Sri Chakra Puja Blue Book

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r Rajarajeswari Peetam August 1988 Rochester, New York

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:


1. Nature of Lalit; purpose. 2. Morning meditation - Guru Mantr. 3. Morning meditation - Devs form. 4. Bath and Sandhy Vandanam. 5. Dev Mantra Japam. 6. Entering the temple. 7. Flowers to Gurus light. 8. Meaning of "Aim Hrm rm". 9. r Chakr. 10. Meditation on the r Chakr. 11. Worshipping the central point and the triangle. 12. Vjraj Hom. 13. Prnym. 14. Dealing with obstacles to Pj. 15. Identification of your Body, r Chakr and Dev through the mantras - Vajrapanjara Nysam. Square enclosure - Feet. 16. 16 petalled enclosure - Thighs. 17. 8 petalled enclosure - Mldhr. 18. 14 cornered enclosure - Svdhisthn. 10 cornered enclosure - Manipra. 10 cornered enclosure - Anhat. 19. 8 cornered enclosure Viuddhi. 20. 3 cornered enclosure - j. 21. 1 Bindu - Sahasrr 22. Smnyrghy. 23. Vierghya - 10 Kalas of Fire. 24. Vierghya - 12 Kalas of Sun. Vierghya - 16 Kalas of Moon. 25. Hamsa, Anga Devat Pj of ri Sudh Dev. 26. Invocation of 99 Kalas of the celestial lights and the five Brahms. 27. Invocation of Dev Kal. 28. Invocation of iva, akti and iva akti Kals. 29. Invocation of Amrta Kals.
ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:


30. Invocation of Icch, Jnna, and Kriy akti Kals. 31. Taking Vierghya with Mahvky. 32. End of r Kramam.

Meditation on the form of Dev Lalit. Breathing this form into the flowers. Invocation of Devi. How to say the Mantrs of the 64 Upacrs. 64 Upacrs of Dev. Requests for various kinds of Pjs through the 10 Mudrs. Bindu Tarpanam. Anga Devat Pj. Nity Pj. Gurumaldal Pj. Navvarana Pj. 0. Caturyatana Pj. 1. Square enclosure. 2. 16 petalled enclosure. 3. 8 petalled enclosure. 4. 14 cornered enclosure. 5. 10 cornered enclosure. 6. 10 cornered enclosure. 7. 8 cornered enclosure. 8. Weapons of Dev and 3 cornered enclosure. 9. Bindu. 12. Meditation on the Kma Kal. 13. Bali Dnam. 14. Samarpan. 15. akti Pj. 16. Prasdam. 17. Kampa, 18. Invocation of Dev back into Anhat and nti.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Important days for DevPj.

Appendix: Guide to pronunciation.

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

1. Nature of Lalit: Purpose Lalita is a Goddess who is transcendental and immanent (existing beyond the known and also in the known). Her main ras is ringr or the erotic sentiment. Dharm, arth and km are all obtained Here; mok is obtained Here and There by the upssan (regular worship) of ri Lalit, whose mla mantr is the Pacada (15lettered mantr beginning with the letter ka). Upsan of this Brahma Vidy is given fully here without any omissions. The tradition followed here is that given by Guru Dattatrey to Paraurm, who has codified it in his Kalpa Strs. Datttrey is a combination of the determination of Brahm (icch akti), the knowledge of Vinu (jna akti) and the action of iva (kriy akti). The other tradition comes from Daksinmrti. It follows an identical procedure to this except that there are no external props required for pj, such as a r Yantr or a suvsini etc. It is fully meditative in character. It demands a study of the vedas for 18 years under a proper Guru before this sdhan is taken up. As such, it cannot be prescribed for all people in the present age of kali. The Datttreya tradition does not require such austerities. It can be performed by all people irrespective of caste, colour, creed or religion. Although it is an external worship, it combines in it all the benefits of internal worship too. Because of the external nature of the worship, it can help others also in getting liberated. 2. Morning Meditation - Guru Mantr Wake up at 5 a.m. Sitting in the bed, place trikhada mudr on top of your head. (The trikhada mudr is a combination of the mldhra chakra and svdithna chakra, the lower two centres of the body where akti is normally resident. By bringing akti to the Sahasrr, on top of the head, She becomes Maha akti Lalit, in union with the Guru, Paramesvar). Meditate on the Guru Pduk Mantr given below at least twice:

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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Aim Hrm rm Aim Klm Sou Hamsa iva Soham Hsakhaphrem Hsakamalavaraym Hsaum Sahakamalavaraym Shau Svarpa Nirpaa Hetave Svagurave r _______Amba Sahita r _______Ananda Ntha r Guru r Pdukm Pjaymi Tarpaymi Nama. In the above, insert the names of the Guru Patni and the Guru who have given you dk. The meaning of the mantr is roughly as follows: Knowledge about the nature of illusion and the nature of grace; of creation, protection and absorption; life-breath iva, akti; I am all that I see; eliminate the names and the forms in my mind for space travel; move the Kudalini from ja to mldhr and up to viuddhi and vice versa; that such is my nature is proved to me by my r Gurus Power and r Guru; I worship the two feet of Dev as the feet of my Guru with flowers and with water. 3. Morning Meditation - Devs Form From Mldhra to Brahmarandhr; flashing like a crore of lightnings: throwing out red streams of corona from the red fire ball of sun in the early morning. Such is the appearance of the fundamental knowledge that is Dev. (By this meditation, all sins are eliminated). Recite 10 times the Pacada Mantr of Dev given below: ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm. 4. Bath and Sandhy Vandanam Sprinkle 3 spoons of water on top of your head with Pacada; sip 3 spoons of water with Pacada; sprinkle 3 spoons of water at the yoni, heart and eyebrow centre with Pacada. Finish the bath (if possible, reciting rSktam or Pacada mantra). Wear dry clothes and then give 3 palmfuls of water to Sry with the following mantra: Hrm Hrm Hrm Sa Mrtada Bhairavya Praka kti sahitya svh (3 times)

