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Control Systems

Unit1 1. (a Explain the temperature control system concepts using open loop as well as closed loop system. (b)Human being is an example of closed loop system. Justify your answer. 2. (a) What is feedback? Explain the effects of feedback? (b) What is the sensitivity function and explain it with respect to open loop and closed loop systems? 3.(a) Define transfer function and stating an example of differential equation find the transfer function of that differential equation. (b) derive the relationship between transfer function , impulse response and unit step response. Unit2 4. (a) Draw a signal flow graph and find its closed loop transfer function. Verify it using signal flow graph.

(b) Obtain the overall transfer function C/R from the signal flow graph shown in figure below

5.(a) . Derive the Transfer Function for armature controlled d.c. motor, with neat diagram and explain the advantages of armature controlled d.c. motor over field controlled d.c. motor. (b) From the block diagram shown in figure draw the corresponding signal flow graph and evaluate closed loop transfer function relating the output and input.

Unit3 6. The block diagram of a servo system is shown in figure . Determine the characteristic equation of the system and hence calculate the following when the unit step input is given.

(a) Un damped frequency of oscillations (b) Damped frequency of oscillations (c) Damping ratio and damping factor

(d) Maximum overshoot (e) Time interval after which maximum and minimum will occur (f) Settling time (g) Number of cycles completed the output is settled within 2% and 5% of _nial value. 7. (a) Define type and order of a control system? Explain each with an example? (b) A unity feed-back system has G(s)=180/s(s+6) and r(t)= 4t. Determine i. the steady state error ii. the value of K, to reduce the error by 6% considering k is system gain.

Unit4 8.(a) Write the rules to construct the root locus. b) Sketch the root locus plot of a unit feedback system with the open loop transfer function G(S) = K/S(S+2)(S+4). 9. (a)The characteristic equation for certain feedback control systems is given below. . Determine the range of K for the system to be stable (b) Show that that the break-away and break-in points ,if any, on the real axis for the root locus for G(s)H(s) =KN(s) / D(s), where N(s) and D(s) are rational polynomials in S, can be obtained by solving the equation dK / ds= 0

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