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1. Query which can help to retrieve all information regarding interfaces? 2.

Another query which can dill down on a interface name to provide, source information, target information and transformation logic including flex fields written in it? 3. Information about connectivity so that we can track lineage or impact using query?

Do you have some working queries appreciate if you can share them with me. Thanks in advance. Kind regards 1: SNP_POP : table with interface, SNP_POP_COL: mapping. I_POP : internal identifier 2: this is a quite widespread question. btw you could make this query as a start point

select pop_name interface_name, tbl.table_name target_table, km.trt_name IKM_NAME from ODI_WORK.snp_pop p , ODI_WORK.SNP_TABLE tbl, ODI_WORK.SNP_TRT km where TBL.I_TABLE = p.I_TABLE and i_trt_kim = KM.I_TRT 3: give a look at select * from ODI_WORK.SNP_TXT_CROSSR CR, ODI_WORK.SNP_TXT_HEADER T, ODI_WORK.SNP_POP_COL PC, ODI_WORK.SNP_POP_MAPPING PM, ODI_WORK.SNP_COL C, ODI_WORK.SNP_TABLE TA, ODI_WORK.SNP_MODEL M where CR.I_COL = XXXXXXX and T.I_TXT = CR.I_TXT and +(T.I_TXT_ORIG = 130 or T.I_TXT_ORIG = 116 )+ and ((PC.I_TXT_MAP is not null and PC.I_TXT_MAP = T.I_TXT) or +(PC.I_POP_COL = PM.I_POP_COL and PM.I_TXT_MAP = T.I_TXT)) and PC.I_COL = C.I_COL and C.I_TABLE = TA.I_TABLE and TA.I_MOD = M.I_MOD+ where XXXXXXX is your column innternal id.

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