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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5. Dev Mantra Japam Look at the morning sun or the r Chakr, and offer to Sry 3 spoonfuls of water with the Tripur Gyatri given below: ka e la hrm tripura sundari vidmahe ha sa ka ha la hrm ptha kmini dhmahi sa ka la hrm tanna klinne pracodayt. Recite Pacada 108 times, and remain silent afterwards for as long as possible. 6. Entering the Temple Enter the temple with a vessel of water, akats and flowers. Wear rudrks if you wish to. Recite the Tripur Gyatri given above and place a flower and akats on the seat. Sit comfortably. The lamp with vegetable oil has a red wick. It is to your left, and Devs right. The lamp with a white wick dipped in ghee and camphor is towards your right and Devs left. 7. Flowers to Gurus Light Light these two lamps. Offer a white flower to the ghee lamp and a red flower to the oil lamp saying: Aim hrm rm rakta dvdaa akti yuktya dpa nthya nama This means: to the Guru who is in the form of this light here, accompanied by the 12 aktis always attached to him, I request him to illuminate me as to the nature of immanence and transcendence. 8. Meaning of "Aim Hrm rm" Aim means knowledge or illumination. Hrm means the binding power resulting in immanence. rm is the grace of God relieving the bondage: its nature is transcendence. 9. r Chakr You can make a r Chakr consisting of its 9 enclosures; the central portion of the r Chakr consists of 5 akti triangles (with their angles pointing downwards) and 4 Siva triangles (with their apex pointing away from you). The size of the r Chakrm to be drawn is 12 inches. If you do not know how to draw the r Chakr, you can use a r Chakr made out of gold (100 years), silver (50 years), paca loh (25 years), ratn or red-coloured single crystal (200 years) or transparent quartz crystal (500 years). If you have none of these, you may have a suvsini as a r Chakrm. The r Chakrm represents the body of iva and akti in union. This means that it represents you and the cosmos in union.

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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10. Meditation on the r Chakr - A Temple for Goddess Place a dot of sandalwood paste in the central portion of the r Chakr consisting of 44 triangles (14 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 1 + 1=44). Each mantr is preceded by aim hrm rm and succeeded by nama
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

amrtambhothanidhaye nama ratnadvpya nama nnvrka mahodynya nama kalpa vrka vtikayai nama santna vtikayai nama hari candana vtikyai nama mandra vtikyai nama prijta vtikyai nama kadamba vtikyai nama

(ocean of nectar) (island of jewels) (great garden of trees) (grove of wish-fulfilling trees) (grove for obtaining children) (grove of sandalwood trees) (grove of hibiscus) (grove of prijt - a fragrant white flower with a red stem) (different kinds of flowering trees)

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

pupa rga ratna prkrya nama (red jewel stone enclosure) padma rga ratna prkrya nama (another red jewel stone enclosure) gomedha ratna prkrya nama vajra ratna prkrya nama vaidrya ratna prkrya nama indra nla ratna prkrya nama mukta ratna prkrya nama marakata ratna prkrya nama vidruma ratna prkrya nama mikya madapya nama (light green diamond enclosure) (white diamond enclosure) (yellow diamond enclosure) (blue jewel enclosure) (pearl enclosure) (emerald enclosure) (coral enclosure) (altar of rubies)

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

sahasra sthambha madapya nama (1000-pillared hall) amrta vpikyai nama (the well of nectar)
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ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

nanda vpikyai nama vimara vpikyai nama blatapodgrya nama candrikodgrya nama mahringra parighyai nama mahpadmdavyai nama chintmai grha rjya nama

(the well of happiness) (the well of mantrs) (glowing hall of the light of morning sun) (the hall of soft moonlight) (the fanning enclosure of erotic sentiment) (great forest of lotuses) (the house of cintmani mantr)

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

prvmnya maya prvadvrya nama (Rgved is eastern entrance) dakinmnya maya dakinadvrya nama (Yajurved is the southern entrance) pacimmnya maya pacimadvrya nama (Smaved is the western entrance) uttaramnya maya uttaradvrya nama (Atharvaaved is the northern entrance) ratna dvpa valayya nama maimaya mah simhsanya nama brahmamaya eka maca pdya nama viumaya eka maca pdya nama rudramaya eka maca pdya nama varamaya eka maca pdya nama (circular enclosure of jewels) (jewel throne) (Brahm is the first foot of the throne) (Vinu is the second foot of the throne) (Rudr is the third foot of the throne) (var is the fourth foot of the throne)

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

sadivamaya eka maca phlakya nama (Sad iv is lying flat as the seat of the throne)
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ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

hamsathla talpya nama hamsathla mahopadhanya nama kausumbhastaraya nama mah vitanakya nama mahmya yvanikyai nama

(featherbed of swan down) (great pillow of swan down) (red-coloured satin bed sheet) (the great fan) (the veil called mahmy).

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

11. Worshipping the Central Point and the Triangle Keep sandal paste, flowers and akats near your hand and other materials needed for worship also to your right (if you are a right-handed person). Naivedyam is to be kept to your left. Offer a dot of gandh at the centre of the r Chakr, at the corner towards you, at the corner towards your right and at the corner to your left respectively with the following mantrs:
Aim hrm rm..

Pacada .. nama Place a dot of sandal paste in the centre. ka e la hrm nama Place a dot of sandal paste at the corner facing you.
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

ha sa ka ha la hrm nama Place a dot of sandal paste at the corner towards your right.

sa ka la hrm nama Place a dot of sandal paste at the corner towards your left.
Aim hrm rm

12. Viraj Hom Take a deep breath. Keep saying yam. Visualize that your body placed on the funeral pyre is being dried up by a great wind blowing on it. The wind is yam. Release your breath. Take a deep breath again. Keep saying ram. Set your body on fire. The fire is burning furiously. Ram is the fire. At the end of the fire, your body is reduced to ashes called vibhti. Release your breath. Take a deep breath. Keep saying vam.
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Great clouds gather, a thunder and lightning occurs and an incessant rain falls. The ashes are wetted by nectar vam. The divine body of Dev is born out of these ashes. This divine body is your body of Lalit.

