Discussion On Secant Bisection and Newton Method

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ASSIGNMENT -1 (CMTFE) Result and discussion

Q.1) To find root of equation F(x) = x^2 -2000x + 1000000 I. Bisection method :1. If we take big interval like, [0, 10000], it gives wrong answer. Since f (a)*f (b) is always greater than zero (as shown in fig. 1, plotted using Matlab). i.e. curve of this equation always lies above the x-axis. Hence, root obtained by this method is interval as well function dependent.

2. If initial guess interval is shorter then it is observed that it gives root correctly. II. Newton method :Results- when Xo=0 Xo=100 Xo=1000 then root = 9.999999402724774e+02 then root = 9.999999468297407e+02 then root = NaN

Xo=10000 then root = 1.000000067536190e+03 1. If initial guess is as a root (i.e 1000) it gives result as NaN (not a number).

2. For both the remaining initial guess, it gives correct answers upto given accuracy. 3. Less no. of iterations are required to compute root of equation as compared to other two methods.


Secant Method:-

Results For the interval [0, 1000] the root computed is 9.996838333450432e+02 Discussions:1. This method depend on which guess is to be constant in given two guesses. 2. If we alter the guesses it will change the root of equation , in this case if we do a=0 and b=10000 it gives root as NaN. 3. This method can be effective used to find root of the equation with large initial interval.

Q.2) To find root of equation F(x) = x^2 -200x + 9999.9999 I. Bisection Method :1. The plot for given function is as in fig.2, shows function crosses x axis for short interval.

2. If initial guess interval is shorter then it is observed that it gives root correctly.


Newton Method :Xo=0 Xo=100 Xo=1000 then root = 99.989999959390275 then root= NaN then root= 1.000100001741614e+02

Results- when

Xo=10000 then root= 1.000100000007657e+02 1. If initial guess as a root (i.e 100) it gives result as NaN (not a number). 2. For both the remaining initial guess, it gives correct answers. 3. Less no. of iterations are required to compute root of equation as compared to other two methods.


Secant Method:-

ResultsFor the interval [0, 1000] the root computed is 1.003001111028717e+02 Discussions:1. The root obtain by this method is nearly close to original root.

Prepared by, Bhawar Sarjerao A. (133100055) Surendra Singh Sisodia (133100006)

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