as painters can gain a lot of money from their art galleries while musicians can gain money from concerts and parties they hold. These painting and symphonies can be enjoyed by people of different ages, genders and nationalities as art has know language and can be understood by anyone who loves it. On balance despite all these advantages arts have, I still prefer sports over arts, us it benefits me socially, physically, and also psychologically.

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