13. Pranym Take a deep breath. Recite Pacada. Hold the breath and recite Pacada.twice. Release the breath reciting Pacada.once. Hold the breath outside reciting Pacada.once. This whole process involving five recitations of called a Prym. Repeat this Prym twice more. 14. Dealing with Obstacles to Pj apasarpantu te bht ye bht bhuvisamsthit ye bht vighna kartra te nayantu ivjaya All such elements which want to create obstacles to our worship and those which exist here may they be destroyed by the command of iv. Clap hands 3 times and snap your fingers 3 times to your left to the bottom, middle and above. 15. Identification of Your Body, r Chakr and Dev Through the Mantrs of the Nine Enclosures -VAJRA PANJARA NYASAM Each of the enclosure mantrs has 3 seed letters. The first is placed in your body, the second in the r Chakrm and the third, in the body of Dev. Vajra pajaram means a diamond-cage. Nys means to become aware of a particular region.
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

am nama m nama sau nama

in your feet. in the square enclosure of r Chakr. in Devs feet.

am madhyambhym nama at the middle fingers. m anmikbhym nama at the ring fingers.

sou kanitikbhym nama at the little fingers. am agutbhym nama m tarjanbhym nama at the thumbs. at the forefingers. around the palms.
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sau karatala karaprdbhym nama

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

16. 16-Petalled Enclosure Thighs

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

aim nama klm nama sau nama

in your thighs in 16-petalled lotus in Devs thighs in your thighs. in the r Chakr. in the two thighs of Dev.

mah tripura sundari tmnam raka raka

17. 8-Petalled Enclosure - Mldhr

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

hrm nama klm nama sau nama

at Mldhr at the 8-petalled enclosure. earth

Dev, tma, sanya nama at mldhr, 8-petalled enclosure and earth. 18. 14-Cornered Enclosure - Svdhithn
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

haim nama hklm nama hsau nama hsaim nama

at Svdithn 4 cornered figure ocean at maipra chakr

hasklm nama outer 10-cornered figure hssau nama hrm nama klm nama blem nama fire at anhat inner 10-cornered figure air envelope.

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19. 8-Cornered Enclosure - Viuddhi

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

hrm nama srm nama sau nama aim hdayya nama klm irase svh sau ikhyai vaat sau kavacya hum klm netratrayya vauat aim astrya phat

viuddhi 8-cornered enclosure space heart on top of head crown of head arms 3 eyes around the head snap 4 times

20. 3-Cornered Enclosure - j

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

hsraim nama hsklarm nama hsrsau nama

j triangle mind

Vagdevat Nys:
Aim hrm rm

am m imm um m arum arm alum alm em aim om oum a am arblm Vaini vgdevatyai nama - top of head kam kham gam gham jam klhrm Kmevari vgdevatyai nama forehead centre of eyebrows neck heart navel

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

cam cham jam jham iam nblm Modini vgdevatyai nama tam tham dam dham nam ylm Vimal vgdevatyai nama -

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

tam tham dam dham am jmrm Aru vgdevatyai nama pam pham bam bham mam hslvym Jayin vgdevatyai nama yam ram lam vam

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

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jmrym Sarvevar vgdevatyai nama - genital

Aim hrm rm

sam am am ham lam kam kmrm Kaulinii vgdevatyai nama -


21. Bindu Sahasrr

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm nama

sahasrr centre of r Chakr sahasrr of Dev (moon) (head) (genital) (heart) (right eye) (left eye) (third eye) (right ear) (left ear) (mouth) (right arm) (left arm) (back) (right knee) (left knee) (Navel)

ha sa ka ha la hrm nama sa ka la hrm nama kam nama em nama m nama lam nama hrm nama ham nama sam nama kam nama ham nama lam nama -

Aim hrm rm hrm nama Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

sam nama kam nama -

Aim hrm rm lam nama Aim hrm rm

hrm nama

The above is the nys for Pacada in the body. When you are doing the nys in your body, (bl, vainydi, Pacada nyss for example), Dev is also visualized or seen to be doing the same nys. If the Devi is a living person receiving worship sitting in front of you, then she will just follow the nyss you are doing.
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odhai upsaks can do odha nys if time permits. That is condensed to a single stanza for Pacada upsan as follows: gaea graha nakatra yogini ri rpim devm mantramaym naumi mtk ptha rpim

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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22. Smnyrghy

Make the diagram shown above to your left with pure water. Offer a flower. Keep a conch (a right-handed spiral) with its base on the diagram. Fill it with water and put a drop of milk in it. Imagine that this pattern is transferred up into the water and worship the anga devats with sandal paste as follows (with reference to the numbers in the diagram): 1. Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm hdayya nama 2. Aim hrm rm ha sa ka ha la hrm irase svh 3. Aim hrm rm sa ka la hrm ikhyai vaat 4. Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm kavacya hum 5. Aim hrm rm ha sa ka ha la hrm netratrayya vauat 6. Aim hrm rm sa ka la hrm astrya phat Remember that the nysam is being done both in your and Devs bodies along with that in the diagram. Next offer flowers and turmeric rice into the water, saying: 7. Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm nama Pick up the flower and sprinkle water on yourself and the materials for pj. Put a drop of it into the sandalwood paste.

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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23. Vierghy - 10 Kals of Fire

With water from the conch, make the diagram shown above, to your right. Offer sandal paste at the centre with Pacada mantra. 1. Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm nama Offer sandal paste at the three corners of the central triangle with the three parts of the Pacada. Refer to the diagram for the positions. 2. Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm nama 3. Aim hrm rm ha sa ka ha la hrm nama 4. Aim hrm rm sa ka la hrm nama Offer pj to the six triangles of the hexagon with the angadevat mantrs: 5. Aim hrm rm 6. Aim hrm rm 7. Aim hrm rm 8. Aim hrm rm 9. Aim hrm rm 10. Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm hdayya nama ha sa ka ha la hrm irase svh sa ka la hrm ikhyai vaat ka e la hrm kavacya hum ha sa ka ha la hrm netratrayya vauat sa ka la hrm astrya phat

Remember again, that Dev is doing the nys along with you. Place the base of the Vierghy vessel on the diagram, saying the following mantr:
Aim hrm rm

aim agni madalya dharmaprada daa kaltmane mahtripurasundarya arghya ptradhrya nama agnim dtam vmahe hotram vivavedasam Asya yajasya sukratum rm rm rm raim roum ra ramala varaym agni madalya nama
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Meditate upon a bright fire burning fiercely at the mldhr chakr of Dev with its fiery tips shooting right up to Her 3 eyes. Invoke the 10 kals of fire into the base, imagining it to be a homa kudam. The 10 kals of fire are located as follows: The first three are in the petals pointed to by the letters yam, ram, lam in the svdhithna chakr. The next four occur in the 4 petals of the mldhr chakr [pointed to by the letters vam, am, am. The remaining three are located in the 3 eyes, the jna chakr. The name of the kala indicates the nature of the fire.

