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Third Grade Newsletter

August 5 to 9, 2013 Welcome Parents and Students! Its time to start the school year! My name is Ms. Jessica Moffitt and I am very excited about sharing in this learning experience with your child. I can be reached at or the school phone: 506-2293-2567. Please do not hesitate to call or email if you would like to share any ideas or concerns, I value open communication. Your child has an agenda and a daily take-home folder. Please check it daily. Your child will be receiving their class books during the next couple of days. The following is a list of our class rules. Please talk about them with your child and reinforce the importance of following them. 1. Wait your turn 2. Try your best 3. Be considerate 4. Be on time and ready Your childs homework responsibilities will be sent home daily (agenda book) and via e-mail (on Fridays). Please fill out and return the attached slip as soon as possible, since this will be our main communication channel. Oral reading for at least 15 minutes a day is highly recommended. Spelling words will be sent home on Mondays and will be tested on Fridays. Third graders eat their snack at 9:40 in the classroom. Please pack a nutritious snack for your child (fruit, sandwiches, healthy cookies, milk, etc.) Please do not send soda, candy or chips. Fridays are ice cream days. If your child is to buy any of these treats from the school cafeteria, please send extra money on these days only. Students will receive Spanish and specials every day, the next newsletter will contain the class schedule. If your student cannot participate in gym please email the gym teacher that morning. Lastly, this year AIS is going to strictly inform the school policy that the school needs to be informed by 10am if a child is going home with a friend or transportation is different than normal. Please call the secretaries and let them know before 10am if your child will be leaving the school a different way than usual. Thank you for helping us keep the safety of the students first. I am really looking forward to kicking off this new school year. Were going to do a lot of exciting things! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions!

Jessica Moffitt

Please fill out and return the following school day:

Updated Information Childs Full Name: _______________________________________________ (Childs email address or Cell Phone Number *if applicable) _______________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________________ Month/Date/Year Home phone number: _________________________________________ Parents Cellular Phone Number: ___________________ ____________________ Email addresses: ________________ ___________________ Allergies/Health Concerns:____________________________

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