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My name is Tina Baker (Mrs. Baker) and my teaching assistant is Gwynne Timmerman.

We are all set for a new Kindergarten year! We hope that this letter may answer some questions that you may have. 1.) You child will ENTER Washington School through the side door by the playground. The students have recess until the bell rings. Please do not send your child into the school unless he/she is eating breakfast, or we are having inside recess. 2.) The playground is supervised starting at 7:50 A.M. The first bell rings at 8:00 A.M. and the tardy bell rings at 8:05 A.M.! We will dismiss out the same door that they enter in. If you have an older child attending Washington we ask that you have him/them meet our students at our dismissal point. Thanks you! 3.) Washington School is a secured facility and all parents/guests must enter the main entrance and check in at the office. 4.) Attendance- If your child will be absent please send a note to me and if your child is sick please call the office or email me. 5.) Insurance-SS#-Birth Certificate-Field Trip-Internet Permission-Photo Permission-All information necessary for each childs file. Please complete ASAP! 6.) Milk/Lunch- Mrs. Timmerman, our teaching assistant, is in charge of the milk. When your child is low on a ticket she will

send a note. If you want to check how many milks your child has please send a note. Milk tickets: $7.00 for 20 punches or .35/milk Lunch tickets: $38.00 for 20 punches or $1.90/day 7.) Party Invitations- No invitations may be handed out at school. Addresses and phone numbers will not be released by the office or by me. We have a little birthday party at school for EACH child so everyone is included. You may provide a treat for our party, although, it is not necessary. 8.) Please come and visit us! Remember to check in at the office. We may even put you to work! If you would like to read to the class, talk to the class about your profession, or anything of that nature; just let me know! 9.) Boys Town Skills Discipline Plan-Introduced in Kindergarten and implemented throughout the school district. 10.) Physical Education-twice a week. Tennis shoes must be worn to actively participate. 11.) Show and Tell-I will be sending information home on this

soon. 12.) Full Day Kindergarten- We anticipate that the children will be hungry at times other than at lunchtime. We will be sending a schedule of when parents will be kindly asked to send a snack (crackers, cereal, or cookies, etc.) I will indicate the

number of students in the class, as this will fluctuate through the year. 13.) Please inform me of any allergies. 14.) Rest time-daily, after lunch. Each child is asked to bring a bath size towel-large enough for him/her to lie down on. Medium and large blankets do not work well as they are stored in each childs cubby. It, therefore, must be easy to fold and able to fit into each cubby. Each towel will be sent home as needed to be washed and returned for use. 15.) We will be writing, reading, counting, experimenting, playing, predicting, estimating, and much more! Your child will need adequate rest every night! 16.) Please check backpacks DAILY! 17.) Book orders will go home periodically. Do not feel that you have to order from them. (They often provide reasonable priced books as low as $.99!) 18.) Box tops and Campbell soup labels-send them in to us!!! 19.) Washington is a peanut free building! No lunches or snacks made with peanuts are allowed. 20.) Please bring a pencil box or case to school. These items are not on the school supply list. 21.) Water bottles are allowed at school.

22.) The students will be collecting respect cards for doing good things at school. Once your child has collected so many respect cards, he/she gets a prize out of the treasure box!

We want to work with you to make your childs first year in school the best possible. If a concern should arise please visit with me about it. We are looking forward to a great year providing a great start to your childs educational experience!

Tina Baker Kindergarten Teacher Washington School

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