Codes - 12 (oclock) =body front centerline

Aim hrm rm

yam dhmrrcie nama ram myai nama (heat) lam jvlinyai nama (glow) vam jvlinyai nama (flame)

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm am visphulinginyai nama (sparks issuing) Aim hrm rm

am suriyai nama am surpyai nama ham kapilyai nama

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm lam havya vhyai nama (consuming ghee)

kam kavya vhyai nama (consuming food offerings)

Aim hrm rm

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24. Vierghy - 12 Kals of Sun and 16 Kals of Moon Hold the vessel for Vierghy in your hand and say the mantr imagining it to be the sun itself.
Aim hrm rm

klm srya madalya dvdaa kaltmane arghya ptrya nama satyena rajas vartamno niveayan amtam martyamca hiramayena savit rathen devoyti bhuvan vipayan hrm hrm hrm hraim hroum hra, hrmalavaraym srya madalya nama The meaning of the above mantr is: With the glow of truth, the god of Sun, the force of life, is coming in the sky, distributing his energy to the transcendent nectarine nature and to the decaying physical nature. He is looking at all the creation with rays shooting out from his eye. Hrm is his akti, the power to create an individual life form. Invoke the 12 rays of the sun with the 12 mantrs given below into the vierghy ptr by placing a dot of sandal paste along the edge of the vessel. Each mantr has two initial seed letters. The first one points to a petal in the anhata chakr. The second one points to a petal in the manipra chakr (for 10 of the kals), and in the svdhithna chakr (for the first 2 rays).

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

kam bham tapinyai nama kham bam tpinyai nama gam pham dhUmryainamaH gham pam maricyai nama jam nam jvlinyai nama cam dham rucyai nama cham dam suumnyai nama jam tham bhogadyai nama jham tam vivyai nama -

hot burning smoky rays fiercely bright lightning enjoying cosmic

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Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

jam iam bodhinyai nama tam dham dhrinyai nama dham dam ksamyai Nama -


Aim hrm rm


Pour milk into the vessel of vierghy with the following mantr:
Aim hrm rm

sou soma madalya odaa kaltmane arghymrtya nama pyyasva sametute visvatah somavrniyam bhav vajasya sangadhe sm sm sm saim saum sa samalavaraym soma madalya

The full moon is spreading the body of the whole world with his cool moonlight. May this milk flow over your body the same way, spreading happinesss all over your body; and cool your passion. Mix all ingredients which give flavour to the vierghym and invoke the 16 digits of the moon into the vierghym by pouring honey in a circle into it. These digits of the moon are in the viuddhi chakr of Dev.
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

am amrtyai nama m mnadyai nama im payai nama m tutyai nama um putyai nama m ratyai nama arum dhrtyai nama arm ainyai nama alum candrikyai nama alm kntyai nama

immortality pride creative happiness fullness joy contentment glow moonlight brightness
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ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

em jyotsnyai nama aim riyai nama om prtyai nama oum angadyai nama ah pryai nama ahm purmrtyai nama

sheen grace loving offering full unchanging

fullness The three celestial lights of Fire, Sun and the Moon represent the three channels of nervous currents called suumn, pingal and id. Among them, they exhaust all the letters of the Samskrit alphabet, except the letter ma. The letter ma means contact. Since every act of worship involves contact, it is implied in every kal whether it be of fire, sun or moon. Lalit Dev is fond of the letter ma, because ma also means mother. 25. Hamsa, Anga Devat Pj of r Sudh Dev In the vierghy, draw a triangle consisting of three groups of 16 letters of the Samskrit alphabet. The first 16 form the line slanting towards your right; the second sixteen is the horizontal line; and the third sixteen is the line slanting to your left. At the three corners, write the seed letters ha, la, ka. In the centre of this triangle of letters, write the kma kal, consisting of a circle for the face, two circles for the breasts and a small triangle for the yoni of Dev. This is called kma kal because it symbolizes the word ahamsa , meaning I am that. The letter a stands for lack of any description, ny, or circle. The letter ha stands for visarga, two circles. The letter m represents the contact, the sound source, the womb of Dev. So this picture is a description of Dev Herself. Worship the parts of kma kal as follows: Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm ka e la hrm nama sa ka la hrm nama face yoni

ha sa ka ha la hrm nama breasts

With the same mantrs as above, worship the front, right and left corners of the triangle. Touching this triangle, draw a hexagon and a circle in the vierghy, and worship the six triangles of the hexagon, starting from the corner towards you and going clockwise with the anga devat mantrs given below:
Aim hrm rm
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ka e la hrm hrdayya nama hrdaya akti r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

ha sa ka ha la hrm irase svh ira akti r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

sa ka la hrm ikhyai vaat ikha akti r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm kavacya hum kavaca akti r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

ha sa ka ha la hrm netratrayya vaat netra akti r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

sa ka la hrm astrya phat astra akti r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi nama

In the centre, worship Dev in the seven cakrs seven times with Pacada given below:
Aim hrm rm hrm nama

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la earth (mldhr) ocean (svdihn) fire (maipra) air (anhat)
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space (viuddhi) mind (j) supermind (sahasrr)

Offer gandham (scent), akats (turmeric rice), pupam (flowers), and dpam (lights) to r Sudha Dev, the lady carrying the bowl of nectar (a name given to Lakmi, born out of the clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of Meru Parvatam in the ocean). While waving the lights, you may recite the sapta loki Durg, a condensation of the 700 stanzas of Durg Saptaati. 26. Invocation of 99 Kals of the Celestial Lights and the Five Brahms Sprinkle the vierghym above on yourself, on Dev and all the people around and on all the materials of pj. Invoke the 10 kals of fire, 12 kals of sun and 16 kals of moon listed above. Here follow the remaining: Brahma kals
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

rtyai nama rdhyai nama smrtyai nama

creation growth memory

medhyai nama intelligence kntyai nama lakmyai nama dyutyai nama sthiryai nama siddhyai nama glow prosperity sparkling fixity transcendent

Viu kals
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

Jaryai nama plinyai nama

old age protective

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Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

antyai nama varyai nama ratyai nama kmikyai nama

peace control enjoyment lust

varadyai nama blessing hldinyai nama prtyai nama drghyai nama happiness loving long

Rudra kals
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

tknyai nama raudryai nama bhayyai nama nidryai nama tandriyai nama kudhyai nama krodhinyai nama kriyyai nama udgryai nama mrtyave nama

sharp anger fear sleep coma hunger flames of anger active uplifting death

vara kals
Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

ptyai nama vetyai nama aruayai nama asityai nama

yellow white red blue

You should visualize here, the ardhanrvara form of Dev. At the heart, the right half is white, with a blue dot and the left (female part) is yellow with a red dot).

