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Associated Student Government

Miami University

2007-2008 Budget Request (revised April 9, 2007)

Miami University’s Student ment would like to increase We have continued to fis-
Government realizes the the amount disbursed to the cally support club sports
tough fiscal status the uni- over 300 student organiza- after our 2006-2007 in-
versity faces and this year tions, we are already work- crease, and as we look for-
Main budget asks for no increase in its ing to provide a more effi- ward, feel as if it is also
points: budget request. After seeing cient funding system with important to increase the
a 10.1% increase in the altered criteria pushing for support for the Residence
overall budget during the collaboration across student Hall Association and Student
 0% overall increase.
2006-2007 academic year organizations. Initiative Fund.
we project that in 2007
 Increased support for Student Government
the Residence Hall
-2008 we will be able to
appreciates the support
Association and the internalize any extra
the University gives it,
Student Initiative annual increases such
and will continue to
Fund. as wages and student
aim for efficiency with
organization requests.
the funds given to it.
While student govern-

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 $ Change* % Change*

Budget Category
Operating Costs $92,466 $92,466 $92,466 $0.00 0%

Student Organizations Funding: 0%

 Administrative 65,000 65,000 65,000 $0.00 0%

 Event 507,698 609,237 599,737 ($9,500.00) -2%

Campus Activities Council 123,100 125,562 125,562 $0.00 0%

Residence Hall Association 7,400 0 2,500 $2,500.00 100%

Student Initiative 15,000 0 7,000 $7,000.00 100%

Total $810,664 $892,265 $892,265 $0.00 0%

Multicultural Council Concert & 22,000 22,000 $22,000 $0.00 0%

Lecture Series

*Dollar and percent changes are all between the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fiscal years.

Associated Student Government • • 374 Shriver Center • (513)529-6019

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