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Health is wealth. There could be no greater wealth than having a good health. Our current health event is the Nutrition Month celebration which falls on July month. This years theme is Gutom at Malnutrisyon, Samasama Nating Wakasan . Puerto Elementary School is doing healthy activities to celebrate this month like continuous feeding activity and sustainable Gulayan sa Paaralan where stakeholders-the parents help one another to take fresh vegetables in the school backyard to feed the severely malnourished children. Gulayan sa Bahay is another profitable and productive joint endeavor of the school and the community to help every family sustain feeding activities to their children by planting vegetables in their respective abode. Puerto Elementary School prepares the whole month fun activity to allow the pupils involved in various competitions like cooking demonstration, invented snack preparation, amplaya eating contest, Nutri-Poem competition, Sabayang pagbigkas and Nutri-Jingle contest. To hone and develop the writing skills of the children they were ought to join in the Essay writing competition, develop creative arts by joining the poster making contest and most of all everybody participate in the Fruit and Vegetable display Booth Competition. Puerto Elementary School advocates Busog-Lusog Campaign. This advocates the children to eat proper food necessary for their body needs, they are also taught in their lessons the good and proper nutrition vital for their growth and development of their body and brain. Puerto Elementary School, celebrate the Nutrition Month activity that help the children be fully aware of how important eating of vegetables and fruits in our body. the healthy events of the Nutrition Month Celebration make the a great union of the stakeholders- the parents and the pupils learn and have a fulfilling remarkable moment as they join the celebration in the school. The following activities are to wit:

Grade I level compete last July 20, 2013 with their Nutri- Tula Contest headed by the Grade I teachers. The said activity was fairly judged by the Grade II teachers.

Grade II level compete with their Sabayan sa Pagbigkas contest held at the Puerto ES covered court. It was spearheaded by Mrs. Maydafe Cherryl A. Carlos( Nutrition Month Celebration Chairman and STEP Coordinator).

Grade III level create their own lyrics and sway with their beautiful rendition in the Jingle competition headed by Mrs. Perpetua B. Racho ( Grade III Adviser)

Grade IV level also show their skills in making their own recipe in Fruit Shake Competition. Grade V level boast their own invented snacks preparation with munggo and kalabasa as their main ingredient in the contest.

Mrs. Obias ( Gulayan sa Paaralan Coordinator and also EPP teacher in Grade V take a beautiful pose with her pupils with their winning dish Calabasa spaghetti and munggo meat balls.

Outstanding calabasa spaghetti won first place during the invented snacks preparation contest.

Grade VI level show their wit with their skills in preparing the creative main dish in their live cooking demonstration.

Ms. Jona B. Reyes glanced over the hot carajay with the dish being prepared by the Grade VI pupils. She observed thoroughly the proper food handling and correct handling of food utensils.

This pupil prepared a very delicious and sweet dessert of his main dish.

Another innovative nutritious dish prepared by Grade VI pupils of Cassiopeia. These are siomai veges and glazed carrots.

The judges take a pose before the table set in front with the winning dish.

MAKS-P pattie in sweet and sour sauce is the champion in Main dish preparation because of its high nutritive value and yet very economical creative dish for everyone.


These guys are ready for the battle of eating pure bittergourd (ampalaya) and water.

II. BOOTH DISPLAY COMPETITION The inter-level school competition is the Fruit and Vegetables Display Booth, were the parents and the students involved in decorating and adding colorful items in the booth containing the 3 main food groups in the booth. We invited Mrs. Nathalie Famador assigned District nurse in EAST II to judge each booth, together with the Barangay Chairman of Puerto- Honorable Achas and Mrs. Annabelle J. Lariba to make a wise judgement of the most beautiful and creative booth in the school.

Parents help one another to build the booth ready for next day competition.

These parents help in making the roof of the booth as to prepare the booth for the expected rainy Nutrition Month Celebration.


Mrs. Annabelle J. Lariba with the select judges from the Division of Cagayan de Oro take the moment to remember this lovely booth installed by the Grade IV level.

Despite the bad weather condition of the Nutrition month celebration, these Grade IV teachers are still prepared to wear their filipiniana outfit with the joint endeavor of the parents and pupils . Their lovely looks says that they really enjoy with the Nutrition month Celebration in school with their Fiesta sa Nayon theme.

Ms. Nat Famador take the best moment to have a wonderful pose in the Grade I booth with their organic vegetables display inside their GULAYAN trails.

Mrs. Elsa A. Bontilao proudly shows her newly picked fresh patola inside the GRADE I Booth.

Teachers and parents of the Preschool showed their candid smile with their huge booth filled with different native dishes and vegetables.

THE CULMINATING ACTIVITY: The program was held in Puerto Elementary School covered court at 1:00PM on July 26, 2013. It was started with a solemn celebration of prayer

through musical rendition of the Glee Club members headed by Mrs. Ma. Cleofe A. Oliver; MSEP Coordinator.

The Glitters rendered the beautiful hymn of Praise during the invocation part of the culminating activity.

Mrs. Lariba Principal, gave her warmest welcome to all the parents and students attended the Culminating Activity in the Nutrition Month celebration.

The SPED pupils enthusiastcally boast their talents in dancing. They were also the participants who actively join the competition in Limketkai Center, and shall perform in SM mall next month.

Pinning of sash and giving of award for A-1 child in preschool. The selection was done before the ceremony at Preschool building. This boy standout among the 13 contestants who joined the contest.

The principal Mrs. Annabelle J. Lariba together with Ms. Mila C. Gonzales , award the medals to the winners in Tula Competition.

Dr. Maria Virgita E. Alingig congratulates Ms. Racho of Grade III love - thecoach -adviser of the Jingle Contest Competition during the awarding ceremony.

Dr. Maria Virgita E. Alingig, gave her most inspiring message in the Nutrion Month Culminating program.

The Grade VI select pupils dance with Sinabawang Gulay sound track as they performed their dance gracefully. This is to convey the pupils to eat regularly with vegetables and other nutritious foods.

Oath taking ceremony of the STEP Officers and Journalism staff was successfully conducted by Ms. Mila C. Gonzales Teachers Club President.


NAME OF PUPIL: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________________________ Description of the Incident: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Location of the incident: _________________________________________________________________ Notes/Recommendations/Actions: Signature:_______________________ Age: _____________


NAME OF PUPIL: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________________________ Description of the Incident: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Location of the incident: _________________________________________________________________ Notes/Recommendations/Actions: Signature:_______________________ Age: _____________


NAME OF PUPIL: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________________________ Description of the Incident: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Location of the incident: _________________________________________________________________ Notes/Recommendations/Actions: Signature:_______________________ Age: _____________


NAME OF PUPIL: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: __________________________________ Description of the Incident: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Location of the incident: _________________________________________________________________ Notes/Recommendations/Actions: Signature:_______________________ Age: _____________

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