Sadiva kals
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Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm Aim hrm rm

nivrtyai nama pratithyai nama vidyyai nama antyai nama indhikyai nama dpikyai nama recikyai nama mocikyai nama paryai nama skmyai nama

detachment fame knowledge peace fuel light exhaustive liberating transcendental light

skmmrtyai nama pervasive jnyai nama jnmrtyai nama pyayinyai nama vypinyai nama vyomarpyai nama enlightenment ranscendental filling expansion space

Brahma mantr
Aim hrm rm

hgum sa uciad vasu antarikasad

hot vediad atithi duroasat ad nraad dsad vyomasad abja goja taja adj artam bhat nama Viu mantr
Aim hrm rm

pratad viu tavate vryya mgo

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na bhma kucaro girith yasyoruu triu vikrameu adhikiyanti bhuvanni viv nama Rudra mantr
Aim hrm rm

tryambakam yajmahe sugandhim puti vardhanam urvrukamiva bandhann mtyormuksya mmtt nama

Mah Viu
Aim hrm rm

tat vio paramampadam sad payanti sraya divva cakurtatam tadviprso vipanyavo jgvmsa samindhate vioryat paramam padam nama Sadiv
Aim hrm rm

viuryonim kalpayatu tvat rpi pigmatu asincatu prajpatir dht garbham dadtu te. garbham dhehi sinvli garbham dhehi sarasvati garbhante avinau dev vddhattm pukarasraj ama 27. Invocation of Dev Kal
Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm nama 28. Invocation of iv, akti, iva akti Kals
Aim hrm rm

akhadaika rasnanda kare parasudhtmani svacchandas puram tma nidhehi akula nyike nama

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Aim hrm rm

akulasthmta kre uddha jna kare pare

amtatvam nidhehi asmin vastuni klinna rpii nama

Aim hrm rm

tadrpii ekarasyatvam ktvhi etat svarpii

bhtv parmtkr may cit sphuraam kuru nama 29. Invocation of Amta Kal
Aim hrm rm

aim blm jhmroum jm sa amte amtodbhave amtevari amta varii amtam rvaya rvaya nama

30. Invocation of Icch, Jna, Kriy akti Kals

Aim hrm rm

aim vada vada vagvdini aim klm klinne kledini kledaya mah kobham kuru kuru klm sou mokam kuru kuru hsoum shau nama 31. Taking Vierghym with Mahvaky (Aiya says to first offer to Guru) Worship the feet of your Guru with the Guru mantr given in para (2), 3 times on top of your head with drops of vierghym. Take a spoon of vierghym and say the following mantr:
Aim hrm rm

rdram jvalati jyotirahamasmi jyotir jvalati brahmhamasmi yohamasmi brahmhamasmi ahamasmi brahmhamasmi
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ahamevham mm juhomi svh. So saying, the drop of vierghy bindu is taken on the tongue. The drop referred above is the smallest of the quantity to be taken. The meaning of this becomes especially important when strong liquors are used instead of milk in rjasic and tmasic upsans. 32. End of r Kramam Thus ends the purification of the body and of the r Chakrm and of suvsini. All those present will partake of the vierghym without letting drops of it fall on the ground. Neither the vierghym nor the smnyrghyam are to be moved til the subsequent stages to follow, namely: Lalit Kramam, Navvarana Pj and akti Pj are completed.

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LALIT KRAMAM 1. rccakrasthm

(Residing in the heart like a rising sun, red in colour) anta suumn padmavi bhedana kualm (Able to pierce the lotuses easily with flashes of light along the axis of suumn) mohndhakra paripandhini samvidagnim (The fire of knowledge dispelling delusion) iva dpa jyotim (The light of auspicious consciousness, universal and unbounded) di samvidam prarpim (The primordial intuited knowledge of the form of all life itself) trikhadamudragarbhita kusumjalau (Into the flowers held in trikhad mudr of the colours of white, red and yellow)
Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm itydaya (Breathing into the white, yellow and red flowers held in the trikhad mudr the mla mantr, the sound form of Dev) 2. Aim hrm rm hrm srm sau Lality amrita caitanya mrtim kalpaymi nama Create the immortal (transcendental) conscious form of Lalit with the varaa mantr to trikoa, hrm srm sau, i.e., the formless Dev is being invoked into taking the form of the flowers by breathing her life, the mantr. 3. Aim hrm rm hasraim hasklrm hasrsau mahpadma vanntasthe krananda vigrahe sarva bhta hite mtaha ehyehi paramevar (The union of iv and akti; space, time, and their union; or desire, knowledge and action. The world is the mahpadm in which She resides as the blissful cause of all this world. The Compassionate Mother of all this world, Please come, do come, O! Paramevari. Thus saying, leave the flowers onto the r Chakr or Dev). 4. Here follow the 64 acts of intimate worship to r Lalit Dev in the antr or idol or the suvasini. For every one of the upacrs (acts of
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propitiation) Aim hrm rm Lalityai] is said in the beginning and (kalpaymi nama) at the end. 5. 1. Aim hrm rm Lalityai pdyam kalpaymi nama Washing her feet Similarly, 2. aim hrm srm Lalityai bharaa avaropaam kalpaymi

Removal of ornaments and clothes 3. Aim hrm rm Lalityai sugandhi tailbhyaganam

kalpaymi nama

Applying perfumed oil, trumeric powder and rubbing with wet gram flour 4. Aim hrm rm Lalityai majjana l praveam kalpaymi

Entering the bathroom 5. Aim hrm rm Lalityai majjana la mantapa maipthopa veanam kalpaymi nama Seating on the jewelled chair 6. Aim hrm rm Lalityai divya snniyodvartanam kalpaymi

Preparation of perfumed water and pancmts (milk, curds, honey, ghee, sugar) 7. Aim hrm rm Lalityai uodakasnnam kalpaymi nama Bathing with warm water Here you may recite r Sktam, Purua Sktam, Durg Sktam, Rudram, Namakam, Camakam etc. as time permits. The minimum set of mantrs which combine the effect of all the vedas is given below: With Water Om pohist mayobhuvah stna rje dadhtan maheraya cakase yovaivatamorasaha tasya bhjayate hanah uatiriva mtaraha tasm arangammavo yasyakayya jinvadha po janayadhcanah suddhodaka snnam kalpaymi nama With Milk Om pyyasva sametute vivatah soma vriyambhav vjasya sangadhe - ksrena snapaymi With Curds

