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Third Grade

Social Studies Monday February 11, 2013

2:35-3:05 The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to the new social studies unit. The unit is on migration, so they wil learn about key migrations throughout the United States' history.

TSWBAT identify the differenct between migration and imigration. TSWBAT identify key parts of different migration/imigration movements within the United States. IL.16.D.3.W > Identify the origins and analyze consequences of events that have shaped world social history including famines, migrations, plagues, slave trading.

Westward to Home Our Strange New Land SmartBoard Activity Page School House Rock Video (school tube) Introduction: (5 minutes) Read the excerpt from Our Strange Land (pages 3-4) and from Westward to Home (pages 21-22 and 24) Focus: The focus of this lesson is to introduce you to migration and imigration. Since it is the start of a new season.

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