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Om dadhikrvarno akriam jisoravasya vjinah surabhino mukh karat praa yugami triat - dadhn snapaymi With Ghee Om ukramasi jyotirasi tejosi devovassavitopunt vacchidrea pavitrea vasos sryasya ramibhi - jyena snapaymi With Honey Om madhu vt tyate madhu kranti sindhava mdhvr nassantvoadh madhu naktam utoasi madhu matprdhivagum raja madhu dyaurastuna pit madhu mnno vanaspatir madhumgum astu srya mdhvr gvobhavantuna madhu madhu madhu - madhun snapaymi With Sugar and Water Om svdur pavasva divyya janmane svdurindrya suhavtu nmne svadurmitrya varunya vyave brhaspataye madhumgum adbhyah. Sarkaray snapaymi With Fruit Juice Om. yh phalinr yah aphalh apupaysca puspinh brhaspati prasuts tno mucastvagumhasa - phalodakena snapaymi Repeat po .. with perfumed water and say gandhodakena snapaymi Continue abhiekam with the following mantrs: Lakmi - with milk preferably. Om Hiraya varm harinm suvarna rajatasrajm Candrm hiranmaym lakmm jtavedo mamvaha. Vinu - with milk Om sahasra r purua sahasrka sahasrapt sabhmim vivato vritv atyatithat dangulam Durg - with milk & kumkum tm agni varm tapas jvalantim vairocanm karmaphaleu jutm durgm devgm aranamaham prapadye
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sutarasitarase nama iv - with coconut water preferably or any fruit juice or perfumed water Om tryambakam yajmahe sugandhim putivardhanam urvrukamiva bandhann mtyor mukya mmtt Om mtyave svh (2) Om namo bhagavate rudrya visave mtyurme ph prnm grandhirasi rudro mvintaka tennnena pysva mama mrityur nayat vyur vardhatm Om nti (3) 4 Veds: g, Yajur, Sma & Atharvaa Om jtavedase sunavma somamartyato nidahti veda sana paruadati durgi viv nveva sindhum durittyagni Om bhr bhuvah suva tat savitur vareyam bhargo devasya dhmahi dhyo yo na pracodayt. Parorajasi svadom Om tryambakam yajmahe sugandhim putivardhanam urvrukamiva bandhann mtyor mukya mmtt If possible do abhiekam with pacamtams over the mngalya stram on which haldi and kumkum have been applied earlier. Om. Amritbhieko astu, Kanakbhieko astu, Hiranybhieko astu Suvarnbhieko astu, Divyamangalbhieko astu, Mahbhieko astu. 8. Aim hrm rm Lalityai kanaka kalacyuta sakala trthbhiekam kalpaymi nama Washing the r Chakr with smnyarghy 9. Aim hrm rm Lalityai dhauta vastra parimrjanam
kalpaymi nama

Drying er body with a white towel. 10. Aim hrm rm Lalityai arua dukla paridhnam
kalpaymi nama

Red shawl to cover 11. Aim hrm rm Lalityai arua kucottaryam kalpaymi

Red top garment (brassiere) 12. Aim hrm rm Lalityai lepa madapa praveanam
kalpaymi nama
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Entering the make-up room 13. Aim hrm rm Lalityai lepa mandpa maiptha upaveanam kalpaymi nama Seating Her there. 14. Aim hrm rm Lalityai Candana - agaru - kumkuma sanke - mrgamada - karpra - kastr gorocandi - divya gandha - sarvngna vilepanam kalpaymi nama Applying different kinds of perfumes appropriate to different parts of the body. 15. Aim hrm rm Lalityai keaharasya klgaru dhpam
kalpaymi nama

Drying her heavy wet hair with agaru and sambrai dhpam 16. Aim hrm rm Lalityai mallik - mlati - jti - campak aoka - atapatra - pg - kudmali - punnga kalhra - mukhya sarvatu kusuma mlam kalpaymi

All kinds of fragrant flowers arranged in different garlands 17. Aim hrm rm Lalityai bhana mantapa praveanam
kalpaymi nama

Entering the jewellery room 18. Aim hrm rm Lalityai bhaa mantapa maiptha upaveanam kalpaymi nama Seating her there. 19. Aim hrm rm Lalityai Nava mai makutam kalpaymi

Crown jewels 20. Aim hrm rm Lalityai candra akalam kalpaymi nama An ornament to represent the moon 21. Aim hrm rm Lalityai smanta sindhram kalpaymi nama Vermillion in the hair-parting 22. Aim hrm rm Lalityai tilaka ratnam kalpaymi nama Jewels to represent the third eye 23. Aim hrm rm Lalityai kljanam kalpaymi nama Mascara and eye-liner 24. Aim hrm rm Lalityai pliyugalam kalpaymi nama Head-set and ear ornaments
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25. Aim hrm rm Lalityai maikudala yugalam kalpaymi


Pair of earrings 26. Aim hrm rm Lalityai nsbharaam kalpaymi nama Diamond nose-stud (Venus) 27. Aim hrm rm Lalityai adharayvakam kalpaymi nama Lipstick and pearl pendant from the nose shining on Her red lower lip 28. Aim hrm rm Lalityai pradhama bhsanam kalpaymi

Mangala sutram 29. Aim hrm rm Lalityai kanaka cintkam kalpaymi nama Gold-sovereign chain 30. Aim hrm rm Lalityai patakam kalpaymi nama Small locket 31. Aim hrm rm Lalityai mahpatakam kalpaymi nama Big locket (r Chakram) 32. Aim hrm rm Lalityai muktvalim kalpaymi nama Pearl necklace 33. Aim hrm rm Lalityai ekvalim kalpaymi nama Single strand necklace 34. Aim hrm rm Lalityai cchannavram kalpaymi nama An open flower garland coming up to the feet 35. Aim hrm rm Lalityai keyrayugala catuthayam
kalpaymi nama

Arm bracelets for the four hands 36. Aim hrm rm Lalityai valayvalim kalpaymi nama Bangles 37. Aim hrm rm Lalityai rmikvalim kalpaymi nama 20 rings 38. Aim hrm rm Lalityai kcidma kalpaymi nama Waist bracelet (gold) 39. Aim hrm rm Lalityai kati stram kalpaymi nama Gold girdle
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40. Aim hrm rm Lalityai saubhgybharanam kalpaymi


Girdle pendant 41. Aim hrm rm Lalityai pda katakam kalpaymi nama Anklets 42. Aim hrm rm Lalityai ratna npuram kalpaymi nam Small tinkling anklets 43. Aim hrm rm Lalityai pdnguliyakam kalpaymi nama Silver rings placed on second toe. 44. Aim hrm rm Lalityai eka kare pam kalpaymi nama In top left hand, a noose 45. Aim hrm rm Lalityai anya kare ankuam kalpaymi nama In top right hand, a goad 46. Aim hrm rm Lalityai itara kare pundreku cpam
kalpaymi nama

In bottom left hand,mldhra a sugarcane bow with a thread of bees 47. Aim hrm rm Lalityai apara kare pupabnn kalpaymi

In bottom right hand, flowery arrows 48. Aim hrm rm Lalityai rman mikya pduke kalpaymi

Red-jewel slippers 49. Aim hrm rm Lalityai svasamna vebhirvarana devatbhissaha mahcakrdhi rohanam kalpaymi

Climbing onto the mahchakr with all her varana devats who are similarly attired and adorned 50. Aim hrm rm Lalityai Kmevarakaparyankopaveanam kalpaymi nama Sitting on top of Kmevar who is lying down flat, face up 51. Aim hrm rm Lalityai amtsava caakam kalpaymi nama Vierghym (nectar) 52. Aim hrm rm Lalityai camanyam kalpaymi nama Smnyrghyam (perfumed water) 53. Aim hrm rm Lalityai karpra vdikm kalpaymi nama Sweet pan
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54. Aim hrm rm Lalityai nandollsa vilsa hsam

kalpaymi nama

Smile bubbling from joy within 55. Aim hrm rm Lalityai mangalrartikam kalpaymi nama Ghee lamp 56. Aim hrm rm Lalityai chatram kalpaymi nama Umbrella (a sign of royalty) 57. Aim hrm rm Lalityai cmara yugalam kalpaymi nama Pair of fans held by Sarasvati and Lakmi 58. Aim hrm rm Lalityai darpaam kalpaymi nama Mirror. (She, as the worshipper, sees her horm the Universe, reflected in mind, the mirror). 59. Aim hrm rm Lalityai tala vrintam kalpaymi nama Palm leaf fan 60. Aim hrm rm Lalityai gandham kalpaymi nama Sandal paste 61. Aim hrm rm Lalityai pupam kalpaymi nama Floral bouquet 62. Aim hrm rm Lalityai dhpam kalpaymi nama Incense 63. Aim hrm rm Lalityai dpam kalpaymi nama Lights 64. Aim hrm rm Lalityai naivedyam kalpaymi nama Food offerings Those unable to procure all of the ingredients above may substitute them with a drop of water from the smnyrghy. 6. Show the following ten mudrs (hand gestures) drm, drm, klm, bloom, sa, krom, hasakhaphrem, hasau, aim, hasraim, haskalarm hasrasau 7. BINDU TARPANAM
Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm Lalit r pdukm pjaymi

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Mix some flower petals and skat. Take these with the right hand. With any stick shaped like a vel (akti) (held in the left hand) dipped into vierghym, take a drop of vierghym out. Offer all these together to the r Chakram, at the centre, 3 times, saying the above mantr. Pup and akats constitute pj and a drop of vierghym constitutes tarpaam. This process is to be repeated with every mantr hereafter. 8. Worship the six angadevats as follows: (Worship r Chakr: at the SE, NE, SW, NW corners, the centre and the four directions respectively. For an idol or living person (suvsini), then do it in the appropriate places).
Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm hdayya nama

hdaya akti r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

ha sa ka ha la hrm irase svh

ira akti r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

sa ka la hrm ikhyai vaat

ikha akti r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm kavacya hum

kavaca akti r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

ha sa ka ha la hrm netratrayya vauat

netra akti r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

Aim hrm rm

sa ka la hrm astrya phat

astra akti r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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9. Nity Pj Worship the 15 Nitys, 5 per side, on the 3 sides of the central triangle with their mantrs given below (see diagram above for their locations). The 16th one is to be worshipped in the center.

Kmevari Nity

9.(1) aim hrIm rm am aim sakala hrm nitya klinne mada drave sau am kmevari nity
r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Bhagamlin Nity

9.(2) aim hrIm rm m aim bhaga bhuge bhagini bhagodari bhagamale bhagvahe bhagaguhye bhagayoni bhaganiptini sarvabhaga vaamkari bhagarpe nityaklinne bhagasvarpe sarvni bhagni mehynaya varade rete surete bhagaklinne klinnadrave kledaya dravaya amoghe bhagavicce kubha kobhaya sarvasatvn bhagevari aim bloom jem blm bhem blm, mom blm, hem blm hem klinne sarvni bhagni me vaamnaya strm hara blem hrm m bhagamlin nitya r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama (The word Bhaga means source; Bhagamlini represents the source of all aktis, all the alphabets in Sanskrit).

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Nityaklinna Nity

9.(3) aim hrm rm im om hrm nityaklinne mada drave svh im nityaklinna

r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Bherund Nity

9.(4) aim hrm rm m om krom bhrom kraum jhraum chraum jraum svh m bherunda
r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Vahni Vsini Nity

9.(5) aim hrm rm um om hrm vahni vsinyai nama um vahni vsini

r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Mah Vajrevar Nity

9.(6) aim hrm rm um hrm klinne aim krom nitya mada drave hrm m mah vajrevar
r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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ivadti Nity

9.(7) aim hrm rm arum hrm ivadtyai nama arum ivadti

r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Tvarit Nity

9.(8) aim hrm rm arUm om hrm hum kheca kekah strm hum kem hrm phat arm tvarit
r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Kulasundar Nity

9.(9) aim hrm rm alum aim klm sau alum kulasundar

r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Nity Nity

9.(10) aim hrm rm alm haskldaim hasklrdm hasklrdau alm nity

r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Nlapatk Nity

9.(ll) aim hrm rm em hrm phrem srm krom m klm aim blmnitya mada drave hum phrem hrm em nlapatk r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Vijay Nity

9.(12) aim hrm rm aim bhamaraya m aim vijay r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Sarvamangal Nity

9.(13) aim hrm rm om svaum om sarvamangal r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Jvl mlini Nity

9.(14) aim hrm rm aum om namo bhagavati jvlmlini devadev sarva bhta samhra krike jtavedasi jvalanti jvala jvala prajvala prajvala hrm hrm hrm ra ra ra ra ra ra ra jvla mlini hum phat svha aum jvl mlini r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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Citr Nity

9.(15) aim hrm rm aha ckaum ah citr r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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oda ( r Rajarajewari )

9.(16) aim hrm rm aham ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm aham oda

r pdukm pjaymi Tarpaymi nama

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aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm divyaugha guru r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi namaha

aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm siddhauga guru r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi namaha

aim hrm rm

ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm mana vaugha guru r pdukm pjaymi tarpaymi namaha

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Navvarana Pj
1st varan (Trailokayamohana Chakr)
First Enclosure Am m Sou 1. Anim iddyai Nama 2. Lahima iddyai Nama 3. Garim iddyai Nama 4. Mahim iddyai Nama 5. itva iddyai Nama 6. Vaitva iddyai Nama 7. Prhmya iddyai Nama 8. Bhukti iddyai Nama 9. Icc iddyai Nama 10. Prpti iddyai Nama 11. Sarvakma iddyai Nama Second Enclosure Am m Sou 12. Brmi matre nama 13. Mheswari matre nama 14. Koumri matre nama 15. Vainavi matre nama 16. Vrhi matre nama 17. Mhendri matre nama 18. Camuda matre nama 19. Mahlakhmi matre nama Third Enclosure Am m Sou 20. Sarva samkobini mutr aktyai nama 21. Sarva vidrvini mutr aktyai nama 22. Sarvkarsini mutr aktyai nama 23. Sarva vaamkari mutr aktyai nama 24. Sarvonmdini mutr aktyai nama 25. Sarva Mahnkue mutr aktyai nama 26. Sarva Khecari mutr aktyai nama 27. Sarva Bja mutr aktyai nama 28. Sarva Yoni mutr aktyai nama 29. Sarva Trikad mutr aktyai nama Am m Sou etah prakata yoginya Trailokya mohana chakre Samudra sasiddaya sayudha sasaktaya savahana saparivara sarvopacarai sampjita samtarpita satuta santu nama
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Am m sou Tripura Chakrewari r Pdukm Pjaymi Tarpaymi ama Gandam pupam dhpan dpam naivedyam datva a Aim Hrm rm dram sarvasamobini mudram pradarya.

2nd vara (Sarvaparipraka Chakr)

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3rd varan ( Sarvasanksobana Chakr)

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4 th varana (Sarvasaubhagyadayaka Chakra)

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5th avaran ( Sarvarthasdhaka Chakra)

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6th varan ( Sarvarakkra Chakr)

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7th varan ( Sarvarogahara Chakra)

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8th varan ( Sarvasoddiprada Chakr)

1. dram drm klm blum sa sarva jrmbhanebhyo banebhyo nama (sound - touch - form - taste - smell flower arrows) 2. dham tham sarvasammohanaya dhanushe nama (mind cosmic) 3. am hrm sarvavashkaranaya pashaya nama (love cosmic) 4. krom krom sarvastambhanaya ankushaya nama (cosmic repulsion) 5. ka e la hrm vam rajogunechcha sakti Kameswaryai nama (Saraswati) 6. ha sa ka ha la hrm jyeshtha satvaguna jnanasakti Vajreswaryai nama (Lakshm) 7. sa ka la hrm raudri tamoguna kriyashakti Bhagamalinyai nama (Kali)
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8. ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm iccha jnana kriya sakti Mahadevyai nama Etah atirahasya yoginyah sarva siddhi prada chakre Samudra sasiddaya sayudha sasaktaya savahana saparivara sarvopacarai sampjita samtarpita satuta santu nama Hsraim hsklrm hrsrsouh Tripuramba chakreswari r pdukm pjaymi tarpayami nama Hsaum sarvabeeja mudram pradarsya Gandha - Puspa - Dhupa - Dipa - Naivedyam Datwa.

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9th varan ( Sarvnandamaya Chakr)

Ka e la hrm

ha sa ka ha la hrm

sa ka la hrm Lalita Sripadukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah Esha Parapara Rahasya Yogini Sarvananda maye Chakre Samudra Sasiddih - Sayudha Sasaktih - Savahana Saparivara Sarvopacaraih Sampujita - Samtarpita Santushta - Astu Namah ka e la hrm ha sa ka ha la hrm sa ka la hrm Lalita Sri Maha Chakreswari Sri Padukam Pujayami Tarpayami Namah Yoni Mudram Pradashya

ri Chakra Pj Vithi / Published by r Rajrajeswari Peetam, RUSH New York Edited by:

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Panchopachras for Devi/akti

Lalityai Satasngam Ganham Kalpayami Namah (Always remembering her name is Satsangam) (offer Gandham) Lalityai Indriya Nigraham Pupam Kalpaymi Nama (control of senses - working from direction within) (offer Flowers) Lalityai Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Mada Matsarya - Punya - Papa Visarjanam Dhpam Kalpaymi Nama (shedding internal enemies & bondages is dhupam) (offer incense) Lalityai chitkala darsanam Dpam Kalpaymi Nama (seeing visions of Goddess is Dipam) (offer lights) Lalityai Vasudhadi Sivavasanam Siva Sakti Samarasyam Naivedyam Kalpaymi Nama (seer is Siva, seen is Sakti - their union, samadhi is Naivedyam - the bliss of intercourse between God & Jiva is offered as Naivedyam) (Everything that one sees, knows, experiences - is offered to Goddess) Lalitayai Manolaya Swarupa Ananda karpra Nrjanam Kalpaymi Nama (dissolution of mind step by step by not smelling, tasting, seeing, touching, hearing is creating a bliss..That bliss is the meaning of Nirajanam) ( offer Camphor) Lalityai Upanishad Vakya Surabhilam Tambulam Kalpaymi Nama (Upanishads are part of Vedas relating to knowledge or meanings of Karmas - leading close to God. Such words bring peace and joy - like perfumed sweetness of Tambulam) (offer Tambulam) Sivoham - Sivaham (I am Siva, the seer. I am Siva, the sakti, the seen. I am all that I see, know, feel). Offer yourself to Devi saying - do as you like with me. Do as she tells you to do. 12. KMA KAL DHYNAM
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Meditate on the face of Devi as Sarasvati, Her breasts as Lakmi, Her genitals as the mother of the Universe. The Dev you see is yourself. Dev abides in everything. All that you see is yourself. Abiding in this state, loving & opening up to everyone, is kmakal dhynam. Especially important is the one-ness with Dev. 13. BALI DNAM (This is (i) to give life to ketraplak - the protector of the field and (ii) to propitiate evil-mongering spirits or forces not to trouble the devotee).

Draw this diagram with smnyrghy. Offer a flower with Aim Vypaka madalya nama. Place a copper vessel on it. Offer a few items from Naivedyam of Dev. Fill to brim with water. Om hrm sarva vighna kridbhya sarvabhtebhyo hum svh. Clap 3 times, snap fingers 3 times to your left. Dispose it off (outside the house) in the south-west direction. 14. Etat Pjphalam Sarvam r Paradevatrpaam Astu. Paramewarrpaam Astu. Guru Devatrpaam Astu. Svtmrpaam Astu. So saying, leave akats and water near Meru; place the prasdam of Dev on your head. END.

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